
Before The Eclipse(HIATUS)



Tuesday, October 16, 2012.

Kai’s POV.

After I looked for all my stuff and put them in a bag, I transported myself to the rooftop of the gym and just sat there, thinking about nothing really, just hearing the trees sway and the people chat a few feet away. I sighed, and let the wind hit my face with as much force as it could, and I let myself rest on the floor, weightless.

It was getting dark, somehow cloudy. The clouds were joining, and low rumbles could be heard throughout the school. It was gonna rain soon. And I didn’t mind getting wet, I didn’t mind getting sick, I didn’t mind, nor care about anything. I just wanted to lay here and never well up the strength to get up because I was so tired. I was so tired of being shady, and when I finally come out, it’s like I was being forced back into hiding. And I’ve never been one to act like such a coward, running away from something like it wasn’t my business, but I didn’t want to be judged, talked to, convinced into doing something that I won’t have the courage to do. It would all hurt, and karma’s going to have to hunt me down to make me move again, because now, I don’t want to do anything but sulk. Because of a stupid kiss. Because of a stupid me. Because of stupid everything and stupid life and stupid Kyungsoo’s stupid tempting lips.

I rolled onto my back and groaned in frustration before I felt something poke the center of my back. It didn’t take me long to realize that it was already pouring, and that I either had to move or beat myself with the thoughts of not moving at all and just, yeah, pretty much get all drenched.  I sighed, and sat up, hugging my knees before I felt something vibrating in my pocket. I took my phone out, and noticed it was Sehun.

‘Yah, where are you? Suho said he can’t reach you~’

‘Rooftop. I have no idea what’s going on…can you come here by yourself?’

‘Sure, be right there~’

I smiled and put the phone away before it could get completely wet and damaged again. Right now, the only thing I needed was Sehun. My best friend. The only one who won’t judge me, and if he does, we’ll laugh, and I’ll smack him a couple of times, but no hard feelings, the guy was my best friend for a long time, I know he’ll smack me back but we’ll be even, so it wouldn’t even matter. I pulled a small smile thinking about this, and sighed, hugging my knees as soon as it started to rain harder. I hid my face, and looked at the ground while I waited for Sehun, thinking of not really anything, but somehow feeling as if so many things at once traveled through my head. It really wasn’t helping.


I heard thunder strike, and lightning was next, so I immediately jumped and shivered because the wind was against me again, and it was only making matters worse. I remained in the same spot, and kept waiting for Sehun, who was still nowhere to be found, after 20 minutes of waiting.


I totally forgot that the door was locked, and that there was no way that Sehun could get passed without a key. I groaned and hugged myself tighter. It was really cold now.


After 40 minutes, I assumed that Sehun would start texting me nonstop about how he was locked out, but when I checked and it finally stopped raining hard; my phone was dead and out of battery. I sniffled and hugged my knees, resting my head on one of them, before I heard someone knock on the door. I assumed it was who I thought it was, so I yelled at him to come in, and just how I expected, it was Sehun, accompanied by Luhan.

‘’God, Kai!’’ He sees me and runs towards me, picking me up by my arm and dragging me somewhere I wouldn’t get wet. ‘’Are you crazy? You got all wet!’’ I could only nod at that.

‘’Are you okay, Kai?’’ Luhan’s gentle voice rang in my ears, and I looked at him and smiled sincerely before nodding. ‘’How long were you out here? You could catch pneumonia if you don’t get yourself a hot shower, a hot drink, some new clothes and—‘’

‘’Lu, he gets it,’’ Sehun chuckled and sighed, ‘’But he’s right, JongIn, you could get sick, what was going through your mind?’’

‘’I don’t know…I didn’t really care,’’ I shrugged again and sniffled before sneezing.

‘’Oh God, Kai, you’re getting sick!’’ Luhan gasped and tried to tug my jacket off. I quickly pushed back and shook my head,

‘’It’s okay, I’m fine.’’ Sehun sighed and face-palmed.

‘’Come on, let’s get you downstairs for some clothes.’’ I shook my head and sighed, tugging at his t-shirt.

‘’No, I called you up here to talk, so up here we’ll stay.’’ He rolled his eyes and sat down next to me,

‘’What about Luhan?’’ I glanced at Luhan, who was biting his lips and waiting for a response. I eyed Sehun and then Luhan. He nodded and stood up, taking Luhan’s hand, ‘’Uh, Lu…you kinda need to—‘’

‘’O—Oh, I’m sorry, I should’ve left awhile ago, huh?’’ Luhan chuckles nervously and nods furiously. I chuckled silently as Sehun shakes his head.

‘’It’s okay, babe, don’t worry,’’ He kisses his forehead and gives him a small smile before whispering something in his ear. Luhan then nodded and agreed to leave, walking towards the door and closing it behind him. I sighed as Sehun sat next to me and looked at me, waiting for something.

‘’W—Why was Luhan-hyung here? I thought I told you to come alone…’’ I looked down at the floor and made my feet face each other. He sighed and threw his head back against the wall.

‘’That was harsh…’’ He mumbled. I didn’t mean to sound mean though…’’He had the keys to open the lock…’’

‘’Oh,’’ I said, ‘’sorry about that...’’ He nodded and looked at me. I turned to face him and immediately dropped my head in embarrassment.

‘’So, what happened?’’ I blinked and looked up, facing him and beginning to tell him what happened. He wasn’t a fan of long stories, so I made sure to leave a few parts out, but that didn’t stop him from listening. He insisted for more information, which I provided, and he started giving his opinions. Strangely enough, I could see where he was coming from. Baekhyun had talked to Kyungsoo awhile ago in lunch, saying his face was emotionless and blank, almost as if he was spaced out and thinking about something deep and hidden away from the others. Suho was one who would try to start a conversation, but Kyungsoo never answered or gave his opinions on anything, and Chanyeol tried cheering him up by cracking some lame jokes that somehow attract the attention of him, but by then, Sehun had already seen Baekhyun’s stare at Kyungsoo and decided to confront him instead of distracting him, and they all agreed while Kyungsoo was busy poking his food with a spork.

