Tiring Day

Is This Magic?


Hey guys, I feel bad for not updating in a long time, I also feel bad for starting a new story, so, I give you guys this exceptionally long chapter, at least in my standards, as an apology. Haha, I've been busy with work lately, maybe I should go by schedule again, update ALL my stories or something. Haha, hope this isn't boring, and I put that blurb at the end for a love triangle... hehehe, okay, so, comment, subscribe, or both, and give me feedback/advice... Okay, getting too long, enjoy, guys!


And dawn came with the foreboding of the events ahead. It was a gloomy day; the clouds were making an effort to block out the sunlight. The mood could not have been worse.


So we're leaving, right?” Hyun Joong wondered aloud. It was a statement, not a question.


We have to save our families.” Hyung Joon replied. It was another statement. It seemed fighting was inevitable, and they weren't prepared. Magically, perhaps they were prepared, but not mentally.


Fei seemed immune to the gloomy atmosphere as he barged into the conversation, “So, a few last minute pointers. I guess I ought to teach you guys how to heal yourselves with your magic, and also a few defense tips... and how to restore it...”


Well, go on.” Jung Min prodded. He had turned his information switch off. He could no doubt research a bit later on.


Well,” Fei took a deep intake of breath, “To heal yourselves, you concentrate on pushing your magic out of your hands and you touch the spot you need to heal. It basically heals itself if you direct it in the right place. As for internal injuries, they're fine. It heals itself. And for defense... You can always shoot beams of magic as a last resort. Just imagine your hand as a gun. Your pinky finger is the most deadliest. You just aim your finger, and squeeze the knuckle. Magic should shoot out, as this is what we are born with. Some people often forget and shoot some of their sparse magic. They even think it's their finger falling asleep, ignorant fools.” Fei paused, and inhaled deeply, “You can exert your magic out so that it creates a sort of shield. Shield from magic, and of course from physical harm. To do that, you summon it. You have to say escut. Pronounced es-koot. Now... just experiment with your gifts and use your imagination. It is really important now that your magic is flowing that you keep control of your emotions. Magic might fly out when you are exceedingly happy or angry. Speaking of magic, once every full moon you have to plant a seed into the earth. It should boost your magic to your maximum. Don't go too long without rebooting your magic, as you will start to fall ill... Now, that should do it. Be off.”


It took a moment for everyone to have that information sink in. It took another moment to realize that Fei had stopped talking. He had rambled and it was very hard to concentrate on catching every word of his.


One more question,” Hyung Joon started.


Yeah, ask away.”


How can you say so much using so little breath?” Fei seemed to want to smack Hyung Joon for the immature question. He seemed a bit irritated.


Now, you best leave and save your families. They will want to trace your blood connections to the strongest of them, so your immediate family is in danger. But don't worry about your aunts and uncles, their connection with you is not to strong, so it will show up weak. They won't bother tracing everyone's family tree back three generations.”


Young Saeng didn't listen. He figured he would have no blood connections now that he was an orphan.


How do they trace the blood connections?” Kyu Jong questioned.


Well of course, everybody is connected by invisible strings. The closest to you will have the thickest strings.”


Hyung Joon piped,“Then can you see blood connections?”


No, stop being ridiculous. Only those chosen by the Sight can see them, and not many can.” He glared at Hyung Joon for being nosy.


Hyung Joon backed away and stopped asking questions.


We should be going now, thanks for having us even though me and Sang Hee aren't part of the five.” Mi Cha beckoned the others to follow her through the door.


Thanks,” The five boys bowed down to their teacher.


Oh yeah, Stephie will be coming with you.” He pointed to a hummingbird. The bird seemed to smile before setting off to follow them.


They were a few metres away from Fei's shield when it suddenly burst into flames.


Kyu Jong gasped and tried to run back. The hummingbird stopped him.


It morphed back into the form of Stephie. “Don't worry about Fei, he's just rebuilding his house so that they can't trace your footsteps. They'll have wanted to get information.”


Kyu Jong still wanted to rush back.


Mi Cha held onto his arm and tugged. He seemed to realize that they were all waiting for him to get on a cloud.


I like making clouds, it's pretty fun.” Hyung Joon adjusted the cloud and steered it into the air.


Despite the fluffy look of clouds, they were relatively stron, and held the weight of eight people easily.


