Ghosts And Stuff.

Before The Eclipse(HIATUS)


Tuesday, September 25, 2012


‘’Alright, class, good luck on your tests!’’ Douglas Bao, the president of the senior class, wished to the other seniors, who were handed the slip of papers. Douglas, with his silver blonde hair swaying freely, sat ever so merrily on his seat besides Kris and gave out a smirk, smiling right after. ‘’Imbecile..’’ He said in his strong British accent and scoffed as he began to write his name on the paper. Meanwhile, Suho rolled his eyes and turned his head to say something to JongIn, who was busy writing his name as well.

‘’Dude, who’s he?’’ He beckoned with his eyes and scoffed. JongIn turned his head and started,

‘’Douglas Bao; British, snobby and uptight, at least from what I’ve heard of, Moonkyu being the source.’’ JongIn said through gritted teeth, noticing that the blonde had turned his head because of suspicious activity between the two Koreans. He ignored it and resumed with the test as the others laughed.

‘’I see..’’ Suho sighed. ‘’It’s obvious he and Kris don’t get along too well..’’

‘’What makes you say that?’’ JongIn asked, completely pretending that he was answering the questions given in the sheets, but really, he was just drawing shapes and random words, while listening to Suho.

‘’He just called him an idiot.’’

‘’You know English?’’ JongIn raised his head and asked.

‘’A little, but anyways, back to the test, the teachers are starting to suspect something..’’ Suho turned his head and warned JongIn, who nodded and began to actually answer the questions.


 ‘’Number five..’’ Kris mouthed to Tao, who was busy pretending to seem decent as he turned his head and looked at Kris, then back at his paper.

‘’B..’’ He answered, mouthing back and nodding his head in approval as Kris gave him thumbs up, smiling in gratitude as he shadowed the right answer with his pencil.

A few minutes later, Kris was, once again, stuck on a question, but was too scared to ask Tao because he knew that the younger of the two would want something back, and that wasn’t the best idea. He sighed and cupped his face in his hands, rubbing his temples while at it. He cracked his brain for this test and bottled it all up like no tomorrow, but once at the paper, everything just..left, and he couldn’t understand how Tao was already by page 35 of 40. He sighed again, and decided to skip to the other question after 5 minutes of thinking hard. He turned the page and went wide-eyed; for the question was a subject much harder and something that he couldn’t remember at all, let alone would he remember the previous answer. He groaned and turned his head to Tao, who was busy circling, and shadowing and identifying different types of questions. ‘.’ He thought as he tapped the tip of his pencil on the desk, creating an awfully loud and rhythmic sound. Tao spun his head with furrowed brows, eyeing at Kris, who struggled with his test. He sighed, but after, smirked when something came to his mind.

‘’Tch..’’ He called out to Kris, who didn’t bother. ‘’Wu Fan..’’ He whispered loudly so it could reach his ears, and he luckily, perked his ears up and turned around.


‘’Are you stuck again?’’


‘’YiFan.’’ Tao raised a brow and crossed his arms while the teacher left the class for a second, leaving them alone. Kris rolled his eyes and inhaled, then exhaled.

‘’Well, yeah..’’

‘’Which page and which question?’’ Kris blinked again and again, and finally, he stuttered out:

‘’U—Uh, o—okay..’’ He did as told and turned a page and read the question again. ‘’Uh, page 24, question 4.’’ Tao looked back on the answer sheet and turned his face back to him, his hair flipping.

‘’It’s D, anything else?’’ Kris coughed nervously as Tao chuckled and rolled his eyes, sighing and asking, ‘’Which one?’’

‘’Page 25, question 1..’’ Tao checked the page and immediately scoffed.

‘’Oh, my God, Wu Yi Fan, are you serious?’’ Kris looked down and looked ashamed of himself as Tao smiled and leaned in to whisper in his ear, ‘’It’s A.’’ Kris bit his lip and shadowed the answer, not turning his face, afraid of Tao’s expression when he said,

‘’Thanks..’’ And his lips nervously, to which Tao answered with a simple,

‘’No problem,’’ And went back to his test before the teacher came in and Kris resumed the test normally.


30 minutes later.


After endless struggling, Kris managed to end the first section of the test, while Tao was finishing the second one. It took Kris nearly 15 minutes to get out of the no-remembering zone, but he was back on track, and as the teacher slowly counted the minutes for the class to be over, he considered his situation pure luck. The other students seemed to stop shadowing because not a single pencil was moving besides his and Tao’s. As the teacher clicked her heels back and forth through the classroom, checking the students and how they were doing, Tao called out for his attention with a look, and smirked, making Kris swallow deep, curious as to why Tao was acting like this. He swore he was planning something.

After the time was over, Kris only had to write his name and his registration number on the front of the page and erased some of the tiny and ed up drawings on the front as the other students left the classroom, and Tao was the only one left. He stuffed his jacket and pencils and erasers in his backpack as Tao walked over to his desk and placed a hand on his paper, saying,

‘’You owe me, you know?’’ Kris looked up and gasped, swallowed and nodded. Tao smirked and took the paper, handing it to the teacher. ‘’Kris’ paper, Mrs.’’  She smiled and nodded, placing the test on top of the others, thanking him as the two males walked away, Tao keeping a small smile on his face and Kris nervous as to what Tao was going to ask him to do..


At Lunch.


Sehun, Suho, Kai, Kyungsoo, Chanyeol and Baekhyun sit on their normal table, chatting, conversing and laughing about normal things they normally laugh at. It was quiet inside the room, too quiet apparently, since Kai wasn’t doing much of the talking, because he was busy eating, then texting, and eating, and more texting, plus the occasional gas. Kyungsoo rested a hand on his palm and watched him, chewing and typing at the same time, wondering how is it that he could have so many friends in the period of 2-3 weeks. Then again, JongIn was quite good looking and popular among the public eye, though he didn’t pay attention to that, but it wasn’t really a surprise, so they all let it be. What questioned Kyungsoo so much was the fact that he was really..quiet and not really into the text either, almost as if he was sad. He secretly swore that if this was Moonkyu making him feel guilty, he’ll—

‘’Kai-hyung!” ‘.’ He thought as he sighed and stabbed his salad repeatedly as soon as JongIn stepped up with a huge smile on his face and ran to hug, yes,  you guessed it..Moonkyu.

