
Before The Eclipse(HIATUS)



Thursday November 8, 2012


Nobody’s POV.


The bell rings and it’s students scattered all over the halls, trying to get to their classrooms. Bodies clash and push each other and soon, it’s a mess to the entire student hall. In the corner of the room stood Suho, Kyungsoo, Sehun, Chanyeol and Baekhyun, watching as Kai stomped his way over to the crowd and ‘’sneakily’’ teleported to his homeroom, waving them off, albeit too proud. Kyungsoo wanted to smack his pretty little head for such a cocky act. Suho on the other hand, sighed and waited for the halls to even out so they could safely pass.

It took almost five minutes for that to happen.

Suho grabbed onto Sehun and dragged him off to science with Baekhyun and Chanyeol as Kyungsoo went his way over to Pyro with Kai, much-needily thumping the back of his head as the other turned and gave him a glare. Kyungsoo just smirked and did it again until the teacher walked in.


‘’Good morning, class,’’ said Mrs. Liao to her science students. The students groggily returned the greeting as she wrote something on the board Suho, Sehun, Baekhyun and Chanyeol couldn’t understand. She her heels and showed the class a beaker and some powder zipped up on a bag of Ziplock as she spoke, ‘’today we’re going to mix some chemicals,’’ she said, as the class tilted their heads, ‘’it’s easy. All you gotta do is pour this batch in, mix it and wait for the results. Remember to take notes of the progress because this is worth a very important grade.’’

Baekhyun groaned. He wasn’t good with mixing, or concentrating or working at all. He turned his head over to Suho and rolled his eyes as the other grinned and gave him a thumbs-up to encourage him. He then felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to the other side to see Chanyeol smiling at him. Baekhyun smiled back and looked away from him as he felt his cheeks turning another color. He didn’t know why but this was happening a lot. He sighed and kept paying his attention to Mrs. Liao as she answered a boy a question.

‘’Yes, you may pair up,’’ Baekhyun beamed and turned to Suho, who smiled and suddenly wiggled his eyebrows, signaling to his right with his eyes. Baekhyun followed his eyes and glanced upon Chanyeol and then back at Suho with widened eyes, ‘’but one student mixes and solves the math problems I have placed on the board,’’ he let his face drop on the desk. Great, more work.

‘’Baekhyun,’’ Chanyeol pokes, ‘’Baekhyun,’’ he pokes again, and Baekhyun can almost feel his grin spreading across his cheeks in glee, ‘’let’s pair up, neh? I’ll do the math!’’ Baekhyun slowly looked up, and just like he thought, he grins and nods. Baekhyun smiles shyly and glances to his right to find Sehun and Suho already paired up. Suho looks up from his laboratory glasses and winks and Baekhyun just wants to punch him but he can’t because Chanyeol is poking him again, ‘’Baekhyunnie,’’ Baekhyun blushes.

‘’O-Oh um, sure, yeah, of course I-I don’t mind,’’ Baekhyun chuckles, albeit a bit too nervously and scoots close to Chanyeol’s table where the beaker and the bag of chemicals are placed.

‘’I’ll just go and copy those problems,’’ Chanyeol nods, ‘’you can just fill the beaker with water or anything the teacher wants us to add,’’ Baekhyun nods and stands up, taking the beaker and walking over to the sink to fill it with water. He bites his lips and turns on the hot water and fills it whole while looking at Chanyeol, who was writing down the problems and looking at the board while at it and he shrugs, thinking, ‘well, it won’t be so bad’ He sighs and walks his way back to Chanyeol, who already opened up the bag full of powder as he smiles at him.

‘’Um, okay, so what now?’’ Baekhyun asks while taking the bag from Chanyeol. Chanyeol just looks at the instructions on the board, eyes squinted.

‘’Um, you pour it,’’ Chanyeol nods and Baekhyun almost rolls his eyes, ‘’then you just take this sticky-thingy and you um, mix it?’’ Chanyeol blinked and tilted his head to the side, scratching his head confusedly. Baekhyun wants to flip his table now because when did Chanyeol get this cute?

‘’U-Uh yeah okay,’’ Baekhyun responds and takes the ‘sticky-thingy’ from his hand almost carefully as he pours the powder in and Chanyeol makes a sound of disapproval, seizing him from pouring any more.

‘’Baekhyun, the beaker isn’t fully heated,’’ he informs, ‘’go ask the teacher for a burner please.’’ Baekhyun nods and stands up wobbly, and before he got to ask the teacher on the other side of the room, she hands him one and he’s left blinking and going back to the table. Chanyeol chuckles, ‘’that was quick,’’ he says and Baekhyun blinks again. Chanyeol doesn’t respond and just takes the burner, putting it on top of the table and plugging it in to the extension below the table and placing the beaker on top.

‘’Um,’’ Baekhyun manages to say.

‘’You may resume,’’ Chanyeol laughs and Baekhyun nods and complies, taking the powder and pouring it carefully onto the beaker, watching it as it starts to boil and create greenish bubbles in its wake. Baekhyun watches in amazement at it for about three minutes before getting bored of the same process, so he turns to Chanyeol and pokes him on the forearm. Chanyeol blinks and slowly looks at him and Baekhyun’s breath stills for a moment because eye-contact, ‘’oh, um, just—‘’ he does a weird hand gesture, his eyes not leaving Baekhyun’s, ‘’—th-the uh, the stick—th-the thing.’’ Baekhyun tilts his head and grabs the sticky-thing from the table and looks at Chanyeol again, actually freezing when he sees Chanyeol blush and look away.


‘’Uh, yeah,’’ Chanyeol coughs and trains his eyes on the blank sheet of paper as Baekhyun nods and stirs the mix a bit, watching it as it fizzles and the color turns a bit greener. ‘The atmosphere is a bit awkward now,’ Baekhyun thinks and sighs, blowing air into his bangs, glancing towards Chanyeol a bit as he concentrates on the math problem. He sighs because Chanyeol is so good at this and he’s not. Math drives him crazy and he tries his best but always ends up getting a slight help from Chanyeol during tests. He feels guilty now that he thinks about it. He’s never returned the favor and he wants to do it now.

‘’Chanyeol,’’ he says, and Chanyeol looks at him with big, round eyes that have him tilt his head, ‘’umm, need any help?’’ Chanyeol laughs.

‘’Baek, you don’t like math,’’ Baekhyun pouts, ‘’so? I can…try to help,’’ Baekhyun coughs as Chanyeol raises a brow, ‘’really. You always help me, let me give it a shot,’’ Baekhyun smiles cheekily as Chanyeol rolls his eyes, smiling as he passes the paper to Baekhyun.

‘’Go ahead,’’ Chanyeol looks at him in amazement as Baekhyun takes the paper and observes the problem. ‘So far so good,’ Baekhyun thinks as he skims through the rest of the problem. There are letters, and he finds the pi symbol and then some parenthesis and a few square roots here and there and Baekhyun drops his jaw. Chanyeol chuckles and pats his back, taking the paper back to him, ‘’I thought so,’’ Baekhyun pouts and crosses his arms, sighing as he places his hand to his cheek, observing and taking notes of the process so far.

‘’It’s…fizzling…’’ Baekhyun writes down and Chanyeol sneakily looks at him from the corner of his eyes and sits straight, boldly placing a hand to his back. Baekhyun still his movements as Chanyeol runs his hands up and down, oddly soothing him.

‘’You okay, Baek?’’ he asks and Baekhyun doesn’t answer, making Chanyeol pout, ‘’did you not wanna pair up with me?’’ Baekhyun blinks a few times and jumps in his seat when Chanyeol takes his chin in hand and makes him look at him. Baekhyun can feel the heat in his cheeks already as Chanyeol searches for answers in his expression, but all he sees is Baekhyun, terrorized and horrified by his actions. He soon lets go of his chin and instead, stares at him.

