
Before The Eclipse(HIATUS)


SeHun’s POV.


‘’Yah!’’ He hurriedly got off me and dusted himself off while blushing. I stood up and did the same, my eyes never leaving the others, making him clear his throat awkwardly. ‘’Stop staring at me’’ He managed to mumble out. I chuckled as he frowned. I closed our distance and now I was standing right next to him, almost invading his personal space. He started walking as our hands brushed every time we moved. We didn’t talk much, but if we would’ve talked, it would have been awkward, so we just walked until we reached our destination.

 I stopped and opened the door for him and he stepped inside, thanking me quietly. I made sure to pick a table next to the windows, because, well, I like window seats and the view was nice, but anyways, we sat down on opposite sides and he laced his hands together above the small wood that was separating us. He gave me a quick small smile before a waiter came up to us and caught our attention as he cleared his throat.

‘’What would you like to order?’’ He asked. LuHan looked at me and he ordered two of his ‘regulars’ as the guy agreed and went away.

‘’So..’’ He tapped the wood underneath his hands with his long, slender fingers. He pursed his lips and looked up at me with those huge eyes. I looked down this time, fidgeting with my own digits.

‘’Umm, so..’’

‘’How are you, umm, liking the place so far?’’ He asked as I darted my head up to see him still looking at me.

‘’I like it’’ I smiled.

‘’How about the others?’’

‘’They like it, too’’

‘’Good’’ He smiled. ‘’And the teachers?’’

‘’Umm, they’re—‘’

‘’Tough, I know, but they only do it to benefit you’’ I tilted my head.

‘’How so?’’

‘’They give you more work so that they have more grades in the end of the school year, so you have more chances of passing to the next stage, which is Apprentice’’

‘’There are stages?’’

‘’Only in Senior year’’

‘’What are these stages?’’

‘’Beginner, Apprentice, And Master stage, they each have a level of difficulty, and they only want you to get as much work done as possible so that a simple failed exam doesn’t stop you from going to the next stage, you get me right?’’ He chuckled cutely.

‘’Ah, I get it’’ I smiled as he folded his arms on the table as he rested his head on them, looking up at me with pretty eyes. I gulped.

‘’Other than that, is any teacher getting on your nerves? Do they bother you in a certain way?’’ I shook my head ‘’Thought so. They’re actually nice people out of closed doors, I actually know one of them personally’’

‘’Lau?’’ He nodded, looking the cutest I’ve ever seen..so far. ‘’How do you know each other?’’ I looked away from his eyes and drummed my fingernails against the wood, waiting for an answer.

‘’We went to high school together, we were friends. He’s a year older than me’’ He smiled and blinked while still on the same position as before.

‘’Ah, I see..he’s my favorite so far’’ He smiled

‘’Mine, too, I just feel weird calling him as the teacher’’ He chuckled, sitting straight when our drinks came. He handed the huge, hot cup and I placed it in front of me, blowing the smoke away. LuHan took a sip, then hissed at the hotness of the beverage, but took another sip.

‘’Doesn’t that like..hurt?’’

‘’It does, but I like it’’ He chuckled and drank more, following a couple of hisses and winces.

‘’How can you like it? It’s probably burning!’’ I took his cup and set it down before he could actually burn his tongue.

‘’Hey!’’ He chuckled ‘’It’s a good kind of pain, kinda like it ‘hurts so good’, you know? I like the way it feels on my tongue’’ I tried not to laugh at that last statement, so I just snickered as he reached across the table and smacked my arm.


‘’ert..’’ He mumbled and he drank more of his cup, rolling his eyes. I shrugged and took a sip of mine, feeling it burning my taste buds one by one. I hissed and put it down, grabbing a napkin and dabbing my tongue repeatedly as LuHan laughed at me. I glared at him.

‘’You need to get used to the sensation, here, we can switch, mine’s a little less warm’’ He took my cup and I took his, my tongue never leaving the napkin.

‘’You don’t have to, my duhng ith fine’’ The  sting was making it hard to talk, so he just laughed and ignored it. I groaned as I put the napkin down and drew a line over my lips with my tongue. He looked everywhere else but me.


‘’Nothing’’ He grabbed my previous cup and took a sip, hissing but drinking more. I shrugged and took a careful sip, enjoying the temperature of it.

‘’So, how’s Kris?’’ I started a new subject. LuHan put his cup down and eyed me weirdly.

‘’Why do you ask?’’

‘’I saw him acting weird..and talking to himself today during class, is something wrong?’’

‘’Not that I know of, no, but I’ll check it out, if it’s nothing, ignore him, he’s just naturally crazy. His only friend is himself, he fights with himself and reasons with himself a lot, trust me’’ He giggled while drawing circles on his coffee with a spoon. I smiled at this. ‘’How about SuHo?’’

‘’He’s still in need of that life support’’ I joked as he laughed loudly while smacking the table with his hand. I honestly didn’t know why he was laughing so hard but..okay.

‘’What’s so—‘’ Before I could answer, he cut me off.

‘’It’s funny because the first day I met you and brought you home, I thought he was gonna have a heart attack when he found out who you were with!’’ He laughed again and I cracked another small smile. ‘’Anyways, what’s up with him?’’

‘’He’s just a little disappointed at Kai because he skipped a class’’ I sighed.

‘’Ah, I see’’ He giggled once more before drinking the last bit of his coffee while mine was still there, half  full.

‘’You hungry?’’ He asked out of the blue.

‘’A little’’ He smiled at me and called the waiter over, saying something in Chinese as the guy nodded and was gone for about 2 minutes before he came back with a plate and what looked like some traditional Chinese cake.