‘’Yah, how have you been?!’’ JongIn asked as he released himself from the smaller’s grip.

‘’I’ve been good, how about you?’’

‘’I’ve been good, too! So, how about those tests? You studying? Did you do well?’’ JongIn, with hands on his hips, asked impatiently.

‘’Whoa, calm down! Uh, they’re pretty hard but I studied well, let’s just see how I do on the ASBs’’ Moonkyu placed a hand on his stomach and exhaled. JongIn tilted his head and chuckled,

‘’The what?’’

‘’The ASBs. Academic School Boards?’’ JongIn shrugged as MoonKyu sighed. ‘’They’re charts, the top 20 scores are placed there and everybody wants to be in it, it’s like..the biggest honor of the first semester maybe? That’s why The Legendary are so popular and respected, they’re always aligned with perfect scores.’’


‘’Yeah, the first 6 spots are like reserved for them and they always get those spots, it’s been like that for 2 years and they never seem to disappoint, huh?’’ JongIn nodded and tapped his chin.

‘’Have you been there?’’

‘’I’ve always been the..14th or 12th, this year I’m a little nervous, phew.’’ He wiped fake sweat off his forehead and chuckled, then cleared his throat. ‘’No pressure if you don’t get a spot, there’s always next year.’’ MoonKyu tapped his shoulder as JongIn nodded.

‘’Yeah, to be honest, I’ve only been answering and shadowing randomly, so, I’m not going to be surprised if I don’t.’’ He scoffed. ‘’But good luck, I hope you go lower, you deserve it.’’ He shook his shoulder and gave off a small smile, to which Moonkyu responded with a nod and a bow with a big smile.

‘’Thank you so much, I hope most of your random answers are right, good luck to you.’’

‘’Thanks, I might need it, hehe..’’ He scratched the back of his head awkwardly as Moonkyu chuckled and cleared his throat. ‘’So, uh..long time no see..’’

‘’Yeah, it’s been awhile, I guess, how are the guys?’’

‘’They’re good..’’ JongIn responded while nodding.

‘’I’ve seen Sehun around with one of the Legendary, LuHan, I suppose. I think they’re—‘’

‘’Together?’’ Moonkyu nodded. ‘’They’re getting there.’’

‘’Are you upset?’’ JongIn furrowed his brows and shook his head. ‘’Didn’t you use to like him?’’

‘’Used know I like—‘’

‘’Oh, yeah, sorry about that, I forgot..’’ After that, things got a bit awkward, and they were rubbing the back of their necks and having small talk here and there, until Moonkyu invited him to the library for a quick studying session, to which JongIn gladly accepted. Meanwhile, inside the lunchroom, Kyungsoo stabbed his food as the others watched him curiously.

‘’You..okay?’’ Baekhyun asked with a tilted head as Kyungsoo nodded.

‘’You guys think JongIn-ah likes MoonKyu?’’ This question took everyone back and they looked at each other weirdly as Kyungsoo just ate his salad peacefully.

‘’’’ Chanyeol spoke first. Kyungsoo shrugged and burped into his hands. ‘’Why?’’

‘’Because he’s talking to him?’’ Suho asked while raising a brow and crossing his arms. ‘’Are you jealous?’’ Kyungsoo dropped his act and choked on the leaves he was beginning to swallow, while shaking his head and denying.

‘’No, no! I just—I just thought that—‘’

‘’Ah, hyung, that won’t work..’’ Sehun commented and smirked his way. Kyungsoo’s eyes widened.

‘’What won’t work?!’’

‘’Coverage, we all know how you feel about—‘’

‘’Lalala!’’ Kyungsoo covered his ears as the others rolled his eyes and groaned. ‘’Lalalala!’’ He kept singing, until Chanyeol got enough and with a straight poker face, removed his hands from his ears, making Kyungsoo shut up.

‘’So, anyway..why do you ask? It’s kind of obvious that he—‘’

‘’That he what?’’ Kyungsoo stood up and interrupted Sehun, who was busy checking his soon-to-be-boyfriend, Luhan out. Kyungsoo rolled his eyes as Sehun lazily turned his head and answered,

‘’That’ll be me to know and for you to find out.’’ Kyungsoo groaned and sat down, only to stand up again and dump his food onto the trashcan, looking around for any signs of Kai, but to little avail. He sighed and sat back down onto the table, resting his face on a tight fist. He pouted, noticing the others had dropped the subject and began talking about the tests.

‘’.. going to do pretty well on these tests.’’ Baekhyun explained while covering his mouth so his food won’t fall out.

‘’Come again?’’ Kyungsoo asked, trying to get inside the conversation. Baekhyun turned his head, swallowed his chunk of food, and began again,

‘’I think I’m going to do pretty well on the tests, how about you?’’

‘’O—Oh, okay. I think I’m not..’’ Kyungsoo assured, dropping his head and sighing. Suho chuckled and pat Kyungsoo’s back.

‘’We all studied, so no worries, guys, I’m sure we’ll do alright.’’ Kyungsoo nodded and smiled shortly at Suho, who returned his smile with his own. After that, for the first time, lunch became awkward, and Kyungsoo’s head was itching to find out where the hall JongIn was, not like he cared who he was with, but he..he wanted him to know that all of them should stay together! Yeah, that was it..

