Bonus Chapter:Moonkyu's Perspective

Before The Eclipse(HIATUS)


Moonkyu’s POV.


I still remember it like it was yesterday..

 The wind roared through the windows and I felt scared for a second. I was alone and sitting on a dark room, with nothing but a bed, a blanket covering my body and a pillow covering my head. This must be where they had taken me after the accident. Ma and Pa were with me on the car a few minutes ago and then everything went blank..I can't remember the rest..Just me crying hysterically because of the news that my parents had died and that I had been the only survivor.

I noticed that it was still night by the time I woke up..I was having a nightmare. Like the little kid I was, the reaction I had was normal for me, so I started crying again. A few seconds later, a nice noona was comforting me. I wept into her shirt and she squeezed me tighter. She was mainly one of the reasons why I agreed to stay here. At 4 years old, I had to agree with just about everything anyway. This noona was really nice and pretty, she would tell me that one day, a nice couple would take me into their home and treat me well, and that I had nothing to worry about. I smiled when she said this. It made me feel happy that I would be back to the real world soon, and not this quiet and crowded place. One day, Suzy Noona gave me a pot. It was a really simple bean plant that she had wanted me to take care of, to take my mind off things. After that, she noticed that this love of plants was different. "How? How could a four year old be so fond of these little plants that I had grown in the poor garden that we own?" She asked herself every now and then. I could notice that she would sort of tense up when I asked her when they were going to get me and it would bother me because I knew she deserved to be happy. She would always tell me "Soon, KyuKyu, Soon" And I would go back to being happy because her nickname soothed me. 

It was one day that I saw her speaking to someone on the phone, talking about me. It was weird, because she sounded so scared and confused and because I was a kid, I didn't understand just why. Later that evening, she opened the door to reveal two men, and I immediately went over to my little corner where all my plants and pots were placed neatly, courtesy of Suzy Noona. In about 5 minutes, after talking in a language I couldn't understand, she went over to my room and opened the door, walking in with a smile as she introduced me to the two men. 

"Uncle Geng, this is Moonkyu" She introduced me and I gave him a small smile. "Say 'hi', Moonkyu"

"Hello" I murmured shyly and waved. I saw the two men smile warmly and wave back, one more enthusiastically than the other. Suzy scoot down to my level and began to talk. 

"Show them how you take care of your little friends, hmm?" She smiled and I nodded. I knew that by friends, she meant my plants. I quietly took a pot of dirt and placed a tiny seed in the bottom. I waited around for about a couple of seconds with only the seed and its growing process in my mind and soon enough, a little spurt came out, green, healthy and small. I turned to Suzy who was now looking at one of the men and he looked puzzled for a second. I knew that my talent was special, after all, Suzy Noona had sworn that I was really, really unique and that nobody could take this little love I had, away, and she was always right. She stood up and went over to talk to the man she was looking at and the other walked over to me, sitting on the empty spot beside me. 

"You really like those, don't you?" He smiled at me as I nodded. "You're really good at it, too, has Suzy Noona told you?" I smiled at the mention of my favorite Noona and nodded happily. He chuckled and ruffled my hair before continuing his conversation. 

"At my place, there's a big backyard with lots of dirt and no vegetation whatsoever, but if you like, I can get you a big bag of seeds so you can grow them in, mmkay?" He smiled warmly at me and I bit my finger, nodding happily at what he had just said. 

"I'm Kim Heechul, and he's Han Geng and we would like to--" 

"Hee, Suzy and I haven't finished our conversation yet so don't make any assumptions!" The other man spoke as Heechul sighed and ruffled my hair once more. 

"Gengie's being a bit grumpy, so you just stay there while I go talk to him and your Noona, okay?" I nodded as he smiled at me and stood up, going over to the other two. I paid no attention to them because I was too busy playing with a little toy car that Suzy gave me for my birthday awhile ago, and racing the toy through the dirt terrains on a rectangular pot, a trail of tiny plants growing behind it. I smiled and giggled at this, watching as they turned into tiny shrubs. Awhile later, Suzy came up to me and kneeled down to my level, her eyes on mine. 

