Until you return

I think I saw love


Resident treatment?" I ask in a small voice that I've never heard myself use before. "Then...will he be staying here untill he's better...?"

doctor Kyun Hyuk lowers his specticles. "We'll see if he recovers enough...the other option is surgery"

"Surgery...?" I ask, my heart freezing at the word. "Surgery.." He says in agreement. "That's the only option we have..."

I take a deep breath. "What...good..will the surgery do...?" I ask, fearing to recieve any worse answer.

He clears his throat. "We will be planting a pace maker, which will support him internally in heart faliures..."

I take another deep breath proceeding to the next fearful question. "How....how much will it take...the surgery, if we will have to proceed it...?"

"5,000,000 won, supposedly...and as for you...I can make it 4,800,000 won"

I gulp. "That...much.."

The doctor stares at me for a few lonely minutes and lets out a sigh. "Child...i do understand your situation...I really am sorry..but that's all I can reduce...even this is a private hospital...the expenditure is high..."

"I understand...Doctor...but-is there any possibility that he will recover with residential  treatment...? anyway that can happen?"

"There is,," He says, bringing some blood into my veins. "But...child, we must always be ready for the next option...he might recover...but he wont fully recover....it might happen again..."

I let out a deep sigh, trying not to let the tears well up in my eyes.

But when I'm finally at home, in my room after having one last look at my brother who is even now, lying lifelessly in a hospital bed, I cry all I have. This is all my fault. I don't know how it all turned out that way, but I have this strong feeling that what which has caused everything bad around him is me. I'm unluck. I'm crap...Won Bin has been right all alone...i'm nothing but crap who can't even do all which has to be done to save my brother...what am i to recieve all his love if I can't earn 4,800,000 won to save his life? Just what am I?  Ever since my mother died, he's been taking care of me over his own life....there has been many times that he has felt pain, and he never showed, only my sisterly intuition brought me to the understanding of it...unless I'd have never known....but even if I know his pain, what good am I being to him now? I'm only being a useless piece of who can't earn enough for a brother who has sacrificed his whole life for her! I'm not earning at all! What I'm earning now is not enough for his residential treatement cost...how the hell will I collect enough for surgery!

I spend hours and hours on my bed, staying up all night, trying to figure out a way to find the money I want...and finally come into the realisation of having solely just one option. I jump off the bed, and find the weekend paper on the kitchen table, stacked among all the bills to be paid, and I start searching for a job. yes...that's all I have left to do now....I will sacrifice anything, and everything for him, anything...




It's another typical tuesday for Won bin, but then again, all the days are boring and typical for him, and just like he does in all the boring school days, he gives their guard a pleasant goodbye, waves at his sister with a smile, and walks out of his gate, trying to ignore his strange and hateful urge to see the paper girl once more...he doesn't understand what it is..it's just so odd, weird and un natural for him...he has never had this kind of an urge before...not even to see his own girlfriend..but her? the most hatred person in his life?

And when he's completely out of the gate, just when he's about to walk in the direction of his school, he sees her riding towards his house, and yet strangely, everything inside him starts running cold..because she's not in her school cloths but in yet another flower printed dress, her hair undone, and as she rode, it flies after her in the morning breeze...his heart starts pounding and he gulps. Are you crazy Won Bin? He asks himself harshly. What is she to you?!? You hate her! You hate her more than anything in your life!
True, he hates her..he will keep on hating her..all untill the end...

But it's when she gets closer that it occurs to him. Something's not right about her. He has seen how she's like normally during the morn. She's normally in her school cloths, her hair in a boring ponytail or a crazy pair of plats, but constantly smiling like no other. But today, she's not in her scool cloths, and worse of all, her morning smile is shadowed by a dark frown...or it's sadness...he can't tell apart. Without a word, she stops before him. He stands still, ignoring his rapidly beating heart, no, frankly he's cursing for it to stop, and apparently he's doing no good, he awaits, anticipating her normal greeting. But no, It never seems to come. Instead, she takes out a paper, neately folds it with her professional hands, and without even once looking at him, she holds it out to him. He's surprised by her movement. And in spite of his hate towards her, his anger rises even more to see her this way. Where has it all gone? Where is the smile and the greet he's anticipating right now?