‘’Yah, you’re spacing out..’’ Suho waved his hand in Kyungsoo’s face as the other reacted and said,

‘’Oh, yeah..sorry about that.’’

‘’What’s up with you?’’ Sehun asked.

‘’I think I didn’t have enough sleep yesterday..’’ Kyungsoo rubbed his eyes and fake yawned, completely avoiding any sort of JongIn comments that he was sure they were going to throw out.

‘’I know how you’ll get enough energy..’’Suho said with a smirk on his face. Kyungsoo widened his eyes.


‘’Go look for Kai,’’ Suho ordered while beckoning him up with his hands. Kyungsoo stood up

‘’Why me?’’ He whined.

‘’Because he’ll follow your orders as your dongsaeng?’’ Kyungsoo shook his head and pouted.

‘’What if he’s with Moonkyu?’’

‘’Tell him he needs to go,’’ Suho furrowed his brows, ‘’Just go get him.’’ Kyungsoo was pushed off the table, Suho beckoning him out and going back to his chat with the others, and pouting, Kyungsoo began exiting the lunch room nervously for some reason.

Kyungsoo groaned, looking through the halls and failing at trying to spot the thick lipped, dark skinned individual with smoky dark orbs. He sighed, jogging through the halls as if he was experienced in knowing every inch of this ‘palace’. He ran a hand through his hair and stopped, his sneakers squeaking loudly when he did so. In front of him was the tennis court and beside it was the gym, and thoroughly, he thought whether Kai would be there or not. Nope, he decided, and sighed again, skipping through another empty and narrow hall, directed towards the library, the only spot he recognized. He pushed open the large doors, and with a creak, they were open fully.

All eyes turned to him and nervously, he smiled and cleared his throat awkwardly, bowing down and waving the students off as he skipped towards the large book cases. It felt awfully cold, too, so he shivered and hugged himself. He slowly walked along the book cases, peeking through every opening, evidently scaring a few students. He apologized for that, but still couldn’t find JongIn. He groaned, maybe he wasn’t here at all..

He gave up and walked towards the first table he found, sitting down and resting his cheek on a fist. He still felt cold, if only he could discard that horrible feeling of loneliness, too. He sighed and drew invisible patterns on the table, finding nothing else to do in this huge library. Suddenly, though it was normal, a few whispers arose, and he felt this weird creepy feeling along his arms. Yeah, those were goose bumps. He furrowed his brows and fully buttoned up his plaid blue jacket, before a few laughs came forth. He looked to his right, and just as he suspected, there was JongIn..laughing with Moonkyu as if he didn’t give a care in the world. He hid his face in his arms, pretending to be another student who wanted to rest in the middle of the library, though that didn’t last long..

‘’Isn’t that D.O-hyung?’’ Moonkyu asked. Kyungsoo rolled his eyes at the sound of ‘hyung’.

‘’I—I think so..yah!’’ He shut his eyes and pretended to snore, though he was horrible at faking things. ‘’Hey,’’ JongIn shook his shoulders.

‘’Maybe he’s asleep..’’ Moonkyu deadpanned with an index to his bottom lip, ‘’Or crying?’’ This came forth as Kyungsoo’s chest began beating rapidly as JongIn poked his sides, making him giggle softly. Immediately, he raised his head.

‘’I’m fine.’’

‘’Uh, hyung..’’ JongIn raised a brow, ‘’Are you okay?’’

‘’I’m fine..’’ Kyungsoo looked away from JongIn. ‘’Suho wants you to go back..’’ JongIn shrugged and stood up, offering a hand to Kyungsoo, who refused it and stood up on his own, Moonkyu following and straightening his shirt.

‘’Um,, see ya soon, Kyu?’’ ‘Kyu?’

‘’Yeah, sure..see you soon.’’ They gave each other a ‘bro-hug’ and soon, Moonkyu waved them off smiling as JongIn sighed and turned to Kyungsoo with hands on his hips, asking,

‘’What was that?’’

‘’What was what?’’ Kyungsoo looked away from JongIn at all costs, his eyes as huge as marbles. JongIn rolled his eyes and sighed, ruffling his hair.

‘’Forget it.’’ And he started walking away, leaving Kyungsoo puzzled and following behind slowly while playing with the hem of his shirt.


When they reached home, JongIn was the first to cloud himself of everyone and throw himself in the couch, completely oblivious of Kyungsoo’s pouting. After school, everyone was tired and all they wanted to do was rest, and that’s what they did. Not a single peep was heard from the rooms, just the occasional shushes from Baekhyun and Chanyeol. Suho was busy with some homework, and while he rested on the couch and drank his apple juice, JongIn decided to go to Suho and Sehun’s room, where Sehun was busy playing with a rubber ball that he got from who knows where. JongIn smiled and tousled his hair before landing on Suho’s bed with a creak. Sehun turned his face and then back to his ball.

‘’Hey,’’ JongIn said, hugging the pillow.

‘’Hi,’’ Sehun said, concentrated on the blue rubber ball.

‘’Can I play?’’ Sehun chuckled and turned his head and saw JongIn pouting. He just couldn’t turn down that pout, so he nodded.

‘’Sure.’’ JongIn smiled and sat down with legs crossed in front of the edge of the bed as Sehun did the same and tossed the ball to JongIn, who missed the catch and giggled, throwing it back.

‘’I miss the old times..’’ JongIn admitted. Sehun sighed.

‘’What old times?’’ He threw the ball back, which JongIn caught and threw back.

‘’You know..old times.’’ JongIn shrugged, ‘’Like when we used to watch the sports channel and place bets with pocky sticks.’’ Sehun laughed and his lips, sighing and throwing the ball back.

‘’Yeah, those were good times..but why bring them up now?’’

‘’Because we haven’t talked in awhile or laughed together..and I kind of miss that.’’ Sehun pouted and sighed as JongIn chuckled.