‘’It’s 月饼, mooncake in Korean’’ He took it and bit down on it, humming as he munched on it. He passed it towards me and I took a bite. It was odd, but I kind of liked it and took a bigger bite. We split the cake in half and enjoyed the taste as we spoke through mouth-fulls. We laughed a little, and as always, the table had to be abused by Luhan, which looked cute when he tried to cover his mouth with his hand so he wouldn’t spill what was on his mouth..so I just made him laugh more, just to annoy him, but eventually, that made him get a slight pain on his sides so he smacked my arm again as I apologized. Basically, the whole meet-up was nice. We talked a lot and I got to know him more, which eventually led me to liking him as a friend, a person I could hang out with like this. Nothing more..for now. After we paid the guy, we left, the ringing of the bell when it opened, chiming as we walked out and let the door close by itself.  Our shoulders were bumping, making us both giggle a bit as we pushed each other playfully.

On our way home, the wind around us was cold and unappealing to him, but to me it was comforting and soothing. He clung onto my arm and sighed in content as he felt the fabric of my small t-shirt become his only source of warmth. He inhaled and leaned his head on my neck, hoping for more heat. I gulped and tried to look natural. I wasn’t kidding when I said he was touchy-touchy the other days. He dug his head on the crook of my neck and looked up at me, still leaning. I glanced down and saw his eyes bugging out like Kyungsoo-hyung’s, if not bigger, but not by surprise or fear, almost as if pleading for my approval of this.

‘’You don’t mind, do you?’’ I chuckled and shook my head.

‘’No’’ I answered simply and felt him nuzzle into me more.

‘’Hmm, funny how you can’t handle heat and I can while I can’t stand the cold and you can’’ I chuckled. He was right.

‘’Yeah, true’’

‘’At least we complement each other’’ I was a little shocked by this but went along with it as we walked along the grass. When we reached the buildings, he let go as he was heat by the familiar homey heat it radiated. We instead held hands the way inside because it was late and the halls were dark and since he must’ve known I was afraid of the dark, he held it all the way till we reached my room first so I wouldn’t get lost on the way back. He let my sweaty hand go and looked at his feet while rubbing his arm. I chuckled as he raised his head to see me, only to giggle and drop his head and play with his feet.

‘’Thanks, I had fun’’ I started. He giggled more and nodded.

‘’I had, too’’ He looked up at me with shy eyes. ‘’Let’s do this again sometime, okay?’’ I couldn’t help but giggle at the way his eyes shone with hope, so I just nodded.

‘’Alright’’ I said as he chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. I reached for the door knob to say goodbye but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back, before standing on his tippy toes and planting one on my cheek, still holding my arm as he gripped it to keep balance. I felt my eyes grow huge as he pulled back and gasped, covering his mouth like he’d just committed a crime, so I just smiled and messed up his hair as he pouted.

‘’Yah..’’ He frowned ‘’I’m not a kid..I’m your hyung’’

‘’I know’’ I smiled ‘’Thanks again, hyung’’ He smiled and nodded.

‘’No problem, so, I’ll see you around? Next Friday maybe?’’ I chuckled.

‘’Yeah’’ I opened the door and stepped inside ‘’It’s a date’’ His expression turned blank and a blush crept along his cheekbones and his ears. I smirked before waving and closing the door behind me. I slid down to the floor with my arms around my knees as I bit on one of them.

‘’Ahem’’ I looked up to see Suho in front of me with hands on his hips. I stood up. ‘’Do you know the time, young man?’’ I shook my head. ‘’Why, it’s only 10PM, Oh Sehun, and you have school tomorrow, so scoot on over to bed and consider your curfew dropping to 9:30 as punishment’’ I pouted and stomped my foot on the floor.

‘’Aish, Hyung!’’ I put on my maknae-puppy-dog eyes and tried to wrap him around my finger like I did but it didn’t work so he just pushed me and tapped my until I reached our room.

‘’Go, get in bed’’ I huffed and kicked off my shoes before Suho picked them up and brought them to the living room. I threw myself on my bed and buried my face in my pillow, slowly oozing away to dream land.




Kai’s POV.

After I took breakfast, I took a look of myself in the mirror to check if everything was in place. My hair looked awesome today and nothing could go wrong for the day. I looked at the mirror and flinched when I see Kyungsoo stand there, looking at me.

‘’Yah! You scared me!’’ He raised a brow.

‘’Let’s just go’’ He opened the front door and before it shut closed, I grabbed it and ran out of the door. Suddenly, something vibrated in my pocket. I dug my hands in my pocket and drew out my phone to see the caller ID. I smiled when I saw it was MoonKyu.

Hey, dude, where are you? You’re late :0

On my way, my boyfriend’s being grumpy again -_-

Your boyfriend? O.o

Kyungsoo-Hyung x3

Ah I get it^^ It’s fine, just hurry up! Dx


I laughed at the last text and texted back a few seconds later, during the whole walk towards our first classroom, D.O didn’t even say a word, I guess he was still pissed at me even though I apologized. He was one hard to get sonofa. I don’t know what his deal was anyways..

After I had made my way to my locker, MoonKyu was there, waiting for me like he told me he would so he could walk with me towards our first class. I said my goodbyes to Kyung as he waved me off, leaving me with MoonKyu.

‘’Good, you actually made it in time’’ He chuckled.

‘’I guess’’ I dig my hands in my pocket and started to walk with him. It wasn’t even my 3 step when I heard the booming voice in the hall calling someone.

‘’Kim Moonkyu, report to the office immediately’’ I looked over at him and he rolled his eyes and sighed.

‘’, it’s my dad. He doesn’t call me unless it’s important, so I’ll be awhile, go ahead of me’’ I nodded as I saw him running towards the office and disappearing into the halls, I wonder what was really important.


MoonKyu’s POV.

After I had run from Kai, I got into my dad’s office and sat down in front of his desk in a leather chair. He turned around and sighed, eyeing me.

‘’What is it?’’ I broke the silence as he looked away from me and gulped.

‘’Your father called’’ I gasped and went wide-eyed.