Supposedly, Baekhyun and he had been inseparable since then. But, apparently, Chanyeol had not given a thought about that, and looked like he didn’t really care, so maybe he feels the same way I do…Some way or another, he’ll still feel left out without Baekhyun always being with him, just like I do now. The only possible explanation for all this is that Baekhyun had taken Kyungsoo under his wing and gave Chanyeol the cold shoulder, which is understandable, but Kyungsoo was never one to depend on anybody. He’s serious and does things by himself for himself and gets excellent results. He wasn’t here to make friends; he was here to graduate and study hard. Aish, enough of that.

The thing is, Sehun told me that I needed to give him time, and that’s what I’ll do, but it’ll take guts and strategizing because when it’s time to face him after awhile, what am I going to say?

It’s not like we’ll somehow kiss and make up. I don’t think he’ll even like it, but it’s not how things are supposed to end anyway. I wanted us to stay as friends…for now. I know he hasn’t decided anything, so I’m not forcing him into anything, I’m not like that. I’ll probably apologize first, and hope he forgives me. Then, I’m going to try to change things to how they were and not act so awkward, and hope he acts the same way. Finally, I’m going to confess maybe? What’s there to confess anyway? It’s not like I’m in love or anything…right? I’ll just tell him I like him and move on, yeah, that’s it, that’s what I’ll do…and hopefully, he’ll say the same thing to me.


SuHo’s POV.

So as I was walking towards my destination, I somehow forgot the directions that ghost gave me, leaving me stuck in front of the faculty room for about five minutes. I sighed and placed a hand on my hip, pulling out my phone and going to an app that has a map of the school installed on it. The school was large, so all of the passage ways were confusing me. I couldn’t tell apart building A from B, so I hid my phone and decided to keep walking and head through different halls that I hadn’t gone through. Except they were all the same: Long and narrow, thick and creepy and all full of at least 20 lockers, so it was evident that I would get lost. I face-palmed and decided to call Baekhyun to see if JongIn had returned, since I stopped all thoughts of searching for that rock.  But it was raining hard, so the signal dropped, meaning that I couldn’t because fate was against me right now.

After 20 minutes of wandering through the lonely, stretchy halls, I decided to take a small break and sit against a locker, my knees propped up against my chest, my cheek resting comfortably in one of them as I flipped my phone open and closed, open and closed, killing my boredom for a few minutes until I became bored again.

I stood up after awhile, and decided to keep searching, stretching my limbs out as soon as I was on feet again. I began walking short after, and heard a very small, very soft voice come out of the corner of the hall when I took my first step. I gasped and hid behind the locker, almost falling over and my shoes squeaking against the floor. Fearing it was a teacher, I peeked at the corner and hid my face every once in awhile, but as the shadow came closer and shrunk in size, I realized, when it came in view, that it was actually Luhan, and my breath became even again as I sighed, relieved. I decided to approach him as he held his head low while texting someone— probably Sehun—and ask him if he knew where JongIn was. I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder from behind, emitting a small gasp as he turned around and saw me. He sighed, relieved it was actually me, but still seemed a bit shaken up. I furrowed my brows at him,

‘’H—Hey, Luhan, are you alright?’’ He blinked and nodded furiously, ‘’you look like you’ve seen a ghost.’’

‘’I—I’m fine, you just startled me a bit,’’ He chuckled and coughed, looking around, ‘’U—Um, y—you looking for Kai?’’ I tilted my head at his unusual behavior but nodded still.

‘’Yeah, have you seen him?’’

‘’Umm, yeah…yeah, I did..’’ He bit his lips, ‘’He’s around here, he was at the gym not even 10 minutes ago, I don’t know where he could’ve gone after that though…’’ I nodded and smiled sincerely at him, cupping his shoulder for a few seconds.

‘’Thanks, Luhan, you’ve been a big help.’’ He smiled slightly before nodding. I smiled back and patted his back before running towards the gym.


I didn’t expect him to turn up that fast, though.


I blinked as I opened my eyes, looking up at JongIn, who had a confused look. Sehun was behind him, and his eyes were wide. I glared at the two boys as I stood up and dusted myself off. I had just bumped into them and fell down because of my height…so it wasn’t anything new. I tapped my foot, impatient, but they weren’t speaking, so I just rolled my eyes and dragged both of them by the arm towards the dorms. They were apologizing on the way, but I wouldn’t buy it. Sehun was somehow involved in this, so I might need to figure out why they were here when they shouldn’t be, and why JongIn was taking so long in getting home.

Along the way, I was confused as to why that ghost had led me here in the first place, but shrugged it off. The possibility that JongIn actually had that rock was actually possible, but I didn’t want to know if he had done something to it, or hidden it or done something that may have caused this whole cycle of danger amongst the usually pretty safe grounds of the academy. Maybe somebody was looking for it as well…and it wasn’t Lay. And whatever had done that attempted ‘’break-in’’ was probably looking for it, too…of course, if JongIn indeed had it.


‘’You two have some explaining to do,’’ I threw them in the couch side by side while raising my brow and pointing accusingly at them. They nodded in unison as I groaned and entered my room, taking my shoes off and leaving my socks on. Today, Kyungsoo already confirmed he wasn’t cooking, so it was me and Baekhyun, and judging Chanyeol’s loud stomach growls, we had to hurry up. Baekhyun had already marinated and seasoned the meats and threw them into a bowl of his special sauce containing herbs, barbecue sauce and some spicy sauces, stirring them with his hands as I started to pan fry, placing a few slices of beef that he passed me in single layers and laid them completely flat on a hot oiled frying pan and waited until each side cooked. I sighed and washed my hands, drying them out on my jeans. Baekhyun then wrapped the bowl in aluminum paper and placed it on the fridge in case the others got hungry again.

‘’I got it from here, you can take a break, you seem tense,’’ He said as he washed his hands and leaned against the sink. I nodded,

‘’Yeah, it’s been a long day, huh?’’ He nodded, ‘’How’s Kyung?’’

