I couldn't wait.

Before The Eclipse(HIATUS)


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

No one’s POV.

‘’Suho-hyung! Suho-hyung!’’ Baekhyun shot up out of his bed and raced towards the living room, where a panicking and dumbstruck Suho stood, waiting for his dongsaeng to calm down from a state he didn’t recognize. Next to him was Chanyeol, eyes wide open and mouth left hanging down, waiting, too, for Baekhyun, who was still regaining his composure.

‘’Baek! Relax!’’ Suho tried, Baekhyun coming to a stop and blinking twice, losing himself in a trance. ‘’Tell me!’’ Suho then exclaimed in frustration, making the younger flinch and gasp, not realizing that his mind wasn’t in the real world. He stuttered,

‘’I..I think I—‘’

‘’You think you what?’’ Suho calmed down and grabbed his shoulders just in case. Baekhyun took a breath, running a shaky hand through his sweat-drenched hair.

‘’I saw them,’’ Was all he said before gulping. ‘’The Elites,’’ Suho widened his eyes and looked behind him to look at the other’s reactions. The others shot up from the couch and surrounded Baekhyun and Suho, shooting them with questions. Baekhyun felt the others’ pressure against him and he immediately tried getting away, seeing as how this made him anxious. He slowly retreated, breathing sharply, before he bumped his head with a chest. He gasped, turned around and looked up, only to find Chanyeol staring down at him curiously, eyes furrowed and head tilted, as if asking ‘hey, what’s wrong?’ Baekhyun didn’t know why, but the idea of the so called ‘Elites’ was scaring him more than the idea of the Legendary. He shook his head and pushed him out of the way, heading towards the kitchen and opening the sink, drenching his face with cold water to relieve him from the heat that was coming out of the others’ bodies. Suho got himself out of that mess and followed Baekhyun, placing a hand on his shoulder when he reached the sink. The other, water splashed all over his face, turned around and faced his hyung, eyes with an unintentional glow that made him seem more innocent than he already was.

‘’Whenever you’re ready,’’ He soothed and ran circles on his back to relieve him from stress. Baekhyun sighed and gripped the sink as he felt himself beginning to want to puke. His head felt like it was thumping and he felt dizzy. He dropped his view to the drain and thought. Thought of how to put everything into words, before he said,

‘’They were on the roof,’’ He started, following the short phrase with a sharp breath, ‘’Chanyeol and I both saw them..sorry, I just can’t right now, I’m undergoing a lot of feelings.’’ Suho sighed and gave him one last comforting circle to his back before saying,

‘’It’s okay,’’ He started. ‘’After what they almost did to you, it’s normal.’’ Baekhyun nodded and sighed. ‘’I’ll just go and ask Chanyeol okay?’’ Baekhyun nodded. Suho left the younger’s side and went towards Chanyeol, who was worriedly looking at Baekhyun while sitting on the couch, thumbs twirling in distress. Suho sat down next to him, making him direct his eyes towards the leader.

‘’What did you see?’’

‘’Looks like they’re planning to do it again,’’ Chanyeol sighed and rubbed his tired eyes with his palms. Suho raised a brow.

‘’You think so? Did they have anything that would make you believe that?’’

‘’Spray-paint and other types of instruments, but they were definitely on the school, on top of the library’s roof most likely.’’ Chanyeol explained, still looking towards another direction, preferably Baekhyun again. Suho understood his concern. ‘’One of them had a bag.’’ Suho joined his lips in a straight line before running his hands all over his face, showing off his utter confusion. He felt a headache grow slowly. He looked at the other members, who were just as confused, sitting on the floor and looking straight at them as if they were under a dark spell. He sighed for the 3rd time that evening.

‘’You guys aren’t leaving the dorm on the weekend just in case,’’ He pointed a finger at them all and looked behind him, Baekhyun suddenly paying attention to the lecture. ‘’You will get inside the school, take your classes and when the day is over, you come back straight from where you came from. I will be making sure that happens; Nobody leaves anybody’s sides during class, no bathroom breaks and no talking to your outside-group friends unless one of us is there, that means no Moonkyu or Luhan if you plan to be alone with them,’’ Sehun rolled his eyes and huffed as Kai rolled his eyes and pouted, resting his chin on his wrist. ‘’Also, we’re spending lunch together, which means we’ll be seen as a group. I’m willing to keep this group safe of any harm even if it costs me my life, so please work with me here’’ Suho bit his bottom lip, hopeful that they would agree with his many rules. Baekhyun came and sat in the middle of Chanyeol and him. Chanyeol draped an arm over Baek’s shoulder and gave it a light squeeze, stating that he wasn’t going to let them hurt him again.

‘’I’m in.’’ Kyungsoo spoke through the silence. Everyone’s heads turned to him. Suho smiled.

‘’Who else?’’

‘’Count me in.’’ Baekhyun shrugged.

‘’If he’s in, so am I.’’ Chanyeol nodded his head proudly as Baekhyun smiled and blushed, elbowing the other’s chest. ‘’Ouch..’’ He chuckled, running a hand through his ribcage.

‘’JongIn? Sehun?’’ Suho raised a brow. Sehun rolled his eyes and crossed his arms while JongIn, bored, picked on his jeans with puffed out cheeks. ‘’Sehun?’’ He tried again, but Sehun ignored. ‘’Sehun, I know you want as much privacy with Luhan as possible but with these Elites running about, I can’t afford to leave you alone like this.’’ Suho tried explaining. Sehun widened his eyes and blushed deeply. He purposely pushed Suho’s legs in anger and said,

‘’Yah! I—It’s not like that!’’ JongIn scoffed. ‘’You shut up!’’

‘’It’s for your own good, but you can talk to him if—‘’

‘’One of us is present, I know…’’ He sighed. ‘’But what about Friday?’’ Suho scratched his head.

‘’Well..since it’s taking place here, I guess I can let that slide by without any problem, I just don’t want you lurking around late at night,’’ Sehun’s eyes sparkled as his mouth turned into a glossy ‘o’ shape.