‘’D—Dad? Like as in—‘’

‘’Yeah, he called me..he asked me how you were doing’’

‘’Wh—What else did he say?’’ I asked nervously.

‘’He..he told me that he wants you out of here, out of the school’’ I shook my head.

‘’No..I’m not leaving..I mean, I really want to see him again but..but I—‘’

‘’I get it, you don’t want to leave..but..why?’’

‘’You know the way everyone degrades me? Well..I finally found a friend, a real one, one that’s not made of leaves and sticks, dad!’’ I stood up and emphasized my point by pointing at the door ‘’Outside those doors, dad…everyone judges me, everyone thinks I’m a freak because I talk to plants, dad, PLANTS, but he..he doesn’t.’’

‘’I..I thought you had fr—‘’

‘’Those were classmates..strictly school business, for a project, they weren’t my friends and never were’’ I sighed and sat down.

‘’How do you know he’s your friend? Who is he?’’

‘’His name is JongIn and he’s new, he’s just nice to me and whenever he can, he talks to me and I don’t feel lonely anymore..’’

‘’Moonkyu, is he one of those Koreans your father—‘’

‘’Yes he is’’ I paused ‘’Dad? What’s this have to do with dad?’’

‘’He..he pleaded me to let them in, he said I wouldn’t regret it’’

‘’So dad was the one to convince you?’’



‘’I don’t know..they’re different and I don’t like them, so don’t hang out with them, you could get hurt’’

‘’It’s only Kai, dad, he wouldn’t hurt me’’

‘’How would you know? How do you know that they’re not planning to take my Legendary’s position? Take away my only son?’’ I felt the hurt in his voice as I sighed.. I ran a hand through my hair and inhaled.

‘’Because, dad..they just..they wouldn’t..so just leave them alone, okay?’’ He sighed ‘’What else did dad tell you?’’

‘’He asked about you, I told him you were fine, but lonely, and he immediately told me that he wants you to go back home, I thought about it and faced you before making a full decision’’

‘’I..I don’t want to go..I like it here now, I like learning, I like the teachers and I like my room..just not my roommates..or other people, that’s it’’ He sighed loudly.

‘’MoonKyu..I..I don’t want you to go but I know that seeing your father was one of the things you wanted to do after you were in here your first 2 years, I know you missed him and I know you still really want to see him, so why not?’’

‘’And quit all that hard work I’ve gained just to pass a grade and make at least one friend? You know how horrible I am in Pyro!’’

‘’Calm down, Kyu.’’ He inhaled sharply while rubbing his temples. ‘’I thought this was something you wanted’’

‘’I do..I just..just not now, please, dad..’’

‘’How about you tell him that?’’ I felt my heart drop to my stomach..my other father was really protective over me and he was really sensitive..after the divorce, I don’t think I’ve seen dad so helpless or scared for me..well, both of my dads.

‘’I..okay’’ It honestly will break both his an my heart. He handed me the phone and I dialed his phone number. I gulped hard when I heard the ringing, looking at my dad as he raised a brow and waited.

‘’Hello?’’ I froze.


SeHun’s POV.

During my second class for the day, this guy was staring at me and opening and closing his mouth to say something. I easily recognized him as Yixing, one of LuHan’s friends and one of the Legendary, I just don’t know what his deal was. I sighed, trying to understand what the teacher was actually saying. It was along the lines of ‘math’ and ‘equations’ and ‘tridimensional figures’ As if I knew any of those. I rested my cheek on my palm as I began doodling on the notebook to kill boredom. It was a lake monster..I giggled at my creation..it was now eating JongIn alive. I sighed and stopped laughing when I heard the students pair up to go through with an assignment. I looked around me and noticed nobody wanted to pair up with me. I huffed. Suddenly, someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around to see the figure and furrowed my brows when Yixing came up to me and asked if he could sit on the available seat. I nodded. He placed his books and utilities on the table and sighed.

‘’Hi’’ He said.

‘’Hey..’’ I sighed.

‘’So, how do we do this?’’

‘’I didn’t understand it..’’ I said, biting my pencil and shrugging.

‘’Ah, right, sorry about that’’ He sighed ‘’Ok, here’s what we have to do..’’ He began explaining shortly after in surprisingly well Korean. I began understanding the subject and soon enough, we started working. We made small-talk and we got to know each other little by little. The guy’s not half bad, he likes dancing and reading and being a quiet guy most of the time, but he’s actually quite talkative. We shared small laughs and we finished the assignment early enough, so we could talk a bit before the bell rings.

‘’So, LuHan told me he went out with you yesterday, how’d that go for you?’’ I was a little surprised, but answered the question anyways.

‘’Good’’ I mean, the guy’s his best friend and I’m pretty sure that he suspects me of hurting LuHan.

‘’I’m glad, he had a good time, too’’

‘’We’re going out next Friday as well actually’’ I smiled.

‘’He did mention that.’’ He started ‘’I’m happy he gets to have fun..’’ He sighed and smiled crookedly. I furrowed my brows in confusion.

‘’You don’t?’’

‘’Well, I do..I spend my time at the library but I never really go out with people to get to know them or make friends, you could say literary arts are my friends’’ He chuckled as he kept reading one of his many books.

‘’You should get out more often, you’re a nice guy’’ He turned his head and smiled at me before the bell rang and he sighed, standing up.

‘’Thanks..but well, I have a reunion with my ‘friends’ at the library, so see you later’’ He saluted me and went off before I made my way out as well.


In The Library, SuHo’s POV.

After class, came study hall and I had no other choice but to, well, study. I sighed and picked up my books from my locker before going on my way.

When I reached the big library, I gasped in amazement. There were so many shelves and books and I’m pretty sure half the things in here are from the 1500. I set my books down and went to lurk around to see if I find any good on Korean history for the same class, I sighed when I saw the first big shelf in front of me.