‘’I-It’s not…that,’’ Baekhyun coughs and turns his head to the side. Chanyeol keeps trying to keep eye-contact, which is not helping Baekhyun at all, ‘’I-I’m just—‘’

‘’You wanted Suho instead, right?’’ Baekhyun shakes his head, blushing harder at the thought of actually avoiding Chanyeol during this project just because he can’t control his sudden feelings.

‘’N-No, I just…’’ Chanyeol kept boring his eyes onto Baekhyun’s, ‘’I’m just…tired,’’ he nodded furiously.

‘’Of what?’’ Baekhyun widened his eyes and looked at him, shaking his head slowly, ‘’of me being around you all the time? You could’ve just said—‘’

‘’No talking,’’ The teacher interrupted, but Baekhyun didn’t hear it. He was too busy staring at Chanyeol with hurt and disbelief. He couldn’t believe what Chanyeol had just suggested was the problem when it was exactly the damn opposite. He wanted Chanyeol around him and hug him and smile at him and act like idiots with him but he was too afraid now. He wanted to be back to the way he was before. Feelings aren’t needed now; they’re too complicated when you’re Byun Baekhyun.

Chanyeol sighed and Baekhyun actually felt like now for not saying all he had in his mind just now, so he just ripped a page out of his notebook and scribbled, ‘it’s not like that, I swear…’ and passed it to Chanyeol. He glanced to his left and saw Chanyeol open it and close it again, turning to Baekhyun and looking at him with guilt written all over his face.

‘’Sorry…’’ he mouthed and Baekhyun felt like evaporating.

‘’Chan—‘’ he stopped when Chanyeol turned to his math problems, hand on his right cheek, a clear pout on his face. Baekhyun had the weird urge to kiss it away but again, stilled before it was too late. He sighed and turned back to the fizzling problem on the beaker and wrote down random things he saw, like the color, the texture and even the nonexistent taste it had. It was doing nothing but fizzle and Baekhyun quickly became bored and drew weird patterns on his paper. He sighed. Again, he glanced at Chanyeol and looked in adoration as Chanyeol used his fingers to count. He blinked in fascination as Chanyeol puckered his lips and knitted his eyebrows together, nose scrunched as he thought of a possible explanation to something and Baekhyun smiled just a bit, watching him beam and write something down, tongue sticking out and everything. Baekhyun chuckled lightly and kept looking at him until their eyes met again.

‘’W-What?’’ Baekhyun saw the evident blush spread across his cheeks and smiled.

‘’Nothing…’’ Chanyeol blinked and looked back at his paper as Baekhyun kept paying attention to him and completely forgot the experiment to his left, which was fizzling too much to the point where it spilled from the edges of the beaker and dripped all the way down to the table.

Chanyeol found it odd though, how Baekhyun was looking at him a little too much today, and he couldn’t concentrate because he wanted to look at him, too, but the eye-contact would become a little too unbearable and he would become literally heated up in no time because the distance between their bodies was so tempting and inviting. Baekhyun wouldn’t let him though, he knew that by heart. Baekhyun was so closed off and he would give in to small ‘bro-hugs’ here and there, and he yearned for more, but Baekhyun deserved some respect. If he didn’t want Chanyeol to touch him, he’ll try with all his willpower not to because Baekhyun’s walls were taller and thicker than him and he’d probably freak out. Though that wasn’t the point. The point was that Baekhyun was staring at him and he felt weird and he probably stopped calculating because he’s waiting for Baekhyun to stop staring at him. He thought that just turning a bit and showing him he knew would make him turn around and maybe get a glimpse of his crimson cheeks, but he was oh-so wrong. What he actually turned to was the experiment dripping and spilling green ooze and he panicked.

‘’B-Baekhyun!’’ Baekhyun woke up from his daze and looked to where Chanyeol was pointing and, in horror, Baekhyun tried to grab it but found it too hot, letting out a squeal as the class stared at them.

‘’W-What do we do?!’’ Baekhyun said with his voice a little high-pitched.

‘’I-I don’t know, let me try and just—‘’

‘’Chanyeol and Baekhyun!’’ The teacher interrupted and both looked ahead to find the teacher marching towards them. Panicked and obviously under a lot of stress, Chanyeol made a grab for the beaker, knowing its heat wouldn’t affect him.

‘’Chanyeol, don’t!’’ Suho and the teacher both said at the same time, but Chanyeol’s fingers already made contact with the beaker, grabbing it and trying to put it elsewhere before the thing blew up, shooting ooze everywhere, but Luhan from the other side of the room managed to drape an invisible shield around the class, saving them from the scorching mix. Chanyeol, horrified with what he’s done, blinked a few times, gulping as he turned to Baekhyun, who looked at him with widened eyes.

‘’Ch-Chan, it was my fau—‘’ It was no use, Chanyeol already stood up and shot out of the classroom as the others looked at him and started murmuring all around. Baekhyun groaned and turned to the class, ‘’shut up! He can’t control it okay?’’ Baekhyun sighed and was about to call Suho to accompany him but the other was gone, leaving Sehun by himself as he looked at Baekhyun, shaking his head. Baekhyun then nodded and grabbed his backpack and Chanyeol’s, leaving the room, the teacher calling out for him as he ignored her and walked towards the hall, where he luckily found Suho not too far away.

‘’Yah,’’ Suho called and Baekhyun approached him, looking around, ‘’there’s no sign of him anywhere, I was waiting you’d chase after him so we could look for him together,’’ Baekhyun nodded and took a deep breath.

‘’Sounds good,’’ he said, ‘’where do you think he’ll be?’’ Suho shrugged.

‘’I-I don’t know, I’m literally blank right now,’’

‘’Yeah, me, too,’’ Baekhyun shook his head and looked below him, ‘’I can’t believe that happened,’’

‘’Me either, he usually knows how to control this,’’ Suho sighed and Baekhyun felt guiltier by the second.

‘’I-It was my fault,’’ Suho looked at him, confused, ‘’I think I put unnecessary pressure on him as we were doing the project. He was doing the math just fine and I was supposed to keep an eye on the mix but I think I got him a little worked up with how I was acting and that worried him and well…that happened,’’

‘’I should’ve paired up with you, I knew this would somehow happen,’’ Suho admitted.

‘’How so?’’

‘’Well, you know he…has feelings for you, right?’’ Baekhyun nodded slowly, ‘’and you’re kinda trying to make your mind up, so I thought that maybe if I got you two together and make you work as a team, you guys would sort of…connect in some way or another,’’ Baekhyun raised a brow as Suho shrugged with an innocent grin plastered on his face.

‘’Yah! All throughout the damn experiment I was feeling all weird and stuff and he thought I didn’t wanna spend time with him! What were you thinking, hyung? You know I get nervous!’’

‘’I-I thought this would be different and you guys would sort of bond or something but I was wrong and I won’t do it again I promise!’’ Suho said quickly, holding his arms up in the air as Baekhyun groaned and face-palmed.

‘’I need to explain things through, he’s obviously hating himself right now because he thinks I don’t like him back and because I saw…that!’’ He made weird hand-gestures and Suho laughed a bit.

‘’So you do like him back,’’ Suho raised a brow and nodded in approval as Baekhyun tried to cut him off, but Suho beat him to it with a hand to his mouth, ‘’shh, don’t speak! Let us discuss your feelings around the school while we look for your flamer boy,’’ Baekhyun rolled his eyes, pushing Suho’s hand away.

‘’Who are you? JongIn?’’ Baekhyun scoffed and dragged him to look around for Chanyeol, ‘’and flamer boy?’’

‘’It was the first thing I thought of,’’ Suho chuckled and let himself be dragged around the school, ‘’but hey, flamer boy’s cute,’’ Baekhyun rolled his eyes again.

‘’Let’s just look for him, okay? He’s probably scared and alone somewhere and I don’t want him to do something stupid.’’

‘’Or worse,’’ Baekhyun looked at Suho as he grinned, ‘’burn the school down,’’ that earned him a hard smack to the arm, making Suho wince and hold his arm.

‘’Yah! This isn’t funny!’’ Suho laughed and covered his mouth when Baekhyun glared at him with disgust.