But sooner than he takes to throw the paper in, in just one shot, She starts paddling away, which makes his blood boil in his veins even more. And as he watches her disappearing around the corner in the slow breeze of the spring, his heart gives another sad . And he hates it. He can't believe it! While even being in this unknown, sad state; she's doing it again!

Later that day...he finds himself in his usual seat, waiting for the others to turn up after school. He always finds the treasure island a pleasant place to be in...and everytime he's here..he feels like he's living apart from his real world, where all his hates lie about. He never thought another one of his most hated will turn up in here, and apparently, he himself has brought the very hateful being into here, which at times' makes kis blood boil. But right now...having nobody else in the treasure island, he feels hollow and lonely...only if she turns up....

No...not her...he's not wanting her presence...only if the treasure turns up soon enough...

He sit back and straightens up in his seat, putting a pause on playing tuneless chords on his guitar when suddenly he hears the door creaking open. it's usually her who comes right after him...


His heart falls heavily when he hear Minan's voive from the direction of the staircase. He sighs. Unbelieving it. She's not even here but here still she's doing it !

"Oh*~" (Another form of 'yes' in korean) He answers and returns to his guitar as Minan climb down and arrives by his usual seat behind the drums, throwing his stuff away. "Jong Hun hyun's gone to the offices again...he tried to find Noona but he couldn't find her...she wasn't at school even..."

Won Bin looks up, remembering the fact that he saw her casual just this morning, wearing the most abominable face ever.

"I saw her this morning" He finds himself say. "she wasn't in her uniform...she hasn't gone to school.."

"He called her even...but she never picked up"

Won Bin looks at Minan with a strange concern that he despises to feel. "You did..." Then he remembers.

"There's no point of calling her...she's broken her phone"

Minan turns to him. "How do you know?"

"I saw it" he answers shortly, and speaks no more. It's minutes late that Jae jin also arrives. He stops by the stair case, examining the place. "Isn't noona coming?" He asks, and makes the rest into the hall, and approaches his usual seat.

"Dunno....she's nowhere,,,"

"Really?" Jae Jin exclaims in a panicked tone. "You tried calling her?"

Minan nods. "No use.."

Jae Jin looks at Won Bin. "Hyun...shall we go and find her?"

Won bIn doesn't even lift his head. "Go on" he answers shortly. And sooner, he finds himself alone in the empty hall again. And for some reason, her gone missing bothers him. He clearly saw her face just this morning, dark and sad in a way that he has never seen before. and now, her gone missing...could there be any connection? Is there something which really bothers her? And even the other day, she was perfecttly well, only that she was worsening his anger by mentioning various unneccessry stuff...but today....is she really hurt? is it....the tramatophobia again? And the thought of her having it again worries him even more. What if she hurt herself again and go pale and faint just like she nearly did the last time? What if it has happened already...while she was giving out the papers this morning..?

Abruptly he stands up, hating the fact that she keeps on doing it to him, lays his guitar on the couch and runs up the stairs, two steps at a time. Soon he finds himself on the road, his eyes darting around like radar signals. But obviously this is not doing any good. He wont find her this way! So he decides to now really make his move. He thinks of all the possible places that she can be at. Home...it's the first place he can think of.

The treasure island is not much far from the town that it takes him only a few minutes to walk their and find a taxi. And also it doesn't take much longer for him to arrive at the suburbs. he still remembers the route. He leads the taxi to right towards her house and hops down.

He knocks on the door harshly for a few times, panicked that her bicycle is not there tighed to the pole, and when he gets no reply, he pushes open the door, and rushes in. "Lee Joone! Damn it Lee Joone get over here!" He calls out, venting out his anger. but nobody answers. His anger rises even more. His quick footsteps proceeds to the room that he saw her coming out of,the other day, and without thinking much of what could be inside, he opens it up-
-just to find it empty. He curses and walk into almost all the rooms of the house, walks around in the messy garden in the middle, and finally walks in to the kitchen. Relief sweeps through him when he finds it occupied by her aunt. "Aigoo.." She says as soon as she sees his beautifull sillhouette before her. "Isn't this our lee Joone's boyfriend? Aigoo...!"

