The battle between the top ten

I think I saw love


It's finally their big day after they made it to the top ten with many hardships, especially for Oh Won Bin who had to play all sorts of games to keep the whole thing from his parents. They will never let him be if they knew, mostly because of his father's popularity. He always wish if it will ever end up one day, but things just seems to get worse by the day. Only his sister seems to care for his existense, his parents, his mother to be frank, seems to be shadowed by his father's esteem that she's forcing him to take up after him. That's not what he wants, no, he doesn't want to be like his father and walk over the clouds like nothing's happening around him. He wants to be different, and that's exactly why he wanted to be in a band in the first place. not with the popular crowd, but with normal kids who have talents that nobody sees.

The battle of the bands means a lot to him, and he needs it to be perfect. But what Lee Joone told him, it just hit him like a sword. He hates her, true. but the way she speaks just makes him listen to her, she can do it to anybody, and apparently it makes him hate her even more. He can't help it, but he despises her, and he has no idea how he can ever stop it.

And just at the point, things just starts getting worse.

He just got into his jeep to go pick up the guys from the 'ISLAND' as they calls it, when his phone starts ringing madly in his pocket. He picks it up and answers heartlessly. It's Jong Hun.

"What? I'm on my way" He says and nearly cuts of the line when Jong Hun yells out through the phone. "WAIT" He says. Won Bin sighs and keeps it once against his right ear. "What now?"

Jong Hun speaks urgently. "It's Lee Joone"



This is not happening to me...THIS IS NOT!! I CANNOT BE stuck in my house, no, locked up in my house for absolutely no reason whatsoever at all!!!!

Seriously! Grannies must be a bit more reasonable, and yet, more responsible. i mean, i'm a girl who's trying to make a life over here, and this is me, earning for it. It's not like i'm doing anything bad like drug trafficking! It's only that I can't tell her what my reason is to go out! Grannies and aunts should be given general education, mostly on why they should let their innocent single girls go out, in the middle of the day or at night, WITHOUT questioning for a reason. Why reasoning as long as she returns home safely?

And that's exactly what they don't understand.

I will NEVER become a granny and ruin my grand daughter's life. Or an aunt who thinks her whole life depends completely on tasteless ramyun.

"Please~ Save me Jong Hun, they're killing me!" I moan through my phone, walking around in my room in a slim blue dress (Which once belonged to my mum) a red Bolero and a a pair of cheeky silver sandals which belonged to Ha Ra. Jong Hun asked me to dress like a supervisor since it will be a big event. I'm dressed as best as I can, all but I'm not allowed to get out. Gosh! they're better off without me!

"I'll send someone, just don't worry okay? We have time!" He assures me. But surely whoever is coming will never get me out of this place.

"Yeah, like it will work! Who's coming?" I ask, leaning against my door.

"I'm send-" Jong Hun starts saying but I can't here the rest because my granny starts screaming like a siren.


I cover the reciever with my palm."HA  RA!"

I return to the phone. "I'll call you later...send someone, and hurry up!"



He followed just as Jong hun told him, but when he drives into where he asked he to go, he's disappointed, no, rather, he feels sorry for her. It's a rather crowded place, in the suburbs of the city of seoul and totally not the kind of a place where he'd rather visit. He's doing this for the sake of his band, for the first time in his whole life. On the sides of the road there are people, gangs , old women and vendors, looking weirdly at him as he drove. He wants to cover his face and drive like he doesn't care, but their eyes are inevitable. and all has jelousy and anger hidden beneath that someone like him can nicely catch. He clutches tightly onto the steering wheel. Anything for the band...anything...

Finally, he parks before a small narrow allyway, just as Jong Hun told him, and remains still, fighting in his mind if he should go get her or not. being reminded of her ruins his mood, and now having to drive her around? Just before a performance??

Like he thought before...anything for the band....

He slowly openes the door and steps outside from the fully air conditioned interior to a warm, strongly-smelling-of-meat-and-smoke outside.For a moment, he can't believe the fact that the big mouthed Lee Joone actually lives here...and then again, she HAS a big mouth...