‘’He’s…getting there,’’ He chuckled, ‘’he just needs some rest for now,’’ I nodded,

‘’What was wrong with him anyway?’’ Baekhyun then sighed and looked at JongIn and Sehun, who weren’t really paying attention, but he turned his back to face me and hopefully cover the conversation from the other two.

‘’Um, that’s kind of…confidential, I’m not allowed to tell you, but you are the leader, so I think it’s only fair…’’ I nodded, and he looked around just in case and whispered in my ear all that I needed to know. I went wide eyed and blinked at him as soon as he parted from me. ‘’don’t tell anybody…even though I bet everyone but Chanyeol knows, that boy is oblivious when it comes to things like these…’’ He sighed and grabbed a small paper towel to dry his hands and threw it on the trashcan after. I nodded. ‘’I’m not planning on telling him either,’’ I nodded,

‘’I get it,’’ I said and crossed my arms, ‘’Speaking of Chanyeol,’’ I said, furrowing my brows as he looked up at me confused, ‘’what’s going on with you two lately? Have you two gotten into a fight of some sort that I’m not familiar with? Or am I just too dumb not to notice the tension?’’ He chuckled and shrugged,

‘’We haven’t gotten into a fight in years, so I really don’t know what’s going on,’’ He turned to the beef on the frying pan and flipped it over with a fork before getting back to me, ‘’I’ll let him, I bet he has a good reason to drift from me….I mean, I’m not okay with it, I really love him and he’s my best friend and everything but if he thinks it’s the best, I’ll have to agree to his wishes…’’ I raised my brows.

‘’That’s not the Baekhyun I know, aren’t you gonna talk to him or something?’’ He shook his head,

‘’Nope, I don’t think I need to, I haven’t done anything wrong…right?’’ He bit his lips, and I chuckled and shook my head,

‘’I don’t think so,’’ He sighed, ‘’But you should check on that, I know you don’t like what he’s doing, you two are joined at the hip.’’ He nodded and looked down,

‘’I can’t say it doesn’t hurt me because it does, but if that’s what he wants, I’ll let it be…I mean, you know I would do anything for the guy, he’s m best friend after all…’’ I patted his shoulder.

‘’I know it does, but give him some time, I’m sure you’ll be okay,’’ I smiled at him and he nodded. ’’I mean, he loves you, you love him, what could’ve possibly gone wrong?’’ I pointed out to him, and he immediately dropped the fork and almost burned the beef by accidentally turning it up to high. I snickered as he began blushing and turning down the temperature.

‘’Wh—What?’’ He asked, dumbfounded. I shrugged,

‘’Oh, so you don’t love Channie after everything he’s done for you?’’ He huffed and blushed, his face scrunching up to a frown.

‘’Well I do love him and everything so—‘’

‘’Then tell him that! I guess it’s best of both of you to confess and get it over with!’’ I raised my arms up and scoffed.

‘’What? N—No, y—you know what I mean!’’

‘’No, I actually don’t, please prove me otherwise and tell me you are not in love with Park Chanyeol by any means,’’ He blushed harder, and the top of his ears turned red in embarrassment as he glared at me and dropped his head. ‘’In fact, mind looking at me in the eyes when I talk to you?’’ He slightly looked up and sighed, the smile on my face reaching my cheeks.

‘’I do love him,’’ He sighed and leaned against the sink, biting his lips, ‘’I’m just confused…I don’t know if the way I love him is relevant to the way I think I love him.’’

‘’How do you think you love him?’’ I climbed up and sat in the countertop, swinging my feet and eating a piece of the beef, I muffled, ‘’Turn it down, it’s burning.’’ He nodded and turned the temperature down before sighing for the nth time.

‘’I think I love him the way I should love him, and by that, I mean in a friendly-brotherly love, not the way everyone thinks I love him…’’ I nodded, and still kept chewing on that piece of meat. I found it kind chewy and annoying to swallow.

‘’I think you should sort out of your feelings, considering Chanyeol’s crazy in love with you,’’ He didn’t seem surprised, and just nodded, ‘’you know that, don’t you?’’

‘’Mhm,’’ He nodded again, ‘’I know…he told me himself…’’ I went wide eyed, and he cut me off, ‘’I guess he thought I was asleep and decided to tell me…God, I felt horrible after that…’’

‘’You know he cares a lot about you, and you may know Chanyeol more than I ever will but I’m sure that if you deny his feelings, he’ll try his best to move on and make you happy,’’ I shrugged, and he nodded before smiling like an idiot.

‘’I know,’’ His smile faded slowly, ‘’But I’m not taking advantage of that…it’s one of the reasons I love him, so I don’t wanna screw him over like that.’’ He shook his head and stared at the floor, ‘’But I think there might be something there, if you get where I’m going…’’ I nodded,

‘’Everybody sees it, I mean, look at you, you’re still blushing just thinking about him like that,’’ I chuckled and he cupped his face, embarrassed. He nodded and looked down,

‘’Stop.’’ I rolled my eyes and turned the stove off, ‘’He didn’t hear any of that, right?’’

‘’Not that I know of, but I highly doubt it,’’ I shrugged, ‘’Your secret’s safe with me,’’ I smiled at him and he looked up, smiling back,

‘’Thanks,’’ He took the pieces of meat with a fork and placed it on a plate, ‘’Do me a favor and get the rice out of the fridge and heat it up,’’ I nodded and picked the rice up from the fridge, heating it up to 30 seconds.

‘’Hyung!~ I’m hungry!’’ Chanyeol came outside of his room, holding his stomach and pouting. I sneaked a peek at Baekhyun and noticed his head was hung low and his eyes were shut tight. He was almost holding his breath. I smirked and sneaked up behind Baekhyun to smack his , emitting a small whimper from him, making sure Chanyeol saw everything.