‘’So, I can still have him over?’’

‘’Yeah, you can.’’ Suho affirmed as Sehun smiled brightly and nodded.

‘’Then I’m in!’’

‘’What about you, JongIn?’’ Kai pouted.

‘’I don’t want to leave MoonKyu alone like this, he’ll think I’m ignoring him.’’ Kyungsoo huffed.

‘’He’s old enough to know that this situation is serious, stop worrying about what he thinks, he’ll understand!’’ Kyungsoo said, though it came out as a half-yell. JongIn decided to stay quiet for a second.

‘’Don’t yell at me,’’ He said with a stern voice. ‘’Second, I’m pretty sure that he’ll be out looking for me like a scared little duckling.’’

‘’And I’m pretty sure that you’re not his mother to be taking care of him all that much, plus, he has his own life, let him be,’’ Suho butted in. All eyes were on Suho now, who shrugged carelessly.

‘’Fine, but I’ll tell him what’s up and I’ll tell him to stay locked up in his room at all times, even if that means being in the same room with his ty roommate.’’ Kai sighed and rolled his eyes.

‘’Then do that, he doesn’t deserve to get hurt either,’’ Suho shrugged. JongIn stood up and adjusted his shirt from the back. ‘’You gonna text him up?’’ JongIn nodded.

‘’Yeah, might as well cancel our hang-out tomorrow,’’ JongIn shrugged laizily and messed his hair up with a free hand, yawning and pulling out his phone, searching for his contact. In a matter of seconds, he began typing.

‘’So that’s everyone,’’ Suho broke the awkward silence that arose when JongIn left. ‘’Who wants some dinner?’’ He changed the subject and stood up, going towards the kitchen and pulling some pre-cooked noodles and placing them on the counter. He sighed and pulled out his own phone without anybody noticing, searching for Lay’s contact.

‘Don’t come out of your dorm until tomorrow. Two of my members saw the Elites on top of the Library’s roof, better warn the others.’

He closed the lid and placed it next to the bowl of noodles, biting his nails anxiously and waiting for a response. Sooner than expected, the phone buzzed.

‘Okay, I won’t use your name; I’ll tell them I saw them. I trust your word, Suho, we aren’t going to come out of the dorm unless Kris puts up a fight and makes us.’

He breathed in sharply and answered,

‘Okay, just be safe. Don’t let Luhan wander around either, Sehun tells me he has a habit of doing that’

Seconds later,

‘I’ll make sure to tell him. Thanks for the heads up, I’ll keep an eye out for them ;)’

He smiled, knowing that both his ‘friend’ and Sehun’s whatever-he-was, were going to be fine as long as they don’t exit the dorms. He secretly hopes that Kris doesn’t somehow convince them, he wouldn’t want Lay to end up hurt..

Legendary Dorm.

Lay, who was out of the dorm for a short time while doing some exercise, rapidly rushed to the dorm and ran towards Kris’ room, barging open the door and finding Kris completely fine and under control as he panted.

‘’What the hell, Yixing?’’ He raised a brow.

‘’The Elites, I saw them,’’ Lay panted again as Kris furrowed his brows and sat down on his bed.


‘’You heard me,’’ He started and sat down beside him. ‘’Library rooftop, they’ve got weapons, it’s best if we stay here.’’ Kris sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

‘’Fine, where’s Luhan?’’

‘’, he’s..’’ Then, realization hit him. ‘’, he’s studying at the library!’’ He widened his eyes and ran out to the kitchen, fetching his phone from the counter and dialing his number. He didn’t care that you couldn’t take calls; he just wanted his friend to be okay.

‘’I’m on my way right now, don’t worry.’’ And the line went blank. Luhan knew? He furrowed his brows and sighed, relaxed that he did, in fact, knew about this. If he didn’t, the Elites would’ve caught him for sure. Minutes later, the door barged open and Luhan came in, panting and sweating. ‘’I’m here.’’ He said.

‘’How did you know?’’ Lay asked, dumbfounded. Luhan just chuckled and took off his beanie and sweater, chucking them towards the couch.

‘’Sehun,’’ He started. Lay rolled his eyes and smiled, now well aware that Sehun took the liberty to tell him before anything could happen. ‘’Suho warned them to stay inside their dorm, which means I can’t talk to him unless he’s accompanied by someone else and that’s fine with me; I don’t have anything to hide.’’ Luhan shrugged and sighed. ‘’He’s just embarrassed, so we’ll just stay in touch by text, how’d you know?’’

‘’Suho,’’ He raised a brow in all obviousness. ‘’I just told Kris that I saw them instead, he agreed to the idea of staying here for the day, which means no going out at night!’’ He pointed a finger accusingly at the older. Luhan rolled his eyes.

‘’Relax, Sehun already gave me a lecture full of mad smileys,’’ He chuckled.

‘’Good for him, now come on, help me make some dinner.’’ Lay beckoned Luhan over to the kitchen and the older followed suit.

When they ate, it was already 9:00PM and Chen and Xiumin were going to bed as the other 4 stood with eyes wide open, especially Kris, who practically glued his face to the windows. Tao insisted he went to bed, but Kris didn’t budge and just continued looking. Luhan didn’t text Sehun at this time, as he knew that Suho used to send the youngest to sleep first. Lay anxiously sat on the couch, not saying a word about how he heard something coming from outside, it was better to keep his mouth shut just in case it was imagination. The night was quiet, just the sound of their ragged breathing and the constant shushing of Kris, so he could hear the outside world a bit clearer. When he saw that nothing was emerging, he called it a day. It was already 11:00 and the others were getting tired, so they all went to bed.