‘’Alright, alright,’’ Suho turned a corner and dug his hands in his pocket, ‘’now if I were a giant with the ability of fire, where would I be?’’

‘’Not inside the school freezer,’’ Baekhyun retorted.


Sehun’s POV


‘’Sehun,’’ I groaned as I heard a voice from behind me and it was none other than Luhan’s, ‘’Sehun,’’ I sighed and turned around to see him propped up on the table with his elbows, looking at me and smiling when I turned.

‘’What is it, Lu?’’ He beamed as I rolled my eyes.

‘’Listen, so I wanted to see if you wanted to come over or something or if we could hang out or whatever because frankly, I never see you anymore and truth be told, I kinda miss you and all so why don’t we like, hang out or something? Boyfriend to boyfriend you could say because I really wanna talk to you again and hang out more and stuff you know? I kinda miss you and all so please say yeah,’’ I blinked as he pouted.

‘’Uh…no, Luhan.’’

‘’That sounds great! We can like—wait what?’’ I turned around in my seat and sighed quietly.

‘’I said no, Lu, I’m busy,’’ I could hear him get down from the table and steady himself in his chair as he stood quiet for a few minutes.

‘’B-Busy? Oh…’’ I shrugged, ‘’I guess you’re still mad…’’ I bit my lips and nodded slowly, ‘’sorry, Sehun…’’ He sighed and stood up from his chair when the bell rang. He was the first one out and as I picked up my bag, I approached the teacher.

‘’Hey, teach,’’ I called out to her as she looked up from her paperwork curiously, ‘’a-about Chanyeol…please understand, he’s not too…intact with his power,’’ I cleared my throat as she sighed and placed her hands on her hips.

‘’I’ve had students like him,’’ she started, ‘’they’re nothing but trouble,’’ I frowned.

‘’He’s not, he’s really trying!’’

‘’Oh Sehun, I will not tolerate this behavior. It doesn’t matter how hard he’s trying, if he keeps acting like this, I have no choice but to fail him.’’

‘’But he’s worked so hard! You need to admit he’s smart, isn’t he?’’ I shrugged and looked at the teacher, who was looking down and suddenly looked up at me. I flinched.

‘’Yes,’’ she said, ‘’he is. Which is why I don’t want this to happen, I don’t want him to fail my class, he was doing so well,’’

‘’I understand…’’ I nodded and bowed, ‘’but this one was one time, and he’s upset, please give him a chance…’’ She sighed and stacked her paperwork neatly, standing up and holding the papers to her chest while looking at me.

‘’I’ll think about it.’’ I smiled and nodded, thanking her as I went my way while the other students entered the classroom. I was still thinking of Luhan. I think I was a bit too hard on him today…maybe I shouldn’t speak to him at all just in case it gets out of hand. Yeah, I’ll do that.


Baekhyun’s POV.


‘’Yah! Park Chanyeol!’’ Suho calls out as he notices Chanyeol sitting by the office with the Pyro teacher behind him. His head was down as he heard his name, and his hands were clasped together tightly as a tiny pout invaded his lips. I sighed in relief as I notice Chanyeol is okay, knowing that the teacher had taken him to the office before anything worse happened. Her hand was on his shoulder as Suho and I approached them. It seemed like they were waiting for the principal.

‘’Chanyeol!’’ I ran towards him with Suho behind me and opened the door to the office, crouching down to his level to look at him. He looked away and I let my breath go, trying to look at him, ‘’Chanyeol, look at me,’’ I said as he shut his eyes and shook his head. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, staring at his face.

‘’I-I don’t wanna…’’ he said and sniffled, pulling his hand away from mine slowly. I furrowed my brows and blinked as Suho my back and sighed.

‘’Do you wanna be alone?’’ Suho asked as I looked at him, trying to find a way for him to take that back. I didn’t wanna leave him like this; he looked so scared of what I was gonna say. I glanced at the teacher, who squeezed his shoulder and ruffled his hair before leaving us. He sighed and looked at his feet.

‘’No…’’ he said as Suho and I looked at him.

‘’Then how are you feeling, hmm?’’ Suho asked as he shrugged and hid his face in his hands.

‘’I feel horrible,’’ he said as I made an attempt to pull his hands away from his face, but he just brushed me away. Did he not want to talk to me? Look at me?

‘’Hey, you don’t need to, it’s gonna be alright,’’ Suho said as Chanyeol shook his head and pulled his hands away from his face, looking at Suho.

‘’I almost killed Baekhyun!’’ I jolted and shook my head frantically, trying to speak, ‘’if that thing touched his face he could’ve died because of second degree chemical burns, how do you think I feel?!’’ Suho blinked and stepped away a bit, ‘’I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scream I-I just…’’ he looked around everywhere and sniffled, tugging at his hair. The image broke my heart. ‘’I-I’m so sorry…’’

‘’N-No it’s fine,’’ Suho said, placing a hand on his shoulder and immediately pulling away, waving his hand around and hissing. Chanyeol was heated up again and it didn’t take me long to notice.

‘’Sorry, I should’ve warned you…’’ he said and looked at me, his face red and warm as he sniffled again. I sighed and touched his cheek, not pulling away as he kept stammering to pull it away before I burn myself again. Somehow, it wasn’t affecting me. Suho looked at us again and again before getting the memo that I wanted to be alone with him for awhile, ‘’B-Baek…’’

‘’I should just…yeah,’’ he coughed and carefully slid out of the room, leaving only Chanyeol and I on the room. Chanyeol looked at Suho as he left and exhaled, looking away from me and instead staring at the door.

‘’Chanyeol,’’ I said, and soon after, he turned to look at me, ‘’I’m okay, see?’’ he nodded and sniffled again. I sighed.

‘’If it wasn’t for Luhan I could’ve—‘’

‘’Shh, shh, shh, don’t talk like that,’’ I shushed and grabbed his hand again. He was shaking, but was really warm, ‘’I’m here now, and I won’t let you blame yourself for this because it was clearly my fau—‘’

‘’And I’m not letting you blame yourself either, Baekhyun,’’ I blinked, ‘’trust me, it was my fault, if I wouldn’t have grabbed that beaker, t-this wouldn’t have h-happened…’’ his voice cracked and I tucked his hair behind his ear, looking up at him in concern.

‘’You were trying to help. That’s it, Chanyeol, it wasn’t your intention, you didn’t know the thing was gonna blow up and neither did I, so it up and don’t worry, it’s over now okay?’’

‘’Baek, you don’t get it…’’ he sniffled and a tear fell from his eyes and slid down his cheek. I caught it with my sleeve as he dried the others from slipping out of his eyes, ‘’I’m a danger, a hazard…’’ I gasped and punched his shoulder.

‘’Don’t say that! You are not! Don’t ever say that about yourself!’’

‘’Baekhyun, it’s the truth!’’ He raised his voice a bit higher than mine and I dropped to sit on the ground, blinking, ‘’all everyone ever tells me is to be careful or, ‘’you’re going to burn this or that’’ or not to touch the gasoline tank or to relax because I’m going to hurt someone, Baek…trust me, if I knew how to control myself, I would’ve done so many things to show you just how much I—‘’ he sighed and dropped his head, shaking it as I stood up and shook, wrapping my arms around him. He soon responded and hugged back slowly, gripping my shirt while holding back

‘’Don’t say it please…not yet,’’ He nodded and hugged me tighter, ‘’I know you can control it, I know you can, just please, don’t say those things about yourself…’’

‘’But Baek…I’ve hurt you already, and I’ve screwed up so many times, I don’t know who I am anymore…or why I’m here if I’m going to destroy everything I love…’’ I cupped his cheeks and brushed away his tears with my thumb. It kinda hurt but I needed to show him it didn’t.

