Loving you

I think I saw love

Okay, now I must stop this, I must really stop thinking that I imprint with every single gorgeous guy i run into...I mean, a girl can have only one soul mate right? Wait...maybe i never imprinted with Won Bin that day because who I met that day is not the real one. The real seems more of crap...but him? I know i should quit staring at his unbearable beauty, but i'm not sure if I can. He's shining like a star, not like an angel which Won Bin looked like to me. He's a star who's shining too bright that I'm abruptly blinded.

Okay...I'm only refering to the appearance...but apparently, just like Won Bin said, i should never judge the book by its cover, no, not again...

"Hey, You alright?" He asks sounding concerened in his pretty musical voice.

"Ah...yes..." I assure him. "I-I....do you know where i can find a make-up artist?"

He smiles brightly. "Sure, I just lead one to the room 18 D...you'll find it just around the corner on the left"

'Oh thanks..." I bow, with relief sweeping through me. God! I'd be mad by now if i didn't meet him!

"No problem...see you another time then!" He says with a small wave. I wave back, hurriedly, not trying to think about how friendly and charming he is, and run off to find 18 D. Soon i find myself knocking on its door. Hurry! Hurry! I wish as I do so like my whole life depends on it....okay, at the moment, practically it does...

The door swings open and out comes a skinny young boy who greets me warmly with a smile. "May I help you...sunbae?"

"Yes...please...uh, is the make-up artist done yet...?"

"Give me a second" He says and goes in. Sooner than I expect, he opens the door and pokes his head out. "Noonas says she's almost done....and she asked if you're a suppervisor..."

I nod. "Yes I am"

He takes his head in and yells. "Noona! She is!" i hear a girls voice, but what she's saying is not very clear. It didn't have to be clear anyway, because the kid pokes his head out again and says, "She asks for your room number and the registration number, she says she'd go there...and also said that you supervisors are supposed to get the refreshment tokens"

I widen my eyes. No, not again! Gosh! this job is really frustrating! "Refreshment tokens?"

He nods with a smile. "Ours just went...go to the table by the entrance, you remember right? there the lady will hand you the tokens. Take them and run to the refreshments booth at the first floor...got it?"

I nod, but his words are flooding my head that I turn to my right like a mad woman without even thanking him and start moving, but stop when I here him calling me.

"Noona! The make up noona!'

"Oh!" I exclaim and slap on my forehead. "Sorry! I almost forgot!" I say and walk in to their room in hurried steps, muttering nonsense to myself, not forgetting to smile at the older girl who's busy putting make-up on another kid. She smiles too, and points at a white sheet kept on the dressing table with a pen. "Can you fill down the details my dear? I'll do you band's next...you better get the refreshment tokens after this"

"Okay" I say and write down all the relevant information as I remember them, luckily I remember it all. When I'm done, I greet warmly to the artist, and the other guys inside and thank them, also wishing them luck before i walk out of the room. I take a deep breath when i'm out. Gosh! this is one hell of a frustrating job! the guys owe me like hell for doing this to me! And if I'm supposed to go through this at every freaking performance, getting neglected by some certain bug head all through it, I'd die..I'd mostly, defenetly die!

But now, I'd have do whatever I'm supposed to do. I don't care what Won bin thinks as long as the others have their trust on me.

So I take another long breath, arrange my hair a little so that I wont look like a mad woman and start moving towards the table by the entrance, checking it in my mind if I still have it all in...though it's too much for me to take.




Meanwhile, the treasure are sitting in their new formation as Lee Joone planned and practice the song that Won Bin came up with, and after around like two days, they're practicing for real, but still they sound perfect, only except that even though the song has changed, he's still the same. He himself knows he's doing horrible at the moment, but for some reason, even trying to act like he's all up to the mood of the song is just as pointless. His mood is ruined. as always, she's ruined it all. He can't figure out how she always does it, making him listen to her. She's done it, not once but twice. Twice, he has listened to her, twice he has changed his mind. It just makes him hate her even more, he doesn't get it if its a quality of her, or just his bossyness, but she really has her own ways of persuading others that even hearing her voice makes him hate ehr even more. That's why he came to the conclusion as the reason  why he said something like that to her before. He watched her on her toe tips, reaching him wearing the most innocent face he's ever seen because she was  completetly out of words to say, he watched her face brightening up when he metioned it that he has changed his mind, and he can't take it, the sight of her looking completely different from how she always looks, because he just simply  hated it for a reason that he still can't recall.

But the other members are completely against what he just did. He feels it by the way they're giving sideway glances at him as he tries his best to sing the best he can. He closes his eyes tight and stops, mid sentenced, before turning to the guys who're surprised by his sudden movement.

"What?" Jong hun asks him. he refuses to answer for a moment, and finally give in.

"I don't like her okay? I don't like anything about her!" He says, not thinking that the guys are not really getting it when he suddenly came up with that. But luckily jong hun answers him with perfect understanding. "You should've thought about that before we hired her, now we can't throw her out just because of you, she's working hard Won Bin, for an inexperienced girl, she's working so well, just let her be"

"Plus noona is getting alone with the whole supervisor thing, she makes a perfect supervisor" Adds Minari, but surely none of them will change his mind about her. He can't figure out why he always wants to treat her bad when she looks so hopleless. He nor can figure out if it's for his mere indulgence.