As soon as they went to bed, nobody knew what was going down, seeing as how they were totally asleep; The Elites took the chance to act. It was 3:00AM, and the Elites planned on leaving them a surprise for morning. It didn’t take long before they were already picking the lock of said dorm room and prancing inside with the clickity-clack of their high boots. Meanwhile, everything that was going on in the living-room reached one of the Legendary’s ears. Tao blinked and opened his eyes, the sound of pots and pans vibrating in his ears. His brows furrowed, and he looked beside him to clarify that Kris, was in fact with him and it wasn’t a dream. He got up out of bed and with his socks, he slid towards the door. He carefully opened the door and luckily, no creaking was heard. The sudden image of 3 shadows in the kitchen invaded his pupils, and his own eyes turned into saucers. The sound of quiet giggling was heard, and he carefully shut the door and raced towards Kris’ bed, falling on top of him as he bounced frantically, trying to wake their leader up. Said leader grunted and squinted in confusion. He turned around, only to find Tao bouncing on his bed, eyes full of terror. He gasped and shot up, sitting up in his bed. Tao’s look softened when he found that Kris had woken, and a sense of protection washed through his body when Kris ‘shushed’ him and carefully got up out of bed.

‘’They’re out there, I saw them!’’ He whispered in fear. Kris looked at him and nodded.

‘’I knew this would happen, just stay there.’’ Kris walked up to the door and grabbed the knob, turning it carefully and catching an eye-full of females. He widened his eyes and carefully got out of the room, the darkness camouflaging his body. He found shelter behind the couch and observed them. They were giggling and grabbing some pans, spray painting them a letter he recognized as the ‘E’ in purple. A figure came up towards the couch and he quietly gasped and sunk down onto the floor. She sat down, arms hanging down loosely behind the couch as she crossed her legs ever so sophisticatedly while watching her team do their work. He rolled his eyes and took this as a chance. He reached in front of him, rapidly clamping his hand in . She muffled a gasp. He smirked as he stood up and jumped up into the couch, climbing on top of her. He was about to act and knock her out with the armrest, but she had already bitten on his palm. He hissed and pulled his hand back, waving it in the air. The others reacted and raced towards him. The one in the couch pushed him with her thin and long legs, making him fall down onto the floor. The crew circled him as he became dizzy with the sudden fall, but he managed to stare into all of their eyes. One of them—who had a bandana wrapped below her nose, covering —pulled him up by the collar and before he could pull away, she had head-butted him. He groaned and hissed, shutting his eyes. Wrong move. One of them took the opportunity to push him onto the couch hard, making it fall backwards. He hit his head and cried in pain.

Luckily, Tao had heard enough and walked over to the door, sneaking his arm out to grab one of the girls’ hair and tug at it, making her yelp as she hit the back of her head with the door. He let go of the hair and grabbed at her forehead, banging her head repeatedly against the door as she dug her long fingernails against his forearm as he hissed in pain. She slid down the door when she had enough and Tao took the chance to exit the room and grab the shortest from behind, locking her wrists with his big hands and pulling her up. He glued her to the wall and stared at her as she tried to kick him in the stomach repeatedly. He then kept her in place, but took a hold of her neck. She gasped and gripped at his hands, trying to pry them away. Her eyes watered as she stared directly into Tao’s eyes. A sob broke from and Tao, shocked, let her go when he found out that he was killing her. He could never kill anyone. Never. But when it came to Kris, he would just do anything. The girl fell on all fours and began coughing as another one straddled his back and began choking him with her thin arms. He gripped at them and circled the room while struggling. He found the couch and turned around, so it was facing both their backs. He launched himself at it and felt her punch and claw at his back, trying to get out from under him. He smirked and turned the couch around, so it would send her flying down, just like they did to Kris. Meanwhile, Kris was still struggling to stop one of them from slapping and punching him. He took this as his chance to rapidly grab her by the hips and let her dangle in his shoulder, her legs kicking the air as she yelped and clawed at Tao’s back. Tao helped Kris up and smiled at him. The smile was returned with a smirk, beckoning Tao to let her go. He agreed and put her down, her eyes confused and her head innocently tilted. Tao rolled his eyes and ducked down onto her level, saying,

‘’Scram, now.’’ in a stern voice. She gasped and went around the room, helping her comrades up as they whimpered and agreed to leave. As soon as they left the room, Tao and Kris let out a sigh of relief, and suddenly, the others came out of their rooms. Chen was behind XiuMin, scared and peeking around everywhere and Luhan and Lay were just as confused.

‘’What happened in here?’’ Luhan gasped out, seeing the position the sofa was in. Kris shrugged and ran a hand through his abused and pulled hair. Tao secretly giggled.

‘’Umm..why is this purple?’’ Lay pulled up a pan, which had a drawn purple circle on the bottom. Kris sighed.

‘’They were in here,’’ He started, as Tao raced to the kitchen, seeing as how Kris almost lost all senses and fainted, and got him a bag of frozen peas, sticking it to his pounding head. ‘’The Elites were here.’’ He rephrased as the room went quiet.

‘’Are you guys okay?’’ Lay asked quietly. Tao nodded.

‘’We’re fine. They were so many, that was the problem.’’ He rolled his eyes. ‘’And you guys, why didn’t you come out here sooner?’’

‘’I was scared..’’ Chen said in a whimper.

‘’ChenChen heard something from outside and was too scared to check it out, so don’t blame him, you know how scared he is of the Elites.’’ XiuMin ruffled the younger’s hair as the other pouted and blushed.

‘’I didn’t want to get suddenly attacked.’’ LuHan stated. Meanwhile, Lay drank some orange juice and said,

‘’I was asleep.’’ Kris rolled his eyes, though it hurt his head to do so.

‘’Next time, you guys better come out here or I’ll make you.’’ Kris winced as he moved the bag from his head, to his cheek. Tao sat next to him on the couch, which got restored back to its official position. The room turned quiet again, and the only sound you could hear was the crunching of the leaves on Lay’s sandwich. Everybody’s eyes shifted to him.

‘’What?’’ He asked between mouthfuls. ‘’You want some?’’  He offered. Nobody seemed to want a sandwich at 3:45 AM, so he shrugged and kept messily munching.

