Love: No Return

Taeyeon looked like she was on a do-or-die mission. She was tying her hair tightly, putting on her clothes in an almost cool, combat mode. Yet, her eyes betrayed her. They looked so heartbreakingly sad that Soo Young could only stare helplessly at her as she grabbed her car keys.

“It’s pointless you know,” Soo young said, watching Taeyeon sadly. They were dressed as waitresses in the banquet hall. Taeyeon was frantically looking for Tiffany in the big banquet room full of distinguished guests.

The entire place was beautifully set up in a classy greek style, yet it looked almost caged like. Security was tight and Sooyoung was pretty worried that their covers will soon blow over.

“I’ll have to try at least,” Taeyeon said firmly, her voice sounded hoarse. Even though, she never showed it. Soo young knew Taeyeon had been crying silently whenever she was alone. One. Her bloodshot eyes were tell-tale signs. Two. She would always force a cheery smile in the mirror after that as if everything was fine– it was almost impossible to watch and not feel sad for her.

“Really? Harassing the bride on her wedding day? In front of international TV?”

It wasn’t until Tiffany had left a few days that Soo young realised who the guy was… and who Tiffany’s ‘adopted family’ was….

They were the most influential and powerful ‘royal family’ of Korea who had business stakes in every important sector in Korea’s trading line. They even had the notoriously ruthless underground connections. And Tiffany was their chosen daughter-in-law that they had picked since young to groom. How could she possibly escape that kind of connections?

Even her wedding was going to be highly broadcasted… But instead of her real name Tiffany, she was known as Tiffy, the girl that was chosen to marry and help assist their business…

Not Tiffany, the money-saving freak and sole lover of Taeyeon.

Soo Young vaguely recalled that she was invited to the wedding as her father had some business connections with this family…. But she couldn’t really recall what had happened.

The exact events were very hush-hush, but all she knew was that the wedding never did happen in the end….

Something about the bride being missing…

“I’ll have to try at least, don’t I?” Taeyeon asked, looking ahead. She tried again, “I’ll have to try to fight at least, otherwise, I’ll never let this slide. It would end up as one of my life’s greatest regret… I would keep thinking back: hey, Taeyeon, what could have happened if I had tried to grab her back? What could……---?”

“---What are the two of you doing here?” One of the security guards stopped Taeyeon and Sooyoung.

“We’re waiting for the bride. We’re her personal assistants…” Soo young lied feebly, but amazingly the guard believed her and let her through into the bride’s preparation room.

The next thing she knew, they were standing inside the room that Tiffany was in, and Tiffany was staring in amazement at them.


She was beautiful as usual, of course. Only this time, instead of her usual happy expression that she wears whenever she sees them. She looked deeply troubled and upset.

Her face turned stone cold after her initial shock.

Taeyeon sighed in a defeated manner as she ruffled her fingers against her hair, “Is this really what you want?”

Tiffany nodded, “Yes.”

“What about our plans to travel around the world together? Don’t they mean anything to you at all?”

Tiffany looked at her, puzzled that Taeyeon would be asking all these but she quickly regained her composure when she sensed something was amiss outside, “Taeyeon, Taeyeon, Taeyeon. When are you going to wake up to the idea that you and I can never be together…? You’re dead poor and all I really want is someone who can look after me for the rest of my life in comfort….Like Mike. Do you even think you can compare to him?” Tiffany said and then she walked to the door where she knew ‘he’ was standing. The guards sure knew how to make a commotion around ‘him’ and she knew he was outside listening in, judging from the commotion they made.

“I’d would rather marry Mike than stay with you for a fraction of second. Guards, could you please Miss Kim Taeyeon and her friend out?”

Sooyoung jumped away from the guards who had rushed in, “Don’t touch me! Tiffany, how could you? Don’t you know how much Taeyeon cares about you?”

“So what if I do.” Tiffany rolled her eyes, “I can’t stand her poor ways anyways.”

“What? So you’re a gold digger after all! And all you care about is money, money, money. If you care about it so much, take these then!” Sooyoung threw all her hundred dollar bills in Tiffany’s face and dragged Taeyeon (who had went into numb mode) out…

After they and the guards were out, Tiffany was left with Mike in the room. He looked perfectly cool and perfectly cruel too.

“Good job, Tiffy. You’ve passed the test, after all.” Mike said, holding Tiffany’s hand as he kissed her hand gallantly.

Tiffany clenched her fists together as she bite back the disgust she felt, a few more hours…. Just a few more hours and all these will be over.

She just prayed that Taeyeon would accept the explanation in her letter…

She had to. Everything was explained explicitly.

She couldn’t bear the thought of Taeyeon not knowing what’s going on…

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Chapter 30: It not finish right..this story..where are you authorshi..don't hanging this story coz it great story..hope you cameback
ifyouseeA #2
Pls comeback author! You left us hanging! :( But i hope you're ookaaay
Rune121 #3
Chapter 30: Wah is this complete? D: pleaseee make a conclusion a seuqel a something Q_Q its too good.
taenycity #4
Thank you for making me cry TT_____TT
The last couple of updates was so intense, my heart wouldnt stop pounding from my chest. Aigoo... Whats going to happen to Taeyeon now? :(
soshipairing #5
omogosh. wae so angst? :(((
author, you love seeing us cry dont you?
thank you so much for the updates................. but still,,
I really hope there will be a happy ending author-shii.. They already miserable enough.. Gahhh~ so sad..
I really hope there will be a happy ending author-shii.. They already miserable enough.. Gahhh~ so sad..
r u like sad endng author..?huhuhuhuhuhu
my taenyyyy