‘’Answer him,’’ I said, whispering in his ear and gritting my teeth, smiling before looking up at Chanyeol, who froze in his tracks and blinked a couple of times before Baekhyun shakily answered,

‘’Uh, f—food’s coming on the way…’’ Chanyeol only nodded and sat down in a chair.

‘’Okay, no pressure, take your time.’’ Baekhyun looked up at Chanyeol and smiled, his cheeks becoming a slight pinkish tone and nodding as Chanyeol smiled back and rested his head on the countertop where Baekhyun was cooking, observing him. I smiled at them, nodded in approval and quickly left before I could interrupt the two with my dumb, uny questions.


Kyungsoo’s POV.


I don’t know what it is, or who it is, but there is something or someone making a lump on my bed and I do not like it. I don’t like it when someone sneaks up on me, especially when I’m sleeping.

 I could hear the bed creak again and again, almost as if someone were approaching me, crawling towards me, and I kept my eyes shut, afraid that it would be someone who was trying to wake me up or bother my sleep. I sighed, and tried to look as asleep as I could, turning on my right side, facing JongIn’s bed and the window.

 I could feel someone’s hot breath on my neck, so it was obvious that it was a person, but I didn’t know who. I didn’t want to talk to anyone, much less ‘cuddle’ with JongIn. In fact, I’m not in the mood to see anyone or wake up, but I was woken up already, so all I had to do was fall asleep again, but with that tension on my neck, it was hard to do so. I tried to look as asleep as I could, and took the blanket, covering my face and neck with it. I sighed, and opened my eyes, hoping the person hadn’t noticed I was actually awake. All I heard after was a slight creak, and the sound of a voice all too familiar.

Suddenly, I was turned to lie on my back, the covers being pulled off of me as I gasped. My eyes shot wide and all I saw was JongIn’s eyes staring back at mine before his lips latched themselves to my own pair. I tried pushing him away, but that wouldn’t work, his lips just kept molding into mine, and his tongue darted out to my bottom lip. I pulled away and pushed him, but his hands caught my wrists and he held them to the back of my head. I could see the way he was looking at me, his eyes half-lidded and clouded with want. My force wasn’t helping at all, and I couldn’t move because his hips were holding me down harshly. I grunted as he bent down to meet my lips again, but this time, I was in shock when I started kissing back.

 He was slow, and gentle, careful not to startle me, calming me down as I slowly kissed back and tilted my head to angle the kiss, but I could feel my heart beat 10xs faster than usual, and his grip softened, but was still quite there. He pulled away first, and his lips before sinking down again and coming down to give me soft pecks, that I surprisingly enjoyed. He began to kiss me again, holding my wrists up with one hand while the other caressed my neck. I had always known he had something with my neck, but now it was evident to say that it was a proved fact. I sighed and made a soft whimpering noise and forced myself to deepen the kiss—once he my lips again— without wanting to touch him, because, after all, I didn’t want this. No, I didn’t, he made me. He’s like that, like a tease, but he was somehow beginning to give me what I wanted, but didn’t really want. His hand traveled down to grip on my waist, and he separated from me for air, letting go of my wrists. I found this as the perfect opportunity to wrap my arms around the back of his neck and tug him back down to kiss me again. Not denying the offer, he deepened the kiss. While our tongues collided, I moaned as he on my tongue, and I found myself beginning to grow confused as to why I was agreeing to this in the first place. The thoughts were too much, and I had to slowly push him away, which only made him duck down for more, but I denied quickly before things escalated way too far.

I whimpered and a small moan came from my lips as soon as his eyes met mine, and it was almost like he was asking for permission, a hint of sadness in his look, almost asking, ‘why?’ I swallowed back a moan when he bit his lips and kissed me again, slower and less rushed and impatient than the last one. All of the sudden, he slowly got down from on top of me and sat at the edge of the bed, making me tilt my head. I was about to say something, but he had already stood up and began to walk away, regardless of how loud I screamed his name and begged for him to come back… that it was all a misunderstanding, that I forgave him, that I wanted it, too.

I shot up from under the covers and gasped, looking around, glancing at the clock, that read 3:33 AM. I sniffled and face palmed, feeling my sweat as I wiped it off with my sleeve. I sighed and dragged my feet to the left side of the bed, hanging them off the floor, deciding whether going to the bathroom, to rid myself of this dream for once and for good by getting off in the shower or to stay in bed and fall asleep still hard.

 I bit my lips and looked at JongIn’s bed, noticing the outline of his body under the covers. I shivered, noticing that I was actually picturing myself in the shower, to this dream that I bet I’ll forget early in the morning, if I’m lucky. I don’t think I could go through with this, because if any of the members find out, that’ll be the end of my supposed innocence, but I still had the thought of doing it because I don’t think I could sleep after this, and if I get off right here, right now, JongIn will notice. I almost drew blood out of my lips by biting them for too long in thought, but kept staring holes at JongIn’s back, not really finding anything else to look at, because the moon only shone to him. I felt my eyes water again for the second time after the whole thing happened, and thought if in an alternate universe, I would’ve kissed back, and if I did, what would’ve happened there? I started to think hard about this, and also thought about the possibility of actually being with him…like, really, really be with him, how would it be then? But, since this is not an alternate universe, I started questioning the situation in this universe, the one I’m living in right now. I started questioning myself like Baekhyun always does about Chanyeol, and how Suho does about which pair of shoes he should use today or tomorrow. It wasn’t as easy to know that you’ll end up with your best friend anyway, that it wasn’t as easy to figure out that you’ll just with the pair of shoes that you’ve used all of your life anyway. This was JongIn, and JongIn was different from a pair of shoes. Way different.

I didn’t know what to do.  


I felt someone shake my shoulders. I groaned, and opened my eyes, seeing Baekhyun right in front of my face. For a second, I was confused. He slapped my cheek slightly and I blinked, looking around, seeing JongIn’s bed empty. The time was 6:30 AM on a Wednesday, and I glanced under the blanket to confirm that, yes, I was hard. I groaned and threw myself against the bed. Baekhyun must’ve figured out what was wrong because he started laughing, and I glared at him, making him shut up and cough, telling me to dress up for school quickly.