"Moonkyu-ah.." She started as she grabbed my small hands. "Remember that day when I told you that new people are going to be taking care of you one day?" I nodded and rubbed my eyes cutely. I was getting a bit tired. "Well, today is the day, okay?" I stared at her confusedly. 

"You're leaving with them," She smiled weakly. "Aren't you happy, KyuKyu?" I smiled for her because I knew she was a bit sad because of this sudden decision.  I nodded and went over to hug her as she hugged me back.

After a few seconds, she pulled away. "Geng is my uncle so you can call me whenever you want, alright?" I nodded again. "They'll take good care of you, I promise" I smiled at her and then looked to the side to see Heechul wave at me happily as I waved back and looked at Geng who was checking his watch.

After I said goodbye properly to my Noona and got inside their car in the backseat. During the ride, Heechul kept talking to me from the passenger seat and we laughed at a couple of things while Geng was serious the whole drive. When I got to their house, I noticed it was pretty nice and what Heechul said was true, there were barely any plants. I smiled at this and when they opened my door, I got out and followed them inside as Heechul's hand was holding mine and leading me to different rooms until I got to my new room. It wasn't huge but it definitely wasn't small, it had a bed that could fit me and a nice window next to it. The floor was carpeted and there was another window that had a separate space where you could sit at. I smiled and let Heechul lift me up and sit me on the bed as he talked to me about all the new things I could do. I smiled and laughed at every single thing until it was time for dinner. I was beginning to like it here. 


During the years, I've grown to get used to Heechul and Han Geng, whom I called, well, dad It was funny sometimes because whenever I yelled 'dad' the two would yell back 'what?’ and start bickering about who I was actually talking about. Heechul often told me to call him 'mom' but it really wouldn't work since I always said 'but you're a boy!' and we'd start laughing. However, Heechul was the mom type. He cooked for me, cleaned for me and told me to study well every time I came back from school. Geng on the other side was really quiet and often talked to me but not as much as Heechul. He was also kind of strict but only when I wasn't obedient. They were both the same when it came to my power though, they used to tell me a about the kind of person I really was. I was surprised when they told me that I would be attending my own father's school in China when I reached the age of 16 and I was 14 by then so I practiced every day until my head was numb and my fingers crooked. Heechul loved that I was really determined and at one point, Geng was really proud of me, which made me happy.

Though my household was peaceful at times, other times, I wouldn't sleep because of the early-morning fights my parents would have. It worried me because they were being sort of…hypocritical with this. When I'm around, they would act normal but when I'm not, they would yell at each other and I knew this. It hurt me to see them so mad at each other so when the news came that they were going to get divorced, I hurt even more. 

"No! You can't!" I stood up from the table with tears swelling up in my eyes as I slammed my fist into the wood of the table under me. 

"Honey, we'll still love you" Heechul tried to cup my cheek but I retreated my face as I stayed staring under me, tears escaping. 

"B—But you won't love each other though.." I sniffled "It's not gonna be the same!" I punched the table again and winced in pain but tried not to show it. 

"You shouldn't worry about that, we'll still be a family no matter what!" I heard Heechul's voice crack and that was enough to break me. I couldn't pity him anymore, I had to be strong. 

"God damn it, I don't care!" I choked out a sob as Geng stood up and took my arm to face him. I stared into his eyes and I could tell he was hurt by this. Having your fourteen year old kid that you thought was so quiet and polite and hearing him scream—especially cursing— for the first time was definitely what he didn't expect. 

"Son, please understand.." He gulped as he stared into my eyes, my insides tearing as I saw that glint in his eyes..that glint that I knew was going to break me. I sobbed and shooed his arm away and stepped away from them a bit, looking at Heechul who was clearly in tears. 

"It'll never be the same.." I murmured and sniffled as I kept crying as I held onto the table for balance. I suddenly felt dizzy. 

"Son...please...please be accepting of this" Heechul begged, eyes clouded with hurt and misunderstanding. I shook my head, unable to comprehend why they could think that I would ever be okay with this. I shook my head and sighed, letting a few tears escape as I sniffled.