‘’..’’ I cursed when I saw that the books were in a messy display. Some were literature, others were about Chinese history, some were story books and I think I may have seen some manhwas in there. I ruffled my hair, confused and in stress.

‘’Uhh, excuse me’’ I tapped a random guy on the shoulder, asking him carefully if he knew where the Korean history books were. The guy probably didn’t understand what I said by the look on his face and he scooted away, not wanting to do anything with me. I groaned as I purposely hit my head over and over with the shelf that wouldn’t move for the world. Suddenly, someone laughed, or sort of giggled. I turned my head to face the guy as he offered me a book; I furrowed my brows and read the title, amazed.

‘’Hey, sorry, I just couldn’t help but over-hear. Nice accent, by the way, anyways, here’s the book you were looking for. Shelf five, row 7, you can thank me later’’ He smiled and started walking off, leaving me confused. Without a second thought, I tugged his wrist and brought him back.

‘’Umm, no, I’ll thank you now’’ I chuckled as he smiled. ‘’Thanks, I would’ve never found it..how did you?’’

‘’Oh, I know this place like the palm of my hand’’ He chuckled, showing a cute display of dimples. I smiled back and bowed.

‘’Well, thanks..’’ I eyed him, asking for his name.

‘’Oh, sorry, my name’s Yixing, call me Lay’’ He extended his hand and I gladly took it, shaking it.

‘’JoonMyun, call me SuHo’’ He went wide eyed.

‘’Oh, Suho! I’m a friend of LuHan’s, a friend of SeHun’s, if that makes sense I guess’’ He chuckled as I dropped my jaw.


‘’Uh, yeah..’’ He scratched the back of his head.

‘’I see..SeHun’s my maknae, did LuHan treat him well yesterday?’’ I saw him furrow his brows as he leaned in the shelf.

‘’Yeah, they both had a good time, LuHan’s a nice guy and I just met SeHun awhile ago, I had the same suspicions you do right now’’ He his thumb and switched a page as I tilted my head.

‘’Uh, you met SeHun?’’

‘’Yup, Math’’

‘’What did he say?’’ I asked curiously

‘’He likes LuHan, they’re going out again next Friday, but you didn’t hear it from me..’’


‘’Follow me onto the table, my feet hurt’’ I nodded and we sat down a few meters away, where I first put down my books. ‘’Look, honestly, you have nothing to worry about, LuHan’s a nice guy, the only guy you should be worrying about right now is Kris, so no pressure’’


‘’Trust me, I know we may look intimidating but really, it’s the reputation we have, we wouldn’t seriously hurt anybody’’ I don’t know why he was saying these things, in the back of my head, it was only to make me not worry, so he could get his way and actually hurt us all without expecting it, but seeing him smile sincerely made me realize that he could actually be telling the truth. It’s no doubt SeHun could have a small crush on LuHan and the other way around, and he just wants his friend to be happy, so why couldn’t I? It also felt wrong deep, deep down my heart. I don’t know what it was, but I felt the need to agree to this, to let them be happy, after all, I did tell JongIn that I’d let him go on his way..I just couldn’t stop.

‘’Why should I be worrying about Kris?’’ He raised a brow, questioning both me and himself if I was actually being serious.

‘’He hates you guys’’ He put his book down and crossed his arms on the table.

‘’Why would he anyway?’’

‘’I don’t know, it’s his paranoia again, I’m getting a bad feeling about it’’ I gulped

‘’Wh—What kind of bad feeling?’’

‘’Ignore me, maybe I’m just overreacting, just look out for your ‘kids’ and yourself for now’’ He sighed as I nodded.

‘’I will, but tell LuHan that if he hurts my baby, he’ll get it from me’’ I joked as he laughed and nodded.

‘’Likewise’’ He raised a brow and pointed at me accusingly as we both laughed. After that, we settled into a small awkward silence, but it soon left as soon as we started talking about each other. He’s nice, at least my conscience thought so, but I wouldn’t allow my walls to drop anyways, I still don’t know him well, so I’m keeping the important stuff on the down-low. We still kept talking until Baekhyun walked up to us out of the blue and asked us,

‘’Hey, Chanyeol’s gonna play some ball, you guys wanna watch? Hi, Byun Baekhyun’’ He shook Lay’s hand as he smiled and kept talking ‘’It’s gonna be fun’’ I looked over at Lay who coincidentally had the same look on his face as he looked at me. We laughed and I answered,

‘’No, thanks, we’re good’’ BaekHyun shrugged.

‘’Okay, I’ll let you know who won’’ We nodded as he headed off, grabbing Chanyeol’s arm, who threatened to run and race him all the way to the gym. I smiled at the scene.

Chanyeol’s POV.

I laughed as Baekhyun came back; ready to run and leave him there since I knew he would be annoyed. He looked cute when he was mad or annoyed. However, he tugged my arm back and held onto it as he glared at me. I laughed loudly as I started walking with him towards the court, his arm draped around mine while frowning. I glanced down and carefully inhaled his scent, he smelled good, and I subconsciously smiled at that. He looked up at me and smiled, then looked around until he found our destination. He dragged me inside and mouthed a ‘hwaiting’ before sitting on the bleachers. A ball was tossed at me and I caught it.

‘’You came back?’’ One of the players raised his brow as I rolled my eyes and tossed the ball back.

‘’Are we gonna play or not?’’

‘’Fine, your call, think fast’’ And he tossed the ball, which I luckily caught since he was intending it to hit my stomach. I sighed and walked over to the center of the court, the ball in hand before I tossed it in the air and all of the other students tried to catch it like wild animals. I moved around until I found out that one of my rivals had the ball and I went after him. I got behind him and blocked his view, since I was way taller than him. He tossed the ball to another player, which was behind me and I huffed, running to him and telling my other teammates to gain up on them and take away the ball. I was about to take the ball away from a smaller opponent, but got elbowed and fell. I heard Baekhyun’s gasp all the way here and looked up, only to find Kris staring down at me while smirking. I rolled my eyes and stood up by myself.