What was this ‘’Inception’’ ?


Wednesday, October 17 2012


Nobody’s POV.


After Kyungsoo got dressed, the other guys soon left their dorm, Kyungsoo not daring to look at Kai in the eyes, and Sehun trailing behind him like a puppy. Since when are those two best friends again? Thought Kyungsoo, rolling his eyes. He sighed and slung his bag over his shoulder and continued walking and catching up to Baekhyun, who was talking to Suho about nothing important in general. The other two kept talking about assignments, and Kyungsoo decided to leave them be before this conversation included him, and he wasn’t in the mood to think about something smart or rational, much less mathematical. He instead walked next to Chanyeol, who looked rather lost and exceptionally Baekhyun-less for the past day or 2. The others were beginning to wonder what had happened, but they quickly dusted it off, paying more attention to the unspoken tension between Kyungsoo and Kai that everybody now knew thanks to a few of the members. Chanyeol just kept going about his pace, looking at one foot go front and the other back, finding nothing that would entertain him more than that. Kyungsoo pitied the poor boy, he’d been so down these days, and his big smile is just not there anymore. Kyungsoo thought if maybe he’d still have it on like usual, he would actually make him smile and forget about his problems for a few minutes until they get to class, but it was morning, and nobody liked morning noises, it would hurt their ears. Especially JongIn’s.

As Kai and Sehun drifted off from the others to attend their lockers, Kyungsoo was unfortunately tagged in on that because his locker was next to Kai’s. When D.O came close to him and opened his locker, Kai buried his face in his own locker, afraid to see the expression on the other’s face. Sehun stood awkwardly next to Kai and once D.O passed by him and drifted his eyes to him, he offered a small smile, but was turned away as D.O kept walking away, looking at the floor. Kai sighed and removed his head from the locker as Sehun rolled his eyes.

‘’Way to be obvious, Sherlock. Now hyung thinks you don’t want anything to do with him.’’

‘’It’s not like that...’’ Kai sighed and leaned against his locker, ‘’I don’t wanna see the way he looks at me…’’

‘’Dude, if it makes you feel any better, he wasn’t looking at you at all.’’ Sehun shrugged and Kai groaned, brushed shoulders with him and smacked the back of his head.

‘’That doesn’t make it better at all…’’ He sighed. Sehun bit his lip and nodded,

‘’Sorry.’’ Kai nodded and both kept walking towards their class, a bit earlier than their regular time to come inside the classroom. Sehun had given Kai the okay to go inside and wait for him as he waited outside to wait for his boyfriend.

‘’Hi,’’ Sehun turned around, feeling someone poking his shoulder. He smiled. It was Luhan, so he quickly pecked his lips, and Luhan giggled, pushing his shoulder, ‘’Hmm, you think you can go on without me after school? I’m pretty busy.’’ Sehun blinked.

‘’W—What’s up?’’ He questioned and tilted his head, burying his hands in his pocket, ‘’Meeting? Studying? I can help you if you—‘’ Luhan chuckled and kissed Sehun on the lips before sighing,

‘’No, none of those but thanks for the offer,’’ Luhan said and offered Sehun a small smile, ‘’I have practice for the first time in ages, so Kris and Tao, as our teachers, are pretty rushed.’’

‘’Oh, they made up already? Kris and Tao?’’ Luhan sighed and shook his head,

‘’Nah, but they’re still our ‘trainers’  for awhile and we’re pretty far behind so we kinda need at least 3 hours of training, if not, maybe 4-5, so I won’t be able to see you until tomorrow.’’ Sehun pouted and blinked cutely, making Luhan ruffle his hair.

‘’Why tomorrow?’’

‘’Because I’ll be pretty sore after that, so I’ll shower real quick and go to sleep, okay?’’ Sehun only nodded and looked below him, at his feet, ‘’Aish, don’t be sad, I’ll see you tomorrow anyways, but tell you what: Friday is all ours since I’m not training.’’ Luhan smiled at him and tilted his chin up, cupping his face, ‘’That sound good?’’ Sehun nodded.

‘’I guess it does,’’ He smiled and gave Luhan a few kisses before the bell rang and Luhan had to pull away.

‘’Alright, then I’ll see you around, okay?’’ Sehun nodded as Luhan smiled, gave Sehun a kiss and headed towards his classroom. Sehun sighed and went to his own, sitting down next to JongIn.


School was a drag for both Korean and Chinese parties. It was nothing but the teachers’ complaints about how lazy and uncooperative they were being. It didn’t bother Kris, or Suho, but for cases like JongIn and cases like Luhan, they hoped it couldn’t get worse. The rest were good, the occasional C here and there, but they’ve still got plenty of time to get those grades up and move onto a new grade. What was that by the end of December, all classes dropped everything during the first week of January, when training season starts, leaving students practically begging for a quiz there, and some test around the corner, that is if they’ve got a low point grade average.

 JongIn was just a slacker. Didn’t care about anything but having fun, and causing trouble a few times. Maybe even skip a class with Moonkyu from time to time, but in the end of the day, Kyungsoo was the one that yelled at him, not Suho. Suho didn’t really care, because JongIn did his own thing, and ended up perfectly fine no matter what he does. He’s tired of telling him what to do, even though that’s what he should do, but JongIn just rolled his pair of eyes and told him not to worry.

Suho somehow trusted that. JongIn didn’t like studying, he thought it was a waste of time, and no matter how much he denies it, he’s smart and intelligent, like Kyungsoo would say. He actually listens to the teachers, but can get easily distracted by—ahem—anything. His grades are not always low. Sometimes, a simple B would please him, he’s not asking for perfection, all he ever wanted was Kyungsoo’s approval and the occasional, ‘yes, JongIn, you did it! I’m proud of you!’ That’s all the motivation he needed to study more.

