Love: No Return

It was the devil in the flesh.

“You’re fired,” Taeyeon said icily to Jessica who was standing in her office. She had the shades closed and her chair swiveled to face the window.

“What?” Jessica protested.

“You really want to question my choice, Jessica? Or would you rather I expose what you have done to Tiffany?” Taeyeon said so sharply, it could cut diamonds.

“But I thought you hated her!” Jessica said and Taeyeon shook her head with a mirthless smile, “You’re wrong about that.”

“You said so yourself!” Jessica exclaimed again childishly.

“That’s my mistake for saying that. But you’re wrong about that, I don’t hate her. I can never hate Tiffany. In fact, you’ve just wronged the only person that I care for the most in the entire world. You’re lucky nothing happened and Dan saved her in the nick of time so I’m not pressing charges. But make no mistake, I can ruin you as easily as this…. And more.” Taeyeon said with a cruel smirk, as she tore up the contract that Sooyoung’s dad had handed to her.

Jessica looked in alarm at Taeyeon’s expressions and she quickly ducked out – if looks could kill, Taeyeon had murdered her a million times… and more.


“Are you sure about this?” Taeyeon’s lawyers looked at her. They looked at what she had drawn up.

It was easy math. Nothing for her, and all of her material possessions to this girl called Tiffany.

“You’re willing everything to this girl?” That was millions of dollars, 5 of her houses around the world and her personal prized sports car collection.

Not to mention her business stakes that she had placed in various businesses over the years, etc.

Taeyeon nodded her head, when she paused. She remembered something, “Wait, place this in the will too.”

She took out a credit card. It was a simple card, but the holder’s name was ‘Tiffany’.


And then, she nearly went crazy trying to find Tiffany.

“It’s no use, we can’t find her, Taeyeon.” Sunny said uncertainly as she entered Taeyeon’s office. She almost didn’t dare to break the news to Taeyeon seeing as how Taeyeon had behaved these past week. She had literally gone crazy when it came to Tiffany’s matters.

Sunny saw how Taeyeon had used everything in her capacity to find Tiffany.

She had hired personal investigators… And had even flown to America personally to search for her.

But nothing.

She couldn’t find Tiffany. No matter how hard she had tried, she just couldn’t. She had begged Dan, day after day, and night after night to tell her where did Tiffany disappeared to…

But even he himself didn’t know.

Tiffany had disappaered.

Just like that… As what she had said.

It was almost as if Tiffany had died and disappeared from this world…



A/N: 2 chapters updated. Ummmmmm... 

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Chapter 30: It not finish right..this story..where are you authorshi..don't hanging this story coz it great story..hope you cameback
ifyouseeA #2
Pls comeback author! You left us hanging! :( But i hope you're ookaaay
Rune121 #3
Chapter 30: Wah is this complete? D: pleaseee make a conclusion a seuqel a something Q_Q its too good.
taenycity #4
Thank you for making me cry TT_____TT
The last couple of updates was so intense, my heart wouldnt stop pounding from my chest. Aigoo... Whats going to happen to Taeyeon now? :(
soshipairing #5
omogosh. wae so angst? :(((
author, you love seeing us cry dont you?
thank you so much for the updates................. but still,,
I really hope there will be a happy ending author-shii.. They already miserable enough.. Gahhh~ so sad..
I really hope there will be a happy ending author-shii.. They already miserable enough.. Gahhh~ so sad..
r u like sad endng author..?huhuhuhuhuhu
my taenyyyy