‘’You don’t understand!’’ They stood blank..’’You don’t..’’ I sighed and dropped my head ‘’I lost my family, my REAL family, and I’m losing this one already!’’ I exclaimed as Heechul broke out into a soft sob, Han Geng soothing him as he his back. ‘’See? This is what I’m used to…how can you expect me to understand when..when you’ll barely be around to calm me down?’’ I sniffled and looked at Han Geng look at me with saddened eyes, threatening to induce tears.

‘’How can you say that?’’ Heechul choked out ‘’I’ll always be around..’’

‘’No, you won’t..’’ I shook my head again ‘’You’ll just start fighting old times’’

‘’Moonkyu, I—‘’

‘’No, don’t talk to me.’’ I huffed and looked away,

‘’Baby, please, we—‘’ I scoffed and rolled my eyes, a few tears rolling down my chin..

‘’I don’t need your explanations..’’ I said, ‘’I understand..’’ I sighed and left the kitchen, bumping arms with Heechul as I walked. He gasped.

‘’I’m so sorry..’’ I stopped in my tracks and turned my face slightly and sighed, ignoring his pleading look and walking away.


After all that, I grew up to be who I am today. I left my ‘’normal people’’ school and said goodbye to all my friends at the age of 15 and moved to China, enrolling in the school that I am now. I trained many years to enter this school, without knowing that I was already accepted. My stamina still grew and you could say that I was a strong kid...Nobody knew that. I was known to be the joke of the school. Everyone thought I was here because I was the principal’s son. They called me names, and soon, I turned into an outcast. I had no one, I wanted to go home, and I wanted to call my dad to take me back to Korea.

My parents fought for me. My dad here in China wanted me to stay here, in China, while my dad from Korea opposed because he knows how hard I was dealing with my life.

I believed that for awhile..I wanted to go home. My of a roommate kept making fun of me for crying to myself at night. He didn’t understand why I was crying...But he still did make fun of me. I yelled at him, and he didn’t understand Chinese. He was Japanese. But he stopped making fun of me when I yelled incoherencies at him. He moved out a year ago. He still patrols the halls, and looks at me every day from the side of his mysterious eyes. It’s creepy…But I don’t let it bother me. I’m glad I have a room to myself now.


After those two years, things took a turn for the better. I was beginning to get used to everyone, and everyone got used to me. I was still missing home, and both of my dads and I became distant. I was too engrossed in my studies and they were too concentrated on their jobs that I had no one to talk to. Though it became better, I was beginning to feel lonely. I longed for someone. A friend.

Summer break was one of the worst times to not have someone to share your time with. I envied those large groups of friends that went out to the beach because they could. Those couples that traveled together to visit their families and even those loners who at least had something to do. I had nothing to do except stay in my room and play my keyboard.

I learned to play the piano that summer.

On Christmas vacation, I received horrible news. My cousin. My only cousin, Suzy had died. She supposedly had looked through my old room and Heechul had told her to take anything she wanted. It had been 7 years since I saw her then. She took some old clothes, a bunch of flowers that I couldn’t take with me here and one of my old childhood journals. At home, she looked through the flowers and without knowing, she had touched a poisonous plant. As soon as they told me this, I felt so guilty. That plant was called a Windflower. I made it when I was sad and I used to give it to girls who bugged me and called me names. It gave those girls rashes and they couldn’t go to school the next day. I didn’t know that she was fatally allergic and got so sick that she passed was all my fault. I shouldn’t have left it there where anybody could’ve just picked it up, gotten a horrible illness and died…Especially my cousin..My dearest and most favorite cousin.  I couldn’t stop crying, she took care of herself well, as well as me, and I didn’t understand why it had to be her. I kept blaming myself, and I felt so alone. I didn’t care about anything anymore, everything just seemed like a blur to me. My grades sunk as well as my heart. I failed at science, the only class that I was perfect at..I wouldn’t dare create anything related to plants. I was so scared…If I were to do that, I either destroyed it, or made sure it was poison free before I gave it to anyone…Like my science teacher.

I couldn’t trust anything or anyone...I was even afraid of myself. Sometimes, I did stupid things that I couldn’t explain.

