
I think I saw love

I give a quick wave to Ha Ra and make it to my bike completly ignoring Won Bin who is casually leaning over one of the pillars of the bicycle hut. I pretend he's not there, controling my urge to once look at him and proceed to my act of paddling away, but yes, just as I expected. He catches me by my arm. 

Crap! There he does it again! 

I remain the same for few short seconds waiting for him to say something, and finally he does. 

"you're coming with me" 

Soon I find myself walking off to wherever he's taking me...I'm not worried, really! I know him just too well, he's oh ji won's son, so why worries? But all through the walk, he doesn't speak, which, as it seemed to me, so unlkely of him. He seemes to be pissed off. I'm   sure I did absolutely nothing wrong, whatever the reason is, I dare not to say a word. He seemed cheerful in the morning though...he has such a change of moods.

Finally, we end up by an old wearhouse by the end of the scheme. without a word, he opens up its ricketty old door. He enters first and gestures me to follow him in. I do as l'm told. I'm worried if I'd burst his bubble. 

At the first glance at it, I think its a complete hell hole. But later on, as i climb down the dark old staircase, I also find it quite appealing. At the foot of the staircase' I sense human. There are low murmurs echoing in the dark hall before me. I can't see well but I do hear voices of boys, or men, I can't tell, but when I reach the ground floor, lights turn on, and the room sinks in utter silence.

Okay, now this is weird...why am I here, at the kind of a place where only boys hang around? Is Won Bin some kind of a...stalker?

But him, whatever his matter is, instead of making his first move on stalking me, walks into the hall and sits in a couch which is pushed to a lonely corner and frowns into a blank space as though vacant spaces were his biggest rivals. I turn to the pack of boys who are staring at me as if I just got hit by a truck.

 Gosh! what the hell am I doing here?

"There you go.Happy?" Mutters Won Bin in a Pissed-off-high-school-teacher tone. I look at him questioningly which he doesn't notice.

What does he mean happy? God! I never even wanted to come here for heaven's sake!

"Her?" Asks one of the boys who're seated before me on some old boxes and cushions, two holding guitars, and a tiny one seated behind a drumset which only looked exceptionally too big for his size. At the first sight, I conclude, they're a band, and obviously, Oh Won Bin was a part of it. But he really didn't seem to be in good terms with them at the moment, otherwise he wouldn't look like that around them, I mean, he was alright around me back then...

He's such a moody guy...I mean, he looked perfectly happy just this morning!

Won Bin says no word. The guy who spoke to me before leaves his guitar behind and approaches me. He's also in his school uniform, he's well built for his age, has a pretty nice nose and an attractive height, but I step away as he gets closer looking into my face curiously, and runs his eyes over me from head to toe. I step back, feeling rather uncomfortable. Who is he? where has he brought me? I'm getting scared my the heat of the moment, I mean, I'm not supposed to be I?

wait a this like....what I see in those dramas? Has this guy been arranged to a marriage that he wants to fake his parents in being in a relationship that he wanted a girl? it that he's in his post-breakup mantality that he wants another girlfriend to get over it....

Okay, that's only as far as my imagination goes, not as far as any of they would go....seriously, they're only just school kids who certainly are not concerned of arranged marriages...

Silly me...

"Where did you find her?" the guy with a nice nose asked, stepping away from me which makes me sigh in relief.

"She's the paper girl" Won Bin simply answers.

"Paper...girl?" Sounds another voice, a rather tuned, musical one which catches my attention, I peek around and see the other guy who held a guitar before approaching me.

"Are you sure she would do...?" asks the nice nosed one.

And there's silence. I look at each of their faces curiously. What are they up to? Auction me for slavery? They seem pretty harmless though...

"How old are you?" The guy with the tuned voice asked.

"90 liner" I answer shortly.

"Oh....same age as us..." The nice nosed guy says, and turns to Won Bin who is still sitting on the couch looking gloomy as ever. "But you think she'd do well? I asked for someone experienced Won Bin, not just a typical..." He eyes me and ads."...School girl..."

Suddenly Won Bin gets up on his feet making me jump. By the corner of my eye I see the tiny one behind the drums getting up on his feet in a swift movement. Won Bin approaches me, still frowning.

"Look," He says urgently to the nice-nosed guy. "If you want one, take her, if not, go find one yourself"

"Aren't you a part of the band Won bin? Don't you also have responsability  when it come to this? Just be reasonable!" He yells back, I step away, not enjoying it, or not understanding a single word of what they're saying though I'm involved in the conversation.

"What about the rest of you? Why can't you find one? Or appreciate it that at least I found her?"

"Because you have NOT done well! Look at her! She has no idea why she's here!"

Exactly. I add in my mind.

Won Bin raises his eyebrows chalengingly. "Doesn't concern me"

The nice nosed guy give him an icy glare. "I'm not starting this here while she and the Maknaes are around, or you'd never see an end of this"

Won bin returns to the couch. "Paper girl....Go home"

I widen my eyes. What the hell! I came all the way here all because of his moodyness having no idea what's going on, sacrificing my precious time, and now he asks me to go home?

I move no muscle as the other boys stare at me in unison.

"Paper girl I just asked you to GO HOME!"

"WHAT?" I yell back, now completely pissed off. I mean, I was brought here and now is being sent away not having any idea of even why he brought me here?

"What do you mean what? You have nothing to do here anymore, just go home!" He yells back, still remaining on the couch.

"Nothing to do here anymore? then why did you bring here? you thought i had nothing better to do but follow you around whenever you ask me to?"

There's silence, and my heartbeat rises with anger. Seriously! my aunt must be cursing me by now for not going home! I have much better things to do than watching his moody self fighting over whatever involves me, also which I don't know!

I walk to him and give him my scariest glare. "Look mister, whoever you are, I don't care, just don't think i'm a play toy that you can play around whenever you want to okay? I came with you because I thought i knew you better...of course one meeting was not enough, now that I see, but if you think if you can play this prank on me again, next time i'd be throwing bricks at your moody face, not the paper-"


"You're hired" Says a voice from behind me, I pause on my words, Won Bon who'd been looking at me with sick-irritated eyes turns his glare to the nice nosed guy who approaches me and holds out his hand.

"Welcome to 'TREASURE' I'm Choi Jong Hun, and You're hired as the band superviser"

"EH?" I ask, confused.

"You're hired, we're starting from today"






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leekayu_noona #1
Chapter 23: This is so awesome! This is the best fanfic yet! I seriously would recommend it as a kdrama! Do keep on writing dear!
You are a girl right? Cause if not i would curse myself for saying "Thos yeoja is realy good!"over and over again! Seriously though, the five days that i spent reading it, taking every chance i get and encouraging me to study as i do... they were really worth it! Do continue writing dear... !!!^^~primdonnas frvr!
Chapter 23: Wonderful!! I love this so much! ^^
MushroomPea #3
hong ki!!!!!!
loveyoseoblove #4
Chapter 16: omg... i really love this story.. dont left me hanging.. i'm so frustrated with this two.. aigoo.. keep updating ne~~
OMG i love your story it's so cute. please update soon.
lee hongki <3