‘’We should go back to sleep,’’ Luhan suggested, gripping tightly on his pillow and yawning. If Luhan wasn’t so annoying, Kris would’ve considered this a cute image. He nodded.

‘’I guess we should, we’ve got school tomorrow.’’ He stood up, albeit in pain, and went to his room without further word. Tao followed suit, and left the others.

‘’Lu,’’ Lay said as Luhan rested his chin on his hand, turning it to face him.


‘’Sandwich?’’ Luhan chuckled and playfully punched him on the shoulder.

‘’I was just asking.’’ Lay laughed as Luhan rolled his eyes. ‘’Anyway, I can’t believe they were right about this’’ Lay shrugged as Luhan, fetching a glass of water, hummed.

‘’Who was right?’’ He asked.

‘’You know..’’ He said quietly, and beckoned to his right with his eyes, where XiuMin and Chen sat. Luhan got the message. If they said names, those two would tell Tao and Kris. He nodded.

‘’Oh, yeah..me either.’’ He cleared his throat before drinking more of his water. Lay stretched his arms out.

 ‘’We should go to sleep, guys, you know what Wu Fan said.’’ The others nodded and stood up from their seats, heading towards their room to catch the rest of their sleep, considering they only had 3 more hours to sleep.


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The day later, all of them woke up fine. They all ate and went to their first class, albeit a bit late and tired.

Back in the other dorm, Suho wondered how Lay was doing and if anything had happened to him overnight, Sehun wondering the same, since both of them heard some noises coming from the other building, preferably some clanking and loud thuds that came from their floor. They shrugged it off and focused on the important right now: Getting to school and finding that everything was fine and that no mess was on school ground, caused by the destructive females.

Everything was fine, though. They walked into the school and everything was spotless, which meant that the Elites thankfully didn’t touch the inside of the school.

‘’Attention students,’’ The speakers throughout the school boomed the principal’s loud voice. They stopped in their tracks and began listening well. ‘’Yesterday, there seemed to be a break-in on school grounds. The Elites, once again, invaded school property, but this time, they have acted upon our Legendary’s dorm-rooms. Please, take the time to lock your dorm-rooms well just in case any of this act happens again as we’ll take the liberty to turn on the security cameras on both buildings so you don’t have to worry all that much. Thank you for your attention and please resume to your respective classes.’’ Suho gasped and looked around the place to see if he found any of the Legendary nearby. Nothing. Something else he didn’t see around? Sehun.

Sehun’s POV.

As soon as I heard that those es came inside the Legendary dorm, I raced all over the school to check up on Luhan. What if he was hurt? What if they had erased his mind or something? I was beyond worried, because he hadn’t texted me this morning, like he always did. As my shoes squeaked against the floor while making a U turn, I ran towards his locker, where he, unfortunately, was not. I should take the liberty to ask Lay, too..if I found him, of course.

After checking both homerooms, I found myself empty-handed. One place I was dumb enough to not check was the office. I smacked myself in the head a couple of times, before I found myself in front of the large office, seeing them all sitting down on some chairs, talking and maybe telling the Principal all that happened. They stood up. Maybe the session was over and Luhan would see me and we’d talk, even though I really shouldn’t be doing this. They bowed at the same time, and before I knew it, one by one, they were exiting the office, pretending I was a nosy nobody and shouldering me. I stood to the side, waiting for Luhan to come out and when he did, he was accompanied by Lay. Luhan’s face was full of confusion as to why I was here, and a bit concerned, considering I was sweating and panting because of that previous race to get here. Lay shook my shoulder and I came back to reality, where Luhan stood still. Lay left the two of us alone, Luhan thanking him as he went to his first class.

‘’Hey, what are you doing here? Are you okay?’’ He grabbed my arm and shook it, wanting an answer.

‘’I’m fine..I just want to know if you’re fine, too.’’ I said, panting. He smiled and sighed.

‘’I’m fine, too..’’ I sighed, relieved. ‘’You shouldn’t be running off like that though, Suho could get mad at you and completely forbid you of ever meeting me face to face again.’’ He chuckled as I smiled.

‘’I think he understands where I’m coming from though..’’ I said. ‘’He’s been talking to Lay a lot, I’m pretty sure he would’ve done the same if it wasn’t for the sake of the others.’’ He smiled.

‘’Well, if you say so..’’ He started, ‘’Don’t worry though, we’re all fine, make sure that reaches Suho, okay?’’ He grabbed my hands and dangled them from side to side. I smiled and nodded.

‘’I will.’’

‘’Good, now go before he starts looking for you, plus, I need to go to class.’’ He sighed and let go of both my hands. I pouted but nodded.

‘’Okay, I’ll see you around but-won’t-really-talk-to-you-except-for-texting.’’ I joked,pouting as he laughed and slapped my arm.

‘’Yah, it’s only two days, don’t worry about it.’’ He smiled brightly and I suddenly felt the strong need of pinching those cheeks. I sighed.

‘’You’re right, but I guess you should be going.’’ He nodded and waved, leaving my side, his scent lingering in the air and hitting my nostrils dead on. I smiled and quickly left the front of the office before the Principal caught me and shooed me himself.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

At lunch, all 6 of us sat at the table, quietly eating. JongIn looked bitter as he ate his food with his eyes in his lap, probably texting another ‘sorry’ to MoonKyu. I sighed and shifted my eyes to the door, waiting for that someone to show up with his respective Legendary. I sighed again and played with my food while puffing my cheeks out. Suho rubbed my back understandingly and kept eating. I cracked a smile, knowing Suho was finally coming around to knowing my feelings for Lu, which were..developing. I blushed at the thought and found myself smiling to myself. I shook my head of all thoughts and redirected my view towards the door, where no one was. I looked around the cafeteria, where my eyes immediately found Luhan looking exceptionally adorable laughing and joking with Lay. I pouted, feeling a little jealous of Lay’s position right now, so I did everything I could to make him smile for me. I pulled out my phone and quickly texted,

‘You look good today’ which was true. He looked really good with his straight bangs covering his eyes, brushing them away lightly. His long-sleeved and baggy cream shirt showing off his sharp collarbones and his tight jeans sticking to his long legs perfectly. He stopped laughing and fetched his phone, touching the screen and opening what seemed to be my text. He smiled and bit his tongue. I chuckled as he looked around the room to find me. I sunk my head and pretended to be eating just to see if he would reply to me. Soon enough, my phone made a dinging sound.