‘’Surprised?’’ He asked.

‘’Shut up and play’’ I spit back as he smirked wider and ran towards his side of the court and dunked straight up. I grunted as I told the others to go back to our side as they did as told. I glanced at Baekhyun, who was nervously biting his lip. I smiled, knowing he was concerned.

‘’Play ball!’’ One of the opponents said as they dribbled their way across the wide space, my teammates and I trying to grab the ball but to little avail. It was then that one of them actually did grab it and gained us 2 points. We cheered and high-fived. We were now 2 points ahead.

During the middle of the game, it was 18-16, we were ahead by 2 more and the others did the best they could to surpass us but we wouldn’t let them, we were just that good. Baekhyun was cheering and he was no longer worried, but he’d tell me to look out once Kris was near, supposing he wanted to push me on purpose. I didn’t let him, of course, because once I had the ball, my legs came in handy and I dunked a few, letting him wallow in his loss while cursing silently.

Then during the end, they gained up on us and were winning by 4, which only resulted in Kris mocking me and threatening to throw the ball at my face, which only heated me more. God, how I hated that guy. I sighed, wiping some sweat off my forehead with the hem of my shirt and telling the others to wait up a couple of seconds. I felt drained and out of breath, so we took a small break. I sat down next to Baekhyun and he handed me some water, which I gladly took.

‘’You enjoying yourself?’’ I asked in heavy breath.


‘’Are you having, you know, fun?’’

‘’Oh—Oh, yeah, you’re really good’’ He smiled at me as he tapped my thigh. I probably blushed, but since my face was already heated, in both anger and sweat, he probably didn’t notice. I smiled at him and stood up, proceeding to go with the game as one of my players the ball onto me. The game was ending, there were about 5 minutes left on the clock and I wouldn’t lose this to that , I’m sure of that.

I wiped some sweat off my philtrum with my shirt as I dribbled along the court, watching my teammates get in their respective positions. I tossed the ball to Jiang, one of my players and he started running. I tried blocking Kris from the ball, but he elbowed me in the ribs and I fell.

‘’..’’ I cursed as Jianyu, another one of my teammates, helped me up. I glared at Kris and we soon started playing again. In the 2 minutes that passed, we made 2 more points but they were still ahead by 2 more.

When it was down to only a minute and 30 seconds, we hit hard, and Jiang, being the tallest of us all, managed to make a dunk, so we were now tied. Baekhyun was cheering hard for me, even though he was the only one present, but he was there, and I enjoyed it.

‘’Pass it, pass it!’’ The others yelled in Chinese, but I couldn’t understand what they said, so when I had the ball, I chose to throw it instead, missing. Xiang, one of Kris’ best players caught it and raced to his basket, being blocked by one of my guys. Then we raced back to our basket, but time was running out, so Huan tossed the ball to me and I quickly grabbed it, racing and heaving towards the basket. My destination came so close, it almost became blurry because of the many lights, I squinted my eyes to get a better look, but I saw double. I reached the basket and prepared to throw it, jumping up and throwing the ball, but it all got cut off by a loud buzzing and a strong piercing feeling in my nose, then my head falling on the hard floor. I groaned, looking up and hearing a faint yelp from Baekhyun. I moaned in discomfort as the sound invaded my ears, a crowd circling me and looking down at me. I rubbed the back of my neck before Baekhyun appeared and pushed everyone out of their way, ducking to my level and supporting the weight of my head with his lap.

‘’Well, what are you waiting for? Scram!’’ He yelled at the others, who just left as Baekhyun made some hand gestures to the people that didn’t understand him. I sighed. ‘’Yeol, oh my God you’re bleeding!’’ He gasped and grabbed a tissue from his pocket, about to wipe the red metallic substance away from my face before he heard chuckling. He bat his head and made a face.

‘’What do you want?!’’

‘’Just checking if everything is alright here, if you don’t mind’’

‘’No, we’re completely fine, so how about you just let us be here, I’m sure you’ve done what you wanted for the day, so I convince you to leave before things get ugly’’ I went wide eyed at Baekhyun’s statement. Kris just rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

‘’I don’t mind unless you do’’ Baekhyun huffed and carefully put my head down and told me to keep my head looking above so more blood wouldn’t spill from my nostrils but I ignored it and looked at the two worryingly, afraid of what Kris would ever do to him because if he ever did, I would rip his head off.

‘’I wouldn’t, but I have someone to take care of’’ He stared up daggers at him as he pushed him. I gasped. ‘’Hey!’’ Baekhyun pushed him back harder, but Kris laughed at the poor impact.

‘’Don’t waste your time, kid, he needs you’’ He pointed at me and rolled his eyes. I turned my hand into fists and stood up as Baekhyun tried to tug me back but I brushed his hand away. I wiped my nose with the hem of my shirt and walked over to him, ready to say a few things.

‘’What’s your problem, man? You did that on purpose!’’

‘’Did I?’’ He grabbed the ball and played with it before he thumped it on the side of my head and it went back to his hands. Baekhyun gasped and punched his shoulder repeatedly, even though it didn’t really affect him, but it annoyed Kris, so he pushed Baekhyun hard enough for him to land on the floor.

‘’Hey! Don’t you dare do that!’’ I exclaimed and took the ball from his hands and threw it elsewhere as I pushed him harder as I yelled incoherencies at him. He tried to push me away, but I only pushed back, and he ended on the floor. I got on top of him and started to try and punch his face as he tried to keep my hands to myself but I wouldn’t stop. Baek rushed to my side and tried to push me off of him but I pushed him, apologizing after. Suddenly, Kris managed to dodge a punch, so he took the chance to punch me across the cheek as I switched positions, rolling under him so I could kick his stomach. He rolled away elsewhere and I took the opportunity to punch his sides as Baekhyun yelled over and over, pleading for me to stop to the point where he was clawing at his hair. I couldn’t stop though, and before I knew it, there was a mass of people looking at us fight, not bothering to separate us and enjoying the show Baek was putting on that nearly broke my heart..

