
I think I saw love

On my feet...yes, there's simply no other option than walking as long as I don't have my bike in my possession. This must be the first time in the history of civilization that a paper person is actually distributing the papers on feet. After walking for miles I think I already have lost ten pounds, my skirt will fall off any minute if I go on this way.

Guess I have all the reasons to curse him.

Crap. This is just simply crap. I should ask him for some money to insure my feet. Seriously! I mean, I can't assure it myself if i will be able to walk again!

Even when i turn to his avenue, I don't get that feeling anymore, it's all history now. All I feel now is anger, revenge, urge of killing-

I pull out a paper and throw it harshly over the fence.

-the urge of pulling his hair all out, a weird sensation between sadness and bother-

I take out another paper as i reach a certain high gate with an even higher wall on top of it-

-hate, it's hate, i know how i feel. He tricked me, now practically ruining my paper girl career-

I throw the paper as harshly as I could, indicating my anger, gathering all the power that I could muster,

And gasp in an equal power, putting a scream on hault as the paper fly over the gate and land on top of the wall.

No...no no no!!! That...did NOT happen....the paper, the last ounce of my life line, the sole remark of my paper girl career did NOT fall on top of that freak's gate!!!!!

Okay...now calm down...take slow breaths one at a time....it's just one paper...one folded-into-three, full-of-crappy-letters, another-one-of-the-zillion-papers-distributed-forth-night paper.....so why freak out! okay, so now all I have to do here is.....drag the rest of my life-line up there and get it back no matter what it takes...I mean! I have absolutely no money to pay for that! Mr. Oh will surely complain if he doesn't get his paper this morning! Plus I have to be fast, otherwise I'd get caught by Mr.Moody early in the morning which will simply ruin the rest of my day.

so without wasting anymore time to think, I run all the way to Ha Ra's house which is not very far from here, call his brother and borrow the ladder, promising him to bring it back (He said Ha Ra has already left for school, which made it better) and run all the way back to the Oh house. Luckily, Mr. Moody was nowhere in the sight, nor was their the weird guard. so without even thinking anymore, I keep the ladder against the wall, and cautiously look up to see that it has hardly reached the top, I'd have to climb the rest.

Okay....now gather your courage Lee joone...for the money, for oppa, this innocent young maide will sacrifice her petty life...

I tighten my grip on the hard wood of the ladder and keep my sneekered right foot on the wooden bar. After a long breath, I follow it with the other. Likewise i do the same routine with my feet, having my conciousness solely on my feet untill i reach higher enough, and stop.

Okay....now this is the biggest part of this...one shot...fall and die or get for your life....

I take another deep breath and-

--press both my knees foreward, put my hands over th wall and stick my fingers through a tiny opening on the top. I shut my eyes tight and with my hands, I pull myself up off the ladder-

-finally landing myself on the broad and dirty wall.

I don't DESERVE to be on top of this freak's gate!

I look ahead and see the paper lying on the wetness, all crammed up.

Aish...no worth of the try! I knew I had only bad luck with this guy! Now I'd have to pay for it anyway!

I take the damp paper angrily, checking it if there's any possibility to use it, but apparently no...I better as well leave it before the freak come's out...

I walk to the end of the wall and stop on my trembling legs...

No...I can't do it....

Oh god!

How the hell could I climb off the wall now!?!

God! Oh god! I'm so gonna die here today!

I'm such a stupid idiot to do something like this!!!

I sit on the cement-cold wall and bury my face in my hands. I hate him! He's only made my life so miserable, only in two days! Obviously I can't get off this now! i'd kill myself! Or if it could get any worse...I would break my arms or legs! That can't happen! My oppa! Who would take care of him? I surely can't die! And of course that mister Moody wouldn't care it even if I die on his doorstep, no, he'd be so happy that he's finally seeing the dead body of his newest rival all fresh and new-

"Paper girl?"

I lift my head in panic as the soft angel-like voice reaches my ears from below...

and for the moment...nothing sounds better.

"Lee Joone? Where the hell did you vanish to?" He yells.

I muster all my power and call out seeing that i have no other option than letting him know...this time, he's gonna hate me for real...

"Won Bin~ah...up here..."

I dare not to look down since the height makes me dizzy.

"Up? Up where?" He asks, sounding more panicked.

"Here....on the gate..."

Now his voice sounds louder.

"On the...on the-GATE!?!"

I take a deep breath. "Yeah..."

There's silence, a deep long silence that nearly convinces me that he's left me here, but relief sweeps through me as his voice sounds again.

"Just...what are you doing up there?"

I sigh, how can I tell him that I did it again? this time totally putting my hate into it?