‘’I’ve missed it, too..’’ Sehun admitted and received the ball in between the gap of his crossed legs, to which JongIn laughed and raised his arms, cheering,

‘’Touch down!’’ Sehun laughed and threw the ball back, hitting Kai on the chest. JongIn fake coughed and placed his hand on his heart, faking to die as Sehun giggled before the ball was thrown back and forth again.


‘’Remember HaeRa?’’ JongIn asked as the ball got tossed to him.

‘’Park HaeRa?’’ JongIn nodded. ‘’Ew, I actually do, I never liked her for you.’’ Sehun shook his head.

‘’Me either, she was annoying.’’ JongIn hissed and rolled his eyes, tossed the ball and received it again.

‘’I know, right?’’ Sehun laughed as he had to bend backwards into the bed to catch the ball. He straightened up and asked, ‘’And what about that twin you hooked me up with? NaRa?’’

‘’She was HaeRa’s twin.’’ He laughed as Sehun tossed the ball, albeit a little harsh. He tossed it back. ‘’Sorry.’’

‘’She was horrible, clingy and demanding, I’m still mad at you for that.’’ JongIn laughed as Sehun rolled his eyes. ‘’My mom also hated her, thank God we lasted no more than 2 months.’’

‘’You blew her away, though.’’ JongIn joked.

‘’Yeah, and I bet HaeRa transported as far, far away from you as possible.’’ This, of course, had to be punished with a ball straight to the forehead.

‘’Yah, she loved me, okay.’’ Sehun rolled his eyes and tossed the ball back. JongIn chuckled and started, ‘’Anyways, how’s your boyfriend?’’ Sehun blushed as he passed the ball to JongIn and stuttered,

‘’He—He’s not my boyfriend..’’

‘’..yet.’’ JongIn finished for him as Sehun threw the ball harshly at him.

‘’He’s fine, though I haven’t talked to him in awhile.’’ Sehun sighed and his eyes turned sad, almost like a lost puppy in the rain, looking for someone to give him shelter and shower him with love. He pouted.

‘’Why not? How long has it been?’’

‘’We’re both taking the tests and are extremely busy, but since yesterday morning..’’

‘’How about texting?’’ JongIn asked, pressing his thumbs down on the rubber and playing with it. Sehun shook his head and puffed his cheeks out.


‘’Wow, that .’’ He tossed the ball at Sehun, who didn’t know that the ball was flying towards him. The ball ended up hitting his head as he looked down, but didn’t mind.

‘’Yeah, it does..’’

‘’Aww, do you miss him?’’ JongIn cooed as Sehun looked up and glared daggers as he shook his head. ‘’Whoa, whoa, slow down, tiger, I’m just kidding.’’ He flailed his arms in defense as the other cracked a small smile as he sighed and fidgeted with the rubber ball.

‘’But well, I still do kind of miss him.’’ He shrugged and tossed the ball, albeit with no force. JongIn took it and clicked his tongue, trying to get the maknae to smile again.

‘’You know, you look like you’re going through a rough time, try texting him up.’’ Sehun shook his head.

‘’Come on’’

‘’No.’’ Kai groaned and left his bed, sitting next to him and taking his phone. Sehun gasped and tried to pry his hands off, but to no avail.

‘’Yah, hands off, this’ll be good!’’ JongIn laughed as Sehun tried to get his hands off the phone, failing again as JongIn started spelling something on the keyboard. Sehun whined and whimpered, but it wouldn’t make JongIn stop from pressing the send button and tossing the phone back, Sehun reading the text he sent.


‘’Are you ing kidding me? A ‘hi?’’’ Sehun asked as he sighed and lay himself on his back as he gripped on a pillow, simulating that he was dying as he screamed on the pillow. JongIn, amused, just raised a brow and watched. The phone vibrated and as soon as JongIn reached out for it, Sehun beat him to it and read,

‘Hey, what’s wrong? :(‘

‘’Great, now you got him thinking I’m mad or sad because of that stupid period.’’  JongIn scoffed and rose his brow higher,

‘’What? Which period?’’

‘’He hates it when people say stuff like ‘hey’ or ‘hi’ or ‘hello’ with a period, he assumes they’re pissed or something, I don’t know, it’s a Luhan thing.’’ Apparently, the answer took too long to say for Sehun, because now Luhan was calling him. He cursed and tossed the phone to JongIn for no apparent reason, who tossed it back and so on, until Sehun answered, hesitating.

‘’Sehun? Are you okay? Is something wrong?’’ Luhan’s voice came out of the receiver and Sehun froze as JongIn rolled his eyes and captured the phone, putting it on his ear and responding,

‘’Hey, Luhan, sorry, it’s Kai. Sehun’s fine, he just misses you a lot.’’ Sehun gasped and tried to, this time, capture the phone, but, of course, because of JongIn’s force, failed terribly and stood back, only to hear Luhan’s little laugh, which made Sehun pout.

‘’Ah, cute, tell him I miss him, too.’’ Sehun blushed and smiled, but as soon as JongIn was about to open his mouth, he took the phone and started speaking confidently, Kai smirking as Sehun flipped him off.

‘’A—Ah, it’s me..Sehun.’’

‘’Sehun-ah! Hey, how are you? Is everything okay? Is what Kai said true?’’ Sehun widened his eyes at the upcoming questions and gulped, answering quickly,

‘’Y—Yeah, I’m fine..and in some parts, it might be true.’’ He began to tease as Luhan cooed and whined on the other line.

‘’Yah, in some parts only? Why?~’’

‘’Well, in most of the parts..’’

‘’So, you do miss me?’’

‘’Yeah, I do..’’

‘’Sehun-ah, I miss you, too, but remember, studying comes first!~’’ Sehun groaned and rubbed his temples, collapsing onto the pillow as JongIn tried not to laugh because he could hear everything.