"Where is she?" Won Bin asks breathlessly. The old woman shows no emotion as she speaks. "She went to work..."

"work?" He asks, remembering it that she never turned up. "Where?"

"a bar..." answers the old woman. "...The memphis"




It takes me only around twenty minutes to arrive right on the spot by bus, which saves more of my time, and when I'm already down at the bus stop, I decide to make the rest to the memphis, walking.

The memphis is a bar, and more than just that, it's more like a students union of the college which is right next door. It is almost like a part of it. Even now, as I arrive before the building, I see older students walking in and out of it, some, together with friends, or hand in hand with their partners. But being among the older students scares me. I have heard that generally they're not in good terms with high school kids, as though they've never been high-school students themselves, and even now in the way they give me the once-over, it bothers me. It's as if they want to eat me alive.

I let out a long sigh, thinking that I've finally made the right decision, and look up at the place. The memphis is not very big. It certainly is dark, even the exteriour has a dull grey colour with a shining red purple and blue board reading ''MEMPHIS" on the top. There's also and ample parking, but more than vehicles, it seems to be occupied mostly by gangs of students, screaming and laughing, defenitely enjoying themselves. I take a deep breath, close my eyes, let it out slowly, and begin to walk towards it-

-but a voice, a voice which is just too familiar makes me stop on my track. Crap! How does he know! How did he find out...?

Why wolud he bother to...anyway? He wanted me to leave..okay, he wanted me to stay away right? He said he wouldn't care for whatever I will do...then why is he here?

My blood rises up to my face. If he's here to stop me...if he's here to take me back to the treasure island...I'm going to kill him...I'm SO going to kill him...I mean, yes, there's no point of trying to explain that bugger why I can't work with the treasure anymore. The money I recieved from them is only enough for oppa's medecin, not even for his resedential treatments. And if I hang onto them even more, I will never earn what I want..and why bothering to stay with them if the very person who dragged me into it doesn't appreciate me, and instead yell at me for trying to make them feel better? What crap! He thinks I'm a machine that would listen and follow what ever he asks me to do?

True, it's hard to make myself to say good bye to the treasure...and surely I will lose all the trust they have in me. I will miss them I will miss their company more than anything else, and I will be putting them on the edge to the state of not having a supervisor with only a week to the next performance. But what other option do I have other than letting them go?

I take a deep breath and turn around when he calls me again, this time, so harshly. And through the crowd walking towards the memphis, I see him, standing few feet away from me, as always looking like a wax statue among all the real people around. Seeing him, somehow, gives me an angry .

"What, frowny?" I ask, sounding pleasant. I always think that the first greeting should always sound good, no matter how much you hate that person. He makes a few steps towards me. I remain standing on the spot. And when he's close enough, he gives me a cold glare and put his hand on mt wrist. "You're coming with me" I

I step back and harshly pull back my hand. An him, probably surprised my movement, fully turns to me, and his glare shoots through me like cold ice spheres. "You can't make me" I say, and step back further more. He now narrows his eyes, staring only at my face. "What...did you say..?"

I look straight into his face, and his glare scares me. It's as though he's ready to kill me any minute. "I said you can't make me...."

He steps towards me like an angry tiger moving to his pray. I swollow hard. "You go missing out of the blue...I come looking for you and that's what I get? 'You can't make me'?"

"Who asked you to find me? Who asked you to even look for me?" I ask back, now trying hard not to be horrified of him and the angry fire blazing in his eyes. He's scaring me. But I have to keep myself strong. What is he to scare me? just another pathetic bugger who-

"Are you that irresponsible? Don't you know that the whole band is waiting for you out there?!?"

I take another deep breth, trying not to take in the sad fact that they are. Minari and Jae Jin must be fraking out, thinking that I really have gone missing. Jong hun must be stuck with all the work, worried like he usually is, all the time. But I shall not think about that, not about any of them .They're smart, and yet so bright. They will make it through...somehow they will, but I never would if i remain there with them.