"I'm-I'm sorry...Won Bin-I...I accidently threw your paper...up here..." i stammer, trying hard to build up my courage to speak, but I'm too terrified that the words are not coming out properly. Surely, surely he will hate me this time, I know how much he hates me already...

"Paper? You climbed up to that freaking gate just for the paper!?! DO YOU HAVE SOME KIND OF A DEATH WISH??" He yells out so loud that if somebody walks by right now, he'd think this guy is a complete lunatic to yell on his own.

This is all his fault anyway.

I keep silent. There's no point of yelling back, he'd leave me here any minute, and surely i'd have to spend the rest of my life up here, all by myself like a lost citizen....no, I will BE a lost citizen! Nobody will ever find me, and i'm so sure that this bughead will never try to get me down no matter even if i starve and die...

"Did you use THIS ladder? Lee Joone the wall is way above the ladder! Did you climb the rest?"

I nod, slowly as though he can see me.

"How the hell can you climb down?"

I sigh again, understanding the fact that he's true. "I can't..."

"Then..." His voice sounds lower as he says the rest. "Wait..."

And I hear his hurried footsteps down on the road. Exactly as I predicted. Of course! He would never try to get me! He hates me, and I hate him even more for doing this to me. Whatever he has against me, i don't know, nor can I recall, but he DOES have something seriously nasty against me that could even bring hm to the state of leaving me just like that when i'm on the edge of being killed. Gosh! This freak! I  should never have met him, I should never have thrown papers at him, I shouldn't have been the paper girl anyway! There are better ways of earning than bringing papers for the dads of hot-headed freaks! Just how he left me now? Can't he even comprehend the mere fact that I'm a girl?

I bury my face on my knees and try my best to push back the tears but nothing seems to work. It has been nearly half an hour since i got here, I'm already late for school and I have absolutely no way of getting down...all i have to do is...

I bring up my courage and walk to the edge of the wall. This can't be that tall! I mean, obviously humans have made this, another human like me! So why don't I try to get down this with all my wits, I can do this...

Whoa...this is NOT good...

When I kneel on the edge and look down the wall, I start getting dizzy by the height. the fall is deeper than a one story building!

My feet start trembling by the thought of the one and only option, but what makes it worse is that it IS the only option I have. He has left me, the only one who can help me just now, and i'm left with no other alternatives to remain in this life other than risking it to fall of a ten feet tall gate-wall...but I have to. The sun has raised up enough already and the ambiance is just so unbearable. There are beads pf sweat under my school cloths and on my forehead, even my hair is so wet, so does my head hurt so badly in spite of the sunlight directly hitting me. I can't take this, no, not any longer. I should climb down...

Soon I find myself up on my trembling feet, looking down the edge feeling extremely feverish. this is suicide. Practically suicide. Then I half sit on the edge with my back turned to the air. Okay, this is it...I'm going down...

Slowly, careful not to fall, I slip my right foot down and luckily find the wooden bar on which I carefully place it, pressing my hands on top of the wall at the same time. Then I move to the next, gripping hard on to the cement, my left leg slips down, and I'm practically in thin air, ten feet off the ground as my left feet accidently hit the ladder, resulting it to fall harshly onto the floor...

Believe me, it falls onto the ground below me as if to indicate the horrible fact that I AM on the edge of my innocent life line....I might be alive now, but I'll surely be dead the next minute...

I'm hanging onto the rough wall so hardly with my bruised arms, practically on the thin air, and surely I will fall and die, and this will be the end of everything revolved around me...god! Why didn't I think of this BEFORE I climbed up the stupid ladder!

My hands are brutally bruised and slipping off the edge. I try my best to push my feet against the wall and get back up onto the top, but it seems I'm running out of power. I already feel faintish, and I will certainly fall dead on the ground, the Oh's will never notice me untill their car run over my corps, Won Bin will note that it's me and will be like 'finally! she's dead *evil laugh!'

God! This is so bad!

But no, I have to live...I have to survive...this is a life that another two depend on, I can't die...

Again I push my feet against the rough wall and try to climb. My eyes are shut tightly, my fingers harshly pulling my heavy self with all the power they could muster-

"Lee Joone! What the hell are you doing!"



I remain the same...okay, now what's with him? who asked him to scream like a jerk?

Okay, now no point of thinking of ways to avoid him since there's absolutely no way that I could do that, I'd listen to whatever he has to say...or go with what he's about to do...gosh i can't BELIEVE i'm doing this!

"Lee joone,listen" He says after a moment."now what we're doing is....on the count of three, let go, alright? don't worry, I'm going to catch you..."

Like I'd believe him....Seriously? But I'd have to let go anyway, I'd fall and die if I hang on here any longer...

"Did you here me?!? on the count of three, you let go OKAY??"

I nod, again, as though he sees me.


