One step closer...

I think I saw love

The resignation plan is crap, plus there's no point in cutting off my only income! However, even after then I got no trace of him, which was actually so good though it dissappointed me, but still it kept me working. There have been some points where I'd slow down before his gate waiting for him to turn up for some reason, but he never did. I must be crazy, I mean, i know this house okay? I know who I'm working for, why on earth am I waiting for something that could never turn up just like that? Yes, I didn't mention it before, it was later on that day that i went home and found out that this actually was this really popular singer-musician Oh Ji Won's house. God! I must be crazy.

But it's alright, I mean, I only saw him, said only a couple of words, why does it worry me? Anyway, so here I am, on my bicycle, humming a song on my own on a cold sunny monday, distributing the papers before school, minding my own business, I love those days...get the feeling? The cold breeze hitting my face, fresh and happy, I know nothing will ever go wrong today, I just love the feel of it-

and the feeling's gone.

As usual I ride into my favourite lane, again, minding my own business, seriouly! I have NO intention whatsoever to slow down by Mr. Oh's house other than giving out his paper, but when I slow down by his house with a paper neately-folded in my hand-

The gate opens, and the light which comes through simply blinds me. It takes seconds for me to comprehend what is happening, the light is too unbearable-I SAID I was crazy! Seriously! What am i doing here? I should go. run away! I mean, Im NOT gonna embarass myself again, i've had enough for and over already, why hanging around/ Why not moving-?

"Hey! Paper girl!"

Busted. Okay, I WAS going to run away, and that's his fault that he saw me. Now I SO can't run off, that certainly will look weird.

I make a small wave and hold out the paper. Now this is least i'm not hitting on anybody's head...

He approaches and takes the paper with a smile...

I nearly fall off the seat.

He's also in his school uniform which looks nothing like a uniform though it's the begining of the day, he's dressed like a total shipwreck. His dark-blue coat is in his hand, the tie halfway done, white shirt top buttons undone, and his hair is a total mess-

Which only makes him look cuter...

Danger! Get away from me you irresistable little-


I manage a nod. He smiles. "Cool"

He also throws the paper over the gate and starts walking away.

That's it? Cool and walk away? Gosh! this guy surely is way over himself! What a conceited prince??

Then suddenly stops and turns to me, making me skip a beat.

"You like rock music? Rock bands?"

I manage a nod.

"Free after school?"

I nod again.


And he walks away. Whatever, I don't care. Whatever he means, I don't care.


According to my normal schedule for a day, after school, I go shopping, buy a whole load of my aunts favourite ramyeun, buy grandpa's medecin and get something tasty for grandma berfore going home. And after that I help my aunt with her ramyeun shop in dongdaemun (She LOVES ramyeun) untill night, go home, do my homework, make dinner and go to sleep for a busy new day. That was exactly what I'm hoping to do tonight, yes, my general procedure, but from the begining, something didn't feel right. It was later that I get to know what it is. As I reach the Bicycle park of the school in my usual jumpy walk with my friend, I see him... oh won Bin.

I stop on my track. What the-? how the hell does he know my school?

I turn to my friend Lee Ha Ra.

"Im going you mind?"

She shakes her head. "No...but..why?"

I start moving. "No time to explain"

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leekayu_noona #1
Chapter 23: This is so awesome! This is the best fanfic yet! I seriously would recommend it as a kdrama! Do keep on writing dear!
You are a girl right? Cause if not i would curse myself for saying "Thos yeoja is realy good!"over and over again! Seriously though, the five days that i spent reading it, taking every chance i get and encouraging me to study as i do... they were really worth it! Do continue writing dear... !!!^^~primdonnas frvr!
Chapter 23: Wonderful!! I love this so much! ^^
MushroomPea #3
hong ki!!!!!!
loveyoseoblove #4
Chapter 16: omg... i really love this story.. dont left me hanging.. i'm so frustrated with this two.. aigoo.. keep updating ne~~
OMG i love your story it's so cute. please update soon.
lee hongki <3