I turn away, trying not get caugth in his inevitable, constant glare again. and mutter. " I quit..."

And for a moment, there's a heart ripping silence between us. I swallow, and finally face him to see that his eyes are not moving away from me. And there's fire in them. An angry fire which, just by his look, burns me down to my toes. "You...what?"

I sigh again. Why is he making it so difficult? "I said I'm quitting the band"

He says nothing, but only glare at me for another few seconds. "Why would you quit the band"

I say nothing, but remain the same. And since he gets no reply, he starts yelling at me just like I knew he would.

"Is this some kind of a sick joke? If that's so, it's not funny! do you think this is a game? A stupid freaking game that you can join and leave when ever you want to-!"

"I can't work with them anymore Won Bin You don't understand!!!"

He looks at me, looks away with a sigh, and again lay his eyes on mine. "What is that I don't understand?"

I take another deep breath. "I...I'm having...some issues..."

He keeps on glaring at me. "What issues-?"

"Just issues okay?" I yell harshly, carefull that my tears wont spring out again. "Just don't bother me anymore and let me be-!"

"I would have but do you know that you're leaving the band having only a week for the performance!-"

I KNOW! But do you have any idea what I'm going through-!"

 "I don't care for what the f*c* you're going through Lee Joone! I just don't care! I don't want to be left out with a freaking hell lot on my head by the time of the performance! I don't care for what the **** of issues you have-!"

"SHUT UP WON BIN!" I yell even hard, now the tears practically running down my cheeks, my heart is heaving harshly in my chest, and his unbearable swearing just starts ringing in my head than any other. Of cours he doesn't care! Even if I sit and cry and explain it all to him he will never care, he will never care. He's hurt me even after I worked that so hard for them, he asked me to stay away, and now he speaks to like this, he swear to me, yell at me, all this without even knowing what my reasons are? Obviously there will be no point of reasoning, I will only end up hurting myself even more.

He follows me, he does stop shouting, and waits for me to speak. And I do. "I hate you Won Bin...I've never hated anyone else in my life this way, I've never disliked anyone as much as I hate you...just stay away..."

He stares at me as though i just insulted him, and he too, finally speaks. "Comparing to how much I hate you, your hate is just nothing...the very sight of you disgusts me....so never, ever appear before me...never..."

I give him a lopsided smile, and wipe a tear off my cheek. "I wont...watch me...I never will"

With that, we both stand at the very spot, glaring at each other, and abruptly, he turns away, and leaves keeping angry footsteps as he walk, I take a deep breath and turn around, feeling tight in my chest. Maybe it's right...what I just did. I don't want to hurt myself anymore...obviously, its help that he needs to recover his arrogant, egotistical yet irratic behaviour but I wont give his hand out for him, not anymore, because in the end, I will only get myself hurt, and he will never change-

"Lee joone?" This time, calls out a rather pleasant voice, and I freeze to the spot, realising that this voice..it will only call out for good...not to hurt me, not to yell at me, not to sweat at me without even seeing the real reason...

I quickly lift my hand and wipe the tears off my face before turning around to see him walking towards me with a smile. "Hey! What are you doing here?"

I also give him a wide smile. It has been long before I smiled..."Hey! Surprised to see you!"

He approaches me and gives me a close look. "Hey...you look sad...are you alright....?" He asks, genuinly concerened. I nod. "Yup! I'm doing perfect...but, what brings you here..? You're not a college student...are you?"

He smiles at me widely, and it cools me down underneath. "Naw...I work here...and you? I haven't seen you around before..."

I shake my head. "I think not...I'm here for a job...?"

"Really?" He says, widening his eyes. "But what about the supervising? You didn't quit did you..?"

I lie. "Nope...that will have to wait...anyway...now I'm glad I have a friend...would you mind showing me around?"

He shakes his head. "Not at all..! Come..." He puts his hand around my shoulder. The gesture surprises me. But  I really start feeling better. After beeing yelled at so harshly, anything he does will make me feel better.