It was hard because I had turned into someone that I wish I hadn’t turned into…I was different.

My own dad deserted me and I still had no one. My other dad hadn’t contacted me in 2 years and even that creepy Japanese guy didn’t look at me anymore. I really had no one.


Recently, when I got into a higher grade, I spot him. Kim JongIn. I was scared to approach him, so I didn’t bother…he was always with his ‘crew’. I don’t know why, but he seemed different. I felt an immediate sensation of somehow being drawn to him. I just saw him, and couldn’t help but notice that he was, indeed, Korean. The Legendary saw him as cocky, fearless. They were almost afraid of them, though they wouldn’t admit such thing. Kai, as he decided to be called, was simple. He only had Kyungsoo-hyung around him at all times when he was alone. I could tell he felt something towards the other. He seemed so friendly, so was no joke that I thought I had a crush on him on the second to third day. It almost became a chore to breathe when we were in the same halls. I felt the urge to talk to him, but never dared.

When I met him, everything changed. I had decided to approach him, and he talked to me as if I had been an old friend.


That’s what I first saw him as. He became a source of tranquility and peacefulness for me in such a short amount of time. He made me feel safe and he doesn’t even know how much he means to me. My first friend. I don’t want to go anymore. It may seem exaggerating, but he changed my whole perspective about here. There are so many things that I’ve seen with him that I haven’t seen myself alone.

 He’s so very talented when it comes to dancing. His moves are so solid and clean and precise. That and he once had a waist injury. He keeps being magnificent in what he does best.

He’s funny; he can make me laugh like I haven’t laughed for ages.  He teleports and he randomly pops up out of nowhere to scare me as I accidentally hit him because of my weird spasms and reflexes. We just end up on the floor, laughing it out. One can say that I have a crush on him, like I did, but he tells me so much of Kyungsoo that one can simply just decipher the fact that JongIn likes Kyungsoo out of the blue. I have to put up with his constant pissy moods, but that’s okay, at least I can help him.

He introduces me to the rest of his guys, and I feel just like how I did with JongIn when I first met him: Safe...though Kyungsoo scares me at times. I still don’t know them as well, but they have great values.

Suho is patient with everyone, he’s sweet and caring and perfect as a leader. He’s taught me how to be patient with Kai…it helps a lot. Baekhyun is funny, but shy, he laughs at everything, but always hides behind his best friend, Chanyeol, who’s anything but shy. He’s bashful and entertaining and his happiness is almost contagious. Sehun’s simple, but he’s Kai’s best friend. He often tells me about Sehun and his long-lasting friendship with him. Sehun also likes to spill The Legendary’s secrets, which is amusing, because his boyfriend’s one of them. He likes to joke about me and Kai, how we look good together and stuff...but he says he’s kidding. Claims he’s kidding. Kyungsoo’s...a bit antisocial...he’s very clingy and protective of Kai, though he doesn’t like putting it out there. I know—hell, we all know—he’s in denial of his feelings, but in reality, I know he’s jealous of me and Kai’s relationship, and I want Kyungsoo to be happy. That’s one of the main reasons why I had to part a few days from him. Kyungsoo seemed pleased. I want to help those two realize that them being together is something that we’d all like to see someday, just because the tension is insupportable. I bet the idea of them being together has crossed their minds lots of times, obviously.

They’ve all got something different. I feel the need to protect them, I feel like something bad is going to happen to them…I’m not letting that happen. Especially because of my father. Dad wants me as far away from them as possible, I can’t explain why…he just does.

It’s difficult when you have so many things to worry about at once. There’s schoolwork that needs to be done...There’s tasks that are yet to be accomplished, there’s people I need to take care’s almost impossible to get everything done before the first semester ends.

 It would be worse if I had a group to take care of, but I would love to be in Suho’s shoes even for a day. He’s lucky. His groupies haven’t been pulverized yet, thanks to the Legendary. They must be different, I know they are. Kai’s capable of so many things, as well as the others. The Legendary can’t—and won’t—back down to them, they’ve got this school begging, aching for someone to cut the tension with a butter knife.

That’ll most likely be Sehun…with the help of Luhan of course...

