Love: No Return

“The Taeyeon I have loved. The one that I have been fighting for all this time… Would never hurt me the way you just did.”

Taeyeon dropped the glass that she had been holding. It shattered into a million pieces but she didn’t seem to care, not even when the glass had cut her fingers too.

Was she wrong?

She closed her eyes in contemplation just as the buzzer rang anxiously.

She grabbed a white towel to stop the wound, and she opened the door only to see Sooyoung’s panic-stricken face, “Taeyeon…?”

“Oh god. Taeyeon….” Sooyoung looked hopelessly at her.

“I remember everything….”

3 years ago

Today’s the day. Tiffany thought sadly as she looked up at the gloomy skies.

It looked so sad, she felt as if it was mirroring her emotions inside.

She carried the letter in her hand. She couldn’t possibly give it to Taeyeon personally, seeing as how there were his ‘spies’ everywhere. Mike had placed countless bodyguards around her area, as if she couldn’t recognise them.

They didn’t make that much of an effort to hide themselves anyway.

She slipped into the grocery store that she knew Sooyoung would be in… And there she was!

She spotted Sooyoung who was looking at the row of chocolates and sweets aisle. She was amused that Sooyoung looked like a kid who was amazed by the choices she had before her.

She tapped on her, “Hey Sooyoung. I have to be quick. I have a letter that you HAVE to hand it to Taeyeon, No Matter What. Understood?” She said emphatically and hurriedly slipped away before ‘they’ noticed anything amiss….

She had handed the letter to Sooyoung to hand it to Taeyeon. She knew Sooyoung would definitely be able to pass it to Taeyeon….

And that was why, when she had gone home and seen Sooyoung with the lollipop, she had told her ‘emphatcally’ so – to look after Taeyeon.

…But how could ‘Sooyoung’ have passed the letter to Taeyeon, when Tiffany had handed the letter to the wrong ‘Sooyoung’?

That “Sooyoung” had never met Tiffany or Taeyeon before, so how would she know who Taeyeon was….

However, Sooyoung did keep the letter anyway because she remembered thinking that the girl looked so, so sad when she had passed the letter to her.

Her thoughts flowed like this then: hey, perhaps, one day, who knows? She might meet this “Taeyeon” after all... the ‘Taeyeon’ that the sad looking girl wanted her to pass the letter to.



And so she did, Sooyoung passed the long overdue letter to Taeyeon

It was difficult to believe, but what other options did Taeyeon have? There was evidence, and Sunny could vouch that Sooyoung really didn’t know her prior to the time-travel incident.

Time travel…. Really now? Yet something in her knew that that was the truth.

That Tiffany really never meant to ‘break up’ with her over money issues.

That Tiffany truly did love her still…

That Tiffany was still hers, and hers only.

She was just so goddamn stubborn about it all. She had to believed a lie she had created in herself to justify the hurt that she had been keeping all these years…

No wonder Tiffany couldn’t stand this ‘new’ Taeyeon. Because, even she, herself hated this Taeyeon too.

Taeyeon snapped herself out of it.

She had to find Tiffany now! She would use her entire life to make amends to Tiffany, even if it took forever…

She had to win back Tiffany’s love. She had to.


“Tiffany’s no longer here,” Dan said stonily. He looked at Taeyeon who had knocked on his door in the middle of the night, looking like a sorry mess.

Yet, he couldn’t be bothered by that, not one bit.

It was too late.

“It’s 3 am and my bed is calling me. Good night.” Dan said as emotionlessly as he could. Serves her right.

Taeyeon grabbed his shirt, “No, you tell me where Tiffany is, or I’ll remain outside till you tell me.”

Dan looked at Taeyeon with a scoff, “Stay here all night? Is that all the great Kim Taeyeon could do to show that shes loves TIffany? What you’re doing can never compare to what Tiffany had endured for you during these past few months.”

Taeyeon let go of his shirt, she stared at him incredulously, “What do you mean?”

Dan shook his head, he looked in contempt at Taeyeon, “You know what you did, and it’s amazing how Tiffany could still love you even though you’ve done so much to hurt her.”

Taeyeon looked at Dan and her voice came out strangled, “What did she tell you?”

Dan looked at her angrily, “Tiffany didn’t need to tell me. I have eyes. I can see. Quite well, thank you.”

Then he took a deep breath before listing out her crimes:

“As for what you’ve done...”

Dan shook his head, and gave an irritated sigh before continuing, “Where do I even start… Right, 3 years ago. You didn’t trust Tiffany in the first place when she pretended to ‘break up’ with you to save you from Mike… You broke her heart by showing up with Sooyoung 3 years later. What do you think she was thinking when she saw the two of you together?”

Taeyeon winced, she must have thought that she had abandoned her and left her hanging for 3 years while she herself had moved on with Sooyoung…

She gestured Dan to carry on. He looked at her in contempt and she accepted that… she had to hear Tiffany’s side of the story.

She needed to know the extent of her own actions…and the hurt she had inflicted on Tiffany.

If only to repay her.

“You toyed with her feelings when you redeemed her from the masquerade only to prove to her that she was nothing but a gold digger… “

Taeyeon’s face was pained, yet she listened as Dan carried on, and boy did he carry on, “You intentionally composed shoddy songs for her to sing which landed her in a huge debt. And she had to take on several jobs in the company to clear her debt which ultimately took a toll on her body… Did you even see how thin she had gotten, Taeyeon?”

Taeyeon closed her eyes in a pained expression and she shook her head lightly, before whispering, “Go on.”

Dan sighed loudly, and he ruffled his hair, “And that’s not all… she sang twice for you, Taeyeon. Twice, and twice, you broke her heart, first it was when you ignored her to treat Sooyoung well during the company’s ball. Second… It was during her debut. You didn’t just break her heart, Taeyeon. You… took her voice away too. Damn it, the doctor said she wasn’t to sing after That incident or she’ll lose her voice forever!”

Taeyeon looked at Dan sharply, “What incident…?”

Dan looked at Taeyeon silently, and he shook his head before grabbing his cellphone to show Taeyeon the clip.

Taeyeon’s face grew darker and colder as she watched.

If looks could kill….

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Chapter 30: It not finish right..this story..where are you authorshi..don't hanging this story coz it great story..hope you cameback
ifyouseeA #2
Pls comeback author! You left us hanging! :( But i hope you're ookaaay
Rune121 #3
Chapter 30: Wah is this complete? D: pleaseee make a conclusion a seuqel a something Q_Q its too good.
taenycity #4
Thank you for making me cry TT_____TT
The last couple of updates was so intense, my heart wouldnt stop pounding from my chest. Aigoo... Whats going to happen to Taeyeon now? :(
soshipairing #5
omogosh. wae so angst? :(((
author, you love seeing us cry dont you?
thank you so much for the updates................. but still,,
I really hope there will be a happy ending author-shii.. They already miserable enough.. Gahhh~ so sad..
I really hope there will be a happy ending author-shii.. They already miserable enough.. Gahhh~ so sad..
r u like sad endng author..?huhuhuhuhuhu
my taenyyyy