But in cases like Luhan, things were beginning to fall apart. Kris would tell him to get his grades up, or else he will be punished, and Luhan does not like the sound of that. He’s never been, per se, ‘punished by Kris’ but by the looks of how Tao gets when the leader yells, he doesn’t wanna know. For now, the only thing that would seem fair is to concentrate on studies, and training early. Kris would nod his head in approval when he would stay for 2 or maybe 3 hours more than the others because Luhan would try to get him off his back. He was dying for privacy, I mean when you’ve got school to worry about, add in a whiny boyfriend on top of that, and training, you’ve got a lot to deal with, and he didn’t want Kris up his every single time telling him what to do and what not to do because he’s ing trying. Right now, the only punishment he could think of—and God, he hopes it doesn’t happen—is that Kris will somehow find a way to take Sehun away from him. He hopes to whoever it may be up there watching from the sky and beyond and everything beautiful that he does not take Sehun away because that’s what he always blames. Sehun this, Sehun that, Sehun everything. He’ll definitely try his best…that’s why he lied to Sehun about not being able to see him today. He wanted to study and study hard without any distractions. It’s gotta hurt at least a little…

When school ended—thankfully—The Legendary zoomed off to their dorm to change into their training clothes, Kris and Tao not even looking at each other. They haven’t been in speaking terms for more than 24 hours, and the others were really starting to question why.

Inside the dorms, Chen dragged XiuMin into their room in the speed of lightning and pushed him against the wall, locking the door in the process, making the older writhe and gasp under him.

‘’I can’t take it anymore,’’ The smaller one, Chen, said, and XiuMin tilted his head unknowingly.

‘’W—What do you—‘’

He was obviously cut off.

‘’The tension, dude, the tension!’’ His grip softened against the other’s wrist, and XiuMin sighed, relieved.

‘’Yeah, I know, I wonder what happened between those two, if you know who I’m talking ab—‘’

‘’Of course I know!’’ He smacked the back of his head, making XiuMin pout. ‘’Oh, sorry.’’

‘’It’s fine,’’ XiuMin sighed and sat in the edge of his bed, ‘’It’s really, really…’’



‘’I ing know, right?’’ The other sat next to XiuMin and continued, ‘’They look like cat and dog, Tom and Jerry, maybe even an old married couple.’’ He pointed out.

‘’Yeah, I’m going with the last,’’ XiuMin chuckled, ‘’they do look like a married couple, it’s annoying even though they’re not speaking.’’ XiuMin rolled his eyes. Chen nodded,

‘’Yeah, maybe what Yixing told me was true, about those two being a couple,’’ He joked and chuckled.

‘’Wait what?’’

‘’You didn’t know? Those two were together long before we came along, including Luhan and Lay,’’ XiuMin blinked, ‘’Lay was close friends with Kris and he sort of told him. It ended because of a discussion they had, something about them not being ‘one-for-the-other’ or whatever.’’

‘’Oh…well, no I didn’t know that.’’ XiuMin scratched the back of his neck.

‘’Now you do,’’ Chen chuckled and looked at his roommate, ‘’but this has been bothering me lately…well, not really bothering, it’s just a curious fact, you know?’’ XiuMin turned his head at Chen, interestingly looking at him.

‘’Tell me.’’ He raised a brow and Chen nodded,

‘’I think Tao has feelings for Kris…or, still has feelings for him, I don’t know. Could be how he acts differently around him and how he gets when he’s around, but it’s really—‘’

‘’Weird. Yeah, I noticed it, too,’’ XiuMin confessed.

‘’You did?’’ XiuMin scoffed,

‘’It’s obvious!’’

‘’Well, it kind of is…but, do you think the whole fight had something to do with their past relationship?’’

‘’I don’t think they’ve ever brought it up, so, no, I don’t think so.’’

‘’I swear I heard Tao calling Kris out before they began the fist fight, must be my imagination.’’ Chen sighed and shook his head of all thoughts. XiuMin began to grow interested in this subject, but as Chen stood up to go change his clothes, XiuMin tugged him back, ‘’Hey! We need to change before Kris starts knocking, so hurry up!’’

‘’What did he say?’’ Chen sighed, ‘’Come on, please? It could really help us know the meaning of this fight!’’ Chen nodded and began pulling off his shirt, making XiuMin look away, though he’s seen him like this multiple times.

‘’Well, he said something about him being a liar, and an , and that he’s never been good enough for him. That’s when Tao started crying and threatening to hit him, but Kris stopped him and Tao started kicking him and Kris had no other choice but to yell at him and wait for Tao to cool off so he wouldn’t keep hitting him. Other than that, Kris started to grow tired of the insults and pushed him, but that angered Tao more and he started hitting him more and using his power on him, so I guess Kris thought it was unfair? Anyways, he started pushing him until Tao pushed him to the ground and Kris got pissed, so you know what happens next.’’ Chen sighed and threw his shirt on, put a ring on his ring finger and turned to XiuMin, who was just looking at him.

‘’I think you were right.’’


‘’I think you’re right about the fight being about their past relationship, it just kind of….’’ XiuMin looked for the right words to say as Chen sat down next to him, passing him his shirt.

‘’Kind of?’’

‘’…clicks, you know?’’ Chen nodded, ‘’I have a feeling that that’s exactly what happened.’’

‘’Could be wrong,’’ Chen shrugged, ‘’We’ll never know unless they tell us though.’’

‘’True,’’ XiuMin sighed, ‘’Well, let’s get this show on the road.’’

The Legendary soon went in lines towards the gym. It was obvious that Kris and Tao had come to agree on the separation of the other 4 Legendary. XiuMin and Luhan had followed Tao, and his instructions to the right side of the room, while Chen and Lay decided to stick to Kris’ orders. They started training in different methods, and the other 4 were looking at each other, wondering what had happened between them that had caused their training sessions to separate like this. It had never happened. Tao in one side, and Kris in the other, training them like they were opposite teams. It didn’t sound good to the others. They would learn different things, and Lay would have to teach Luhan what happened in Kris’ side, while Chen showed XiuMin what happened in the others’ side, and so on. From time to time, you could see Tao in a trance, deep in thought to even concentrate on his ‘followers’, while Kris was a bit too harsh on them, yelling at them like they were snow dogs on a sled. Kris never yelled unless it was something important or they were being disobedient and not paying attention, while Tao never dozed off like that, he was always looking and approving, proud of them even, just never uninterested and wanting to get out of there as much as possible because of the strong, terrible aura.