It seems only yesterday that I was worrying about if I passed chemistry or not.” Jung Min sighed.


So, I've been wondering, if we defend our families once, they are bound to come to them again.” Hyun Joong stated.


Well, it's time you guys found out where I lived.” Young Saeng smirked.


Young Saeng revealed that his house is a mansion left by his aunt. And he lived in it all by himself.


Seems the perfect hiding place,” Was all Young Saeng revealed. He told Hyung Joon instructions, and they hurried away in the wind.


When they caught sight of his house, everybody gasped.


I never knew you were rich!” Hyun Joong was goggling at the size. The house was almost hidden behind hedges, but it was still a magnificent sight.


“I was thinking your families can stay here. And I think Sang Hee and Mi Cha should stay here while we rescue our family members, because they can make sure they get here safely.”


“You didn't think of telling us anything, huh?” Kyu Jong asked.


“Well, I'll stay here to clean this place up.” Sang Hee offered.


“And I'll help her. You guys better get going.” Mi Cha ushered them.


When they saw that the girls were safely in the house, Hyung Joon conjured up a cloud again.


Stephie changed back into herself, “I think in urgent times, we had better teleport there. Hold onto me.”


The others clutched onto her hand, and Stephie snapped her fingers.


They arrived at a relatively deserted street. It was, after all, early in the morning. “Okay, split up and gather our families here. Stephie, you stay here, so you can teleport them back.” Hyun Joong started to run away, then remembered his manners, “Please and thank you.”


Hyun Joong ran to his house. He then remembered he didn't know how to attack. As he rushed into his house, he tried to concentrate on squeezing his knuckle. He forgot which one it was, so he pressed all of them. A shot of magic streamed through the air and hit the tv. Hyun Joong winced, he would need to fix that if things ever got normal again.


Omma, Appa, Hyung!” Hyun Joong yelled at the top of his lungs. He rattled pots and kicked walls, he pounded the stairs and banged on their doors. After a few punches, the door to the master bedroom sprung open.


Hyun Joong, where the HELL have you been these five days? No note! Skipping school! You could have been DEAD.” His mom started screaming equally as loud. This proceeded in waking Young Joong and his dad.


Hurry up, everybody. I'll explain later. We are going to Young Saeng's house.” But then, there was a splatter as it sounded like hail hitting the roof, but it wasn't hail.


Hyun Joong instantly went outside, and started shooting beams of magic through his pinky finger. He held both his hands and fired wildly. It was barely decimating the population of bee-bird breeds. They had stingers, feathers, and beaks, with yellow stripes. If someone looked out their window, they would see a black cloud attacking a house. Nope, not weird at all. Especially if someone was pointing his pinkies at the cloud and blue streams of magic were flowing out. It was fruitless, and Hyun Joong resorted to shouting incantations.


Esss-CUT!” He yelled.






Finally it seemed that the last pronunciation worked, “ES-KOOT!” Hyun Joong yelled. A blue force field emerged. Hyun Joong didn't know he had it in him. He kept on concentrating, and the bee-birds bounced off the shiled.


Hurry, follow me.” Hyun Joong started walking. The shield followed him. Hyun Joong was relieved. Not only did he have premonition, but he could attack, too.


His family members obliged. Not only were their bees that looked like birds, or vice versa, but there was also a blue shield, all from Hyun Joong. They knew better than to ask him when he was concentrating.


Hyun Joong guided his family to Stephie, and Stephie shot out her own force field to protect them, and teleported them away.




Jung Min barged into his house, he ran up the stairs and banged on the doors. He hollered his family member's names. As they slowly aroused from their sleep, all hell broke loose.


Who is breaking in?” A distressed woman shouted. His mom peeked her head out the door.

What is happening?” Her sister asked.


Then they both shrieked as their sight fell upon Jung Min. He had been missing five days without a word, and here he pops back. Jung Min deeply wanted to embrace his family in a hug, but just then, the house shook. It seemed to be holding back a force very strong. Jung Min panicked, “Hurry, we need to leave.”

“Why--” His mom started to ask, but Jung Min just glared at her, and she hurried back into her room.


Jung Min wanted to hurry up and jump out of the window, but that wouldn't have done any good. He sprinted down the stairs and sprang out the door.


He paused just a second to search his database for these creatures. His lapin came across a file named mongrels.