"Sure...thanks!" I say, walking along. "But don't lead me to the unnecessary places...okay?"

He laughs. "What do you think? You think i'd be showing you where the means toilet is..?"

But when I come to think of it..."Well, it might be necessary too..."

He makes a small laugh and messes up my hair. "Just come on..."






Standing in the bus stop, only a few feet away from her is Won Bin, his eyes glaring harshly at her as she gets walked in by the strange man that he saw her with the other night, and the sight disgusts him in a way that nothing has ever done before. He has seen others flirting with his own girlfriend, and though it did bother him, nothing has ever bothered him as much as this very sight of the girl that he hates more than anything else on earth, being held close by another strange man, bothers him. she suddenly looks so happy even, as though she's enjoying his presence just as well, and also it occures to him that the expression she has on her face now is very much different from the kind of expressions that she has around him. and the smile that she's pffering him, it's the kind of a smile that he has never seen her giving before, which makes him be even more disgusted.

Soulmates...he thought of how she said it that day. Then that has been how he remembered him that day, he has seen him somewhere, another man who has the same charm as her to smile and attract people, just like her. How shamless of him...how shameless of him to attract girls with his ricks on the stage and smiles!
 Then this is the man that she's so obsessed with, that she thinks she imprinted with...and also maybe this is the kind of issues she has....love issues...being in love with a man with the same charm as herself....

But then again, he saw her cry, he saw her crying for the first time in his whole life, and the sight of her tears just now raised his anger even more. Why did she have to shred her tears before him? Why does she always keep doing it to him? He hates the feeling, the feel of it how his heart ached  seeing her cry. He hates it, the mere feeling of rising hate when he saw her tears rolling down her smooth pale cheek. And even now, the memory of seeing her tears makes his anger even worse. He hates her...he just simply hates everything about her.

He remains standing, watching her disappear into the crowd walking into the Memphis. He wants to feel relieved that finally he has her out of his sight, finally he has a away from him...now she wont be doing it again, now she wont be around to bother him again with her petty speeaches, persuasions, stunning beauties and unbearable smiles...finally, now he can lead a normal life lacking of hatred and odd feelings that he can't recall...

To go back to the Treasure Island, he decides to take the bus, which will help him to keep is mind off for sometime, but even if he keep wishing for it to work, it apparently doesn't. Sitting along in the bus, watching the passers-by, who must be wondering what this strange young mans problem is, he wonders it himself, he wonders why he can't stop feeling regrettful once again. This time, he got the reaction that he expected from her...but, was it really because of him? It cannot be...He saw her looking gloomy in the morning, then she went missing, and now this, which obviously indicates there's something more to that. He wants to know what it is...he wants tu let her tell him what which bothers her, strangely he feels like...like he want to tell her that everything will be alright...and then again, he wants to get rid of that strange, odd feeling...he want to, and he has too...

After around twenty minutes, he finds himself trodding down the staircase of the treasure island. He can hear low murmurs in the hall, which obviously means it's already occupied, and he's glad to be made aware that it is...at least they can practice and keep his mind off for some time...

But though it is what he wants, his fellow members are still not done. His anger worsenes when Minan questions him of his whereabouts.

"Where did you go hyun, we were looking for you too" He says. Won bin doesn't answer. Minan continues. "Is it to find noona? Did you find her? Well we couldn't...we were going to see at her place, but we don't know where it is, we tried to call you, but you've left your phone-"

"Minan" He says, trying not to vent his anger on the innocent Maknae. "That's enough"

He stares at him for a moment. "But hyun, noona..she-"

He takes a breath. He has to break them the news before it's too late.

"Your noona....she's quit the band" He says, looking only at minan. Soon he hears Jae Jin's panicked voice. "She...what?"

Won Bin walks to his couch, where he couldn't sit lately because Lee Joone spent most of her time in it, and now, since she's gone, he's back occupying his favourite place. "You heard me" He says, replying to Jae Jin.

"but why?"

Won Bin, as always, starts tuning his guitar. "She's got issues"

"Issues? You mean you talked to her? Where?"