After training had gone by rather swimmingly, Luhan and Lay decided to wash up their sweat in the washrooms of the pool hall, all the while gossiping about what happened while they each shampooed their hair. They exchanged information, and Lay made sure to tell Chen, while Luhan tells XiuMin. They were starting to plan something to make the group tighter no matter what it takes. They were a team, and they wanted it like that because in the end, they’re a family.

As Luhan dried his hair with the towel, Lay was busy running with a towel around his, practically, body towards the pool, and cannonballing inside it, making a big splash and getting Luhan’s shorts wet. Luhan gasped and glared at Lay, who was busy filling his recently washed hair with chlorine and not really caring.

‘’Are you crazy?! Get out of there!’’ Luhan laughed while flipping his bangs off of water.

‘’There’s no rule indicating I should, so why should I?’’ Lay shrugged while leaning his head against the cement.

‘’What if Kris comes and sees you?’’ Luhan rolled his eyes as Lay scoffed,

‘’Kris should be lucky I chose his today! He should be thanking me!’’ Luhan sighed and decided to leave it at that as he sat on the edge of the pool and dipped his feet in, kicking the water.

‘’Yeah, well, I don’t think we should choose sides anymore, it’s their fight, not ours.’’

‘’True, but if they wanna be like that, let it be, they’re getting over it sooner or later,’’ Lay floated in the water freely, and Luhan grimaced and threw a towel at him.

‘’Hey, cover yourself up, will you?’’ Lay sighed and wrapped a towel around his waist, completely forgetting the fact that he was actually , ‘’Anyways, I think you’re right, but the sooner it ends, the better, I’m still counting on that plan we have.’’

‘’Yeah, me, too, but we should give them some time, it’s already annoying how pissed off they are, and if we start this early, they’ll start to say that we shouldn’t be getting into other people’s business, or at least Kris would.’’ Lay sighed and rolled his eyes again.

‘’Look who’s speaking about privacy,’’ Luhan groaned, ‘’he won’t leave me and you-know-who, alone!’’

‘’I hear ya, I can see how he looks at you both, but don’t worry, he’s just jealous,’’ Lay chuckled and flipped his wet hair. Luhan laughed softly and hugged his knees, suddenly a bit cold.

‘’Do you think it was right for me to lie to Sehun?’’ Luhan asked, resting a cheek on his knee,

‘’I think it was the best you could do for the both of you,’’ Lay said honestly, standing up and using a new towel to dry himself. He dried his hair and sighed, ‘’I mean, you told me yourself that Kris could potentially separate you if you don’t do things right. I think he’ll understand,’’ Lay patted the other’s shoulder. Luhan nodded,

‘’I guess you’re right, but that means I’ll have to tell him…do you think he’ll be mad?’’

‘’No.’’ Lay said seriously and chuckled after, ‘’That boy’s crazy about you, I think that if you tell him, he’ll be happy that you’re at least making an effort.’’ Luhan smiled and nodded,

‘’Maybe…’’ He bit his lips as Lay smiled at him and stood up.

‘’Don’t peek, I’m putting my clothes on.’’

‘’It’s about time!’’ Luhan laughed and agreed to not peek while Lay put on his t-shirt and shorts, sitting next to him after, ‘’Done?’’

‘’No, this is just a paint job, I’ll put on my clothes later,’’ Lay joked as Luhan pushed his shoulders.

‘’...’’ Luhan chuckled and looked down at the water, deciding to keep splashing it with his feet. Lay joined in after, ‘’So, have you talked to Suho lately?’’

‘’Mmm, no, not really in awhile lately, why?’’ Luhan giggled.

‘’Awww, that’s too bad, I wanted to see how things escalated from there,’’ Lay blinked.


‘’You like him, right?’’ Luhan looked at Lay and smiled, the other’s blush evident in his face as the question arose. He quickly shook his head, denying,

‘’N—No! Of course not, why would you think that!?’’ Luhan rolled his eyes.

‘’Come on, admit it, you know you wanna ki—‘’ Lay quickly covered Luhan’s mouth, making Luhan muffle a few giggles.

‘’Shut it! I do not!’’ Lay demanded and released Luhan’s mouth, since the other had been trying to bite his palm.

‘’Fine, fine, whatever you say,’’ Luhan chuckled and wiped his mouth from all the saliva he had tried to use on Lay to disgust him.

‘’Th—Thanks…’’ Lay blushed even harder and hid his face in between his knees, a habit he grew to use when he was embarrassed.

‘’No, but seriously, make a move.’’

‘’H—Hey!’’ Luhan laughed as Lay started chasing him around the pool area. Luhan had climbed up the bleachers and waited for Lay to come back down and catch him, but it was no use, Lay was too lazy to climb, so Luhan went back down and Lay resumed on chasing him and trying to throw him in the water a couple of times, but Luhan was Speedy Gonzales, so it was still no use. Lay ended up breathless and resting his hands on his knees in a hunch as Luhan couldn’t stop giggling on the floor, so all Lay could do was glare, and Luhan stopped and stood up straight.