It's warm outside, the sun is fully up and has started going down since it's already past three, it's a saturday, of which he's glad, otherwise his mum will be bothering him on whatever the problems she had at that moment...but, is it better or worse than having to usher her around? He still can't figure out.

He walks up the slope, his sunglasses covering half of his face, he passes several houses, old women and kids in there pyjamas looking up at his tall figure as if he were god. He's worried if any of them would dare to touch him.

Finally, he finds it...her house.

Comparatively, it looks better than those he just passed. Unlike them where there were litter and broken furniture thrown about, her place looks cleaner and neat. By the doorstep, there are a couple of potted plants and her bicyle tightened to a nearby poll with a chain. he smiles to himself. how badly she loves that old he knows why.

He takes a deep breath and slowly knocks on the wooden door, and steps aside, folding his sunglasses and hanging them on his striped T-shirt. He waits, and since he gets no reply, he starts knocking again, thinking if he's come to the wrong place. Soon he hears voices.

"Ah~what is this!?! Lee Mi Ja! Go see who's at the door!" Sounds a voice of an old woman.

That must be the crazy granny...he assumes. Then he hears footsteps hitting wood, the door slides open. He steps back, further more as another woman, not very old, pokes her head out. She looks at him more thoroughly, he bows with a smile. She also smiles, surprising him and goes in. "It's a boy!" She yells probably to the granny.

"A boy?" Sounds the grannies voice, now even closer, and soon, the door openes wide. Won Bin gets a full view of Lee Joone's family.

Her grandma, unlike his own granny, is dressed in a rather different way that he's seen his own being dressed, She looks around in her seventees, short with curly silver hair and a pair of old specs sliding down her small wrinkled nose. She's the kind of a granny he's only seen on tv and read about in books. The other woman who seems to be in her middle fourtees is the younger version of the granny with the same curly hair, only it is still dark.

He bends down and bows. "Hello...elder....I'm Won Bin..."

The granny looks at him as if he's not supposed to be here. "Won...Bin...? Do  we know you...?" She asks, looking at the other womanto confirme it that they don't.

He shakes his head. "I don't think so...elder...I'm here to meet lee Joone..."

The granny looks even more surprised. "..Lee Joone...Our...Lee Joone...?"

Won Bin nods. "Yes...her.."

The granny looks at the other woman, and when she nods, they let him in.

"I locked her up in her room...she says she's going out tonight, she doesn't say why! It is bad for young girls to be out , especially dressed like that!" She talks nonstoppably, filling his ears as she leads him into the house. Even inside the house looks neat and clean. The shoes are stacked to a side, there's a small chest of drawers kept in a side with small framed photos kept neately. A stool in the middle with green pillows laid on the four sides.

Won Bin waits, letting the granny fill his ears, cursing in his mind for making her be the supervisor untill the other woman slide open the door on the left side of the small house. the woman mutters something to whom who's inside, and moves away.

And suddenly he finds himself stuck and paused to the moment, unbelieving his eyes. Out comes, following after the woman, to whom the granny just presented to him as Lee Joone's aunt, IS Lee Joone, and he can't believe it if it really IS her.

She comes fully out, dressed in a slim blue knee-lenghthed dress, stuck to her body, showing a perfect figure too pretty for a girl of the suburbs. The dress is topped with a crimson bolero, matched with a pair of sandals and her soft dark veil of hair is flowing down her shoulders, on the whole, she looks totally different from how she usually looks in her school uniform and a boring ponytail. She also seems to be stuck too, more like thunder struck as she stares at him, giving him the same expression that her granny gave him just minutes ago. He somehow rips his attention away from her surprising beauty back to the granny who still is not done with her 'Girls-going-out-alone' speech.

"I will have to take her with me...elder" He says, making her stop middle sentenced.

Granny looks at him as though he just said he'd marry her. "What?"

"I will be taking her out..." He says again, being careful that unneccesarry things wouldn't come out. Jong hun asked him to not to mention the fact that she's going to be with a band, he said that she's said her granny would never let her out if that is mentioned, thinking that she's being involved with four men at once.