I may not know them at all, but from the things I’ve heard from Kai, they’re loyal, respectful men with a desire to earn their own fair share of respect as well. They’re fighters. They don’t refuse a fight when they find themselves in trouble. Coming from Chanyeol, this happens a lot. His stature and his round, fiery eyes show trouble when you dare treat his fellow members as dirt. He’ll be the first to stand up,

‘’Don’t talk to him like that!’’ Chanyeol spat with so much hate in his voice, his fingernails digging hard and hot against his palms. Baekhyun gulped.

‘’Whoa, whoa, we got a volunteer~’’ The bully joked as Chanyeol huffed under his breath.

‘’Leave the poor guy alone, he hasn’t done anything to you cowards!’’ The others laughed at his face because Chanyeol had never been so straight forward to someone. They thought he was so tranquil and calm until now. ‘’Pick on somebody your own size!’’ And the guy really was taller than Baekhyun, so it was inevitable to say that this was all just plain unfair.

‘’Fine, then come at me...’’ The other guy tempted with his hands, beckoning him to himself. Chanyeol started walking towards him, but as soon as someone grabbed his wrist, he stopped. The other secretly found himself being engulfed in heat as soon as he touched Chanyeol’s wrist.

‘’Stop!’’ He pleaded, ‘’Don’t do this, you guys are just so wrong, don’t fight!’’ Chanyeol blinked and acknowledged what his best friend was saying. He didn’t like it when he fought, but he still wanted to…

Because it’s Baekhyun.

‘’Chanyeol, know I hate it when you fight...’’ His hands were still glued to the other’s wrist, trying to resist the urge to pull away from the cooling heat. He was somehow used to it anyway. Chanyeol sighed and dropped his fist, bumping shoulders harshly with the mean guy as he walked away. He left...but Baekhyun trailed after him, comforting him after what he’d just done in front of the whole lunch room.

…supposedly, they became even tighter than ever after that..if it was humanly possible.

Sehun’s the quiet type, doesn’t really like trouble, but when you really piss him off, he’ll tell the others off, blow them away with his skills. He’s capable of so many things that he’d rather not show. He’s afraid of hurting the ones he loves…

‘’YAH! Don’t push me, it was just a joke!’’ Sehun rolled his eyes.

He’s not one to show fear in times like these, especially it being JongIn...he’d rather scare him off himself with his expressions…

‘’You’re annoying...’’ Sehun spoke, his expression showing no more than a line on his lips.

‘’I know…but you love me like that.’’ JongIn smirked cockily as Sehun sighed.

‘’I’m not one to go for such annoying and immature guys like you.’’ Sehun spoke seriously, his line now turning into a faint curve of the lips.

‘’Ah, I see,’’ JongIn smirked ‘’ how’s the twin?’’ JongIn chuckled, and as soon as they passed by a stack of leaves, he suddenly felt this wind hitting against his shoulders and, not even 5 seconds after, he was on the floor, Sehun walking away and waving him off. JongIn rolled his eyes and picked up a random leaf against his hair, blowing it off, as he called out, ‘’Yah!’’ and transported towards him. Sehun wrapped an arm around Kai’s shoulders and sighed,

‘’ You..’’

‘’You know, life would be easier for you if you just smiled more often, I wouldn’t take that ‘ you’ seriously and we’d all live happily ever—‘’ There goes the wind again, pushing him against the concrete this time.


Baekhyun is quiet…scared of the world, if you may. He’s afraid of what he can do himself; he doesn’t know how to act at times like these; times of attack. He’s working on that with his best friend; he came here for a reason. He wants to break that shell.

‘’Come on, I’m sure it won’t hurt!’’ Chanyeol chuckled, holding a lizard by the tail.

‘’No, Yeol, I’m not killing that lizard, it will lift its head and bite my ing finger off!’’  The 16 year old yelled at his best friend, who was holding a supposed ‘dead’ lizard.

‘’Come on, it’ll help! Don’t you wanna enter that fancy Academy in Beijing?’’ Chanyeol bribed.

‘’No, he’s poor and defenseless and he’s definitely not dead!’’

