Fighting A Sea Dragon

Is This Magic?

The tunnel opened into a cavern. The cavern was about the size of a football field, and the dragon’s scaly body filled most of it. The light refracted off its scales, creating rainbows in midair.


When they approached the cavern entrance, blue fire snorted out of the dragon’s huge nostrils. It scorched Hyung Joon’s arm, yet at the same time felt slippery, like water. Hyung Joon stood fixed where he was, as if his body was not responding, and stared wide eyed at the dragon he thought would be easy foe. He remembered to yelp a few seconds later.


This seemed to amuse the dragon. Its marble eyes were a dark abyss as it stared at the uninvited guests. Its gash of a mouth twitched upward, as if smiling, though it was not meant to be a warm smile.


“We should back away…” Said Hyung Joon.


“I thought you said you could defeat this!” Mi Kum scolded.


The dragon seemed to have understood their words. It waddled a small distance on its disproportionately small legs, edging closer to the entrance. The long talons on its feet clicked on the stone floor as it walked. The sound echoed on the cavern walls and it sounded as if there were ten dragons approaching.


And then it reached the entrance. By then, all of them had backed away. It tried to poke its head through the tunnel, but it could not fit.


It retreated back to its spot, but not before it blew another gust of blue fire. It spiraled through the tunnel, and Hyung Joon shot water at it. The water hit the fire, and for a second it seemed like it would overwhelm and quench the fire, but then the fire swallowed the water, and grew more vicious. It now spiraled toward them as if it was another dragon.


“Escut!” Hyun Joong remembered to say. But only he remembered. The fire met his shield, but it only slowed the fire down.


“Get back!” Young Saeng yelled. He turned a rock into a shield that covered up the diameter of the tunnel. He held it there, and stood his ground when the fire knocked into his shield. His shield went ablaze, but he still held it up. The fire crawled on his shield, and up his arms. He still held the shield.


“Magical blood will quench it!” Jung Min yelled. He cut his hand with a rock. By then, Young Saeng’s shirt was burning, though he felt wet. Jung Min didn’t know how he did it, but he used magic to push out his blood like water. The blood did its work. And by the end, Jung Min lost so much blood that he fainted. The tunnel was now covered in blood.


Young Saeng was also unconscious on the floor. His arms suffered weird burn marks in the shape of ripples, and his shirt was burnt to nothing.


“Do you remember Fei saying something about healing?” Sang Hee asked aloud.


Hyun Joong nodded, and crouched down to touch Young Saeng. He concentrated on just the flow of magic in his body. He pushed it out, and the blue sparkles dance on Young Saeng’s arms. The burn marks faded away gradually.


Hyung Joon touched Jung Min, and just let his magic flow. He didn’t think Jung Min needed healing, but what the heck, Jung Min would now owe Hyung Joon.


Kyu Jong had regained consciousness. He was weak, but he stumbled out of his shopping cart. The shopping cart clanged on the floor.


“We’re going to have to kill this thing before it kills us.” He staggered toward the entrance with determination glistening in his eyes.


Young Saeng was ready for a second attempt. Jung Min, Hyung Joon, and Hyun Joong as well. They nodded to each other, and told the girls to stay behind.




“No buts, we don’t want you guys getting hurt.” Hyun Joong scorned.


“Let’s try killing it the way we killed the MaoHei.” Young Saeng suggested. He made a sword out of a rock, and cut himself. He combined his blood with all the others and gave the sword to Kyu Jong, who barely looked like he could support himself. He decided to try throwing the sword at the dragon’s neck.


He threw with all his might. The sword was sharp and slick with blood. It reflected and bounced toward them again. The dragon’s scales were impregnable. The sword, however, worked on them. It hit Hyun Joong on the leg, and slashed it. Hyun Joong hurriedly healed his cut, and kicked aside the sword.


“That didn’t work. What now?” Hyung Joon asked.


“Okay, I’ve got a plan.” Kyu Jong said, his voice weak, his energy spent, “I float up on a cloud Hyung Joon makes while you guys distract it, and then I jump on its neck and break it.”


“But you’re injured.” Young Saeng said. Kyu Jong just ignored it.


“And if all else fails, we’ll improvise. We are good at improvising.” Hyung Joon tried to lift their spirits.

Hyun Joong let out a battle cry. It echoed throughout the cavern and made it sound like the walls were yelling. Young Saeng and Jung Min followed suit. The cavern was full of shouts. They each headed off their own direction, provoking the dragon, throwing stones at it. The dragon now turned its head this way and that way, trying to locate the sources of the sound. Hyung Joon took advantage of the confused dragon to send Kyu Jong up on a cloud, but not before making him invisible.


The dragon got agitated. It swung its tale around in a circle, something that was hidden to view before because of the dragon’s bulk, a hidden weapon. It hit all of the four boys that served as distractions. They braced themselves the best they could, but they still flew into the cavern wall.


The dragon attempted to chuckle. But all it sounded like was a hollow drum beating. It closed in on the closest target, Jung Min, and clawed at him with his talons. Jung Min rolled on his back, and used his pinky finger to shoot magic at it. Young Saeng conjured up a rope and hooked it onto the talon. He pulled it away from Jung Min the best he could. Hyung Joon shot his own fire at the dragon, then shot water, and wind, and lightning.