‘’I know, I know,’’ Sehun sighed. ‘’I just told JongIn—I mean, Kai—And he kind of made me talk to you again.’’

‘’Tell him he’s sweet for doing that~’’ Sehun smiled and sat up, facing Kai and his smugly face. All of the sudden, Kai came up to Sehun’s ear, where the phone was at, and said,

‘’Thanks!’’ Sehun flinched and shooed him away from his face as Kai just laughed.

‘’You’re welcome!’’ He yelled back and Sehun could feel his eardrums bleed.

‘’Yah, anyways, what are you doing?’’ Sehun asked.

‘’Taking a break off training, I have 5 minutes, so good timing, hehe.’’ Sehun smiled again and said, teasingly,

‘’Oh, sorry for bothering you, I should probably hang up, right?’’

‘’No! No, no, don’t do that, I want to talk to you for a bit before we go back to our boring schedules!’’ Sehun grinned and his lips.

‘’Okay, if you say so..’’

During the phone call, JongIn couldn’t deny the fact that they were both, oh so obviously flirting dead on. It seemed gross at times, but he put up with it, seeing how the younger laughed and blushed and smiled widely. He couldn’t deny the fact that Sehun did, in fact, like him a lot, so he smiled with him, though he had nothing to do but that, except playing with a rubix cube he found under the bed. ‘Seniors again..’ He chuckled as he played with the addicting colorful cube. When the phone call ended, did Sehun’s smile falter, but he replaced it almost instantly with a smile, beckoning for Kai to go back to his spot for them to go back to ball-tossing.

‘’Hey, I got a question.’’ Sehun said as Kai hummed.

‘’Hmm, shoot.’’ And the ball got passed on and on over and over again after that.

‘’Why are you here?’’ JongIn scoffed.

‘’Can’t I not be with my childhood friend?’’ Sehun laughed and shook his head.

‘’I thought you would spend much more time with the apple of your eyes, actually.’’ Sehun cooed as JongIn blushed and exclaimed,

‘’Yah! What are you talking about?’’

‘’Oh, you know…Kyungsoo-ah!’’ Sehun exclaimed and did a few cat calls, sent a wink his way, and completed the teasing with a few smoochy faces.  JongIn laughed and shushed him.

‘’Yah! It’s not like that!’’

‘’..yet.’’ Sehun winked as JongIn, instead of the ball, threw him a pillow. Sehun removed it and hugged it tightly, pouting. ‘’Come on, Kim JongIn, can’t admit it?’’

‘’I can, I just..don’t like to put my feelings out there.’’ JongIn blushed and looked away from him.

‘’Awww, feelings!’’ Sehun emphasized the word by rolling around with the pillow and laughing loudly.’’ JongIn frowned and pouted.

‘’Yah! Shut up! He’s gonna hear you!’’ Sehun just kept laughing.

‘’Who’s going to hear what?’’ Both boys gasped, but when they turned around, it was only Suho, with furrowed brows, suspecting of their actions.

‘’That JongIn-ah likes Kyungsoo-hyung!’’ Sehun said, his chin propping him up on the large pillow as his arms circled it. Suho chuckled.

‘’Shut up!’’ JongIn dead on whined right now and buried his face in another pillow, literally looking like a dead fish as he flailed his feet in the air. ‘’Hyung, tell him to quit it!’’

‘’I can’t do anything right now, Kyungsoo’s going to cook and he can’t find his—‘’


‘’Lucky hat?’’ JongIn raised his head.

‘’Lucky hat?’’ Suho asked with a tilted head. JongIn nodded as he his belly and rested his arms behind his head.


‘’Then no, he’s looking for his spatula.’’

‘’Why would it be here? This is our room.’’ Sehun asked confusedly.

‘’I know, he just can’t find it, so he must’ve misplaced it somewhere in the dorm, so I’m checking everywhere.’’ Suho answered, pulling past mountains of dirty laundry. ‘’I need to clean this place..’’ He murmured to himself. ‘’Well, it’s not here, if you guys see it somewhere, let us know.’’ He straightened himself and stretched his back out, then ran his hands through his pants, easing out the wrinkles.  The other two nodded in agreement. Sehun sighed.

‘’I’m hungry..’’

‘’Food’s on the way, so shut up.’’

‘’Just because he’s your wife doesn’t mean you need to make me.’’ Sehun shrugged carelessly as JongIn stood up from his bed and tackled Sehun, leaving him breathless with his never ending tickles. Sehun laughed and laughed and laughed until he could barely breathe, so Kai stopped, glaring at him.

‘’Don’t call him that..’’ He looked away shyly as Sehun regained his breath, and nodded.

‘’Fine, fine, just chill.’’ He rolled his eyes as both boys lay next to each other, waiting for food to be done. Both Sehun and Kai missed their closeness, it’s been so long since they’ve bonded like they did today, albeit laughed, joked and for once, didn’t judge the other’s preferences, much less glare or spit out curses. It’s been so long since they’ve actually even talked.

During dinner, both boys sat next to each other, showing everybody how close they were once again, making them secretly question this unlikely reunion, since both parties had totally different opinions now, but went along with it anyways. Sehun, though, pushed JongIn closer to the wide-eyed boy who didn’t know it was coming, but let it happen none the less, and slowly, the first half of the day was beginning to erase for Kyungsoo, thankfully, and smiled throughout dinner, being incredibly social and talkative with the others, not to mention JongIn. Sehun was starting to wonder how their relationship would be in 2-3 months, tops.

‘’Ah, this was fun, we should do this more often.’’ Suho stood up and placed a hand on Kyungsoo’s shoulder, ‘’Thank you for the amazing meal, Kyungsoo-ah, you never seem do disappoint us.’’ Kyungsoo bowed down, smiled and whispered a quick ‘thank you’ as Suho continued, ‘’But, I need to go..’’ The others ‘awwwed’ and whined, but Suho shrugged and clicked his tongue, sighing. ‘’It’s the tutoring, boys, I’ll be back by 8:00PM, maybe less, maybe more, who knows, but when I come back, I better find you all in your pajamas.’’ Suho pointed accusingly at the other 5 and laughed with them, showing them a beautiful, radiant smile.