He knew these bird and bee like creatures were mongrels, they hated fire, loud sounds, and high currents of electricity... But how to get rid of them?


All of a sudden, when his older sister emerged from the house, a swarm detached from the original group and headed straight for her.


YOU DO NOT TOUCH MY SISTER!” Jung Min didn't care, he charged at the swarm, threw stuff at it, distracted it. He could heal with magic afterward. He was FURIOUS. No one hurts his sister.


What his conscious didn't tell him was that sparks of blue magic were crackling out of him, like electricity. He didn't even notice that the swarm started to fade away, or that his sister was staring at him questioningly. He was just fuming silently.


What broke Jung Min out of his trance was the dropping of a vase. It shattered into a million pieces, and Jung Min noticed that his mom had saw him crackling blue energy. Jung Min's hair was standing on his end. He seemed to be a little more tanner than usual.


Okay, I'll explain later, let's get you to safety.” Jung Min pulled his sister's and mom's hands out the doorway. His dad was on a business trip in China, so he wouldn't be hurt, right?


He ran up to Stephie and handed them over. He kissed Stephie on the hand. He didn't turn away until they disappeared into thin air.




Kyu Jong was having no luck at all. The sword he conjured up was only making the bee-birds furious. That resulted into more frequent attacking, and meant more waves of his sword. Kyu Jong finally gave up, and decided to throw projectiles at them. Whatever he could find from his garden; stones, gnomes, bird baths. All of the projectiles were deadly, and his aim was good. Kyu Jong didn't know what could sustain him, so he picked up his shed and jumped. The shed enclosed the bird bees. It will stall them enough.


We're ready.” Kyu Jong turned around, smiling. His family was too great. They didn't even question him and just hurried up. He loved his family. Kyu Jong picked each of them up and ran towards the stationed Stephie. He thanked her and saw his family off.




Hyung Joon burst into his house. He had almost set the door on fire because it didn't unlock.


“Kibum, wakey wakey, omma, appa!” Hyung Joon took a deep intake of breath, and screeched as loud as he could. Earsplitting screech, really. What he didn't know was they were already awake, in the office, and were calling contacts in search of Hyung Joon. Hyung Joon was, after all, still young in their eyes.


“Hurry, we have to leave, now, before...” He didn't get a chance to complete his statement, he heard a really loud buzzing.


“NOW!” Was all Hyung Joon said before he burst outside. He contemplated on setting a hurricane on them, but then what would happen? He couldn't stop it, so Hyung Joon turned out to be the most successful of all, and started throwing fireballs at will. He was getting pretty good at it when he noticed there were none left. His lawn had bee-birds littered all over it. What a mess.


His family members, all with dark circles under there eyes, grudgingly walked out the door. Hyung Joon looked around, and just picked them up on a cloud, and steered them off. They all probably thought they were hallucinating. A cloud, their son/brother suddenly back, bird-bee hybrids. What else? Teleportation?




When Stephie had finally seen to the remainder of the family members had been escorted to safety, she teleported five... no, four, actually, really exasperated boys, and one relatively energized boy, back to Young Saeng's house. The sensation was still weird. Now that the boys got to enjoy the sensation. It was like flying at a really high speed. Not just flying sideways, but up and down.


Realization spread across Jung Min's face. “Are we riding Fei lines?”


Stephie nodded.


When they finally arrived at the house, they found out that the families were already briefed about their situation.


“Don't worry, we won't leave this house.” Hyun Joong's dad said.


Even though they had to fit four families and five excess people, there was still a lot of room in Young Saeng's house.


Stephie summoned all the boys into a room.


“If we want them to be safe, we had better put our own shield on this house. Make it invisible, or something.” Stephie suggested.


“Well, you've got any idea how to make a shield?” Young Saeng asked.


“Well, I was thinking... maybe Kyu Jong can do a mind shield, Hyung Joon make it invisible, and Young Saeng make a physical shield. Then we can gather our magic together to create a magical barrier, shield, and enchantments.”


“That's sounds really complicated.” Kyu Jong thought about how he was going to conjure a mind shield.


“Well, Just make it hell of a time to get in here, and really powerful people won't even guess what sort of protection we put on this place.”


Each set off on their work. Jung Min and Hyun Joong were left with Stephie to combine their magics.


“Basically, I just need a lot of magic, you don't need to do any of the enchantment making and stuff.”