‘’I forgave you a long time ago, Yeol, and they were accidents. But you also help when others can’t, and you’re warm at night when it’s too cold for me, and you know just how hot someone likes their marshmallows,’’ he chuckled a bit, ‘’you’re Park Chanyeol, and you’re here to protect others and take care of them. You’ve been doing that since day one, Chan. And don’t question me like that because I have so many other reasons for you to be here, right now, with me.’’ I smiled as he nodded slowly, rubbing his eyes.

‘’Thank you, Baek…’’ he smiled a bit and sniffled, looking at me as I stood up slowly and hugged him tight. He flinched a bit and hugged back, shaking, ‘’B-Baek, you’ve hugged me two times now…are you okay?’’ I chuckled and nodded.

‘’Yeah, I am…you deserve this, so don’t question it,’’ I coughed and probably blushed a bit as I felt him grip my back again. 

‘’Okay…’’ He sighed and I smiled, staying in this position with me for awhile. I kinda liked it, hugging him like this. It felt good to have his arms around me and the temperature started to go down—though his body heat was still really warm—as he got less worked up and actually relaxed and let his mind go blank for a few. I was happy I could at least help in some way, but this wasn’t over yet, he was still in trouble with the principal.

‘’Park Chanyeol,’’ I heard another voice say. I was the first to pull away and look towards the door to the main office as I saw the principal in his desk. I gulped and looked at Chanyeol, who was blinking as he stood up.

‘’I should go now…’’ I nodded.

‘’Yeah, okay…good luck and tell me everything okay?’’ He nodded as I smiled and started to walk out, but before I could, he grabbed my wrist.

‘’Actually, can you…stay here until I’m out…I don’t wanna go out alone…’’ He said, shyly as I nodded and sat on the chair he was sitting on.

‘’Yeah, I can stay…’’ He smiled a bit and nodded, letting me go as he sighed and slowly walked towards the office and closed the door behind him. I played with my fingers and looked down; wondering what is it that the principal would say once he hears what happened. I’m not letting him kick him out though, but if he did, I’m leaving with him. I’m not leaving him alone because I care about him, too.


Suho’s POV.


After I walked out from the office, I strolled around the halls and sighed, worrying a bit for these two. I hope everything turns out okay for Chanyeol, I know he never intended to do that, he does things without thinking and I know this is one of those times.  I’m just worried about the consequences this could have. I hope he doesn’t get mixed up into trouble and I hope Baekhyun could at least calm the poor boy down. I’ve never seen him so scared. I glanced inside the classrooms and noticed my class wasn’t around, so it must’ve been a free period. I’m not going to get in trouble right?  I shrugged and kept walking around the halls until I found the library not too far away. I decided to just walk in quietly and read something I could understand meanwhile. I marched my way up the different shelves and looked around for something I could read, but everything was either traditional Chinese or in Latin or even English. I could hardly understand those, so I sighed, grabbing a random, big, old dusty book from the shelves and carried it with all my strength towards a table. Why are all these books here so big? I panted and threw the book on a table, making dust cloud up in my face as I coughed and fanned it away. I shook my hair free of dust and sat down, opening the big book and flipping towards the first page, reading slowly.

‘’When the…the skies? When the skies and the grounds were…wumble? When the skies and the grounds were…one of legends, through their twelve forces, they nurtured the Tree Of Life…’’ I mumbled and furrowed my brows, tilting my head to see if I can decipher anything else. Suddenly, I felt a poke on my shoulder. I turned around and saw no one.

‘’Over here,’’ I jolted and turned the other way to find Lay smiling down at me. I gulped as he sat down next to me, a fist to his cheek while tugging the book away from me and reading, ‘’wow, you actually found it,’’ he chuckled.

‘’F-Found what? Was that like a spell or something dangerous or whatever?’’ I widened my eyes as he laughed and shook his head.

‘’It’s the prophecy. It’s plastered around books everywhere, so I knew you would have found it soon. Here, I’ll read it to you,’’ I nodded as he cleared his throat, ‘’ ’When the skies and the grounds were one of legends, through their twelve forces, they nurtured the Tree Of Life. An eye of red force coveted the heart of the Tree Of Life and the heart slowly grew dry. To attempt to revive the heart of Tree Of Life, the forces hereby divided the Tree in half and hid each side. Hence, time has overturned and space turns obscure. The two forces divided into two and created two suns that look alike into two worlds that seem alike. The legends traveled apart. The legends shall now see the same skies, but shall stand on different grounds. They shall stand on the same ground, but shall see different skies. The day the grounds be kept a single file before one sky in two worlds that seem alike, the legends shall greet each other. The day the red forces purify and the twelve forces reunite into one perfect root, a new world shall open up.’ So what do you think?’’ I blinked and dropped my jaw, raising a brow.

‘’Lay, to be honest, I didn’t understand half the you said.’’

‘’Want me to read it again?’’

‘’No! Just explain it please, I think I might get a headache.’’ I gripped my head as he chuckled and nodded.

‘’Well, it’s about these legends: Two unique, excellent groups that help save the Tree Of Life from dying when evil rules over the Academy. The whole ‘’hiding and creating different worlds’’ thing is completely a metaphor. It means the two groups fight and separate because of a massive attack, but when they reunite, they fight together to stop evil from being dawned upon the world. Of course, they do succeed and the ‘’new world’’ thing means that everything will change for the better and the world will be safe forever. They’ll gain immortality and be the guardians for life. It doesn’t have any specifications to say this is true and that this will happen, but we hope it does soon, the Tree’s dying and you know what’s happened around the school.’’

‘’Maybe it’s a sign,’’ he looked at me and blinked, ‘’but it really is a good prophecy, I never knew there would be such a thing. But…why is the Tree so important? It’s just a big, fat tree with big, fat leaves that inhabits the dead.’’ He gasped.

‘’Yah!’’ he smacked my arm as I grabbed it and winced, ‘’It’s not just a tree! It’s living proof that Nugua existed!’’

‘’Who?’’ He face-palmed and placed his head atop the table, smacking it a few times.

‘’Oh, god, you outsiders are clueless!’’ He groaned as I raised a brow and crossed my arms, ‘’she’s everything! The reason we’re all here today! If you read your least amount of history you would know this!’’

‘’Well, explain it!’’ He sighed and rolled his eyes, nodding.

‘’Okay, we know there’s a god up there right? We don’t know exactly what or who, but there supposedly is, right?’’ I nodded, ‘’well, for us, there’s also a goddess. Her name is Nugua, and she especially and specifically made us as powerful human beings. Her existence somehow made it out to the real world, but only we know that she created us with the purpose of protecting each other and living in prosperity and whatnot. She left us proof of her existence right there, in that Tree. Any blessed dead man’s soul lives there, but only few are seen. It depends on the season though. It was placed here, in this terrain for a reason. Schools all around the hidden city of Beijing wanted to take it from us, but well, they failed. A school was built here years ago, but it was yet another fail of the century and voila, the Academy was made and it’s claimed their ground since day one.’’

‘’Sounds…complicated,’’ I said.

‘’Oh, and I’m not even done, there’s so much more you don’t know, I just summarized it,’’ he said, chuckling as I groaned.

‘’Give me the important details, I feel like I need to know this.’’

‘’You do. Every one of us needs to know the story, the process, the details, the prophecy, the history, the elements—‘’

‘’Tell me about the elements, I wanna know that,’’ I said, paying attention as he nodded.