‘’Alright, but be careful out there!’’ Baekhyun laughed and pointed accusingly at him as Chanyeol smacked his thigh and the table and Baekhyun’s shoulder and..well, anything in his way.

‘’Yah, I’ll be fine.’’ Suho said and bowed to them before washing his plate and heading to change his clothes.


Suho’s POV.

Today was kind of cold, so I wore a jacket with a black t-shirt under it, and some casual jeans, topped with some leather boots. My hair blew all over the place because of the breeze once I stepped out of the place, so I took the trouble of grabbing my hood and putting it over my head, hugging my body, engaging myself in warmth of the cloth. I made sure to close the place with a silver key, locking it from the outside and sighed, walking farther down the hall. The annoying clicking of my boots could alert someone at this time of the afternoon, since anyone could be cramming and bottling up for tomorrow’s test, so I walked carefully. I checked my phone, and it read 6:12. I was pretty early, considering the meeting was at 6:30, but knowing Lay for the past..week or so, he always had good timing, unless he forgot something, since he warned me about this. Like, he could forget the textbook right before he walks out of the place, the item being right in front of his face. I chuckled at the thought and shook my head in disbelief, seriously, how can someone forget so easily? Weird.

As I walked towards the library, I couldn’t help but look around at how the place was built. Rocks for walls? Man, this place is old.  I scoffed and rolled my eyes, going down the large flight of white-colored stairs, the sound of chirping birds invading my ears. It was going to rain soon. I sighed and looked around every corridor, trying to find the library, since I sometimes forget where it is, since the place is damn huge, but, oh, well. I finally got lead by the right corridor when I noticed a sign that I saw in the same spot every day, and turned. When I faced the library, the huge doors were closed, as always, and I pushed the door open. I stepped inside and looked around, looking for anything that looked like Lay.

‘’Lay?’’ My voice echoed throughout the place, but no response. I sighed and decided to walk towards and table, sitting down until my tutor came forth. The librarian must’ve not noticed me, nor heard me, because she took her leave and closed the door behind her without further word. She ing locked it, too. Great, it was now 6:25 and now I was alone and it’s dark and I know of tomorrow’s test, just perfect.

After waiting for what seemed like a century, the door creaked open, revealing Lay. I sighed in relief as I saw his face poke out from the edges.

‘’Yah!’’ I exclaimed, getting his attention. I smiled and beckoned him over to our table as he gladly did so, albeit a guilty smile on his face.

‘’Sorry for being late, I forgot my—‘’

‘’Textbook?’’ I raised a brow as he chuckled and dropped his face.

‘’Yeah, I forgot my textbook, yell at me all you want, I won’t judge you.’’ I laughed and pushed his shoulder as he chuckled some more, showing those dimples.

‘’I won’t yell at you.’’

‘’Good.’’ He smiled and opened his textbook before clapping his hands and the lights automatically , ‘’Can’t work on a dark atmosphere, I know.’’ He nodded in understanding as I laughed and nodded back as he started dictating to me.

‘’Repeat after me..’’ And when he said some Chinese, I went blank and barely heard a single word he was saying, let alone could I repeat it without hearing it 4 more times..maybe more.

‘’E—Excuse me? Come again?’’ Lay chuckled and repeated the same sentence, wrote down the characters, which were five and handed it for me to read.

‘’It’ll be easier, trust me.’’ I sighed and tried reading the card, which ended up in a huge fail of Chinese mixed with a horrible accent. That and I thought that I could understand a few things.. ‘’This is Cantonese, that’s why you don’t understand half of what I’m saying.’’ Oh…now I get it.

‘’Why are you teaching me Cantonese?’’

‘’Because tomorrow’s test is full of Cantonese words with history and its meaning. Vocabulary, nothing much.’’ Lay shrugged as I blinked a few times to register what he said. He burst out laughing and pushed my shoulder, ‘’Come on, it’s not that hard, I’ll teach you, ‘kay’’ I nodded and he laughed some more, before going back to the lesson.

An hour later, he started asking me questions, to which I answered, though I did it with an accent, he congratulated me and told me I was doing just fine. Then came the Chinese and it became a lot easier by the time he wrote down a few characters and I could read them perfectly fine. After that, we managed to hold a 2 minute conversation all in Chinese, which wasn’t all that bad either. He told me I still had an accent, but we could fix that over time. While we were on the middle of everything, we kept hearing a couple of noises from the shelves, but Lay just thought that the wood was finally shedding and some bugs were eating it, so it didn’t bother us until we heard a loud bang.

‘’, what was that?’’ I asked while holding my chest, where my heart was. I literally almost went through a heart attack right now.

‘’I—I don’t know. L—Let’s just get back to this..’’ He pointed down to a few phrases and I sighed, beginning to read them carefully. In the middle of my sentence, I got cut short because the lights went off, making us both gasp.

‘’I—It must be the rain..’’ I mumbled as I started to shake.

‘’Yeah..must be. And it must be the reason why I’m so cold all of the sudden..’’ He shivered and hugged himself as I did the same.

‘’Should we continue?’’

‘’I—I don’t think we have the chance, it’s so dark. I literally can’t see you.’’ He reached out for my shoulder and sighed in relief, letting out a chuckle, ‘’I found you.’’ I laughed and sighed, waiting for these lights to go back on. ‘’S—Suho..’’


‘’C—Could we get out of here actually?’’

‘’Why?’’ He inhaled, and I could literally feel his voice become shaky.