I look down and see him waiting enthusiastically for the fall. What am I doing? listening to him? God, he's Won bin for heaven's sake!


"I can't..."

There's silence while I'm wondering hell to earth why I did that...of course, because of the mere fact that he's the bug headed freak I hate the most.

"Can't?  what do you mean can't? Get down here you-!"

"You're not going to catch me are you?" I yell, confident of my question.

again there's silence. Gosh, what a freak-show.

"What made you think like that?" he asks, in a small voice, which suddenly makes me feel guilty for no reason. I say no more but remain silently, still trying my best to hold on untill the end. But what am I? what is he for me to listen to him? He's only a bughead who certainely hated me! Gosh, what am I doing?

Then he starts yelling again.

"Look, Lee joone, I WILL catch you, alright? Don't worry, I promise...now on the count of three..."

Gosh, he can be so convincing! What a mood shifter! I'm surely going to hate him forever-


I slowly losen my grip, his words have already convinced me...god knows why...


And I let go, falling straight down through thin air. He's not gonna catch me..he will never ever do that...I'm stupider than i think I am...

...and surprising both of us, I fall straight into his arms, resulting us to fall on our backs, harshly on the cement ground.

Impossible, I'm still, no never gonna believe this...This bug headed freak actually caught me, saved me from a ten feet harsh fall!

For a moment, we're both stuck. Me, on top of him, and he's pressed to the ground by my weight. I'm half expecting him to yell and push me away, but instead, he moves no muscle that even I come to a mean conclusion of him being dead, but then I feel something moving off my stomach, I realize, that's how he caught me so wisely.

I soon roll off him, embarassed of my doing. He sits right up, looking like a complete just as usual, and brushes his thick red-brown hair off his face.

"Are you alright?" he asks, sounding a lot more different than he did just yesterday.

I SAID I will never like this guy, he has such a change of mood!

"Sure" I say with a nod. "Thanks anyway, I really thought I would die" At least fake-complementing sounds better on this matter...

He now returns to his frown. "What was that? Did you really want to die? You had a death wish?"

I smile mockingly and get up on my feet. "Not really...but then again, dying sounds better than being on top of you..."

"I'd have granted your wishes if you told me before" He says back, and stands up.

"So who asked you to come around? if you didn't turn up, I'd be happily floating in the heaven..." I answer heartlessly and pick up my bag which is half empty after giving out the papers.

Speaking of which, I have to rush to give out the rest. But how can I thank this freak for saving me? now i can hardly even make myself do it!

"Yes...while so I'd be accused of murder..." he mutters, proceeding on returning to his place.

I make a face. "Too bad...that thought never OCCURED to ME!"

He slyly changes the topic. "However....what happened to your unfortunate bicycle? left you because it couldn't be your master any longer?"

"Yeah, right....if not for someone who UNFORTUNATELy turned up yesterday....tsh!"

He ignores and walks to his gate, I watch him with my hatred eyes. He really has amazing features, especially his height, even I didn't get the fact that I'm practically getting neck-cramps just by looking at him. but with all that, why does he HAVE to be such a jerk?

Then he suddenly sstops in the middle and turns to me. I raise my eyebrows questioningly.

"You know who I am, right?" he asks, surprising me. I nod after a moment. "I'm the paper girl dummy, I know your dad..."

He nods. "But...you didn't tell anyone did you?"

I make a face. "Do you really think I go around talking about you?"

"I wish you don't" he answers shortly. "But never tell others that i'm...well...my dad's son...okay?"

"Like i bother, tsh, you think I'd point you out and say that you're your dad's son? Ha! stupid"

He frowns. "Just don't okay?"

"I won't, don't worry" I assure him.

"Good" he says, remaining in his frown. "Now hop away, I'm late to school"

I don't answer back, but walk away with my bag hanging on my shoulder. But I still feel him, his eyes behind me, I don't care, really, but the memory of having his hand around me just minutes ago is still bugging me in my mind.

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leekayu_noona #1
Chapter 23: This is so awesome! This is the best fanfic yet! I seriously would recommend it as a kdrama! Do keep on writing dear!
You are a girl right? Cause if not i would curse myself for saying "Thos yeoja is realy good!"over and over again! Seriously though, the five days that i spent reading it, taking every chance i get and encouraging me to study as i do... they were really worth it! Do continue writing dear... !!!^^~primdonnas frvr!
Chapter 23: Wonderful!! I love this so much! ^^
MushroomPea #3
hong ki!!!!!!
loveyoseoblove #4
Chapter 16: omg... i really love this story.. dont left me hanging.. i'm so frustrated with this two.. aigoo.. keep updating ne~~
OMG i love your story it's so cute. please update soon.
lee hongki <3