Kyungsoo’s POV.

I was quietly leaning on my locker, fidgeting on my phone and checking if Kai had ever text me back, but he hasn’t.

‘Hey, I need to talk to you..’ It read. I sighed and put my phone on my pocket, walking towards a water fountain not so far from me. I slurped a good amount before chocking when I heard my name being called to the office. Oh, great, what could I have done now? I sighed and got my things before I made my way towards the office.

When I got there, I was surprised to see the office was open and JongIn was sitting in one of the office chairs with his head down. The door squeaked when I came inside and he immediately looked up and stood up.

‘’Hyung! Hyung!’’

‘’What is it, JongIn? What happened?’’

‘’Well, I kind of..got in trouble again..’’ He hung his head low.

‘’What? Why?’’

‘’Well, I came late to class, I swear I was lost, but they thought I was skipping again, and they told me to call someone to pick me up and get me out of this so I called you to help!’’ He pouted as I rolled my eyes and just then, the office manager came.

‘’What seems to be the problem here?’’ He asked.

‘’Well, sir, I’m afraid there’s been some sort of mistake.’’ I started ‘’JongIn here didn’t do as you claim he did, he just arrived late because he got lost’’

‘’Are you a witness of his actions?’’ I gulped.

‘’Well, no, but—‘’

‘’Then it’s settled, 1 day detention and I hope it doesn’t happen again’’ We sighed ‘’Here, fill these out and sign your name, we’ll assign you the classroom where you’ll be staying at soon’’ And he left. JongIn whined and signed all the required spaces, ending with his signatures as I stood and watched him.

‘’Thanks anyway’’ He said as he walked past me. I tugged his wrist.

‘’Wait’’ He looked back ‘’Can I at least walk with you and make sure you don’t escape again?’’

‘’I should be saying that to you..’’ He mumbled but walked out with me as I pretended I didn’t hear that. ‘’What?’’ I sighed.

‘’Listen, about yesterday, I’m sorry for acting like an , you know, avoiding you’’ I rubbed the back of my neck ‘’I was just angry with myself and I didn’t mean to pour it all out on you’’ I lied.

‘’Really?’’ He asked, hope in his eyes as he inched closer to me. ‘’Then what’s wrong? What are you thinking?’’ I sighed and dropped my head to the floor.

‘’There’s just so much, JongIn, my mind’s a mess..’’ I started ‘’I don’t want to dump it all on you, plus, I don’t want to contradict myself’’

‘’Contradict yourself? Why?’’ I started walking away, avoiding the subject, but he caught me again.

‘’Because I’m unsure of..some things’’ I gulped as he stared into my eyes.

‘’What things? You know you can tell me anything..right?’’

‘’J—JongIn, I just..it’s not my time to tell you yet..I have to think things through..’’ I moved my head to the side, avoiding his gaze as his face inched closer to mine and I felt his breath my neck when he sighed.

‘’Is it about me?’’ He looked at the floor. I gulped again and sighed.

‘’N—No, it’s not..it’s about myself, things I’m afraid to do..’’ I started as he lifted his head up to ask. ‘’Don’t ask’’ I adviced as he sighed in defeat and raised his head back up to face me.

‘’Okay.’’ He started walking away. I walked by his side and passed the lone halls in silence. Suddenly, I feel my pocket..vibrate? Oh, right, SuHo gave us these special phones to communicate with each other and this is Baekhyun’s ringtone, I wonder what he wants. I opened the small lid and noticed it was a text.

Hyung, Hyung! Chanyeol’s in a fight don’t ask questions just please show up! :’0 We’re in the gym!

I gasped and threw the phone in my pocket before taking Kai by the wrist and running towards where I thought the gym was. He was yelling and questioning my directions but I ignored them all and once I reached the gym, I gasped along with Kai at the sight.

Chanyeol was rolling on the floor, underneath Kris..who punched him repeatedly as Baekhyun was yelling for them to stop from afar as some students blocked his view, since he was short. I looked at Kai and he was just as perplexed as I was, so the first thing I did was get in between them and push Kris out of the way, so he landed on the floor. Baekhyun was the first to go to Chanyeol’s side, panicking as Chanyeol only pushed him away.

‘’Channie, Channie!’’

‘’Baek, go away..’’

‘’Chan, you’re all bruised, let me help you!’’ He pleaded as Chanyeol held his nose, which was bleeding, and his left cheek was bruised, followed by his sort of black eye. His clothes were messed up and he only had one shoe on, the other next to Kris, who was laying on the floor, with the same injuries as Chanyeol, minus the black eye, but he did beat the out of his mouth, which was bleeding. Tao, his ‘associate’ was holding him in place, his piercing glare never leaving Chanyeol and us as he heaved. I shivered as Chanyeol was literally rolling on the floor like a ball as he groaned in pain, Baek still trying to get him to stand up but once again, being rejected.

‘’Baek, just go! I’m f—fine..’’ I heard Baek gasp, followed by my jaw dropping. Never had Chanyeol raised his voice at him. Never. Baekhyun sighed and dropped to his knees, trying to grab his hands and remove them from his face, Chanyeol refusing and adding more force.

‘’Ow! Yeollie!’’ He gasped as he took his hand back, wincing as he blew his hand. Chanyeol burned him, and he just realized this, immediately sitting up, a hand still over his nose, the other reaching out for Baek, who gasped and turned away.

‘’Baek..I’m so—‘’ Before he could even argue, he had already gone to the bathroom to add some iced water to his bruised hand. Kai told me to go with him as he stayed with Chanyeol and I agreed, going after him.