Won Bin lifts his head with frustration. "Look...she's left the band, and that's all...let's stop this here okay?"

And none of the maknae's speak anymore. He's relieved when they don't, but he knows that it's only for the moment. They will start again, when there hyun shows up, they will defenitely start it again.

Sooner than he expects, he hears footsteps down the staircase, hurriedly climbing down. Jong Hun has arrived. Won Bin does not bother to look up to speak and break him the news because minan maknae will soon break him the news more dramatically. And just as he expects, he starts.

"Hyun! Won Bin hyun says noona quitted the band! He's met her!" He says, getting up on his feet. And Jong Hun, who's breathless after the walk straightenes up in the couch where he's sitting next to Won Bin, and looks at him. "Won bin is that true?"

He nods, and slowly put away his guitar. "I found her...she said she can't work with us anymore..."

Jong Hun looks at him curiously. "You didn't start it with her again, did you?"

Won bin remains silent, and he sees how his hyun's anger get to its maximum point, which, compared to Won Bin's, is nothing.

"What the hell is wrong with you Won Bin! You're the one who brought her here and you treat her that way as badly as you could and now she has left Gosh! do you have any idea how long we have untill the next performance!?!"

At his question, almost all the eyes turn to him.

"When is it hyun?" Minan asks. Jong hun takes a deep breath and looks at them urgently.

"In five days from today"

Minan does the math, and exclaims with his eyes opened wide. "It's on the valentines day!"

"They've sceduled it as a valentine's special, it's going to be bigger this time! We have to get her back!" Jong hun says and buries his face in his hands. Then he looks up and turns to Won Bin. "How did it happen"

Won bin shruggs, not wanting to be reminded of that moment. "I met her, asked her to comeback, she said she said she quits"

"That's all?"

"She said she had issues..."

"Issues? what issues?"

Won bin looks at him with frustration. "I don't know okay? She wouldn't tell!"

"That's because you never asked her-"

"I did!" Won bin says harshly. "She said nothing, if she wants to leave let her! I'd find another!"

"From where!?!" Jong Hun says harshly. "Won bin, you did not once, but twice, did it ever work-!"

Won Bin glares and gets up on his feet. "Then we'll hire her again"

"Who?" Jae Jin asks, sounding worried.

"Hyun, it's not...is it?" Minan asks, equally as worried. Won Bin asks. "If it's in five days, do we have any other option?"

"HYUN!" Both Jae Jin and Minan yells, but Won Bin doesn't change his mind. He can't get lee joone back, she will never come back, whatever her reason is, she will never return to the band, which leaves them with only one option. And even if the others are totally against him, he has no other option other than bringing the girl that they all hate, and only Won Bin himself loves.




For a moment, I forget everything around me, it's like they're all blurring and disappearing, leaving only me on the spot, melting inside. It's not just his voice which has got me going under, but his smile, his charisma-

Okay, i know I've mentioned all that million times, but just how can I help staring at him as he sing? And I'm so totally into his cousin, Seung Hyun too. He's a maknae just like our Minan, and he likes to joke around a lot. And also Min Hyuk, another maknae, he's so childish and adorable, no wonder that Hong Gi's the same...

"Yah! I've been waiting for ages!" Yells a voice, suddenly interrupting my little fantasy of being folded in his hands just like he sings in his song.

"Yeh..." I find myself saying dreamily, my eyes still focused on the three men performing on the stage.

"Yah! Seriously this girl-!"

Someone pulls me by my hand, and I turn around to see Soo-Young unnie holding out a jug of beer at my direction. "Stop drooling and work work!" She chimes. I smile shyly and take the jug from her, handing it over to the angry customer before me with an apology. But when I stand back to again, lay my eyes on the triple, the song has already come to an end. Aish! I should take a day out to sit and watch him sing all day long!