‘’He’s not moving or breathing! Ha!’’ Chanyeol stuck his tongue out at him as Baekhyun rolled his eyes as soon as the lizard reacted and moved its little body frantically. Baekhyun shivered and ‘eek’-ed.

Baekhyun kept refusing, but after Yeol burned the poor creature alive, all Baekhyun could do was almost faint at the sight of the stiff, burnt lizard in his hand.

‘’I’m not touching that after you toasted it with your devil-hands...’’


Baekhyun cried that day and decided to turn into someone that Chanyeol doesn’t have to take care of and protect all the time. How it’s going: He’s working on it.


Kyungsoo’s earth-shattering strength can keep the others away. Kai told me that he’s not one to show off his power, he’s best at the element of surprise. He might be as quiet as the other two, but once you get in his nerves, he’ll definitely surprise you. His shy attitude completely vanishing as soon as his sudden strength comes out. I extremely admire him for that, though he doesn’t recognize. I think he’s great.

‘’Hyung! You can’t let us get bullied like that! Fight back!’’

‘’I’m not going to get in trouble again because of your stupid ideas, JongIn,’’ Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and sighed, completely ignoring the catcalls and insults some kids were throwing at them after they got a little too friendly in the basketball court.

‘’Hyung!’’ Kai groaned and threw more curse words at the guys in an attempt to get them to shut up. Kai slapped the back of Kyungsoo’s head, much to the other’s annoyance. ‘’Do something!’’

‘’What should I even do?!’’

Kyungsoo was under a lot of stress that day. JongIn needed for him to do something or else they’ll get their kicked by older guys.

‘’Hyung, scare them away please! They’re getting annoying!’’ He sighed, ‘’You know we aren’t like they think, please!’’ JongIn pleaded as Kyungsoo huffed, turned around and yelled at them to go away. JongIn smiled and thanked his hyung, but as soon as the other catcall was heard, Kyungsoo turned around to a poke on the shoulder and just as soon as a punch was headed towards Kai’s face, he grabbed it before anything else, twisted it, hearing his bones crack in the process, and pushing the guy away towards his friends.

‘’NOW SCRAM BEFORE YOU’RE NEXT’’ The others immediately left.

Nobody ever bothered them after that, since rumors started circulating around that Kyungsoo was trained in various series of martial arts. Kai thought it was funny, so he shared.

Suho was different. He only fought for honor, and when he did, he was classy and sophisticated, not intending a punch unless someone really wanted to kill him. He trained—and still does—hard, and it pays off to this day.

‘’Throw me a log!’’ He shouted at Sehun, who sat on the ground. JongIn gladly passed him one and Sehun flung it in the air, JoonMyeon, with a sharp flick of the wrist, slashing the log in half with thin water. ‘’‘Nother one?’’ And it was flung. The same thing happened, and they ended up in the ground, enough wood to make a fireplace.

‘’Hyung, you’ve been here 3 hours training the same thing, aren’t you tired?’’ JongIn shouted, and JoonMyeon only chuckled,

‘’Don’t joke with me, Jong, I have enough energy to last me a day!’’ And he flipped and jumped and spun around the whole day, relaxing himself with the occasional water to the face. The others could only sigh, watching him in all his glee.

All of that happened before they were formally introduced to the academy. They still had lots of things to find out about their powers, and Suho was the first to make his discoveries…

‘’Dad, I don’t wanna be normal!’’ Claimed JoonMyeon angrily at his father, ‘’I’m 18 years old now, I can go wherever I want, and I’m going to that academy, you’ll see!’’ That day, they had long, endless fights, and as soon as JoonMyeon shut his bedroom door harshly and stumbled on his bed, he couldn’t help but make faces and fist his bed sheets hard in thought. He felt so angry. He wanted his father to be somehow…hit in the face with realization. Anything will work for him as soon as—

‘’Ah!’’ JoonMyeon gasped and sat up, hearing his father run down the stairs screaming, ‘’Mi-Young! The pipe’s broken!’’ He smirked in satisfaction at his newfound ability.