‘’Baek, Baek, Baek, wait up!’’ I called out after him as he stopped in his tracks, holding his bruised hand carefully. ‘’Baek..’’ I put a hand on his shoulder as he kept walking. He sniffled and I sighed when I realized that he was crying. We entered the bathroom and he weakly asked me to open the faucet, which I gladly did. He sniffled more and let out faint sobs as I rubbed soothing circles on his back.

‘’I..I..I just can’t—I can’t believe he would—It’s just he’s, ne..*hiccup*..never done that to *hiccup* me..’’I sighed as I grabbed his wrist so he could grab the handle while I cleanse his hand. ‘’Ow..ow..ow..’’ He mewled into strangled, quiet sobs as I brushed his reddened wrist. ‘’Ow…’’ He winced when I reached his palm, letting more tears fall. It hurt me to see one of my comrades like this..Chanyeol would never do this to him, especially when he’s just trying to help..he was just trying to help.

‘’Does it hurt here?’’ I scrubbed near his thumb and he gasped, going ‘ow’ again. I took that as a yes. I sighed and carefully scrubbed his hands with antibacterial soap, since it’s alcohol and would help him at least soothe his 1 degree burns. He was practically mute, he would just sob and sob and let out some words along the lines of ‘why?’ and ‘I just..’ and most importantly ‘Ow’.  He sighed and allowed me to let go of his hands as he carefully sniffled and wet his face with both palms, trying to get rid of his tears and boogers. He sniffled as I gave him a wad of toilet paper(it was the only thing the damn bathroom had) and he whispered a ragged ‘Thank you’ before he wiped his face and carefully, his burnt hand.

‘’Are you okay now?’’ I whispered and looked at him. He sniffled and looked up at me.

‘’A..a little’’ I sighed  as more tears escaped his eyes and wrapped him up in my arms as he wept as soon as he felt me embrace him protectively.

‘’He would never do that on purpose, you know that’’ I whispered into his hair. He gripped on my shirt from the back carefully, noting his hand still hurt.

‘’I..I know *hiccup*’’

‘’Then why are you crying?’’ I giggled as he sobbed louder.

‘’I don’t know! It just took me by surprise..and my hand hurts..and I’m hungry..’’ I let him go and wiped his tears. He smiled weakly.

‘’Let’s get some food okay? If you don’t want to talk to him, you don’t need to’’

‘’I..I don’t know, should I?’’

‘’Whatever you want, Baek’’ He sighed and was about to open his mouth when the door flung open and revealed Chanyeol and Kai, JongIn struggling to pull him back. Baekhyun gasped and hid behind me, which was understandable.

‘’Baek..’’ Baekhyun whimpered behind me and held onto me tighter. ‘’Can you at least let me explain?’’ Baekhyun nodded behind me, unknowing to the fact that he couldn’t see, but he came out from behind me with his head hung low and Chanyeol carefully took his wounded hand, trying not to let his powers get the best of him again. Baekhyun whimpered at the pain as Chanyeol placed his hand on top of Baekhyun’s, ‘’I’m so sorry, Baek..’’ He whispered into Baek’s ear ‘’So sorry..I didn’t mean to—‘’

‘’Yeol, please..’’ He sniffled ‘’Not here..’’ JongIn coughed in discomfort as he took my hand and dragged me out of the bathroom, leaving them alone.

Nobody’s POV.

Chanyeol already practically glued Baekhyun to the wall as he whispered his pleas of forgiveness, not aware of their closeness. Baekhyun on the other hand, was just taking it all, not really knowing what to say, so he just stayed there, body to body with Chanyeol and his back to the wall behind them. Everything Chanyeol said meant something different, almost like he was pleading to be taken back after a horrible break up, those eyes staring at him from time to time like a poor, homeless and sad puppy, asking to be fed with kindness and Baekhyun was about ready to shower him with never ending love, but wouldn’t let himself..hell, even Chanyeol wouldn’t let him. His hips were holding him in place and he could feel himself beginning to produce sweat from the contact. He gulped, hearing his words over and over again.

‘’Baek..please..I’m sorry, I was just..I didn’t mean to..you know how..’’ and it kept going like this, Chanyeol peppering him with different sorts of excuses and pleas, holding his hand(which made Baekhyun nervous) and holding him in such a way that seemed so..loving? It would be the first time they were this close, and the first time Chanyeol hurt him and apologized to him in the same day. He must’ve realized how he screwed up. Baek was just about done now..he needed to accept the apology, he didn’t want Chanyeol to think he really, seriously ed it up.

‘’Chanyeol, I..’’ Chanyeol pulled back from his ear and looked at him with such eyes that broke his heart. Chanyeol grabbed his injured hand instead of the one that was okay, so Baek moaned in discomfort, making him gasp and bring it to his face to examine.

‘’Baekkie, oh my God, does it hurt? It does, doesn’t it, oh my God, let me fix this, I know the trick just wait here, don’t move please’’ Baekhyun tugged him back as Chanyeol confusedly looked at him ‘’Doesn’t it hurt?’’ He pouted.

‘’I can live’’ Baekhyun shrugged.


‘’Yeol, listen..when you did that, it surprised me..and it hurt..like hell, it did’’ He started as Chanyeol’s eyes glistened with fresh tears forming. ‘’but that doesn’t mean I’ll love you any less..we all make mistakes, and even though I’m a little mad at the way you treated me and on top of that, burned my hand and wrist, you’re still my best friend’’ Chanyeol pouted, showing off his injured lip. Baek sighed.

‘’Listen, tomorrow, we’ll stay from school and help each other recover, okay?’’ Chanyeol smiled faintly and hugged the shorter boy as the other snuggled into him

‘’Deal..’’ He said ‘’But you’re still mad, right?’’ He sighed.