Kyu Jong had reached the right amount of height by then, still undetected. He prepared himself to jump, and he forgot all his pain for a moment. He concentrated on aiming his jump to the broad, scaly neck of the dragon. It almost worked. But then the pain came back, and when he jumped, he stumbled. He tried to propel himself to the neck, but he knew he missed. He was heading for the dragon’s wing instead. He curled himself into a ball, and enhanced his speed with magic. With the speed Kyu Jong was going, it could break through solid. It did. He made a whole in the dragon’s left wing, and heard the crunching of bones. But then he was headed for the floor too fast. He knocked himself out as he made contact with the floor. The impact dug a hole that was three feet deep. As Kyu Jong clambered out, he collapsed on the floor.


The dragon screamed an ear splitting screech. It sensed Kyu Jong on the floor. It batted its wings at him, as if trying to swat an annoying fly, and it met its target. Kyu Jong was airborne again, and crashed into the wall.


Hyun Joong saw rocks tumble from the wall from nowhere, and knew Kyu Jong had been hit. He was still invisible, so he didn’t know if he was conscious or not. He looked at the rocks tumbling down, and then another idea came.


“Hyung Joon, shoot something at the ceiling, but only at the stalactite in the center.” Hyung Joon did as he was told. He shot water out of one hand, and fire out of the other, both aiming towards the sides of the stalactite in the ceiling.


“Let’s distract it, and keep it in the center of the cavern.” Hyun Joong started yelling again. He threw rocks at the dragon’s head, and Young Saeng blew a whistle repeatedly. Jung Min was speaking what sounded like dragon language and taunting it.


Kyu Jong, still invisible, had regained consciousness. By then, his body felt so enflamed and full of pain that he could barely move. But he decided he had to do something.


He crawled towards the dragon He figured out what Hyun Joong’s plan was, and knew they were depending on luck. But what he was about to do made it certain the dragon would keep still.


The dragon’s head was closest to the ground. It seemed the dragon was going to shoot fire again. Kyu Jong reached the head, and gathered all his strength. The rope that Young Saeng used earlier was in his hand. He wrapped it around the dragon’s head, and held onto the ends tight. The rope was soon flaying, and Kyu Jong knew the dragon was mad.


Young Saeng concluded that the rope was floating in mid air because Kyu Jong was holding onto it, and noticed it breaking. He launched himself on the dragon, and landed on top of the dragon’s head. By then, Kyu Jong let go of the rope, and pushed the dragon’s head down as well. The dragon flailed its arms at its head, snorting fire, clawing, but it was no use. Its head was stuck in Young Saeng and Kyu Jong’s grip.


The stalactite snapped clean off the ceiling. It fell down fast, encouraged by Hyung Joon’s winds.


The rock hit its mark, right smack in the middle of the dragon’s neck. Kyu Jong enhanced the effect by twisting the dragon’s head to the right, right when the rock hit its mark. The rock was massive, and with Kyu Jong’s remaining strength, it was enough. It twisted the dragon’s neck the right way, and dislodged it. A loud boom echoed, and the dragon’s body fell. Kyu Jong collapsed in relief. He didn’t notice that Young Saeng slid off the dragon’s head before the rock hit, and was situated right under the collapsed dragon.


The dragon’s body triggered the already fragile ceiling to crumble. It cracked, and rocks hailed down upon the boys, piling upon them.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Stephie felt the trembling. She heard the loud boom. She was close, but not close enough to stop the rocks from falling. If only she escaped Lei sooner, she could have stopped it.


She cursed.


She had seen Jung Min’s body engulfed by the rocks. The others too. The girls were huddled by the entrance, all stood fixed with horror.


“Stephie, you’re here. Oh my god, I think they defeated the dragon, but the rocks fell down on them. You have to help them! Oh my god!” Mi Kum was blubbering, “Please let them be okay. They managed to defeat the dragon, oh my god.”


Stephie shouted the enchantment. But it had no effect. Enchantments didn’t work, teleportation didn’t work. Why did Lei block all of the enchantments?


“We have to dig them out of this without magic.”


“Oh my god, let them be alive.” Sang Hee prayed.


Well, I couldn't think of how to put the fight scene, so I hope this is good. I wish I could get on with the story faster, but it's not working. Okay, I swear the next chapter they will be out of Hai's realm and going again. Please comment and tell me what you think, good or bad, of this chapter! Sorry for the long wait!

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Chapter 22: I just stumbled on this story and it's amazing
please update soon
please update authornim.....
Thanks for sharing.
JiHoosgirl #4
Chapter 24: Please, I love this story, please update soon?
Love it! Update soon~
like it :D Update soon..
SharShar #7
@mecheko:Ooops, okay, the better word would have been...alive, haha.<br />
@azstreet:Jung Min will wake up to a surprise =J<br />
@shocobee501:thanks! I will update as soon as possible, like.. by sunday, I hope
mecheko #8
unscathed? they are practically beaten up badly, esp kyu jong and then toppled over by rocks...that is unscathed? oh my...i am so worried of the boys...
I love your writing... It gives off such vivid imageries! Oh my gawwdd I love this chapter! Please please update soon! Kay? ^^
xD i see~<br />
aigoo my poor jungmin oppa ><