‘’I feel weird. Lightheaded to be exact, I think I’m going to get a headache.’’ I opened my mouth to say something, but it was cut off because of another noise from the distance. ‘’, Suho, seriously, I’m freaking out right now.’’

‘’C—Calm down, it must be the—‘’

‘’Are you touching my shoulder right now, Suho?’’ I went wide eyed and shook my head, though he couldn’t see, so I spoke when I heard his whimpering.

‘’N—No.’’ His voice broke,

‘’S—Suho, let’s get out of here, please, I think something’s not right.’’ I nodded and stood up, waiting for him to stand, but he didn’t. I grabbed his arm and pulled him up and started to walk away, when thunder and Lay panicked, ‘’Suho!’’ He sniffled, and that’s when I found out that he was crying, sobbing, actually. I shushed him and tugged on his arm as he kept whispering in Chinese, words that I quite couldn’t understand. I reached the door, but because of the darkness, it was hard for me to see where the handle was, so I let go of Lay to use both of my hands for better access to both huge doors. His voice broke out in a sob, and he covered his mouth not to alarm me as he hugged himself with one of his arms. I stopped what I was doing and took off my jacket, handing it to him as he nodded and stuttered, ‘’Th—Thank you.’’

I wasn’t feeling cold at all; in fact, I was sweating as my hands fidgeted around for the handle that was nowhere to be found. Lay stepped in and when I heard the door’s creak, I pushed it open and got us both out of there, closing the door with all my might as he sighed in relief. It was raining, and Lay was shaking because of the sudden breeze that hit us, but I didn’t flinch, becoming much too accustomed with the feeling already.

‘’Are you okay?’’ I asked quietly. He sniffled and nodded with his head down as he nuzzled himself more into my jacket. I sighed and began walking with him towards the flight of stairs that led to my room, when he grabbed my arm and tugged me back down, asking,

‘’Would it be a bother if I asked you if you could take me back to my room?’’ I offered him a small smile and shook my head, and he returned it with a grateful, warm turn of the lips.


When we reached his dorm room, he pulled a key out and opened it, peeking his head through the edges, as if not wanting the others to see who he is with. He sighed and took off my jacket, giving it to me as he leant against the door frame.

‘’Thank you again..’’

‘’You’re welcome..but if you don’t mind me asking, what exactly happened?’’ He chuckled and looked down,

‘’You know this place has a lot of history right?’’ I nodded. ‘’Well, inexplicable things happen.’’

‘’Like what?’’

‘’People died here, and unfortunately, one of them was my brother..’’ He said, hands in his pockets as he sniffled. ‘’, I think I’m getting sick..’’ He coughed and continued, ‘’But, uh..basically we were there with him.’’ I went wide eyed at his statement, and stuttered,

‘’G—God Lay, I—I’m so sorry, I didn’t know..’’

‘’Of course you didn’t’s not your fault, I didn’t know that he was going to show up either..’’ He sighed and narrowed his eyes as he looked at the floor, blinking repeatedly so that his tears wouldn’t fall, but I knew better than to not believe he was crying.


‘’Yifeng..’’ It must’ve been his brother.

‘’Oh..’’ I dropped my head and mumbled, ‘’did he do anything to you?’’

‘’I don’t know..I just felt some weird energy..melancholic yet..happy in some way.’’ He shrugged, and then placed both hands on his head as he hissed. ‘’I figured, that’s why I felt so cold and so anxious, that happens to people when they’re in the same place as a person you loved, but unfortunately passed away..’’

‘’How did you know it was him?’’ He chuckled and came closer to me, tears threatening to fall.

‘’I saw him..and he saw me, but I was too scared to do anything.’’ I sighed and when I saw the first tear fall from his eyes, I embraced him as he cried onto my shoulder. ‘’, Suho..I’m glad it was you who I was there with.’’ I shushed him and drew invisible circles on his back.

‘’I’m glad I helped..’’ I sighed and tightened my grip on him as he broke out another sob.

‘’Ahem..’’ Little did we know that somebody was watching us with brows raised. Lay released from my grip and turned around, sniffling and wiping away some tears and snot.

‘’L—Luhan, hi..’’

‘’Yixing, what’s wrong?’’ Luhan furrowed his brows and came forth his best friend, gripping his hand with his while the other wiped away some tears with the back of his hand.

‘’I’ll tell you later, can I just..say something to Suho quickly?’’ Luhan looked confused but nodded anyway, shrugging and closing the door.

‘’What is it?’’ I asked as Lay smiled at me and shrugged.

‘’I don’t know, I guess I just wanted to thank you..again.’’ He laughed as I did the same and bowed down,

‘’You’re welcome..again.’’ He chuckled and nodded, sighing.

‘’Are you sure you can make it back safely?’’

‘’Yeah..’’ I said, sighing. ‘’Yeah, I can..’’ He nodded and pursed his lips.



‘’Text me when you get there..I don’t want to find you dead next morning.’’ I chuckled and nodded.

‘’Okay, I will.’’

‘’Good..’’ He opened the door and greeted Luhan, who was probably hearing us all this time, and shooed him away to his room as he pouted. He turned to me and rolled his eyes. ‘’Sorry about, I’ll see you tomorrow?’’

‘’It’s okay, but yeah, hopefully.’’ I joked as he laughed.

‘’Be careful out there, okay?’’ I nodded as he smiled and closed the door. I sighed and smiled to myself when I heard Lay’s voice echoing through the halls as he angrily called out for Luhan.

