Wrong song...

I think I saw love

"You call yourselves pirates, I see Won bin more like a pirate captain, you know...those guys with a wooden foot, a hooked hand....arr!"

Okay, I know I'm constantly getting those annoying sideway glances at the moment, but come on, those people can't go on being so dull! Surely this is Won Bin's fault. He's haunting them, the whole band, he's like a ghost, a mean, wicked always-angry fallen angel. And he always keeps me wondering why he's doing that to himself, i mean, he is so hot to be frank. He's got the most perfect height, Gorgeous red-brown hair down to his ever-y neck, beautiful pink lips; all were perfect but his frown which never seems to leave. I'm disappointed at some points, I don't know why, but seeing him like this makes me despise him even more. I always had a think against the moody people. Seriously! Who can ever live through with such people?

"...And I can even now imagine him as a pirate captain, with an eye strap and front teeth missing..."

I'm certainly not making anyone laugh. Maybe my sarcasm is worse than I think.

"Noona...did you like, hit your head...somewhere...?" Jae Jin asks, looking genuinly concerened. I slyly look at Won bin, who, as usual is busying himself with tuning his innocent guitar, looking as unconcerened as ever. There's no wonder I'm running mad, I mean, I did hit my head somewhere...that somewhere being the silent hollow-like cave in his cold-cold heart...

"...nope....i'm fine" I say instead, and look around, trying to cover it up for being stupid, and finally get up from the lonely couch which apparently is Won bin's favourite place on earth.

"Why don't we practice a bit untill Jong Hun turns up?"

Yeah...that's why we're waiting without starting. Jong Hun went out for something involving the band, is still not in, and during that time, i've been trying to keep the place going, but my attempt is completely useless.

Like I said, Won Bin and his dark-frowny shadow is overtaking the whole treasure. I must be the mighty, courageous heiress to save them from him...

"Good idea, noona! oh...i'm bored to death!" Complains Minari, tonelessly hitting his drums.

"I can see that very well minari, guys...okay, at least Jae Jin and you try your parts. I don't think the CAPTAIN is willing to work right now..."

He'd rather go on tuning untill his life depend on it...I add in my mind and turn to Jae Jin. "Come on...up on your feet! Come come! Pirates should work, not sit around and TUNE all day long"

And still he remains the same...what's with him anyway? Hot one minute, cold the next? How does he do it anyway? Gosh, he's completely a freak show!!

I shrug in frustration before speaking, finally, straight to Won bin.

"Won Bin, do you HAVE to be such a jerk?"

He finally looks up. "Who's speaking" He says shortly and returns to his usual work.

"Me speaking, if you heard me well....you know what, people would hate you for being this so cold, just how i do now"

" Noona..." Says Minari, and since him who just stopped me, i shut up, and turn to him. "You better practice if the performance is getting nearer"

I return to the couch, and wait, and wait, and wait...

"At last..." Jae Jin's voice sounds from a far far place, and that's when I realise that I've been sleeping for the past few minutes. Soon, I get on to my feet and see Jong Hun holding a plastic file, looking as if he just ran a mile.

"Emergency, guys...." He says breathlessly and falls onto the couch. I move closer, conserned.

"What is it hyun" Minari questions.

"Performance...it has been moved to...tomorrow"

"Tomorrow!?!" I practically yell, seeing that the guys practiced nothing for the past two days (Okay, few hours, that is). "Tomorrow...as in, like...TOMORROW?"

Jae Jin looks at me as though i'm insane. "Noona...are you alright?"

I nod. "I am...but, pirates didn't practice, you have to, if it's tomorrow!"

Jong Hun turns to Won bin who is finally up on his feet. "Speaking of which...did you pick your song"

I feel my self sinking through the floor. All this time, even when I yelled at him, he was picking his song?

Okay, blame him. I mean, I'm the supervisor and he never even told me!

Won Bin nods and walks to his mike in the practice area. "only one person"

The guys make faces. "Are you sure...?" Jong Hun asks.

"I am...don't ask me to pick again"

"We'll see..." Jong Hun says, looking very unsatified and walks to his position, grabbing his Box guitar while doing so. And following him, the other two maknaes also take their positions, and Won Bin stands with his guitar strapped across his chest, looking like a beautifull frowny work of art. I too, take my position on the couch, enthusiastic to hear him singing for the first time.

