With mister moody and the treasure pirates

I think I saw love

It's because either I'm crazy, or these guys here are totally out of their minds. I mean, how can I be their supervisor just because I wanted to teach that lad a good lesson for tricking me? Plus, I didn't mean to be harsh, i don't know if i was harsh anyway, I was just speaking like any normal citizen would have done, I have no idea why they even thought I was being hard. Oh, maybe i should change the way I speak, otherwise I would get myself into trouble.

I already have gotten enough of trouble anyway.

Anyway, it didn't take me long to memorize all their names, the musical voiced maknae was Lee Jae Jin, I liked him from the first moment he spoke to me, he's the bassist of the band and he's really calm and helpful, and the best part is, he's the first one to call me noona. I've never been called noona before, it made me dance around underneath. The other one, Choi Jong Hun is the leader. Even in my eyes, I see him as the ideal leader. He's calm, loses his temper at some points but treates me well even though i just agreed to join them, (with some arguments, that is) but the one who really caught my heart is the tiniest maknae, the drummer, Minari, who is always not in his mind. He's cute, funny, and has the most adorable aegyo ever, he's really short (Taller than me though, look who's talking ha!) and accepted me like I were his own noona. Won Bin, the vocals and the face of the band is the total opposit of all of them. He's cold, arrogant and mean, he hardly ever speaks, ready to start an argument anytime and likes to frown a lot, he even makes me wonder if he were the one that I met that day when I ripped my skirt. He's hard, to be frank, my likeness towards him gradually faded away.  But the good point of him is, he might be arrogant, but obviously not because of who his dad or his wealth, but of being himself. I noticed. Being around him doesn't take much for one to understand him, but he certainly is secretive and un-understandable. Up to a certain extent, you can't get how he really is, because his mood changes faster than I change my cloths.

But the real reason why I accepted it is the money. I had to negotiate a lot at the begining, I had to be rough as well, but in the end they agreed, (Won Bin was not involved in the conversation) becacause they didn't have much time. It was later that i got to know that they wre going for a competition and that they needed someone to take in control, especially of Won bin who is always up to start a fight with someone. Well in that case, I'm not sure myself if i can get him under my control, i mean, he doesn't care who or where it is (As Jae Jin told me, i didn't know much about him), he'd start it no matter what.

Even now i'm engrossed in this major argument on switching Jae Jin and Jong Hun's places, (Jong Hun was on the left, Jae Jin on the right, which is quite odd), But Won bin is arguing with me even though he has nothing to do with it. Seriously! He's the goddamn vocalist for heaven's sake!

I take Jae Jin by his arm and drag him to the right, feeling a bit proud that i've started my work already, and make him remain there while I do the same with Jong Hun. I stand back with my hands on my hips when I'm done.

"See? It looks more organized, neately placed, and there, a perfect formation"

But Won Bin never seems to get it. Instead he stares at me with his frowny eyes and bite his lower lip.

"What?" I ask challengingly. "Ah~I get it....You see it's better but you wont agree on it because you know you were wrong"

"No.....It's crap" He says shortly, and returns to tuning his guitar which he has been doing for the past few hours, I'm wondering myself if that guitar is truly enjoy being tuned for so long by a completely tuneless guy.

"It's not crap dummy, it's perfect! Gosh! You're such a hot head!" I exclaim and look hopelessly at Jong Hun who looks equally as hopeless against him.

"Won Bin, I think she's right, the formation looks better now" Jong Hun says at last, trying to be of any help to me, but no matter how hard we try, he doesn't seem to be moved.

I give up. "Okay, we're not listening to him now...it's not that we're putting him to the back, we're only changing your positions, so why do we need his opinion?" I clap my hands together. "Guys, we're remaining like this"

"Who are you to say that?" Won Bin asks suddenly and puts his guitar away. I don't move a muscle. I mean, this is my new job, so why do i care?

"Who do you think you are to ask me that?" I ask back, and tilt my head. "What part of 'I'm your supervisor' don't you understand? And Hey! You're the one who put me through this, now suffer" 

I turn to Jae Jin. "You're fine with this right?"

He nods. "Good job for your first day noona"

I smile. The only part I enjoy of this job is getting complemented by the maknaes who became so friendly only by the few minutes that passed by. Even Jong Hun did well around me, only that he's always so serious, but nothing else is as annoying as mister moody and his frowny eyes and his erratic remarks.

"I picked you as the supervisor, but that doesn't mean you can talk to me like that" He says, not looking at me but back at his guitar.

"But if you did pick me as the supervisor, you HAVE to listen to me no matter how badly I speak"

"That's not why I picked you"

I roll my eyes. This guy is just full of it! The first time I saw him he was so beautiful, angel-like and happy, but now? Gosh! this guy is just so full of it!!!

"Then why? You had your reasons?"

He finally looks at me. "I picked you because you looked innocent but now i see, you're crap, just as your plans"

I fake a laugh. I'm not going to take it seriously. I mean, he's just another guy who's a complete hot head and also who way over himself being as arrogant as ever. Why care if he thinks I'm innocent...or..crap??