‘Where are you?’

I smiled and turned around, seeing him look around more and pouting.

‘To your right, cutie’ I pressed sent and laughed at myself for the stupid and greasy nickname. I turned around to find him staring at his phone and bursting out laughing. Maybe the nickname wasn’t such a good idea. He turned his head to the right and found me, immediately smiling widely. He shyly waved as I did the same. He fetched his phone as I raised a brow, feeling my phone vibrate on my palm and make that annoying sound again.

‘Thanks..You don’t look so bad yourself^^ hehe..’ I smiled at the text. It was obvious that he was a little shy, if not, a little uncomfortable because I’ve never been so straightforward with him. I turned my head and just like I guessed, he was still looking at me and biting his bottom lip, while a finger touched his chin. As soon as he saw my face looking at his, he gasped and turned around and went back to his food. I laughed quietly and kept eating my own as Suho slapped my nape. I almost spit out my food.

‘’I saw that.’’ He raised a brow.

‘’Saw what?’’ I acted as if nothing happened. He beckoned me with his head towards Luhan as I smiled and said,

‘’I just texted him, no biggie.’’ I shrugged as he laughed and pat my head.

‘’Nah, man,’’ He tried using slang, but failed naturally. ‘’You were blushing. Admit it, Sehun, you like him.’’ He raised a brow and smiled. I widened my eyes and shook my head frantically.

‘’N—No, I don’t!’’ I pouted and sighed, resting my head on my arms. ‘’Maybe..’’ He made patterns on my back and chuckled.

‘’Go for it, then..’’ I turned my head to face him and he gave me a ‘somewhat hurt’ and sincere smile. I smiled back.


Friday, September 21, 2012.

The day was here. Today I was going to properly look Luhan in the eye and talk to him. It may seem weird, but I missed him, I missed his happy and energized aura around me. Anyways, Luhan hasn’t texted me all day and I was beginning to worry, but still got myself ready. I settled on some khaki shorts, a white button down shirt with a tank of the same color right under, topped with a summer hat, even though it wasn’t close to being summer, let alone be hot in here. I sat down and waited. It was 6:30 right now and we settled on 7:00, so he had plenty of time. Unfortunately, by 6:35, I began getting anxious. Not a text so far, so I doubted he was actually going to show up. Okay, not that much, but I was nervous. I felt myself starting to sweat, so I stood up from the couch and turned down the heater, so the temperature wouldn’t be so uncomfortable, though it was going to get a bit cold..and Luhan doesn’t like the cold. I sat down on the couch again and immediately found it uncomfortable, so I lie down and rest my head on the armrest. I start playing with my dog-tags and my hat, making it cover my face. I sighed, putting my hat back on top of my head and looked at the time. 6:40. , I was anxious. My heart began pounding and I just came to the conclusion that I absolutely hated waiting.

I pouted and kicked a random cushion as I was still lying down, except now I was face-down. I groaned into the pillow and lifted my head to find that it was now 7:05. He’s not coming. I sincerely felt like crying. I sat up and pouted, standing up and practically wobbling my way to the kitchen. Man, I was hungry. As soon as I pulled out the carton of milk to drink out of—taking advantage of the fact that the others were enjoying a nice dinner with each other in the same restaurant as before— the bell rang and I immediately put the milk away and fixed my hair in the mirror a few steps away. I took a breath and opened the door, finding Luhan there, in front of me, pouting. I exhaled, relieved, and opened my mouth to say something, but he stopped me; a hand in mid air, in front of my face, halting me. He pulled out his phone as I furrowed my brows, watching him text. My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I pulled it out, seeing it was a text from him. I eyed him curiously, but he pouted, and then smiled, and then beckoned me to read it. I raised a brow and eyed the message. I grinned.

‘Sorry I’m late :(

‘It’s okay, I’m glad you’re here now^^’ He smiled when he read my reply. I let him in as he smiled at me.

‘’I’m sorry again, Lay was keeping me up and going on and on about how early I needed to come home.’’

‘’It’s okay, Suho’s like that.’’ I smiled and closed the door.

‘’I know, but he’s nice.’’

‘’So is Lay,’’ He hummed and nodded. ‘’You look really good today, by the way..’’ I said shyly as he smiled.

‘’Thank you..so do you..’’ He chuckled and took my hat, placing it on his own head. I chuckled as he walked over to the center of the room, sitting down. 

‘’So,’’ He started, ‘’What movie are we watching?’’ I sat down next to him and leaned on the sofa.

‘’Whichever movie that has subs’’ I chuckled as he did the same. He began looking through the cabinet for a good movie that conveniently had subs and in a matter of seconds, he had found one.

‘’This one’s pretty old, but it has subs thankfully, you wanna watch?’’ I took the DVD from his hand and eyed it from the back to the front. I nodded and my chapped lips.

‘’Yeah, let’s watch that one, even though I can’t even read the title.’’ He laughed as he stood up and placed the disc in the DVD player. He sat down next to me and grabbed the remote, pressing the subs options and then play.

I turned off the light and went to my room for a second, grabbing small blanket just in case it got cold, and went back to the living room, tossing it into the couch.

‘’Hmm, where are you going? The movie just started.’’ He said as I once again, left his side to go to the kitchen, looking through the different cabinets.

‘’Want some popcorn?’’ I asked from the kitchen.

‘’Yes, please!’’ He shouted from the living room. I smiled and placed the bag in the microwave, pressing the 3 minute button and going back to sit next to him.

