Love: No Return


It was almost as if the entire universe had stopped. She couldn’t see, couldn’t hear, and couldn’t breathe. There was a muted void.
It couldn’t be… Tiffany… Tiffany… Tiffany…

Oh god.

But there she was, she still looked so god damn beautiful, nothing much had changed from 3 years ago.

Except, perhaps, if it was even possible, she looked even more beautiful than ever.

Taeyeon froze. If it were possible for a human to turn into a statue, Taeyeon would fit that current description very well. Her whole being had literally gone into a terrible shock and she was unable to react.

Taeyeon was about to say something when the next thing she knew, Tiffany had grabbed the guy’s hand and was firmly walking away, “Let’s go, Dan.”

“…But! Tiff, that’s….” Taeyeon! Daniel wanted to exclaim in excitement as he easily recognized the good looking girl who was in a white tux as the Taeyeon that Tiffany had been madly obsessing over this 3 years, but he sensed something was amiss when he saw how cold Tiffany’s face was.


Sooyoung, who had been standing beside her, had witnessed everything and she was waving her hands in front of Taeyeon. She had seen how Taeyeon had literally turned into a statue when that extremely beautiful girl had appeared in a beautiful silky blue gown.

But she had also noticed how Taeyeon’s face had crumbled into a state of anguish when she saw Tiffany’s hands grabbing onto the guy’s…

Taeyeon didn’t know how Tiffany did it, but she could manage to bring out all the emotions range one could ever feel in this lifetime to the extremes. She could make someone so happy (incredibly, she was happy to see Tiff despite the bad break up) and the next, so angry and sad that she really felt like hurting someone.

How was it possible that she could bring her one moment to heaven, and the next, to hell so drastically?

She had returned, amazingly, yes indeed – but with another guy. Did she herself, mean so little to her? Yes, perhaps she did, after all, she had broken up with her in that way….for money.

Stupid, silly, silly and poor, dead poor Taeyeon.

Who was she to Tiffany anyway?

She had banned anyone from mentioning about Tiffany around her. Her brother knew not to talk about ‘she who shall not be named’. She didn’t know what had happened to Tiffany, nothing, zilch, she didn’t even know if Tiffany was alive or dead.

Yet, now she had the cheek to show up in this event. With another guy, no less.

“…Stop…” Taeyeon whispered hoarsely.

Tiffany took a deep breath and stopped, how could she? How dare she ask her to stop when they were together here, like this? But she did anyway. She would like to hear what she had to say about ‘Sooyoung’ and her being together.

And Tiffany’s logic was such:

1. Taeyeon had read her letter.

2. Taeyeon is a heartless soul who had moved on with Sooyoung.

3. Taeyeon did not mean to find her all these 3 years after all seeing as how she has moved on with Sooyoung.

Instead of opening to speak a word, Taeyeon mustered all the strength she had and she gave Tiffany a huge tight slap on her face, “We’re truly ‘over’. ”

It was as if all hell had broken loose, and the entire crowd went crazy.

Did Taeyeon just slap that girl? Who is she…?

It’s over… The new girl’s career is over…. Quick, fetch the press….

Damn it, why wouldn’t Taeyeon slap me…

Various thoughts were going all over the place, yet, all Tiffany heard was ‘We’re over’ repeated over and over again in her head. She was angry, yet more than that, her heart was breaking. It was one thing to hear that Taeyeon had moved on with Sooyoung, it was another thing to hear that she was really breaking up with her.

She had spent 3 years thinking about this moment… Yet never in her wildest dreams did she ever expect this ending.

Her heart was breaking into a million pieces. So that’s how hurt feels. Her heart was bleeding, if that was even vaguely possible. She was biting her lips so hard; she could almost taste blood in them.

She was trying so damn hard not to cry… Must not cry… must not…

“Alright… goodbye then, Taeyeon,” she mustered all the strength she had to straighten her back evenly and then, she took Daniel’s hand, and without even pausing to give Taeyeon another look, she walked away…


Tiffany had hoped, that this walk could have carried her far, far away. Yet, she couldn’t fly back to US. She had nowhere to go, she had nowhere to hide seeing as how she couldn’t just take off and go away like that…

Not when she had signed on to the company. If she were to leave now, she would have to compensate the company hundred thousand of dollars, where was she going to get that amount of money?

She was quite, impossibly stuck in a situation where she would have to face Taeyeon every single day.

Every single day of seeing ‘them’ together… Someone, just shoot her already.

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Chapter 30: It not finish right..this story..where are you authorshi..don't hanging this story coz it great story..hope you cameback
ifyouseeA #2
Pls comeback author! You left us hanging! :( But i hope you're ookaaay
Rune121 #3
Chapter 30: Wah is this complete? D: pleaseee make a conclusion a seuqel a something Q_Q its too good.
taenycity #4
Thank you for making me cry TT_____TT
The last couple of updates was so intense, my heart wouldnt stop pounding from my chest. Aigoo... Whats going to happen to Taeyeon now? :(
soshipairing #5
omogosh. wae so angst? :(((
author, you love seeing us cry dont you?
thank you so much for the updates................. but still,,
I really hope there will be a happy ending author-shii.. They already miserable enough.. Gahhh~ so sad..
I really hope there will be a happy ending author-shii.. They already miserable enough.. Gahhh~ so sad..
r u like sad endng author..?huhuhuhuhuhu
my taenyyyy