"...for dinner..." He adds, feeling weird that he actually said that. but of course, he knows it's only a little white lie. Lee Joone looks at him with her eyes widened like plates.

" this time of the day?" granny asks, while Won Bin slowly moves his hand, gesturing her to come closer. She follows like a dog, and stands a bit away from him.

"It's...going to be a date..." He says, and smiles. The aunt and the granny exchanges glances and suddenly both of them starts looking overjoyed.

"Oh~! Look at this fine young man! He's taking our Lee Joone on a date! How sweet" The aunt says so loudly that he tries his best to keep himself from looking sour.

The granny leans over and touches her cheek. "Oh how wonderful of you to take this little devil out! Oh~!"

Won bin slowly curls his fingers through hers, and pulls her towards him so that they'd look more like a couple going on a date.

"You should have told us sooner Joonie! We'd have let you go!" The aunt belows and reaches out to touch his cheek, he slowly moves away, pretending a bow.

"We'll be going then..." He says, sounding as natural as he can, and bows, still holding her hand ever so tightly.  Lee Joone follows the same and bows.

"Thank you grandma.." She greets sweetly, so unlike how she speaks to him.

"Take care my well, and do bring her back before midnight, okay? And don't try anything nasty..." Says the grandma with a wide smile. Oh how badly tricked they are...only if they knew how much they hated each other, and that she's going to be with four, not one. It's better as long as they're convinced this way.

Even as they walk out of the house, Won Bin keeps his fingers tightly curled through hers, just to be on the safe side. They continue the same untill they're not in the range of her house. Soon she pulls her hand away, harshly.




"Do you have a death wish?" I yell, irritatedly and get as mush as far away from him. Holding my hand? For heaven's sake? I don't care if it's acting to get me out or whatever, I don't like it at all! After neglecting me so badly! And now granny will never let me be!

"No, you'd been dead the near future if you never made it tonight". He answers like he doesn't care. I cover my face and moan with frustration. Now surely granny and Mi Ja will never let me be! I drop my hand and take a deep breath before turning to him. "You know how crazy they are? You just saw them right?"
He merely ignores me and starts walking, leaving me behind.

Ah! Seriously! DOes he HAVE to be so ignorant! Gosh I'd DIE if I had to date this freak!

"Yah Oh Won Bin! Listen to me you jerk!" I yell after him and reach him on hurried foot steps. "Do you have any idea that the're never gonna let me be now? My granny is crazy over me being in a relationship, now she's never gonna leave me alone! i wouldn't have cared if it's somebody else, I'd marry him like she expects if I had to, but YOU?!? Of ALL the people!?!"

He pauses, and looks at me with his clear brown eyes. "Can't you just shut up for a minute?"

He practically ruined my family life, and now asks me to shut up? This guy! Now granny must be thinking we're for real! Now the next minute she surely would go and meet his parents! And my innocent life will be simply wasted! I'd die, I'd rather tigh my self on a rotten car and drive into a freaking lake and DIE than being stuck to him! Even having someone convinced that we're a couple makes me want to puke, and the very thought makes me regret my birth! let's calm down....and think right....He only needed to take me out, just for the sake of the band...I mean nothing to him and he means nothing to me, it's not like it will ever happen! Plus He's Oh Ji Won's son for crying out loud, so why bother? Grannie's never gonna meet his parents! Not in this life, surely...

"Look...Won Bin, I'm sorry..." I say at last, and look away, not believing it myself that I'm actually doing it. "And...thanks...for getting me out, but-"

I feel his eyes on me, and I'm sure he doesn't care...but there's no point of trying to making him understand, I mean, he's just too hot headed that my innocent, cold words could never sink into his dry-spong mind.

"....You see...I-"

He suddenly catches my wrist harshly. "Come, we have no time"

And soon I find myself being dragged down the slope. I'm just getting dragged on. He's right, I'm already running them late-

-I stop  dead, shocked by the sight before me....gosh! Is that-is that Audi...Q7? Oh my god! It is! I suddenly remember how oppa and I went mad over it when they released it, making  crazy dreams of buying one with ramyun money...and there it is! This must be a dream...