‘’What’s happened?’’

‘’Nothing much, you’re practically just in time.’’ He keeps his eyes glued to the television set as I smiled, watching how easily he concentrates on just watching a movie.

‘’Good,’’ I stood up. ‘’I’m just gonna get the popcorn and pour it into the bowl, okay?’’ He nodded and I went back to the kitchen and doing what I told him I was going to do. When I sat back down next to him, he began eating handfuls of popcorn, asking me if I wanted any. I would always say no. We laughed together during the funny parts, made faces at the surprising scenes and clung onto each other during the suspenseful ones. It wasn’t long before he had his head on my shoulder as he happily ate every piece of popcorn left on the bowl, wrapped around the blanket I had brought for the two of us. I carefully placed my head on top of his, and he didn’t mind, he just nuzzled more into my neck. I sighed, content I was actually being let to do this. He shifted, making our bodies become drawn more and more to each other until our legs touched.

The movie was getting boring, which was completely normal if you were playing an old- movie that was 4 hours long, and he yawned, nuzzling more—if that was humanly possible—into my warm neck. I gulped, trying to look down if he had fallen asleep, but he hadn’t.

‘’Sehun?’’ I looked down.


‘’Can I tell you something?’’ He left my neck and looked at me, almost pleading I said ‘yes’. I nodded. He sat in front of me, his legs crossed.

‘’Sure, go ahead..’’ He cleared his throat and bit his lip as he played around with his fingers, which meant he was nervous.

‘’Sehun..’’ He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again.


‘’I know this is kind of weird, considering we met a couple of weeks ago, and I hope you don’t think I’m weird or something—‘’

‘’Yeah?’’ I unexpectedly interrupted him. ‘’Sorry, continue.’’ He nodded.

‘’..but I think I like you..’’ He bit his lip and looked down as I blinked twice, registering what I had just heard. ‘’You’re sweet, and you’re funny and you’re quiet and shy..so why would it be a surprise that I had been accidentally drawn to you from the start?’’ He mumbled and blinked as he shyly kept picking on the fabric of his jeans while pouting. I let my mouth drop, trying to come up with a response, but nothing. He looked up and saw me struggling, so he pulled my chin up, closing my mouth.

‘’Stop dropping your mouth..’’ He mumbled. I suddenly smiled, remembering how much I said that to him. ‘’Yah..say something..’’ He pouted. I lay down on the floor, flat on my belly as I intertwined my hands together, propping me up. My face was mere centimeters from his, and I could feel his uneasy breathing from here. I took a deep breath and seeing as how he kept his head down, looking at his feet, I tilted his chin up for him to look at me. He pouted and I did the same, mocking him. He pushed my arm and whined as I chuckled.

‘’It was a surprise to me..’’ I whispered. ‘’..because I thought I was the only one who felt like this..’’ I smiled when his eyes got big and he shook his head in disbelief. I smirked.


‘’I like you, too, that’s what.’’ I chuckled as he blinked a couple of times, and dropped his jaw. I tilted it back up. ‘’Stop that, it’s annoying.’’ He frowned and pouted again, and I just couldn’t fight back a giggle..and the strong sensation of feeling his lips on mine. I leaned forward, until I saw that our noses were touching and he didn’t do anything to stop it, so I took it as permission and without thinking twice, I kissed him. He gasped, but didn’t allow me to pull away, as he kissed back. I used my elbows to move my body so that he could have more access, seeing as how I was still lying down. His hands sneaked to the sides of my neck, tickling me a bit as he ran his hands over them, then he moved them towards my jaw-line, where he tilted my head up. I pulled away, and looked into his eyes. His expression was confused, as if he thought he had done something wrong, but he didn’t, and I expressed how wrong he was by pecking his lips once. Twice. Three times. I couldn’t’ get enough.  I pecked him one last time, and before I could pull away, he took my cheeks and forced myself back into those lips. I laughed into the kiss, feeling as he smiled and laughed too. Seconds later, we pulled back, breathless. I sat up and wrapped my arms around his waist as he leant into my neck again. After a little comforting silence, my other roommates came in and saw us like this. JongIn immediately furrowed his brows as Suho made them go to their rooms, claiming it was ‘late’. He smiled and winked at me before going inside our room. I smiled to myself and sighed, starting a new conversation.

‘’So..’’ I said.

‘’So what?’’ He chuckled.

‘’..like..what are we?’’ I wondered.

‘’Uh..what do you mean?’’ He asked, even though anybody would’ve known what I was talking about.

‘’You know..like..you like me, I like you, we kissed and..now what? Did we change? Are we the same?’’ He sighed and took my hand, kissing my jaw-line. I shivered.

‘’If you want to..we can change..’’ I looked down at him and furrowed my brows. ‘’Do you want us to change, Sehun?’’ I gulped and shyly nodded. ‘’I do, too..but, I can’t be your boyfriend..at least not for now..’’ It was my turn to pout. He looked up and cupped my face, mocking my pout. I smiled sadly, which made him react and peck my lips.

‘’Why?’’ I asked quietly. He sighed.

‘’I need to keep studying and if I have you as a boyfriend, I’ll be so excited and I’ll eventually forget my studies, so at least until next week when the exams are over, we’ll talk about that okay?’’ I nodded and pouted.  ‘’I just couldn’t wait any longer, Sehun..I wanted to tell you now because I don’t think I have any more time during the weekend. Kris says that if I study hard and get a good grade, he’ll give me back my freedom, which means I’ll train less and I can spend more time with you.’’ He smiled. ‘’I’m sorry for making you wait..’’ He pouted and blinked rapidly, pleading for forgiveness.

‘’Don’t worry about it..I’m just a little sad that I won’t get to see you this weekend..’’ I confessed.

‘’Please don’t be sad, just remind yourself that before next Saturday, I’ll be yours, okay?’’ I smiled and nodded.