I raise my eyebrows. "And I thought you were more reserved, but guess I was wrong"

He turns a knob on his fret board. "Don't judge the book by its cover"

I make a face at his idiom term. "Same here"

And there's silence.

It's Jong Hun who finally speaks up breaking the silence between us. He looks at either of us urgently as he does. "Now Won Bin, just stop fighting, at least don't start it with her, she's a girl for heaven's sake! And...Lee Joone, right?" I nod indicating that he's right. "You, don't give him any response if he seems to be starting it okay? We can't have this going over and over again between us, and please do remember I'm not stating this a calmly as I'm doing now, the next time okay?"

I let out a long sigh. "Okay..."

Jong Hun nods. "Good, now I think Lee Joone's idea is fabulous, and I say we're changing the places, from now on, Jae Jin and i will be standing in this formation. I say noone-" He looks at Won Bin who looks completely unconserened."-Noone has any prevelage to change how I and Jae Jin take places except for the supervisor, because only she has the previledge to do so...understood?"

We all except for Won Bin nod in agreement.

"Okay" Jong Hun says pleasantly and takes off his guitar. "I don't think we can carry on further more...we'll be stopping here....let's meet up, all of you, same time, same place...okay?"


And that wraps up my first day with my new job with tirenes overwhelming me. I'm walking zig zag on the way back home looking like a complete wreck, it's around dinner time, and obviously my aunt must be cursing me by now for skipping the day's work. Tomorrow I WILL do all my errands before coming for work, I mean, this is so not my fault that I got into this whole heap of trouble....okay, I must be the one who should suffer...

So much for looking so innocent...

I tiptoe over to my front door with my shoes in my hands, hoping to sneak in without getting noticed, but as always, I have no such luck.

"LEE JOON~AH!!" My grandma's voice sounds like earpitching sirens that makes me fall on my back on the wooden steps.

"Yes, grandma!!" I answer and go in on my hands and knees. Soon she arrive out of nowhere in her typical korean grandma cloths looking as hideous as ever and grabs me by my arm. "What brings you home so late!?! This girl!! Don't you know that it's bad for young girls to stay out at night??"

I try my best to free myself from her deadly grasp. "Sorry! Grandma! I wont do that again"

She lets me go, pushing away harshly. "That's better...now go wash yourself and eat well...And your oppa is waiting for you"

My oppa....the next most important thing in my life after my own self whom i protect over myself as well. He's around four years older than me, but he's not my own oppa, my mum and dad never told me about how they got him but obviously he doesn't look anything like me. He looks a lot more pleasant than I am, he IS a lot more pleasant and lovable than i am, that's just one of the many reasons why I love him.....but no matter how much i loved him, there was one unbearable fact that I could never undo...

"Oppa?" I call out, wrapping my wet hair as I reach his room looking fresh than I looked before. As I reach him through his wide opened door frame, I see his sillhoette by the streetlights flowing into his room. He looks at me and smiles.

"Ah~Lee Joon~ah"

"Oppa!" I say and hurry towards him, giving him a hug.

"So, how was the day? You were late tonight..." He asks as I pull away.

"You don't know what happened to me oppa..."

"No...what happened?" He asks, looking interested.

"Remember the guy I told you about?"

He smiles. "Who? the angel?"

I fake a laugh. "Believe me oppa, he really is nothing close to being an angel"

With that, I explain everything about what happened to be today, to which he listenes from each and every word. I'm happy that I have him. Of all the things, I always knew that he loves me, which is what which really matters. By the time I'm done, I exhausted to death. Obviously  by going through it all over again. He laughs as I let out a massive yawn.

"My little dongsaengs needs to sleep" he says, running a trembling hand over my head. I nod.

"Do you mind? I certainly don't want to be a trouble falling asleep here"

He let's out a laugh. "Of course not! Go on...you don't want to be late for work tomorrow do you?"

I shake my head. "No...." and I slap my hand on my forehead.

"What? anything wrong?"

"Speaking of which...." I say, suddenly rembering my mistake. "I've left my bicycle at school"

Gosh! This Mister moody and treasure pirates surely are driving me nuts!






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leekayu_noona #1
Chapter 23: This is so awesome! This is the best fanfic yet! I seriously would recommend it as a kdrama! Do keep on writing dear!
You are a girl right? Cause if not i would curse myself for saying "Thos yeoja is realy good!"over and over again! Seriously though, the five days that i spent reading it, taking every chance i get and encouraging me to study as i do... they were really worth it! Do continue writing dear... !!!^^~primdonnas frvr!
Chapter 23: Wonderful!! I love this so much! ^^
MushroomPea #3
hong ki!!!!!!
loveyoseoblove #4
Chapter 16: omg... i really love this story.. dont left me hanging.. i'm so frustrated with this two.. aigoo.. keep updating ne~~
OMG i love your story it's so cute. please update soon.
lee hongki <3