"...Is-is this...yours...?" I stammer, finding my voice.

"Yes, now stop it and get in" He says and walks towards it, casually pulling out his keys. I stare at him with wonder. Him...this vehicle of his...his god-like beauty...the fact that he's so damn rich...all of it goes just so well...only if he can be more humane...

"You're coming or not?" His voice sounds in his normal ignorant tone, I nod quickly, and make the rest in fast steps down towards the magnificent jeep. Being so close to it scares me to touch it even.

"Are you waiting for me to open the door for you? Just get in, hurry up...we need to pick up the guys"

I fact I'm really waiting for him to open the door. I watch him climb in frustratedly and opens up the door for me before letting out a long sigh. I climb in, carefully, enjoying the cold, air conditioned manly smell inside, and close the door.  he puts on the belt. I do too...

Okay, i can't put the silly thing into the narrow opening. Darn the stupid-

His hand suddenly slips over me I take my hand away, letting go of the belt. He sighs even deeply, reaches across me, and neately arranges it as if he has done it million times before. I feel my face burning with embarassment. Why do I always end up in such awkward moments?

He sits back, now looking as though the seat next to him is vacant, and soon the jeep comes to life. The next moment, I find myself on the road, watching it as vehicles passed by so fast as though their whole lives depend on it. Won Bin too, is driving the same. Caking smooth turns casually. I hate him, true, but at this very moment, I'm enjoying it. This is apparently having my little fantasy coming true...I've always had this dream to be sitting in a really posh vehicle one day with a totally hot guy, feeling extremely proud and arrogant...okay, except for the proud part, everything else suits, but he's apparently not the right guy. I sigh. Finally, I'm having one of my wishes granted, but with wrong person beside me. Anyway...let's just enjoy it for the moment...Oh, and I can go home and tell oppa all about how I rode in a Q7 with the coceited angel-

"Lee Joone" He suddenly speaks, and since the ambiance inside is calm and gentle, I almost jump out of my skin.

"uh...?" I say in response.

"Well your...granny and...aunt..."

"Eh?" I ask, surprised by his sudden concern. He says nothing. I understand what he's trying to say. He's refering to what I said before. "Oh...that...well..."

I sigh. " see...since they're so old fashioned...and yeah...old...they think relationships are...forever...untill...marriage and if they're, no, since theyre convinced we' know....and so she wont leave us alone..." I explain, as calmly as I can, trying hard not to imagine the fiasco that I will be facing tonight. It's not going to be good....surely it wont...

Still there's silence...but soon he speaks again. "Is that so...but don't worry...that's never gonna happen..." He turns to urgently. "...not in this life, or any other..."

I nod. Satisfaction sweeps through m like belted chocolate. "Glad to hear that..."

the ride goes on for only about fifteen minutes, and the next minute, We're parking before the 'TREASURE ISLAND' to pick up the 'pirates'

"Go, get them' He orders me. Without a word, I climb down, but i have no need to go down the staircase, the guys are already coming up with their instruments. (Minari, of course, only had the drumsticks in his hands)

"Yo! Pirates! Ready?" I greet, sounding like a lame pirate as Jong Hun appraoches me with a sweet smile. "Hey, Joone! Got out safely?" I nod. " and sound"

Jae Jin comes next as Jong Hun put his guitar in the booty of the jeep.

"Hey Lee Joone noona! You look great!" He also greets me. I smile. But since I'm the last to get complements from a guy, I feel rather odd. Minhwan also greets me with his kid-like charisma and climbs in in the back seat. I stand back and wonder if I should be in the front or not. But I'm disappointed when all the guys squeeze into the backseat. I'd have to go in the front. I shrugg, and climb in, not being very pleased of myself, and soon again we're flying through the road, now to the Dom art theatre.

"So how did you get out?" minari asks during the ride. "Did your crazy grandma really let you come?"

I shake my head. "No...We had to put up an act...'

"Oh.." he says shortly and adds out of the blue. "You're pretty by the way"

I'm shocked to hear it from him. "ah...thanks..."