It starts with Jong Hun's box guitar...gosh! it just started and I'm already drooling over  how he's playing! Okay...I know...this is music, it speaks to people...Then begins Won Bin's vocals....

"There is only one girl I know
and there is only one girl I love..."

Now...isn't this song supposed to be...emotional...? Like, I'm putting all my effort and catching up with what he's singing...well his voice IS beautiful, MORE than beautiful, i should say...but he's not...giving it away...the feeling...you know, he's singing it for a girl that he loves so much...but frankly the kind of feeling I get is that he wants to get rid of her right away! He's frowning, his eyes stare at some empty space and he's giving out no emotions at all!

"Without knowing that would be a burden to you
I gave you a reason to leave

Seriously, i mean, he seems like he doesn't care if she's leaving or not! Or rather, he looks as if he needs her to leave, and he doesn't care.

They're not going to win if he keeps on doing this. I mean, this Mr. frowny really can't sing those emotional songs because he's all but emotional, nothing but bland and...uh, I don't know...completly blank...Since I'm a girl, I get it more than they do. The lyrics are beautiful, and surely if he sang with all it takes to pass out the message, the proper feeling that it needs, I'd have fallen for it, but no...he's not serving the song right. He can't do it, he's honna lose it for sure.

"After driving a nail into one man's heart
Is your heart comfortable without him

I look at Jong Hun slyly, and see him looking sour. Now I get it why they disliked his pick on the first place. Even they can sense the mere fact that they will never make it if he continues to sing like this. He has to change the song. No matter how madly he insists on it, I have to make him do it. Surely he'd yell at me, or rather, bite my head off just like he wants to do to the girl that he's singing this song for. But I'm the supervisor, Jong Hun gave me all the rights to do it...

"Because I really feel as though you'll come back today
I only feel like I'm going to die
But I can't even do this-"

"Stop it right there frowny!" I order, and get up on my feet. Okay...I do feel like I'm being too much, I mean, I just came into this field, in which they've been involved for months, but how can I help it? This guy is not even trying!

The guys stop dead, nlt Minari goes playing untill he realises it on his own and stops. I walk to Jong Hun who looks more than relieved.

"Can't we like...change the song?" I ask him, not trying to break Won bin's heart. (Assuming he has one.) "I don't like it much...it has no feeling-"

"I said no changing" Won Bin suddenly interrupts. I only glance at him and speak to Jong Hun. "The lyrics are perfect, so is the meaning that it give...but you know...the vocals has to pass it...I don't feel like I'm getting it...I'm a girl, and if there IS some kind of a sentimental feeling being given away, I should get it...but sorry, I don't"

There's silence, and I stand back, waiting for someone to answer. But surely, all of them are worried if he'd attack them anytime.

"I think she's right" Jae Jin says, at last. "We should change the-"

"I SAID we're not, and that's the final" Says Won Bin harshly. This time, I really turn to him.

"Do you HAVE to be so stubborn Won Bin? When somebody's trying to do some good for you, just accept it, at least once-"

"Exactly, hyun...just like she said, it has no feeling..."

Won Bin sighs and returns to his usual place. "I'm not changing the song and that's final"

"Do you want to lose, Won Bin?" I ask, feeling neglected. He hired me, okay, dragged me over here to take this job of supervising them, and he's not listening to me at all! He's completely neglecting me!

He says nothing. Really! This nut is just so frustrating! Would he rather do this to his band and him self? Why is he so...self centered?

"Look, I'm not trying to say that your singing is bad, okay? It's good, your voice, it's perfect...but you really don't put any feeling to it!  I don't know what your problam is...but what you really look like is a man who's glad that your girl left you...haven't you ever had the feeling? Haven't you ever been...loved?"

He looks up and stares at me with hatred eyes. His eyes are cold and inevitable. For the moment, I can't rip myself away from his icy glare. Why is he making the other despise him? Why is he so egotistic, erratic and completly so heartless? He has the most complicated change of feelings that I've ever seen in my life. At some points, i feel sorry for him. maybe he needs help. He need someone to rise him up and bring him to the state of truly feeling what's around him. He has no feeling to put into the words at all!