‘’Uh, since I don’t really know the purpose of your element, I’ll just do the basics and try to depict yours,’’ I nodded as he smiled and started, ‘’well, we have flight, which is basic. Nugua was half human/ half dragon, so she could obviously fly, and she gave that to certain people. It represents leadership, which is why our leader is Kris. Frost is pretty complicated, but basically, it’s about a moment in time where everything was like an ice-age. It’s the most modern one we know, so when we started taking control of the element, it went down from ancestor to ancestor, and XiuMin’s great, great, great grandfather was one of the important ones back in the day, so he gets that from him. Telekinesis was born during a time of war. There weren’t slingshots back in the day. So one day, a man prayed that Nugua would do something about this, so she granted him this power. It’s been going on for generations and generations, and Luhan was blessed like the others. The power of time was developed when a poor man was sentenced to death for supposed robbery, and he prayed to stop time to undo the sin, and, as well, she gave him just that. He became rich after that and since then, they’ve lived on, just like Tao. Chen’s power is lightning, and it’s existed since the beginning of time. It’s basically a combination of good and evil. When they use their powers for good, it can only mean good things in return, but when it’s used for evil, they can become alienated and even forget who they are or what they did and be part of the side of evil forever. It’s happened twice to Chen in his lifetime, but he’s managed to snap out of it. And now, my power. Healing was the first to be made because we’re made to be prosperous and peaceful and every one of us deserves to live in love and peace. Nugua was a healing woman, both mentally and physically, but unfortunately, I can’t do both. It’s by far the rarest power and the most complicated, because you can’t just zap a person and boom, they’re awake from the dead! If Nugua wants them dead, they die, if not, she gives us a chance to bring them back, though I’ve never done it. We deal with potions, spells, nectars and plants to heal people, but I just cast spells non-verbally. We’re also messengers and we can communicate through her by speaking to the dead, but they haven’t resurfaced since early nineteen-hundreds.’’ I blinked a few times.

‘’Wow, um, okay, anything else?’’

‘’Well, there’s also plants, but it’s rare as well and it only happens to those lucky ones like Moonkyu. He’s Korean and so are you so I don’t really get why you guys get such rare, privileged abilities. I’m still confused as to why that happens but I’m guessing it’s because of the different location, so to say, but it’s still unsure and people are investigating. We have scientists to clear that little question,’’ I nodded and thought well on what he said. It was complicated, but understandable. It was kind of strange though. The school itself had lots of history to uncover still, and we’ve only uncovered a few things during this century. It was mysterious and curious actually. I learned so many things today and I can’t wait to tell the guys. They’re going to be so bored, ‘’Suho?’’


‘’The bell rang, we should be getting out of here now,’’ I blinked and nodded, standing up and putting book away with Lay’s help, ‘’did you understand?’’ I smiled.

‘’Yeah,’’ I said, ‘’I’m deeply impressed; I didn’t know anything like this. And the history itself is truly sublime and vivid. I didn’t know any of this until now, thank you for teaching me,’’ I folded my upper body into a bow and he chuckled, tilting my head up along with the rest of my chest. I blinked.

‘’No need to be formal,’’ he smiled and leaned closer to me, ‘’wanna know something else? Before we head to class?’’ I blinked and nodded slowly as he came closer, his hands in his pocket and a small smile on his face. He chuckled lightly and as his face was a mere centimeter from mine. Our noses touched and I flinched a bit, heat spreading across my cheeks as my lips trembled when I felt his lips slightly brush against mine, a small touch connecting our lips for less than a second but felt like an eternity because I couldn’t steady the pace of my speeding heart. I didn’t know what to do. Should I just push him? Kiss him? Before I could have decided that, he pulled away because apparently, it really was less than a second.


‘’That,’’ he interrupted, stepping back a few feet, ‘’was how we said goodbye. It meant peace and wellbeing. See you later, Suho,’’ He bit his lips and his heels, walking away. I blinked a few times and registered what just happened before depicting it as nonexistent. Nope, that didn’t happen. I’m just imagining things because I don’t wanna believe this. There is no possible way that just happened. He has to be lying, you can’t say goodbye like that! It’s a kiss! A kiss is so much more intimate! It can’t just mean that unless you’re a couple or something! Did he just kiss me?! No, no, no, Suho. That didn’t happen. Just walk your way to class and stop thinking about that!

I groaned and smacked my head a few times before shaking it, walking away rapidly because the teacher will scold me if I’m late to class. Yes, I just spent five minutes of my life thinking about that ‘’kiss’’ and the purpose of it. The teacher is going to kick me out of her classroom.



At lunch, 12:17 PM


‘’Are you gonna eat that spicy tuna roll?’’ Kai kept a close eye on D.O’s food as he pushed the roll towards him with a fork before Kai at it with glee, ‘’thanks,’’

‘’Sure thing,’’ Kyungsoo said, eating some of his rice while looking at Sehun, ‘’what’s up with him?’’

‘’With me?’’ Sehun munched on his sandwich with a blatant expression and pointed at himself with his thumb.

‘’Yeah, you,’’ D.O said, ‘’you’ve been acting odd. Perhaps a bit moody,’’ Sehun’s brow twitched.

‘’He’s on his period,’’ Kai talked through his mouthful and Sehun kicked his leg under the table, ‘’yah!’’ Kai stole Sehun’s tuna roll off his plate with his chopsticks and ate it before the youngest could protest.

‘’,’’ Sehun mumbled as I elbowed his arm.

‘’Seriously, Hun, what’s up?’’ I asked, looking at him in concern.

‘’I don’t wanna talk about it,’’ Sehun mumbled while eating his sandwich. I sighed and patted his back.

‘’Sure thing, just eat,’’ I pushed the sandwich back into his mouth when he stopped eating it. He complied and kept eating as I smiled and turned to Baekhyun and Chanyeol, who were noticeably holding hands under the table. I smiled at them as they ate their lunch, smiling, ‘’hey, guys,’’ I called out to them as they looked up and saw me.

‘’Huh?’’ Chanyeol spoke through his mouthful. Baekhyun closed his mouth with his free hand to stop food from falling out.

‘’How’d it go in the office? I see you two are...more than alright,’’ I chuckled and shifted my eyes to Baekhyun, who blushed and ate his food, bringing his other hand up as Chanyeol blinked and nodded, his hands resting on the table.

‘’We’re…’’ Baekhyun spoke, looking at me then Chanyeol, smiling a bit, ‘’fine. Everything’s fine.’’

‘’I’m glad,’’ I smiled and patter their shoulders.

‘’What’s with the hands?’’ Kai interrupted the conversation with loose noodles hanging down his mouth, reaching his chin, ‘’I saw you two, you know, under the table,’’ Baekhyun blushed even harder as Chanyeol looked away. D.O took the liberty to smack the back of his head—albeit too strongly—making him hit his head against the table.

‘’Ignore him; you don’t need to tell—‘’

‘’I-It’s nothing,’’ Chanyeol surprisingly said, ‘’he’s just trying to keep me under know, in case I accidentally burn something…’’ he glances at Baekhyun—who had his face looking away—and gulps, ‘’or someone…’’

‘’You won’t burn someone,’’ I say and take his arm, gripping it and smiling comfortingly, ‘’I thought you and Baekhyun got through that already,’’

‘’We did,’’ Baekhyun said with a sigh and stood up with his tray, looking at Chanyeol, ‘’ but he’s supposed to believe me,’’ I blink as Baekhyun leaves to dump his trash into the trashcan. Chanyeol groans and hides his face in his arms against the table. I pat his hand.

‘’He’ll be okay, big guy,’’ I say, ‘’just don’t make him believe his words don’t matter,’’ he nodded and looked up, smiling a bit.

‘’You think I have a chance with him, hyung?’’ He said loud enough for me to hear. I smiled because he really believes I’m the only one who knows about their mutual feelings.

‘’With Baekhyun? I mean…’’ I looked at Baekhyun from a distance as he was slowly coming back, ‘’yeah, you guys are best friends. Of course you’ll work out,’’ I smiled as he grinned.

‘’You think so? A-Am I not too clingy around him? Do you think he knows?’’ He blinked rapidly as I chuckled.

‘’Yah, calm down. I do think so, you’re not too clingy and…’’ I looked at Baekhyun again and chuckled, ‘’don’t worry, he doesn’t know,’’ I lied, but it was enough. Even though I’m not a good liar. He smiled.

‘’Hey,’’ Baekhyun sat down, and I smiled at Chanyeol, ‘’did I miss anything?’’ I shook my head and kicked Chanyeol’s shin, making him jolt up in his seat.

‘’U-Uh, no, y-you didn’t,’’ He blushed.

‘’Did you eat that California roll I told you not to eat? You’re flushed again,’’ Baekhyun sighed and looked at Chanyeol. I kicked his knee this time. He jumped.