That night, all of them texted back and forth about their different reactions to Suho’s accidental broken-pipe-incident. Though it wasn’t all that classy anyways…


Lastly, Kai. During the time that I got to know him, I also got to know his fierce side as well as his shy and playful side. He’s a warrior of jokes, likes to annoy his prey to get a good laugh before the other decides who not to mess with anymore. He can be serious, and strong and intimidating as much as the next, but he has that something different…

‘’Bet you can’t catch me!’’ JongIn laughed and disappeared to another location of Sehun’s bedroom as the other grumpily tried to catch the 15 year old. He kept sing-songing the same words until Sehun got tired and collapsed on the floor, cursing JongIn out. ‘’What’s wrong, kiddo?’’ He disappeared again as Sehun raised his view, ‘’Can’t—‘’ Again ‘’Catch—‘’ And again, ‘’Your hyung?’’ He smirked as soon as Sehun finally caught his collar and brought him down to glare at him.

‘’Stop, I’m not kidding, JongIn.’’

‘’You’re such a prancy.’’ JongIn rolled his eyes and disappeared 5 inches away, which was on Sehun’s bed. He lay down there, a magazine in his hands. ‘’Oh, so you have a dig for Chinese guys?’’ JongIn raised a brow as he flipped through the pages of the sinful magazine. Sehun immediately stood up to claim what was his, but it had already disappeared. Sehun huffed and slapped JongIn’s head.

‘’ you.’’

‘’That’s what you get for making fun of my Kyungsoo-hyung~’’ Sehun could only roll his eyes.

I still don’t understand why he tells me these crazy stories and relates it to how they ended up now. Maybe those experiences made them who they are today. That’s no doubt. Baekhyun and Chanyeol are still close as hell, Baekhyun alone trying to be much more loose to the idea of fighting and killing and other things that he should already get used to…like violence in general… and Chanyeol alone just being himself and protecting what’s always been his. JongIn and Sehun still play like little kids, Suho is indeed, very focused on being what he wants to be and Sehun alone still likes Chinese guys…JongIn though has changed a bit. Now he’s the one who does the protecting. Something must’ve happened that suddenly made him have the sudden urge to protect everyone he loves as soon as he stepped in the halls. I hope everything goes well for these guys, they’ve certainly impressed me, and I would definitely want to keep getting to know them.

Though I’m so jealous of them, too…at least they’re together and they have someone to spend their lunch time with.

My dad doesn’t want me to have a group. He thinks that I’m not qualified for that sort of thing. He thinks I’m too young and naïve to even know what I want. He thinks that I’m so much more valuable and that I’ll get hurt instantly. Says he who loves the Legendary the most over me. Ugh.

I don’t let it bother me though…I know that someday I’ll prove everyone wrong. I can feel it.



UGGGGH SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE ;A; I was so busy this weekend T.T Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter (even though it's kind of boring ;~;) 

You can somehow consider this like a set of different drabbles or something mixed with Moonkyu's feelings of everything xD

You should already know who the girl in the last chapter was^^  

So next chap is ahead two weeks so I can hurry up with the plot :)

It's a lot of things so hopefully I'll get it done and not leave it halfway ;A;<3 

Anyways, see you guys next chapter and I'm leaving you off with a pic of MoonKyu and Kai!^^

(ugh they're so adorbs together ;A;)



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GUYS. I know I said I'd update quick and I'm almost done writing, but i have written a lot, the longest chapter so far orz i hope you guys like it once it's up~


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Chapter 27: Popping in again just to say I still love this story XD By far one of my favs even after 6 years of reading probably thousands of other stories and pairings!!!!! Even if this is the end I just want to thank you for this masterpiece and that I still have the ability to read what’s already been wrote ❤️❤️❤️
DyeDyeCoco510 #2
Chapter 27: I love this story!! Please start writing again. Your one of the best writer. Please start writing this story again! :)
P-p-please put me out of my misery T~T Send me a sign of life *kneels in begging position* It's just been a REALLY long time since you've updated or I've heard anything about the story.... I'm worried if your still writing it or not..... I'm okay if you just are taking a break or stuck, I just need a little reassurance that you still plan on continuing this story because I absolutely LOVE IT!!!
HybridLover7 #4
Chapter 27: Oh my... This story is a work of art T~T I have read tons of stories, and have several hundred subscriptions, but this story is by far my favorite!! It's so well written and the plot is just fantabulous! And the characters dynamics, you're just out for my heart author nim ;P