‘’Don’t worry about it, it’ll only be for today, I’m sure of that..but I kinda forgave you already’’


‘’A while ago..’’ Baekhyun giggled as Chanyeol pushed him away playfully and started ranting about how much he said and how sad he was and how scared he was of losing him and this and that, but Baek apologized before he heard,

‘’Huang ZiTao, get away from me!’’, coming from the locker rooms.




Okay, finally updated^^ 

Anyways, I'm anxious for next chap :0 Imma plan it starting tomorrow in class or lunch in a notebook I have to write some details^^

Tell me what you think so far of the pairings and if I'm speeding or slowing things up, but hey, SuLay met!^^ 

We'll see what happens between everyone cuz I already have it planned out ;) That's for me to know and for you to find out later xD

You guys know what to do and if not, it's subs&comment, it motivates me a lot :)<3 As always,I'll see you next chapter and thanks for reading, it means a lot :') I love all my viewers/readers/commenters/subscribers and even silent readers :'D Keep doing what you do cuz I'll love you either way!^^


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GUYS. I know I said I'd update quick and I'm almost done writing, but i have written a lot, the longest chapter so far orz i hope you guys like it once it's up~


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Chapter 27: Popping in again just to say I still love this story XD By far one of my favs even after 6 years of reading probably thousands of other stories and pairings!!!!! Even if this is the end I just want to thank you for this masterpiece and that I still have the ability to read what’s already been wrote ❤️❤️❤️
DyeDyeCoco510 #2
Chapter 27: I love this story!! Please start writing again. Your one of the best writer. Please start writing this story again! :)
P-p-please put me out of my misery T~T Send me a sign of life *kneels in begging position* It's just been a REALLY long time since you've updated or I've heard anything about the story.... I'm worried if your still writing it or not..... I'm okay if you just are taking a break or stuck, I just need a little reassurance that you still plan on continuing this story because I absolutely LOVE IT!!!
HybridLover7 #4
Chapter 27: Oh my... This story is a work of art T~T I have read tons of stories, and have several hundred subscriptions, but this story is by far my favorite!! It's so well written and the plot is just fantabulous! And the characters dynamics, you're just out for my heart author nim ;P

Baekyeol is my absolute favorite OTP of all time, and this story has me squealing over them. I love the whole unrequited love and Chanyeol's internal struggles. It's gonna make it so much more gratifying when they finally become a pair! Can't wait to see if Chanyeol's hormones get the best of him XD Kaisoo, so CUTE! Little Squishysoo in denial, and a touchy Kai, AAHHHHH!!! To die for :3 Taoris needs a smack down, especially on Kris's side. I wanted to KILL him with how he treated the poor Panda. Even though Baek is not meant for Tao, I hope they can still be friends. HunHan is a ball of ual frustration aren't they XD All lovey but there's that underlying tone of "I wanna jump you", makes they're relationship amusing. SuLay, just so innocently adorable! And XiuChen, gotta love 'em! I can see them acting the exact same towards each other dating, as they are as best friends :3 Which they should do, date, cause then I could die happy XD

Do I miss Moonkyu? Honestly, no XD It's not that he was a bad character or anything, I'm just hardcore Kaisoo, and he took up that time ^_^ *awkwardly chuckles. I don't hate him, and he's an interesting part of the story.... I just don't miss him :D

Oh my goodness, look at the length of this! XD But no amount of words can describe how much I LOVE THIS STORY! I will be patiently awaiting you return from hiatus, and highly anticipating the next chapter to one of the greatest stories EVER \^0^/ HWAITING!!!
Chapter 27: Also... As soon as you mentioned animals I was like...WOLF!!!

Hahahah... Wonder why!? Hhmmm...

Also... I Love You~

And Next time please update me on when you update this story!

Chapter 27: This was THE BEST CHAPTER EVER!!!

So Many Baekyeol Feels OMG... I really like how their relationship is developing. Poor Teollie, he's had to deal with so much Bullsh*t from Baekhyun!!! I Love them! And that Wolf Fight between them was amazing! And they kissed *melts into a pile of pink goo*

The HunHan couple... Loved how Luhan was petting Sehun and playing and cleaning Shuns Furr... Can he be any cuter? I love them!!!

Taoris... I Have massive feels for them and I like how Tao is sticking up for himself. I'm sorry Tao, Baekhyun belongs to puppy Yeol... Your place is with Kris!!! And Kris...FINALLY! I swear he must be the cutest sh*t when he's in love!!! I'm looking forward to them!

I Swear Kaisoo is just the cutest OTP in the History of Cute OTPs!!! I Love them! I like how they're not official but they love each other and you know the feeling's there! Kaisoo 4evar~

Can Sulay get any awkward er!? I mean for real... Those two are just too much!!! I would love it if they kept developing their feelings! I have high hopes for them!

Xiuchen are just the stupidest goofballs in history and I love them cause Xiumin is perfect! Nuff said! (Also can you please put more of them in the next chappie!? Neh!?)

Now for You Lovely Bianca~

I'll never get tired of telling you that I love this fanfic and I think you're just completely amazing!!!

I've missed you so much! We haven't talked in like forever!

I Hope you're doing great in everything! Also in school ok!? Arrasso

anyway i'll read your story soon baobei. Usually i'm a silent reader lmao.
But i'll do anything for my love. <3
Chapter 27: Omg I have been reading your story non stop for the past couple days,I am incredibly hooked, this is such an amazing and well written story, your storyline with the powers is by far the best I have read.

OMFG MY FEELS FOR KAISOO! *does 3 backflips into a trashcan*

*sniffles* baekyeol *Breaks down screaming* so much love between those two thank you.

Seriously I lalalalove your story!!! Keep at it ^^
lightlessstarlight #9
Chapter 27: Hi :D
I'm soo sorry for beeing a silent reader until now >< Your story is really amazing! I just had to make myselfe an account and comment ^~^

I've read your fic for quite a while and I really love your plot and ideas *~* Please continue in this awsome way;

autor-nim fighting!!! ^O^///