‘’Okay..’’ He smiled and kissed my lips again, hearing the ending song of the movie play as the credits appeared.  He pulled back and stood up, helping me up as well. He sighed and checked the time.

‘’Wow, that was a long movie, huh?’’ I nodded.

‘’It was.’’

‘’Should I go now? If you want me to?’’ I shook my head.

‘’I don’t want you to..but it’s late and I don’t want anything to happen to you early in the morning, so I think you should be going..’’ He nodded.

‘’Yeah, I know how you and Lay don’t want me walking around this late at night.’’ He smiled and chuckled as I took his hand.

‘’I can come with you if you want..’’

‘’I don’t want you to get in trouble..’’ I nodded and let go of his hand. ‘’Walk me to the door?’’ I nodded again and walked with him towards the door, opening it and walking out with him, being greeted by the cold wind. I knew by the look on his face that he didn’t like this one bit.

‘’So..’’ I said.

‘’So what?’’ He shrugged and chuckled.

‘’So, I’ll miss you..’’ He ‘tssked’ wrapped his arms around my neck.

‘’I’ll miss you, too, but you can still text me, right?’’ I nodded ‘’See? It’s not so bad.’’ He caressed my arm and pecked the side of my lips while standing on his tippy toes.

‘’I guess not.’’ I chuckled as he smiled. ‘’It’s a bit cold today, are you sure you don’t—‘’ He kissed my lips to shut me up.

‘’I don’t need you to walk me home, I can take it.’’ He insisted as I gave in and nodded.

‘’So you’ll go now?’’ He nodded.

‘’Yeah, I have to..I have until 11:30, it’s 11:16’’ He sighed. ‘’So..’’

‘’Yeah, I know..I’ll see you Monday, I think’’   He nodded.

‘’Yeah, Monday..’’ He assured and ran a hand through his hair. ‘’Uh..thanks for everything, really..’’ I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him in for a small hug. He hugged back and rocked our bodies.

‘’You’re welcome..’’ I breathed into his shoulder and pulled away, that scent never leaving my nose. ‘’So, I’ll see you soon then..’’

‘’Yeah, I’ll see you around’’ He smiled and waved as he started walking away. I smirked and caught up to him, wrapping my arms from behind around his waist. He laughed and turned around, catching my lips in one long-lasting kiss as he s his arms around my neck again.  I smiled, content that this was actually happening. He pulled away and I couldn’t help but steal another peck. He blushed and bit his lips, his arm shyly.

‘’Now you can go..’’ I said and let go of his waist.  He chuckled and mouthed a quick ‘bye’ as I waved, seeing as he disappeared from view and into the dark night sky. I sighed, walking back into the dorm, locking it and smiling to myself as I jumped into the couch and buried my face in the cushion. I flipped around, blinking as I felt my body become one with the couch and my energy slowly drain. Soon enough, I was knocked out and into dreamland.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

I woke up by the sudden sound of clanking. I squinted and got up, stretching my back and cracking it. I found Kyungsoo in the living room, cooking up some breakfast and smiled, knowing that I had woken up just in time.

‘’Hey,’’ JongIn said. I looked at him as he sat down next to me.

‘’Hi,’’ I said, confused.

‘’What’s up?’’

‘’Nothing much, just woke up, you?’’

‘’Same..’’ He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. ‘’So, yesterday..you and Luhan..are you guys together? He raised a brow as I turned my head to face him and shake my head.

‘’N—No..’’ I started. ‘’Not yet..though.’’ I gulped as he scratched his head.

‘’What do you mean by that?’’

‘’Well..he told me that he couldn’t be with me yet..maybe next week..I totally understand.’’ I explained while scratching my arm.

‘’Oh..well I saw you two last night.’’ My jaw dropped and I stood up.

‘’You were spying on me?!’’

‘’I had to!’’

‘’What gave you the right?!’’

‘’I have the right! This is my house, too!’’ He stood up, and soon enough, Kyungsoo was left staring at us.

‘’It isn’t your business though..’’ I mumbled and scoffed.

‘’I thought you would be smarter than that, Sehun..’’ He said and shrugged. ‘’I can’t believe you’re letting yourself be fooled,’’ I took a breath and held it, because I’m pretty sure that if I let it go right now, he’d be bleeding out of his nose.

‘’I thought you understood..’’

‘’I never did, Sehun, I was only looking out for you! I saw how easily you clung into that kid and I let it be, but seeing as how this has taken another step forward, I needed to act before you actually let yourself be taken advantage of!’’ I scoffed again and placed a hand on my stomach.

‘’I’m happy okay? Why is it that you always want to make me miserable?’’ He rolled his eyes.

‘’I’m trying to protect you, Sehun!’’

‘’Why the hell would I need protection?! He won’t hurt me!’’ I insisted.

‘’You never know what he’ll do, you’ve known him for less than a month, don’t start assuming bull!’’ I lost my temper and pushed him. Not enough to send him to the floor, but enough to hurt.

‘’I know him more than you do, so shut up! If he hurts me, it’ll be my problem, not yours! It’s always been my problem, not yours!’’ He groaned and pushed me back, making me stumble.

‘’Can’t you see that I’m trying?! I’m trying so ing hard to accept this! But seeing how happy you are right now, it makes me happy and I don’t want to fall into the damn trap! I want you to at least be aware of what he could do, because I’m well aware of it.’’ I stood dumbstruck at his words, but talked anyway.

‘’I am aware..but don’t worry, I’ll handle it myself, you don’t need to worry about me anymore..trust me.’’ I gripped his shoulders.


‘’What’s going on here?’’ Suho suddenly barged in.

‘’Nothing, hyung..we just finished discussing something.’’ He raised a brow and gripped his hips with his hands.

‘’I trust you, Sehun..just don’t get too attached.’’ He walked away into his room and I nodded, even though he couldn’t see me.

‘’What was the meaning of that? What happened? Get attached to whom?’’ Suho bombarded me with questions while tapping his feet anxiously on the ground, hands still on his hips. I rolled my eyes and looked down at him. I sighed.