‘’You better be,’’ Lay bumped shoulders with him and Luhan nodded, hooking his hands on his shoulders and almost leaving until they heard a noise on the huge window. Both boys turned around, and could make up a shadow, a quick one, moving across the glass onto the ceiling of the gym. Lay turned to Luhan, and Luhan to Lay, their faces equal as they both turned to look again, where three other figures hopped from there, to the ceiling. All of the sudden, Lay tapped on Luhan’s shoulder, pointing towards the bleachers, where another shadow stood. It wasn’t visible, but you could see the outline of a small, yet strong body approaching them. Panicked, Luhan began to tug on Lay, and they quickly ran towards the door, but were interrupted by another shadow in the corner of the room, which was looking at them with dark brown eyes. They somehow recognized this figure and Lay squinted his eyes to see more, but were suddenly attacked by a can of smoke filling the room up with toxics, knocking them out one on top of the other. The figures soon darted out as fast as they could and masked their eyes again, climbing up a rope in the ceiling that was intended for them to climb as soon as the fire alarm started ringing. They escaped successfully and retrieved their rope, catching up with the other four who escaped as well. 



Happy Thanksgiving!! :))

Tell me what you thought of this chapter, I would sure love it! :3

Again, sorry I took too long T.T Many things to do :C But, I've finally updated for you guys!^^

Well, thank you all for being so patient, and give me your opinions about this chappie please :)baek’s cute reaction while interrupted by the translator


(Baekkie's looking awesome so far, decided to post him because he's been taking over my feels lately ;A;)

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GUYS. I know I said I'd update quick and I'm almost done writing, but i have written a lot, the longest chapter so far orz i hope you guys like it once it's up~


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Chapter 27: Popping in again just to say I still love this story XD By far one of my favs even after 6 years of reading probably thousands of other stories and pairings!!!!! Even if this is the end I just want to thank you for this masterpiece and that I still have the ability to read what’s already been wrote ❤️❤️❤️
DyeDyeCoco510 #2
Chapter 27: I love this story!! Please start writing again. Your one of the best writer. Please start writing this story again! :)
P-p-please put me out of my misery T~T Send me a sign of life *kneels in begging position* It's just been a REALLY long time since you've updated or I've heard anything about the story.... I'm worried if your still writing it or not..... I'm okay if you just are taking a break or stuck, I just need a little reassurance that you still plan on continuing this story because I absolutely LOVE IT!!!
HybridLover7 #4
Chapter 27: Oh my... This story is a work of art T~T I have read tons of stories, and have several hundred subscriptions, but this story is by far my favorite!! It's so well written and the plot is just fantabulous! And the characters dynamics, you're just out for my heart author nim ;P

Baekyeol is my absolute favorite OTP of all time, and this story has me squealing over them. I love the whole unrequited love and Chanyeol's internal struggles. It's gonna make it so much more gratifying when they finally become a pair! Can't wait to see if Chanyeol's hormones get the best of him XD Kaisoo, so CUTE! Little Squishysoo in denial, and a touchy Kai, AAHHHHH!!! To die for :3 Taoris needs a smack down, especially on Kris's side. I wanted to KILL him with how he treated the poor Panda. Even though Baek is not meant for Tao, I hope they can still be friends. HunHan is a ball of ual frustration aren't they XD All lovey but there's that underlying tone of "I wanna jump you", makes they're relationship amusing. SuLay, just so innocently adorable! And XiuChen, gotta love 'em! I can see them acting the exact same towards each other dating, as they are as best friends :3 Which they should do, date, cause then I could die happy XD

Do I miss Moonkyu? Honestly, no XD It's not that he was a bad character or anything, I'm just hardcore Kaisoo, and he took up that time ^_^ *awkwardly chuckles. I don't hate him, and he's an interesting part of the story.... I just don't miss him :D

Oh my goodness, look at the length of this! XD But no amount of words can describe how much I LOVE THIS STORY! I will be patiently awaiting you return from hiatus, and highly anticipating the next chapter to one of the greatest stories EVER \^0^/ HWAITING!!!
Chapter 27: Also... As soon as you mentioned animals I was like...WOLF!!!

Hahahah... Wonder why!? Hhmmm...

Also... I Love You~

And Next time please update me on when you update this story!

Chapter 27: This was THE BEST CHAPTER EVER!!!

So Many Baekyeol Feels OMG... I really like how their relationship is developing. Poor Teollie, he's had to deal with so much Bullsh*t from Baekhyun!!! I Love them! And that Wolf Fight between them was amazing! And they kissed *melts into a pile of pink goo*

The HunHan couple... Loved how Luhan was petting Sehun and playing and cleaning Shuns Furr... Can he be any cuter? I love them!!!

Taoris... I Have massive feels for them and I like how Tao is sticking up for himself. I'm sorry Tao, Baekhyun belongs to puppy Yeol... Your place is with Kris!!! And Kris...FINALLY! I swear he must be the cutest sh*t when he's in love!!! I'm looking forward to them!

I Swear Kaisoo is just the cutest OTP in the History of Cute OTPs!!! I Love them! I like how they're not official but they love each other and you know the feeling's there! Kaisoo 4evar~

Can Sulay get any awkward er!? I mean for real... Those two are just too much!!! I would love it if they kept developing their feelings! I have high hopes for them!

Xiuchen are just the stupidest goofballs in history and I love them cause Xiumin is perfect! Nuff said! (Also can you please put more of them in the next chappie!? Neh!?)

Now for You Lovely Bianca~

I'll never get tired of telling you that I love this fanfic and I think you're just completely amazing!!!

I've missed you so much! We haven't talked in like forever!

I Hope you're doing great in everything! Also in school ok!? Arrasso

anyway i'll read your story soon baobei. Usually i'm a silent reader lmao.
But i'll do anything for my love. <3
Chapter 27: Omg I have been reading your story non stop for the past couple days,I am incredibly hooked, this is such an amazing and well written story, your storyline with the powers is by far the best I have read.

OMFG MY FEELS FOR KAISOO! *does 3 backflips into a trashcan*

*sniffles* baekyeol *Breaks down screaming* so much love between those two thank you.

Seriously I lalalalove your story!!! Keep at it ^^
lightlessstarlight #9
Chapter 27: Hi :D
I'm soo sorry for beeing a silent reader until now >< Your story is really amazing! I just had to make myselfe an account and comment ^~^

I've read your fic for quite a while and I really love your plot and ideas *~* Please continue in this awsome way;

autor-nim fighting!!! ^O^///