It has been two days since I started working here, I've already made friends here and everything's running so smoothly, but only I have to hide my identity as a Highschool student, hong Gi says the university students don't like the high schoolers very much. except for that, I'm doing so good. wel...not..exactly though, it's like,even I'm feeling it myself that I'm pretending as though everything's alright though nothing really is. Oppa is still at the hospital, He's up now but still the probability of him recovering up to the state he was before is low, and even if he does he will remain without getting it only for a short period of time. The only thing which is keeping me going is the TRIPLE who are apparently aware of half of my problem, they only know that my brother is sick, I couldn't make myself to tell them the rest, but even the small facts they know helps me, they're like another part of my life, just as the treasure is for me. The treasure, of course is more than half of me that it's still hurting me, the fact that I left them with no proper good bye. every time when it occurs to me, I see them in my mind, it's like an intuition which I can never stop.

The general time that the memphis closes  is at ten, and my work ends at eleven, untill then, we're supposed to clean the place, and during that time, FT TRIPLE hangs around, 'It's for your entertainment' says Seung Hyun and what they truly do is bothering us with all their talks which always drags our attention, eventually we end up not working at all.

And even tonight, the three of them are sitting on the performing stage of the Memphis as we're busy cleaning out the place. It's out of the blue that Seung Hyun jumps off where he was sitting (He has this'Out-of-the-blue attitude, he comes up with things completely so irrelevant to the matter, anyway) which immediately grabs my attention, I stop wiping the table where someone has eaten like chickens and look up.

"Noona, I just remembered, the next BOTB round is on the valentines day!"

I tilt my head to a side and give him a look. "Why will you suddenly remember that?"

"Why? Your band? Noona it's going to be a hard performance since it's going to be a valentine's special!"

I simply just return to my work. "They'll manage, I'm not with them anymore."

That's not a secret for them now, I've told them that I left.

"He's true, Lee joone, it's never easy for a band without a supervisor" Says hong gi. I give him a look. "They don't want me, really"

He makes a face which is just so adorable. Gosh! He has to stop making me fall for him!

"How do you know, they said so?"

I nod and immitate it the way hoe the bugger said that " 'Don't ever appear before me...ever' " I look at Hong Gi. "How bad does that sound?"

He raises his eyebrows. "Pretty nasty to me...but, have you like, found them a replacement? When our supervisor noona left, she replaced herself with Soo-young noona"

Soo-Young unnie, who's apparently their present supervisor and also a university student , nods, while sweeping the floor which looks as though the third world war just took place.

"At least find them someone, the poor boys, they're gonna suffer"

I nod, feeling bad myself. I don't care if it's only the freak who will be suffering, but Jong Hun, Minan and Jae Jin, I don't feel like letting them suffer too. But what options do I have? they will be battling in a fight that wont harm them if they fail, but my oppa, the most important thing in my life so far, he's apparently in a fight between life and death which can't wait, and also which badly needs my help.

"How hard will the performance be this time?" I ask, finishing up the last table i had, and moving onto the bar cabinet.

Seung Hyun makes a serious face. "There will be an act, the theme being valentines day"

I widen my eyes. They're never gonna pull it with frowny and his hopeless acting! "Seriously! You mean the band has to act?"

"The competion's for immature bands to show their singing, performing, playing and also their acting skills because the agency is seeking for those who have them all" Explains Soo Young unnie, undoing her apron. "And us supervisors must see if they're doing perfect, Lee Joone, they might need some help, you better pay them some visit"

I nod again, feeling it myself. I better do it, otherwise the other three of the treasure will hate me for real whereas one of them is already doing so.

So the next day, I did my morning errands a little early (Since I don't want to 'appear' in front of the freak 'ever' again) and after school, I think of paying them a visit, maybe explaining things out to them and also, maybe i can make Ha Ra be their new supervisor, i can give them that idea too...

But when I tiptoe down the staircase feeling a little feverish to face them all, I hear another voice,

And my heart falls down through million years.


Gosh! What the heck is that? I'm surprised by the annoying shriek that I freeze to the spot, and my heart starts to ache in a way that it has ever done before.

So...they've found one already? They've replaced me that so soon...? Without even telling me...?