‘’I’ll tell you after breakfast.’’ He blinked a couple of times as I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I just wondered why in the end of JongIn and I’s fights, I always ended up winning and he ended up confessing something…



A/N: *changed my name to biangka-imnida^^


So, I'm sorry I'm late :/ I wrote the summary in a notebook yesterday and wrote not even half of the fic yesterday, and finsished today T.T I really wanted it up today

The Elites will be revealed soon, but they won't be in future chapters for now :P 

By the way, there's a secret in the fight scene, see if you can find it and give me your guess!^^ It's a little hint to what will happen in the future ;)

I need more couple moments that aren't HunHan T.T Tell me, which OTP should I start writing more of? 

Subscribe and comment to know if you liked it~!!

Once again, thank you to everyone who subcribed and commented and overall read this<3

I love you~

See you next update you guys!! :D~






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GUYS. I know I said I'd update quick and I'm almost done writing, but i have written a lot, the longest chapter so far orz i hope you guys like it once it's up~


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Chapter 27: Popping in again just to say I still love this story XD By far one of my favs even after 6 years of reading probably thousands of other stories and pairings!!!!! Even if this is the end I just want to thank you for this masterpiece and that I still have the ability to read what’s already been wrote ❤️❤️❤️
DyeDyeCoco510 #2
Chapter 27: I love this story!! Please start writing again. Your one of the best writer. Please start writing this story again! :)
P-p-please put me out of my misery T~T Send me a sign of life *kneels in begging position* It's just been a REALLY long time since you've updated or I've heard anything about the story.... I'm worried if your still writing it or not..... I'm okay if you just are taking a break or stuck, I just need a little reassurance that you still plan on continuing this story because I absolutely LOVE IT!!!
HybridLover7 #4
Chapter 27: Oh my... This story is a work of art T~T I have read tons of stories, and have several hundred subscriptions, but this story is by far my favorite!! It's so well written and the plot is just fantabulous! And the characters dynamics, you're just out for my heart author nim ;P

Baekyeol is my absolute favorite OTP of all time, and this story has me squealing over them. I love the whole unrequited love and Chanyeol's internal struggles. It's gonna make it so much more gratifying when they finally become a pair! Can't wait to see if Chanyeol's hormones get the best of him XD Kaisoo, so CUTE! Little Squishysoo in denial, and a touchy Kai, AAHHHHH!!! To die for :3 Taoris needs a smack down, especially on Kris's side. I wanted to KILL him with how he treated the poor Panda. Even though Baek is not meant for Tao, I hope they can still be friends. HunHan is a ball of ual frustration aren't they XD All lovey but there's that underlying tone of "I wanna jump you", makes they're relationship amusing. SuLay, just so innocently adorable! And XiuChen, gotta love 'em! I can see them acting the exact same towards each other dating, as they are as best friends :3 Which they should do, date, cause then I could die happy XD

Do I miss Moonkyu? Honestly, no XD It's not that he was a bad character or anything, I'm just hardcore Kaisoo, and he took up that time ^_^ *awkwardly chuckles. I don't hate him, and he's an interesting part of the story.... I just don't miss him :D

Oh my goodness, look at the length of this! XD But no amount of words can describe how much I LOVE THIS STORY! I will be patiently awaiting you return from hiatus, and highly anticipating the next chapter to one of the greatest stories EVER \^0^/ HWAITING!!!
Chapter 27: Also... As soon as you mentioned animals I was like...WOLF!!!

Hahahah... Wonder why!? Hhmmm...

Also... I Love You~

And Next time please update me on when you update this story!

Chapter 27: This was THE BEST CHAPTER EVER!!!

So Many Baekyeol Feels OMG... I really like how their relationship is developing. Poor Teollie, he's had to deal with so much Bullsh*t from Baekhyun!!! I Love them! And that Wolf Fight between them was amazing! And they kissed *melts into a pile of pink goo*

The HunHan couple... Loved how Luhan was petting Sehun and playing and cleaning Shuns Furr... Can he be any cuter? I love them!!!

Taoris... I Have massive feels for them and I like how Tao is sticking up for himself. I'm sorry Tao, Baekhyun belongs to puppy Yeol... Your place is with Kris!!! And Kris...FINALLY! I swear he must be the cutest sh*t when he's in love!!! I'm looking forward to them!

I Swear Kaisoo is just the cutest OTP in the History of Cute OTPs!!! I Love them! I like how they're not official but they love each other and you know the feeling's there! Kaisoo 4evar~

Can Sulay get any awkward er!? I mean for real... Those two are just too much!!! I would love it if they kept developing their feelings! I have high hopes for them!

Xiuchen are just the stupidest goofballs in history and I love them cause Xiumin is perfect! Nuff said! (Also can you please put more of them in the next chappie!? Neh!?)

Now for You Lovely Bianca~

I'll never get tired of telling you that I love this fanfic and I think you're just completely amazing!!!

I've missed you so much! We haven't talked in like forever!

I Hope you're doing great in everything! Also in school ok!? Arrasso

anyway i'll read your story soon baobei. Usually i'm a silent reader lmao.
But i'll do anything for my love. <3
Chapter 27: Omg I have been reading your story non stop for the past couple days,I am incredibly hooked, this is such an amazing and well written story, your storyline with the powers is by far the best I have read.

OMFG MY FEELS FOR KAISOO! *does 3 backflips into a trashcan*

*sniffles* baekyeol *Breaks down screaming* so much love between those two thank you.

Seriously I lalalalove your story!!! Keep at it ^^
lightlessstarlight #9
Chapter 27: Hi :D
I'm soo sorry for beeing a silent reader until now >< Your story is really amazing! I just had to make myselfe an account and comment ^~^

I've read your fic for quite a while and I really love your plot and ideas *~* Please continue in this awsome way;

autor-nim fighting!!! ^O^///