"Now you really look like a supervisor noona....that dress is pretty nice on you..." Jae Jin adds. i feel my blood rising into my face...being complemented by two guys at once?

"And you should really wear your hair down more often...." Jong hun says too. "Otherwise you wont look like a noona"

I smile all by myself, embarassed. gosh! I never knew i have so much in me to complement. And for some reason, I'm glad that only Won Bin has nothing to say. Then again, who expects being complemented by him..?

But in fact, it turns out he has SOMETHING to say.

"I don't like how you're dressed...that's why I had to put up the act, otherwise they'd never let you out."

I roll my eyes. Who cares for his opinion?

"What was the act that you put up...hyun?" Minari asks with obvious curiousity. It's me who answers. Certainly, Won Bin will never answer to that question.

"We pretended to be a dating couple" I answer, sounding like it's something which can happen everyday.

"Really?...are you...?"

I jump at the question. "NO!!" We both yell at once.

"...Not even if i had to die..." I add. Seriously! Why does minari always come up with such questions?

"There, we're here..." Jong Hun says, changing the subject. And then I see it, The Dom art theatre.

This MUST be a huge event...gosh! look at the size of it!

Okay...not like its massiv, but sine this is the first time I'm seeing a real performing venue. I'm quite nervous.I mean, this is a huge event, and this multi talented band is taking a talentless supervisor for heaven's sake!

Won Bin parks the jeep and I see another boy band getting down a posh SUV, looking as arrogant as ever. I feel stupid. I'm nothing close to any of the big people here! What if I do anything crazy?

"Okay, peolpe, let's go" Jong Hun says, climbing down with a bag hanging down his shoulder. The others follow after him. I too, clutch my handbag, (ha Ra's, to be frank) and climb down.

In the underground car park, there are a whole lot of vehicles parked in neat rows. There are people scattered around with instruments, and also a few girls like me, dressed a lot better than I am,  I feel even more nervous. God! What if I make a fool out of myself like I always do! I'd ruin the treasure's image!

"You got everything?" Jae Jin asks Jong hun as Won Bin closes the back door of the jeep. minari approaches us, looking completely normal.

"Yup...but I think Lee Joone must keep the're the supervisor.."

I gulp. "Me...?"

"yes..." He says, making it clear and hands me a yellow plastic file. "Here...don't lose it...better keep it in your bag...and hand over the light blue sheet and the CD to the lady in a suit who's at the door."

I nod, and look into the file, finding a thick light blue sheet, and some others underneath, but there's no CD.

"CD...?" I ask, anxiously. Suddenly  Won Bin's hand comes before me with a CD in a plastic green case.

Track 2"

It says in blue ink on the cover. I nod. "Okay...anything else...?"

Jong Hun smiles. "Nothing else....only that you have to see whether the pirates look good for the stage-"

I nod again. "No problem..."

And soon we all squeeze into the lift, and we go upwards, finally stopping at the second floor. the lift opens, we stream ou, finally taking in some cool-air condiyioned breath in. I walk with Jong Hun and Minari, and as we reach the corner where there's a considerable crowd, I see a lady in a sophisicated suit smiling widely to another girl who's with a blue sheet and a CD case in her hand. I take a good breath. this is what I'm hired for...

"Hello...ahjumma..." I greet pleasantly with a smile as the other girl leave.

"Yes, my dear....admission, is that so...?"

I nod, and hand her what I have in my hand. She examins iy thoroughly and looks down at another thick white paper on her desk. "Number 3224...treasure..." She looks up with a warm smile, "Room number 13 D, my dear...And you'e Lee Joone, the supervisor?"

I nod. "Yes...I am..."

"Lovely...your performance is the sixth act..." She hands out a stack of laminated red cards, and a seperate blue one. "The read cards are for the performers....and this, put it around your neck, tell the band to attach their's on their ready by your it?"

I nod again. "Yes...Thank you ahjumma..."

"You too, my dear..good luck!"

I bow and soon hurry off to the guys who're waiting in a corner. " 13 D"

We walk down the crowded corridor, passing all the doors and come to a hault by a door on which it reads the precise number, and also the name of the band. perfect.