‘’Uh, yeah,’’ Baekhyun raised a brow as Chanyeol gulped, ‘’I-I couldn’t resist it…’’ I chuckled and looked at Kai, who was the one who ate the last California roll instead. Kai burped and D.O pushed his shoulders when Kai wiggled his eyebrows at him.

‘’Hey, guys,’’ I gulped and turned my head to the side slowly, finding the one and only Lay and Luhan. The others waved at him as I blinked. Sehun was avoiding Luhan’s obvious stare by all means.

‘’Hi, all…and Sehun,’’ Luhan bit his lips anxiously and looked at Sehun as the other sighed and stood up, walking towards the halls after throwing the rest of his food away. Luhan frowned.

‘’Oh, hey, man,’’ Kai said with a smile, ‘’what’s up?’’

‘’I kinda need a word with you and Suho, is that okay?’’ Lay glanced at Kyungsoo and Chanyeol and Baekhyun, who all nodded in agreement. Lay looked back at me and smiled.


‘’Uh…yeah,’’ I nodded and stood up, following Kai and Lay out of the lunchroom and into the halls with Luhan following behind.

‘’I’ll wait for you in the gym okay?’’ Luhan asked Lay as the other nodded. Luhan then walked away, his head down. He must be taking this whole thing with Sehun hard. It was evident those two had been having issues.

‘’So what’s this about?’’ Kai asked, hands on his hips as I crossed my arms and nodded.

‘’So, I’m going to do the um…’’ he came closer to us and we leaned, ‘’the potion thing,’’ we nodded as he backed away, ‘’and I need you guys as guards okay? I got the key,’’ we nodded again as he showed us the key and dragged us around the school, up to the third floor by a supply closet.


‘’This is what you were afraid of?’’ Kai scoffed, looking down the huge glass window, ‘’I bet no one barely comes here,’’ Lay sighed and lead us to a hall with a few doors with numbers on them and had us stay on each side of room 904.

‘’Don’t underestimate it,’’ Lay fumbled and shook as he grabbed the key and connected it with the lock, ‘’teachers are supposed to be patrolling here about twenty-two hours a day. The other two are meant for lunch, but there are still cameras up here,’’

‘’Well, you picked a nice time,’’ Kai said, looking around, ‘’what’s in this place anyways? There’s nothing but doors and doors and doors and these huge glass windows. You know, they should change them, somebody could fall and break their asses,’’

‘’Well, there are lots of top secret information in here. Not even us Legendary guys can get in a few of these rooms and I’ve only come up here twice. Inside these doors is either a lot of personal files, lots of security data, lots of information and probably lots of old but valuable things they don’t want us to know about. I’m only accessed to not even a fraction of this all, just about…less than fifteen percent,’’ he nods and inserts the key, twisting the door open with a squeak.

‘’Shh!’’ I panic and shush.

‘’Sorry, I forgot the door was loud,’’ he grit his teeth and slowly pushed the door open, ‘’anyways, this is a door where we are allowed, but it’s pretty diverse. There are a lot of potions inside here, the most important ones, and some spell books and chants and historical and spiritual artifacts.’’

‘’Just take it and grab it and get out before we get caught, Lay,’’ Kai rolled his eyes as Lay rolled his and nodded, going inside the room while we looked around. The cameras were facing the other way, so it was practically impossible for them to see us unless there was another one nearby. Let’s hope not. Anyways, Lay could be heard making a couple of clanking sounds while his keys rustled and his feet shoved inside the room, and soon enough, he was out with a little clear bottle with blue liquids inside it as he stepped out of the room and closed the door, ‘’That was easy.’’ Kai said.

‘’Yeah, I’m surprised,’’ I chuckled as he shrugged and smiled.

‘’Oh, well, let’s just get out of here before they catch us,’’ Lay said and started walking, the potion in plain sight. I blinked.

‘’Yah,’’ I said as he turned around, ‘’are you crazy? You’re just gonna go out there with the potion in full view?’’ He blinked and looked at his hands and widened his eyes before putting it inside his backpack.

‘’I totally forgot about that, thanks for the heads up,’’ I chuckled and nodded as he opened the door and let us out, closing it right after as we casually made our way down the stairs.

‘’So, what now? Do we go and meet Seba?’’ Lay shook his head.

‘’Nope, we make him wait,’’ Lay answered, hands in his pockets as we reached the lockers again, and the first thing we see is Luhan chasing after Sehun like a puppy. Sehun looked like he didn’t mind while Luhan was begging for his share of attention. I chuckled.

‘’Why make him wait?’’ I asked, tilting my head. Lay smirked and shrugged.

‘’Yeah,’’ Kai said, slapping Lay’s shoulder with the back of his palm, ‘’he’s gonna get pissed.’’

‘’It’s late for us,’’ Lay explained, ‘’plus, we just took this. If the office notices it’s gone and something happens during this week, they’re going to find out it was us. A camera doesn’t lie, guys,’’ Lay sighed and put on his glasses, riding them up his nose-bridge and scrunching his nose in the process.

‘’So what do you suggest we do, genius?’’ Kai raised a brow and stared at Lay from up and down as the other scoffed.

‘’What do you think?’’ he answered, ‘’I suggest we wait, plain and simple.’’ I shrugged and slung my backpack over my shoulder as the bell rang.

‘’Fine,’’ I said and tugged Kai towards the gym room, ‘’see you later, then,’’ Lay nodded and out of the blue, he winked. I blinked twice and looked at Kai, who was staring at me with the same expression as we both turned to look at Lay, who had already left. I looked back at Kai, who grinned. I knew that face all too well.

‘’What?’’ I asked, scratching the back of my neck. Kai stared at me and scoffed, dragging me to the gym.

‘’Well, it wasn’t directed to me,’’ I blushed, ‘’I see how it is,’’ he chuckled as I widened my eyes and stammered a little. I looked like such a dork, damn it.

‘’Y-Yah!’’ I exclaimed as he pushed the door open and pushed me inside with him behind, ‘’y-you see nothing,’’ I coughed.

‘’Exactly,’’ he smirked. Uh-Oh, ‘’so explain it before I start assuming things,’’ I coughed again and walked towards the locker rooms to change my clothes. I pulled the doors open and held them for Kai to follow behind. I covered my face by all means and hid my face in my locker when I reached it, him following me and knocking on my locker, making the sound pierce my ear in a protruding and uncomfortable way. I groaned.

‘’There’s nothing to explain, okay?’’ I said, not backing away my face from the locker, ‘’h-he just likes playing around like that okay?’’ No answer. He wants more, doesn’t he? I sighed, ‘’there’s nothing going on with us alright? There’s nothing to assume and nothing to explain. We’re just that…friendly,’’ I blushed at my choice of word and shut my eyes. Still no answer. I groaned and pulled my face out of the locker, finding Kai completely gone. I just talked to myself about this all this time, didn’t I? I rolled my eyes and started shedding off all my clothes, changing into my gym uniform, which wasn’t all that pleasing to wear. I sighed, throwing my other uniform inside the locker and closing it, walking out to find Kai sitting on the bleachers, smirking at me and wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes again and groaned. I swear, that boy is trouble.





4:33 PM, Legendary Dorm.

Nobody’s POV.

Luhan opened and slammed the door shut, not allowing his partners inside. Kris sighed and opened it again, following Luhan to the living room. All day, Luhan had been trying to get Sehun’s attention, but nothing. He would just get ignored or pushed away. He didn’t like this. He didn’t want to fight with Sehun anymore. He pouted, crossing his arms as he glanced up at Kris, who was sending him judging stares. Luhan sighed and rolled his eyes when Kris’ eyebrow rose and twitched. 

‘’What was that?’’ Kris asked, crossing his arms as Lay sat down next to Luhan, throwing his legs over the coffee table and shaking his shoulder.

‘’He’s just all pissy because his boyfriend won’t kiss his anymore,’’ Lay said, chuckling as Luhan sent him a glare and soon smacked his arm in protest.