"Lee Joone...I think that's enough..." Jong Hun mutters. I sigh. They have the performance tomorrow! I don't know if I was too hard on him. But what? he's all hard core! I'm sure it didn't affect him at all.

I walk to the nearest chair and sit straight. "Okay....then do whatever you want...I'd stay away..."

For the next few minutes, we're all silent. Jong Hun slowly plays the tune of 'Only one person' over and over again, Minari is silent and is sitting next to me while Jae Jin is busy doing something on his phone. And Won bin, as usual, plays tuneless strings on his guitar.

It's about ten minutes later that Minari speaks to me.

"Noona...are you alright?" He asks. I smile and nod.

 "well....noona..." Minari adds slowly. "like you said before...have you ever had the...feeling?"

I suddenly look at him, surprised by his question. "The...feeling?"

He smiles. "You spoke like you had experience...so have you...?"

Almost all the eyes turns to me. I'm stuck...even I'm wondering the same. Seriously! I've never really wondered that my self! I've been single for the past years, I am not aware of anyone being interested in me as far as I know..


What can I say!?!


And putting everything into pause, my hand phone starts to ring. Relief sweeps through me. That was close. I mean, I can't let them know of my solitary life!

I take out my phone and see it that it's oppa. I take the call and walk towards the staircase. i feel all the eyes on me, and surely, they're thinking that it's the answer that they expect. Perfect! Oppa knows exactly what to do.

"Oppa~" I say sweetly.

"Working?" He asks.


"With the conceited angel?"

I smile. He's started mocking me about Won Bin and how I've developed this hate towards him in two days, right after I bragged to him that we imprinted, and he certainly won't let it go untill the very end.

"Kind of...how about you?"

"Same...good...but don't be late tonight okay? Aunt Mi Ja will eat you alive, and Grandma has started already."

I get the feeling. Grandma and her usual typical-grandma speeches of 'girls not being out this late' and Mi ja's Rameyun talk. He must be suffering!

"I wont..." I assure him. "I'd come around soon..."

"Okay then, take care...don't start with the angel of yours again okay?"

"Already did...but it's alright...anyway, you too...take care..."


And the conversation's closed. I flap my phone and turn around, feeling light after the talk with oppa...he always make me feel better...he's a dad I've never had...

And when I DO turn around, I begin to realize all the eyes, even Won Bin' are on me.


I smile and slip my phone into the bad, while taking the seat which I occupied before, but the eyes are still on mine.

"Was it...then...?" Jae Jin asks, finally, sounding like it's something that he should never ask.

I say nothing and smile. I mean...it's better, a lot better than being labeled single. At least I'm not, in their eyes, which will keep the gap. because when Minari asked that, it confused me. Seriously! Why would he ask that all of a sudden!?!

"Anyway..." Jong Hun says, finally bringing their attention to him. "Guys, since we have no time...we'll just practice our skills...Won bin can decide what he should do by romorrow, he will come with whawe should do tomorrow...you all know the songs completly, right?"
Jae Jin and Minari nods. "Good, we'll just practice individually. be ready and come tomorrow, sharp twelve to the Dom art hall, we'll be meeting there, any problems, call me...got it?"

I nod. Gosh! I'm enthusiastic already! I'll be seeing a band battle for real!

And not mentioning the fact that i'm involved with one of them....but the problem is...with what Won Bin has got, will they make it through after all?

And like Jong hun expects, will Won Bin actually change his mind?

All that....I'd leave for tomorrow...because everything around Won Bin, everything revolved around him just seems unreachable, undecidable and untouchable. Just like Won Bin himself.


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leekayu_noona #1
Chapter 23: This is so awesome! This is the best fanfic yet! I seriously would recommend it as a kdrama! Do keep on writing dear!
You are a girl right? Cause if not i would curse myself for saying "Thos yeoja is realy good!"over and over again! Seriously though, the five days that i spent reading it, taking every chance i get and encouraging me to study as i do... they were really worth it! Do continue writing dear... !!!^^~primdonnas frvr!
Chapter 23: Wonderful!! I love this so much! ^^
MushroomPea #3
hong ki!!!!!!
loveyoseoblove #4
Chapter 16: omg... i really love this story.. dont left me hanging.. i'm so frustrated with this two.. aigoo.. keep updating ne~~
OMG i love your story it's so cute. please update soon.
lee hongki <3