"I really do like her...noona, there's something about her" Jae Jin adds, twisting a knob of his guitar. "Besides, hyun, i really don't see anything that bad of her for you to treat her that way, she's being a very talented supervisor for the lack of experience she has"

It might be...maybe all they say are true...he doesn't know...but the biggest problem he has is the complete her, and no matter whatever he does to try to stop it, he can't, and the real reason why he can't bear her attitudes...he still can't recall.

He sighs and turn to jong hun. "Look, if you really want her, just tell her to stop bossing me around, or throw her out...ill find another-"

"Won bin!"

"Just do it"

Jong hun openes his mouth to speak but he doesn't get to do so because suddenly a girl, an older noona rushes into the room as though the room were her own. "3224? Treasure?" She asks, looking at Won Bin who looks as if speaking is the last on his list of things to do that very moment. He's quite relieved when Jong Hun answers.

"Yes...can I help you..."

She smiles. "Yes...I'm here to do your make up...Your supervisor sent me here...."

Everyone except Won Bin widen their eyes. "Whoa~! Noona's fast!"

"She sure is...now shall we start? Abd I don't have much time...my assisstant is absent..."

"Sure..." Jong hun agrees. The girl looks around at the guys, and her eyes land on Won Bin. "We'll start with the vocals then..."

Soon Won Bin finds himself seated on a saloon chairs having his make up done. He loves how she's doing it, smoothly ob his face, it neaarly puts him to sleep that he almost falls asleep. But sooner than he expects, it ends. He stands up, and is about to walk to the seat where he sat before when suddenly the door flys open. Lee joone comes in, looing like a wreck with a set of plastic cups and foil boxes in her hands. She silenly walks to the table and lays them there neately which Won Bin watches with hatred eyes. She's hopeless and poor and not to mention, one hell of an idiot...but how can she do everything so perfectly?

Then she sits back breathlessly.  Won bin sees the makeup artist glance at her with a smile while doing Jae jin's face. "Your supervisor sure is capable! She's done so fast!" She complements.

"Yeah right..." Lee Joone says, panting like a dog. "I think I'm going to die..."

The make up artist laughs. "Look how you supervisor's suffering!"

"Tell me about it!"

"By the way..." adds the Make up artist. "don't forget to go backstage before the performance to see the track is right, okay?"

Lee Joone sits up, looking shocked. "Who? Me?"

"Who else?





Okay, now that's done...the final step before the performance. It's our act after the next, and Im dragging myself down back to the room to bring the guys backstage. My legs are numb and already malfunctioning...god! I'm never going to walk again for sure! Those guys, theybowe me like hell! especially Won Bin who dragged me into this on the first place. Seriously! at least he must pay me some gratitude for doing this instead of calling me crap and neglecting me all the time! I mean, for a girl like me, being involved in this big issues is hard! But obviously he will never understand....

"C'mon...Pirates, we're going" I say breathlessly, walking into the room. I find them up on their feet already with the instruments, jong hun nods. "Come over here" I follow. It's Minari who starts it; we stand in a circle, the five of us, and the guys hold their hands out before them At first, I don't get it ehat they're doing but follow the same thing. their hands are on top of each one of them I'm the last one to lay my hand on the top and rhythmycally, Jong Hun counts.


"FIGHITING!" They yell as one and lift their hands up in the air, but the movement pushes me away. I get thrown back, not understanding what just happened, and Jae jin, along with Minari stars laughing at me.

"Look at her! Noona you look like you got shot!" jae Jin yells while Minari is laughing so hard. Gosh these kids! We're minutes away from a performance and they're laughing at me!?!

"Yah! Don't laugh at me! BAD BAD!" I yell, beating up Minari with all the power I have left. But he doesn't stop, he goes laughing even more. "I said no you stupid kid! now get back here, we'll try again..."

I drag their hands, one by one and place them back in a circle. It's Minari who puts his hand first, he seems like he's about to burst, he's followed by Jong hun, and jae Jin, then the bugger, and me. It surprises me when I lay my hand on his. He's weirdly cold for some matter, but then again, who cares.

"Okay...again.." Says Jong hun eying me. "One...two...three...!"

This time it's me who raise my hand and say 'FIGHTING' like a jerk all by myself. Oh for heaven's sake! They did it again!

"Oh~you guys !!" I moan as they all (Except for Won Bin who's now wearing the weirdest expressio ever) starts laughing. Seriously!

"Okay, okay...people...pirates...that's enough...we're going, we can't be late..."

And the next minute, we are going, being lead by














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leekayu_noona #1
Chapter 23: This is so awesome! This is the best fanfic yet! I seriously would recommend it as a kdrama! Do keep on writing dear!
You are a girl right? Cause if not i would curse myself for saying "Thos yeoja is realy good!"over and over again! Seriously though, the five days that i spent reading it, taking every chance i get and encouraging me to study as i do... they were really worth it! Do continue writing dear... !!!^^~primdonnas frvr!
Chapter 23: Wonderful!! I love this so much! ^^
MushroomPea #3
hong ki!!!!!!
loveyoseoblove #4
Chapter 16: omg... i really love this story.. dont left me hanging.. i'm so frustrated with this two.. aigoo.. keep updating ne~~
OMG i love your story it's so cute. please update soon.
lee hongki <3