‘’Like someone’s kissing yours!’’

‘’Ah, ah, ah,’’ Lay said, poking Luhan’s nose, ‘’shush. No stating the obvious,’’ Luhan deadpanned for a second before coming into realization and groaning, slumping back against the couch and pouting more.


‘’What’s this all about?’’ Kris asked.

‘’Sehun’s ignoring him because Luhan never told him how ually deprived he really is and…‘’


‘’….Sehun kinda gave him the best handy ever and left him there because he’s all ‘’Luhannie lied to me, blah, blah, blah’’ and so Luhan’s trying to get his attention and get him into bed,’’ Kris raised a brow and leaned against the couch, impressed as Luhan covered his face in embarrassment.

‘’Huh…’’ Kris said and patted Luhan’s shoulder, ‘’lucky bastard. I haven’t gotten laid in so long, much less had somebody pleasure me because I’m deprived. I would get a slap in return,’’ Lay chuckled and high-fived Kris while Luhan just turned redder by the second and hid deeper into the cushions.

‘’Hey! He did it because he said I wasn’t taking him serious or something…I don’t even remember, my mind was just full of , , . I really don’t understand why I’m suddenly all deprived and frustrated, it’s never happened to me before,’’ Luhan pouted and Lay suddenly started laughing, ‘’what?’’

‘’Nothing! Nothing, but…did you happen to notice a small, green bottle on the fridge?’’ Luhan nodded slowly, ‘’. I’m so sorry, Lu…but umm, I was trying out my potion making and umm, I think it worked.’’

‘’W-What potion?’’

‘’This is gonna be good,’’ Kris chuckled and watched the two in amazement.

‘’W-Well, umm…I tried to work on my potion making and all the others just ended up horribly, but I think my aphrodisiac did affect you,’’ Lay coughed as Luhan slowly widened his eyes and dropped his jaw. Kris just started laughing.

‘’You…You drugged me?’’

‘’I-It was an experiment! I wondered where my potion went but I didn’t wanna assume you guys drank it!’’

‘’Well it wasn’t going to disappear from the fridge!’’

‘’God, Lu, if I knew how to label things, I would but I forgot so don’t freak out okay? I didn’t know it was gonna last so long!’’  Luhan growled and stomped around.

‘’You…You bastard! Ugh! Sehun hates me now!’’ Luhan fumed and stomped away to his room, opening and shutting the door, ‘’you can sleep on the couch!’’

‘’Oh, you sure are evil,’’ Kris shook his head and face-palmed, ‘’props though,’’ he chuckled as Lay rose a brow.

‘’Well, I didn’t know this would happen, he knew I did those things,’’

‘’Yeah but well, he grabs anything he can, when he wants, so it’s his own fault,’’ Lay nodded.

‘’Do I really need to sleep on the couch today?’’

‘’I’ll unlock the door at midnight,’’ Kris nodded as Lay chuckled.

‘’Thanks,’’ he said, ‘’but I don’t blame him. Even if the potion wasn’t it, we’re still men and we have needs,’’

‘’Oh yeah,’’ Kris said, ‘’I know a thing or two about that,’’ Kris nodded in agreement and looked at Tao from across the room, looking up and down at him as the other blushed and noticed his stare.

‘’G-Gege?’’ Tao said as Kris waved him off and said it was nothing.

‘’You still have it for him?’’ Kris shrugged.

‘’Don’t know,’’ Kris sighed, ‘’hey wait, why am I telling you? You should tell me about your little someone. Don’t think I don’t notice you and Luhan giggling in the halls. Tell me, have you gotten into his pants yet?’’ Lay blushed and coughed.

‘’W-We don’t giggle,’’ he started, ‘’and I most certainly have not gotten into his pants yet!’’

‘’Yet!’’ Kris laughed, ‘’what’s the most you’ve done with this mystery man?’’ Lay looked away and blushed harder.

‘’W-Well….I kissed him today…’’

‘’What was the excuse? Did he have something on his lips and your hands were busy?’’ Kris raised a brow and , making Lay shake his head rapidly.

‘’N-No, I….’’ he coughed, ‘’….told him it was our ancestor’s way to say goodbye…’’ Lay mumbled. Kris laughed and clutched his stomach hard as Lay frowned and kicked his shin, making Kris whine in protest but not stop laughing.

‘’Gege? Are you okay?’’ Lay stood up and stomped around.

‘’No, he wants you,’’ Kris rapidly stopped laughing and looked at Tao, who was blushing madly.

‘’T-Tao, I—‘’

‘’Gege? W-What does he mean? Do you need my assistance? Does something hurt?’’ Tao kneeled down in front of Kris, making his eyes go wide in his sockets. Lay looked from a few feet back at the incredulous position Tao was in. His eyes were blinking prettily as he looked up at Kris from in between his legs. The scene itself was very suggestive and Lay coughed to break the silence.

‘’T-Tao, n-nothing’s wrong…so just…stand up please,’’ Kris coughed as Tao complied and stood up, dusting himself off.

‘’Okay…I-I’ll be around if you need anything,’’ Kris nodded as Tao bit his lips and walked away, leaving Lay and Kris alone again.

‘’So, uh…’’ Kris settled himself and crossed his legs just in case, Lay sitting down beside him again, ‘’who is this guy? As your leader and friend, I think it’s fair if you tell me who he is since you already know my….unfortunate weakness,’’ Lay beamed suddenly and stood up, hands on his hips as he walked towards the kitchen to get something to drink.

‘’I don’t kiss and tell,’’ Lay said, proud of his choice of words as Kris rolled his eyes at him.

‘’Uh-huh,’’ Kris said, ‘’fine, have it your way,’’ Kris stood up and sighed, grabbing a towel from the sofa and walking towards the bathroom. Lay laughed to himself as Kris marched his way to the bathroom, his fingers clean of mayonnaise that he had used for his sandwich. Kris just opened the door and walked his way to the shower, peeling his clothes off quickly and getting inside, immediately being drenched in water as he opened the tap.


‘’Yixing-gege,’’ Tao said, sighing and sitting on the stool, pouting and resting his chin atop his arms. Lay turned to him, tilting his head while eating his sandwich.

‘’Hungry?’’ Tao chuckled a bit and shook his head, ‘’then what’s up?’’ Tao took maybe two or three deep breaths and looked around, pouting.

‘’Luhan-gege won’t open the door and I kinda need someone to talk to. Do you think you can be of assistance? Please, gege,’’ He pleaded as Lay smiled and ruffled his hair.

‘’Sure thing,’’ Lay said, ‘’what is it that you need help with?’’ Tao bit his lips and spun around in the stool.

‘’So…I kind of like someone,’’ Lay rose a brow, ‘’and…I don’t think I should like that person. What should I do, gege?’’

‘’Well, I kind of need more details of that situation, Tao,’’ Lay rested his elbows atop the counter and looked at Tao.

‘’Well…I kinda like this guy…and I obviously know he doesn’t like me, but there’s something about him that just captured me, you know? Have you ever felt like that, gege?’’ Lay nodded slowly, ‘’so…we don’t talk much and I don’t think he would want me to talk to him…but he’s just…impressive, I don’t know how to explain that,’’ Tao blinked innocently and looked at Lay questioningly, as if looking for an answer in his eyes.

‘’Maybe you admire him, you know? That can happen,’’ Lay shrugged as Tao shook his head and sighed, looking down. Lay shook his head rapidly and waved his hands in his face, ‘’r-right, you like him. Stupid, stupid,’’ Lay smacked his head with his hand as Tao smiled softly and looked at him again, ‘’look, before you can assume your feelings, go talk with the guy, don’t be shy,’’ Lay smiled and patted the other’s shoulder as he stilled.

‘’But, gege…I don’t think he likes me,’’ Tao’s eyes widened sadly and his bottom lip quivered. Lay waved his hands around again in protest.