But of course, why wilol they ever? I left them , hopeless just five days before the performance, without any reasoning, without even a proper good bye...why wont they replace me? Why not replacing me? I'm crap, they don't want me anymore. And of course why will Won Bin want to keep me after all? He despises me, and now he must be so happy that he won't be hearing petty speeches anymore, maybe that annoying shriek must be sounding better in his ears. Just like he said, he doesn't want me to appear before him again....

And when I hear his voice speaking, the mere voice i will never mistake with any other speaks, and for some reason, it's anger which rises in me, sot sadness as I want it to be that he has replaced me, that he has closed every door that i can get near the treasure.

"Hyun-ah, here, you don't have to yell" He speaks, but never, in his life he spoke to me like that regarding band matters.

"Won Bin~ah, look how pathetic he looks! He looks like a freaking "

There's silence, and Won Bin speaks again. "Minan, stop looking like a "

My throat tightenes with anger and an urge to kill this Hyun-ah and Won Bin both! How dare they call our Minan a !

"That's better sweety, you're doing good...now start again" She speaks in this really annoying nasal voice that wants me want to puke! That's the kind of a supervisor that he brought for them? Someone who'd rather call that innocent maknae a other than just slowly showing him what his mistake is? That's the kind of a supervisor he'd accept?

And surely if I go around calling him the names of all the animals I know, he'd also be sweet talking me, just like he did to her. What a jerk! What a hopeless little jerk who goes around showing many faces at the girls! How shameless! How disgusting! And he even lets her hurt them! I know how fragile Minan is because he's so young, and he knows him a lot more than i do, and even though he's letting her call him that?

Being here just simply disgusts me, and i see no other point of reasoning with him. He's got his own reasons to not to have me in the band for that matter, plus if I go down there now and explain all the reasons why I can't be with them, it will hurt the boys even more. It will be fine if I had anyway that I can save them from this nightmare. I'm guilty myself...I;m guilty that I did this to them, I'm guilty that I can't help them anymore, but now, the biggest problem I have is saving money for my only brother....and apparenly i'm too late to save them, they're already too darkened, for sure, by the angry shadow of Hyun-a and Won Bin...I'm just too late to be thei saviour...

So I get up on my feet again, feeling a tight knot in my throat. It's either of guilt or anger, or both, I can't tell. But when I walked out of one of the few places I love, I'm pretty sure that there's an urge of killing rising madly inside me.




He starts singing again, but not putting much into it. Won Bin knows that no matter how many mistakes he made, Hyun-a wouldn't care, no. She'd just say 'You're doing so well sweety' and ignore it. Long before this, back when she used to be their supervisor before they hired Lee Joone, he loved that attitude of her, her ignoring all his mistakes. But now, he hates it because now he has this weird feeling that it's not doing any good. But also there's no point of trying to be good because no matter what he does, he's always good for her.

Hyun-a, Won Bin's long-time girlfriend says that they're just meant to be. That's exactly how he feels, even, because for his parents, there's nothing as good as she is, and also for her parents, he's the same. He can't ever treat her the way that he usually treat other girls because she has too many contacts, and her connection with his mother is far more superior than what he has with her. Any bad move on her, the next minute he'll be finding himself in a catastrophe. That's why he had to hire her on the first place back when he started the band. She found it all about the band and also that they were in need of a supervisor, Won bin feared it that she’d go and tell his mum all about it that they hired her as their first supervisor. He didn’t like it, and things got even worse when she started treating the members badly that he had to slowly and smoothly move her out.

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leekayu_noona #1
Chapter 23: This is so awesome! This is the best fanfic yet! I seriously would recommend it as a kdrama! Do keep on writing dear!
You are a girl right? Cause if not i would curse myself for saying "Thos yeoja is realy good!"over and over again! Seriously though, the five days that i spent reading it, taking every chance i get and encouraging me to study as i do... they were really worth it! Do continue writing dear... !!!^^~primdonnas frvr!
Chapter 23: Wonderful!! I love this so much! ^^
MushroomPea #3
hong ki!!!!!!
loveyoseoblove #4
Chapter 16: omg... i really love this story.. dont left me hanging.. i'm so frustrated with this two.. aigoo.. keep updating ne~~
OMG i love your story it's so cute. please update soon.
lee hongki <3