I open the door, trying to be cool, and hold it back untill all the guys stream in. After closing it, I turn around to face a fully occupied dressing room with all the things kept ready. there are two massive mirrors and saloon chairs kept before them with coffe brown dressing tables. There are also guitar stands in a corner and few cusion chairs. There also is a table kept in the middle with few water bottles and a pale blue folded cardboard.

"So...?"  Jong Hun asks, putting away his bag. "Oh yes..." I exclaim, coming back from my trance. I take the red cards and start explaining, walking towards each one, trying my best to look like a real supervisor. "Now, your performance is the sixth act, untill then we're supposed to stay here, and.." I take one of tha card and examine. '3224' it says. I reach Minari and clip it on the collar of his shirt. "These tags you're supposed to wear it, and this is mine..." I demonstrate mine, "...and by the time when the fourth act ends, we must be ready..' I walk to Jong Hun and attach the card on his coat. "Understood..?" I wait for a reply, but there's none. So i comtinue. "Anyway...we must do great, and win this thing...i just joined the pirates, but you guys have made it up to this stage, and from here, I promise to give you my fullest support...we'll get together..." I'm done clipping the card on Jae Jin's shirt and finally walk to Won bin. "And win this....agreed?"

I stand on my tip toes to reach up to him as Miari and Jae Jin say together. "Agreed!"

I take the card and clip it on the lapel of his dark blue coat, feeling rather uncomfortable that I'm done speaking. I can feel his usual frown on me, probably hating the fact that I'm touching him, but  can't care less. I mean, this is really not the time for his heartless frowns. I step back, ignoring him, and exclaim. "Perfect!"

"Not quite..." Won Bin suddenly says. My eyes shoot at him, certainly like spheres. "What's not?"

"The song..."

"The song..?" I ask confused. "I thought it's done-"

"I changed my mind.." He says, without letting me speak. "We\re not singing the only one's crap"

I sigh. finally, he understands..

"Then what?" jae Jin asks.

"Loving you...that's the track I gave...we have to practice"

I smile. "That's fabulous Won Bin-"

"Not because of you, just because it's crap...just like you and what you said"

I stare at him, unbelievung what he said. "What??"

"you heard  me..let's practice" he says and walks to one of the chairs with his guitar. I open my mouth to speak, feeling, onnce again, neglected when suddenly the door opens.

"Miss Lee Joone"


What a frustrating job. Let's face it, i mean, you work hard, dead hard for them to suceed, getting told off in the middle..what's the point? If he wants to keep on doing this to me, keep hurting me, trust me, I'm already to resign. seriously! now I,m damn hurt that he said such a thing to me! such a bugger! He should know better! And now here i am..running off to find a make-up artist among the million people around, and surely he doesn't care. No  matter how badly i try, he wont care-

I accidently bump into someone all of a sudden and nearly fall on my bak like a fool. Fortunately, that somebody catches me casually in his hand.

"Sorry! sorry!" he says, helping me straighten up. I shake my head. "I'm fine-" I start saying but a voive interrupts.

"Lee Hong Gi?"

"give me a minute" He says, and turns to another boy on his right. he mutters something to him. I wait like I''m told. Gosh! what happens to me-

" what were you saying?"

But I can't remember anymore. Instead, I'm staring at a beautiful, heartfilling sight...thinking...

Is this imprinting...?








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leekayu_noona #1
Chapter 23: This is so awesome! This is the best fanfic yet! I seriously would recommend it as a kdrama! Do keep on writing dear!
You are a girl right? Cause if not i would curse myself for saying "Thos yeoja is realy good!"over and over again! Seriously though, the five days that i spent reading it, taking every chance i get and encouraging me to study as i do... they were really worth it! Do continue writing dear... !!!^^~primdonnas frvr!
Chapter 23: Wonderful!! I love this so much! ^^
MushroomPea #3
hong ki!!!!!!
loveyoseoblove #4
Chapter 16: omg... i really love this story.. dont left me hanging.. i'm so frustrated with this two.. aigoo.. keep updating ne~~
OMG i love your story it's so cute. please update soon.
lee hongki <3