‘’H-Hey, hey, hey,’’ he soothed by speaking lowly and looked at him in the eyes, ‘’if he doesn’t like you, it’s his loss okay? You’re a sweet guy, and if he’s dumb enough not to notice that, he doesn’t deserve you, hmm?’’ Tao nodded, ‘’so just try to get to know him and then you make up your mind. But if you’re not supposed to like him for one reason or another, don’t waste your time in chasing after a guy who doesn’t value your time like you value his,’’

‘’Gege…’’ Tao said, blinking, ‘’t-thank you…’’ Tao nodded and got up out of his stool, biting his lips and walking back to his room and closing the door. Lay just furrowed his brows and kept eating his forgotten sandwich, shrugging.

‘’Kids…’’ Lay chuckled and sighed, ‘’look what you’re doing to this kid right now, Wu Fan,’’ he took his glass and threw it inside the dishwasher, soaping the sponge and wetting his hands before scrubbing the cup clean and drying it, putting it back inside the cupboard and heading to his room after he managed to eat his sandwich. Luhan still wouldn’t look at him.

‘’Who are you texting?’’

‘’My dead boyfriend,’’ he sighed, ‘’he’s not answering…’’ Lay pitied his poor friend right now. He felt guilty for putting him in this situation.

‘’You know, I know you don’t wanna talk to me, but I honestly am sorry, and I’m gonna give you a piece of advice,’’ Luhan blinked and looked at him as he threw himself against his bed and put his hands behind his head, ‘’apologize. It works wonders,’’ Luhan smiled a bit.

‘’I’ve tried…’’ he said, ‘’he won’t let me…’’

 ‘’Just be a man, walk up to him and apologize for all you’ve done to him,’’ Lay said, shrugging, ‘’be mature; don’t just tug him into somewhere dark and slam him against a wall, he’ll think you’re trying to manhandle him and he’ll obviously be more entertained about the way you look at him, not what you say. So be sure he’s paying attention when you call him by his full name and tell him you need to talk. It’s your word choice, just make sure you mean them.’’ Luhan nodded, looking at him.

‘’Yeah…’’ he said, ‘’I’ll do that…thanks, buddy,’’ he smiled and bit his lips, slumping against his bed and putting his phone away.

‘’Yeah, that’s enough spamming for today,’’ Lay chuckled, ‘’I’m proud of you,’’ Lay smiled as Luhan raised a brow and sighed, pulling out some books and a notebook.

‘’Thanks,’’ he said, ‘’now I need to do my homework, so shush,’’ Lay nodded, smiling. Not a second later, he grabbed his phone and put it next to him, making Lay’s eyebrows furrow, ‘’just in case,’’ Luhan coughed and opened his books and started doing his homework as Lay rolled his eyes. It’s about time he starts following his own advice as well. 


A/N: Guys, I'm sorry for the wait, I lost track of time and I added a couple of more things, so this is basically 26 pages of bull written in Microsoft Word T.T~ 

Please comment and subscribe and upvote and asdfghdfhjsfs whatever you want~^^ 

I love you all!~ Thank you so much!~ :'DD <33 

*huggles you all* 


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GUYS. I know I said I'd update quick and I'm almost done writing, but i have written a lot, the longest chapter so far orz i hope you guys like it once it's up~


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Chapter 27: Popping in again just to say I still love this story XD By far one of my favs even after 6 years of reading probably thousands of other stories and pairings!!!!! Even if this is the end I just want to thank you for this masterpiece and that I still have the ability to read what’s already been wrote ❤️❤️❤️
DyeDyeCoco510 #2
Chapter 27: I love this story!! Please start writing again. Your one of the best writer. Please start writing this story again! :)
P-p-please put me out of my misery T~T Send me a sign of life *kneels in begging position* It's just been a REALLY long time since you've updated or I've heard anything about the story.... I'm worried if your still writing it or not..... I'm okay if you just are taking a break or stuck, I just need a little reassurance that you still plan on continuing this story because I absolutely LOVE IT!!!
HybridLover7 #4
Chapter 27: Oh my... This story is a work of art T~T I have read tons of stories, and have several hundred subscriptions, but this story is by far my favorite!! It's so well written and the plot is just fantabulous! And the characters dynamics, you're just out for my heart author nim ;P

Baekyeol is my absolute favorite OTP of all time, and this story has me squealing over them. I love the whole unrequited love and Chanyeol's internal struggles. It's gonna make it so much more gratifying when they finally become a pair! Can't wait to see if Chanyeol's hormones get the best of him XD Kaisoo, so CUTE! Little Squishysoo in denial, and a touchy Kai, AAHHHHH!!! To die for :3 Taoris needs a smack down, especially on Kris's side. I wanted to KILL him with how he treated the poor Panda. Even though Baek is not meant for Tao, I hope they can still be friends. HunHan is a ball of ual frustration aren't they XD All lovey but there's that underlying tone of "I wanna jump you", makes they're relationship amusing. SuLay, just so innocently adorable! And XiuChen, gotta love 'em! I can see them acting the exact same towards each other dating, as they are as best friends :3 Which they should do, date, cause then I could die happy XD

Do I miss Moonkyu? Honestly, no XD It's not that he was a bad character or anything, I'm just hardcore Kaisoo, and he took up that time ^_^ *awkwardly chuckles. I don't hate him, and he's an interesting part of the story.... I just don't miss him :D

Oh my goodness, look at the length of this! XD But no amount of words can describe how much I LOVE THIS STORY! I will be patiently awaiting you return from hiatus, and highly anticipating the next chapter to one of the greatest stories EVER \^0^/ HWAITING!!!
Chapter 27: Also... As soon as you mentioned animals I was like...WOLF!!!

Hahahah... Wonder why!? Hhmmm...

Also... I Love You~

And Next time please update me on when you update this story!

Chapter 27: This was THE BEST CHAPTER EVER!!!

So Many Baekyeol Feels OMG... I really like how their relationship is developing. Poor Teollie, he's had to deal with so much Bullsh*t from Baekhyun!!! I Love them! And that Wolf Fight between them was amazing! And they kissed *melts into a pile of pink goo*

The HunHan couple... Loved how Luhan was petting Sehun and playing and cleaning Shuns Furr... Can he be any cuter? I love them!!!

Taoris... I Have massive feels for them and I like how Tao is sticking up for himself. I'm sorry Tao, Baekhyun belongs to puppy Yeol... Your place is with Kris!!! And Kris...FINALLY! I swear he must be the cutest sh*t when he's in love!!! I'm looking forward to them!

I Swear Kaisoo is just the cutest OTP in the History of Cute OTPs!!! I Love them! I like how they're not official but they love each other and you know the feeling's there! Kaisoo 4evar~

Can Sulay get any awkward er!? I mean for real... Those two are just too much!!! I would love it if they kept developing their feelings! I have high hopes for them!

Xiuchen are just the stupidest goofballs in history and I love them cause Xiumin is perfect! Nuff said! (Also can you please put more of them in the next chappie!? Neh!?)

Now for You Lovely Bianca~

I'll never get tired of telling you that I love this fanfic and I think you're just completely amazing!!!

I've missed you so much! We haven't talked in like forever!

I Hope you're doing great in everything! Also in school ok!? Arrasso

anyway i'll read your story soon baobei. Usually i'm a silent reader lmao.
But i'll do anything for my love. <3
Chapter 27: Omg I have been reading your story non stop for the past couple days,I am incredibly hooked, this is such an amazing and well written story, your storyline with the powers is by far the best I have read.

OMFG MY FEELS FOR KAISOO! *does 3 backflips into a trashcan*

*sniffles* baekyeol *Breaks down screaming* so much love between those two thank you.

Seriously I lalalalove your story!!! Keep at it ^^
lightlessstarlight #9
Chapter 27: Hi :D
I'm soo sorry for beeing a silent reader until now >< Your story is really amazing! I just had to make myselfe an account and comment ^~^

I've read your fic for quite a while and I really love your plot and ideas *~* Please continue in this awsome way;

autor-nim fighting!!! ^O^///