On my way there, I couldn’t help but look at the library from afar, wondering exactly what other hidden secrets the place had. I’m sure there are many, and I’m determined to find them out one by one. I furrowed my brows, hearing the door handle of the large doors rattle and squinted to get a better look. I hummed as I heard a few voices emerge from the corner of the hall, and gasped when I saw two boys, holding hands and running away towards a classroom a few inches away from me. I gulped, but didn’t have the strengths to yell like I wanted to and just stood there, perplexed. The boys were shushing and laughing at each other from afar, wondering who would be the one to catch them because of their troubles. I blinked, and saw that one of the boy’s faces turn around and faced me. He resembled Sehun’s face in a way, but he was obviously Chinese. I froze as he offered me a smile and the other boy kept tugging on his sleeve. The other responded and ran after him, leaving me dumbfounded at my discovery. I blinked a few times, trying to move but nothing..that is until I heard an owl and I practically ran away in silent screams and fear.

There were lots of things that needed answer, and I had to know them. I had to know who those boys were, I had to know what they wanted, I needed to know how Yifeng died, and most importantly, I needed to know what he wanted from Lay.



Whoohoo! Update!^^ Thank you all for reading until chapter 10, I can't believe you guys actually like this so much :')

I love you all!~  ;A;

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GUYS. I know I said I'd update quick and I'm almost done writing, but i have written a lot, the longest chapter so far orz i hope you guys like it once it's up~


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Chapter 27: Popping in again just to say I still love this story XD By far one of my favs even after 6 years of reading probably thousands of other stories and pairings!!!!! Even if this is the end I just want to thank you for this masterpiece and that I still have the ability to read what’s already been wrote ❤️❤️❤️
DyeDyeCoco510 #2
Chapter 27: I love this story!! Please start writing again. Your one of the best writer. Please start writing this story again! :)
P-p-please put me out of my misery T~T Send me a sign of life *kneels in begging position* It's just been a REALLY long time since you've updated or I've heard anything about the story.... I'm worried if your still writing it or not..... I'm okay if you just are taking a break or stuck, I just need a little reassurance that you still plan on continuing this story because I absolutely LOVE IT!!!
HybridLover7 #4
Chapter 27: Oh my... This story is a work of art T~T I have read tons of stories, and have several hundred subscriptions, but this story is by far my favorite!! It's so well written and the plot is just fantabulous! And the characters dynamics, you're just out for my heart author nim ;P

Baekyeol is my absolute favorite OTP of all time, and this story has me squealing over them. I love the whole unrequited love and Chanyeol's internal struggles. It's gonna make it so much more gratifying when they finally become a pair! Can't wait to see if Chanyeol's hormones get the best of him XD Kaisoo, so CUTE! Little Squishysoo in denial, and a touchy Kai, AAHHHHH!!! To die for :3 Taoris needs a smack down, especially on Kris's side. I wanted to KILL him with how he treated the poor Panda. Even though Baek is not meant for Tao, I hope they can still be friends. HunHan is a ball of ual frustration aren't they XD All lovey but there's that underlying tone of "I wanna jump you", makes they're relationship amusing. SuLay, just so innocently adorable! And XiuChen, gotta love 'em! I can see them acting the exact same towards each other dating, as they are as best friends :3 Which they should do, date, cause then I could die happy XD

Do I miss Moonkyu? Honestly, no XD It's not that he was a bad character or anything, I'm just hardcore Kaisoo, and he took up that time ^_^ *awkwardly chuckles. I don't hate him, and he's an interesting part of the story.... I just don't miss him :D

Oh my goodness, look at the length of this! XD But no amount of words can describe how much I LOVE THIS STORY! I will be patiently awaiting you return from hiatus, and highly anticipating the next chapter to one of the greatest stories EVER \^0^/ HWAITING!!!
Chapter 27: Also... As soon as you mentioned animals I was like...WOLF!!!

Hahahah... Wonder why!? Hhmmm...

Also... I Love You~

And Next time please update me on when you update this story!

Chapter 27: This was THE BEST CHAPTER EVER!!!

So Many Baekyeol Feels OMG... I really like how their relationship is developing. Poor Teollie, he's had to deal with so much Bullsh*t from Baekhyun!!! I Love them! And that Wolf Fight between them was amazing! And they kissed *melts into a pile of pink goo*

The HunHan couple... Loved how Luhan was petting Sehun and playing and cleaning Shuns Furr... Can he be any cuter? I love them!!!

Taoris... I Have massive feels for them and I like how Tao is sticking up for himself. I'm sorry Tao, Baekhyun belongs to puppy Yeol... Your place is with Kris!!! And Kris...FINALLY! I swear he must be the cutest sh*t when he's in love!!! I'm looking forward to them!

I Swear Kaisoo is just the cutest OTP in the History of Cute OTPs!!! I Love them! I like how they're not official but they love each other and you know the feeling's there! Kaisoo 4evar~

Can Sulay get any awkward er!? I mean for real... Those two are just too much!!! I would love it if they kept developing their feelings! I have high hopes for them!

Xiuchen are just the stupidest goofballs in history and I love them cause Xiumin is perfect! Nuff said! (Also can you please put more of them in the next chappie!? Neh!?)

Now for You Lovely Bianca~

I'll never get tired of telling you that I love this fanfic and I think you're just completely amazing!!!

I've missed you so much! We haven't talked in like forever!

I Hope you're doing great in everything! Also in school ok!? Arrasso

anyway i'll read your story soon baobei. Usually i'm a silent reader lmao.
But i'll do anything for my love. <3
Chapter 27: Omg I have been reading your story non stop for the past couple days,I am incredibly hooked, this is such an amazing and well written story, your storyline with the powers is by far the best I have read.

OMFG MY FEELS FOR KAISOO! *does 3 backflips into a trashcan*

*sniffles* baekyeol *Breaks down screaming* so much love between those two thank you.

Seriously I lalalalove your story!!! Keep at it ^^
lightlessstarlight #9
Chapter 27: Hi :D
I'm soo sorry for beeing a silent reader until now >< Your story is really amazing! I just had to make myselfe an account and comment ^~^

I've read your fic for quite a while and I really love your plot and ideas *~* Please continue in this awsome way;

autor-nim fighting!!! ^O^///