Baekyeol is my absolute favorite OTP of all time, and this story has me squealing over them. I love the whole unrequited love and Chanyeol's internal struggles. It's gonna make it so much more gratifying when they finally become a pair! Can't wait to see if Chanyeol's hormones get the best of him XD Kaisoo, so CUTE! Little Squishysoo in denial, and a touchy Kai, AAHHHHH!!! To die for :3 Taoris needs a smack down, especially on Kris's side. I wanted to KILL him with how he treated the poor Panda. Even though Baek is not meant for Tao, I hope they can still be friends. HunHan is a ball of ual frustration aren't they XD All lovey but there's that underlying tone of "I wanna jump you", makes they're relationship amusing. SuLay, just so innocently adorable! And XiuChen, gotta love 'em! I can see them acting the exact same towards each other dating, as they are as best friends :3 Which they should do, date, cause then I could die happy XD

Do I miss Moonkyu? Honestly, no XD It's not that he was a bad character or anything, I'm just hardcore Kaisoo, and he took up that time ^_^ *awkwardly chuckles. I don't hate him, and he's an interesting part of the story.... I just don't miss him :D

Oh my goodness, look at the length of this! XD But no amount of words can describe how much I LOVE THIS STORY! I will be patiently awaiting you return from hiatus, and highly anticipating the next chapter to one of the greatest stories EVER \^0^/ HWAITING!!!
Chapter 27: Also... As soon as you mentioned animals I was like...WOLF!!!

Hahahah... Wonder why!? Hhmmm...

Also... I Love You~

And Next time please update me on when you update this story!

Chapter 27: This was THE BEST CHAPTER EVER!!!

So Many Baekyeol Feels OMG... I really like how their relationship is developing. Poor Teollie, he's had to deal with so much Bullsh*t from Baekhyun!!! I Love them! And that Wolf Fight between them was amazing! And they kissed *melts into a pile of pink goo*

The HunHan couple... Loved how Luhan was petting Sehun and playing and cleaning Shuns Furr... Can he be any cuter? I love them!!!

Taoris... I Have massive feels for them and I like how Tao is sticking up for himself. I'm sorry Tao, Baekhyun belongs to puppy Yeol... Your place is with Kris!!! And Kris...FINALLY! I swear he must be the cutest sh*t when he's in love!!! I'm looking forward to them!

I Swear Kaisoo is just the cutest OTP in the History of Cute OTPs!!! I Love them! I like how they're not official but they love each other and you know the feeling's there! Kaisoo 4evar~

Can Sulay get any awkward er!? I mean for real... Those two are just too much!!! I would love it if they kept developing their feelings! I have high hopes for them!

Xiuchen are just the stupidest goofballs in history and I love them cause Xiumin is perfect! Nuff said! (Also can you please put more of them in the next chappie!? Neh!?)

Now for You Lovely Bianca~

I'll never get tired of telling you that I love this fanfic and I think you're just completely amazing!!!

I've missed you so much! We haven't talked in like forever!

I Hope you're doing great in everything! Also in school ok!? Arrasso

anyway i'll read your story soon baobei. Usually i'm a silent reader lmao.
But i'll do anything for my love. <3
Chapter 27: Omg I have been reading your story non stop for the past couple days,I am incredibly hooked, this is such an amazing and well written story, your storyline with the powers is by far the best I have read.

OMFG MY FEELS FOR KAISOO! *does 3 backflips into a trashcan*

*sniffles* baekyeol *Breaks down screaming* so much love between those two thank you.

Seriously I lalalalove your story!!! Keep at it ^^
lightlessstarlight #9
Chapter 27: Hi :D
I'm soo sorry for beeing a silent reader until now >< Your story is really amazing! I just had to make myselfe an account and comment ^~^

I've read your fic for quite a while and I really love your plot and ideas *~* Please continue in this awsome way;

autor-nim fighting!!! ^O^///