Stephie started muttering words, she signaled for them to join hands. At that suggestion, Jung Min mentally did a somersault. Stephie's magic auras mixed with Jung Min's and Hyun Joong's as she started to summon up their magic.


She first cast a magic shield. Then the enchantments crossed with spells and even Jung Min and Hyun Joong were confused by the end. Stephie was REALLY knowledgeable on the subject they learned five days ago.




Kyu Jong noticed it hadn't been hard to fall asleep this time. Must have been the fatigue. So Kyu Jong imagined the house. He then summoned some bricks and started to build brick walls. It was tiring work, and he did five layers, making it encase the house, but Kyu Jong had an increased stamina from his magic. He awoke himself by falling off the top of the encasing.




Young Saeng was glad he was making his shield before Hyung Joon. It would be way harder to make shield his invisible house, even IF he had been living in it.


Young Saeng thought for a second. What would be strongest? What would allow air but still be sturdy? He didn't want to be a bad host and suffocate his guests. But Young Saeng was stumped. Young Saeng thought back to his athletic shoes. They allowed his feet to breath. For now, that had to work. Young Saeng took a blade of grass and morphed it into the biggest sheet of breathable material he could. It looked like a giant sole, but it worked perfectly. Who cared if his house looked like a shoe? It was going to be invisible, anyways. Young Saeng thought he would just make two layers, nothing too much.



Hyung Joon had an easy job. He already knew how to make stuff invisible. But then, it was Young Saeng's mansion. It was huge!


Hyung Joon summoned the mist from his fingers, and blew, he blew gusts, and the scene in front of him looked amazing. Some of the house was invisible, more like patches, it looked so cool that Hyung Joon didn't want to continue. But a half invisible house would be suspiscious.. He kept on doing it until the whole house was covered. He didn't seem satisfied, though. Hyung Joon thought of an idea. How about he make a gorge to border the house? All the better, right? Hyung Joon vaguely remembered that Fei had said no earthquakes, but he dismissed the thought and set to work. After that, he stationed geysers around the border, and just to be safe, a ring of fire. No one can be TOO protected.




After what seemed to be endless hours of hard work, the house was guarded by so many things it was hard to count. Everyone reunited with their families and set off to bed, chatting happily with their families. Sang Hee and Young Saeng were left.


“I've never had so many people in my house before.” Young Saeng seemed troubled by something. He sat out on his porch, even though the wall encasing it was solid.


“Do you not live with anybody?” Sang Hee asked. She, too, plopped down on his porch.


“No, I'm an orphan. Even my aunt who gave me this died. I seem to have bad luck,” Young Saeng sighed, “Love was never in my possession. Not even family love.” Young Saeng looked so depressed, Sang Hee just let him continue. Occasionally nodding.


“My aunt had been the closest thing to family I had after my parents died in a car crash when I was one. But then she died when she was on a ride with me. The roller coaster malfunctioned and she hugged me, protecting me.” Young Saeng whimpered.


“Then came my relationships. I had thought I had finally found love when I met her.Sang Hee didn't bother asking who she was. “But then she cheated, after two years, Jung Min caught her. What's worse, she said she never loved me. She wanted my aunt's left over money.”


Sang Hee pulled Young Saeng into a hug.


And that Eun Mi reminded me of her. But then she turned out to be a MaoHei.”


Sang Hee was still hugging Young Saeng. It seemed her shoulder was getting wet.


Promise me, that you'll never leave me, now that you know.”


It was a difficult promise to make, but Sang Hee soon obliged, “I promise.”


It seemed that they sat out there on the porch for hours, until the leaking light suggested dawn was here.

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Chapter 22: I just stumbled on this story and it's amazing
please update soon
please update authornim.....
Thanks for sharing.
JiHoosgirl #4
Chapter 24: Please, I love this story, please update soon?
Love it! Update soon~
like it :D Update soon..
SharShar #7
@mecheko:Ooops, okay, the better word would have been...alive, haha.<br />
@azstreet:Jung Min will wake up to a surprise =J<br />
@shocobee501:thanks! I will update as soon as possible, like.. by sunday, I hope
mecheko #8
unscathed? they are practically beaten up badly, esp kyu jong and then toppled over by rocks...that is unscathed? oh my...i am so worried of the boys...
I love your writing... It gives off such vivid imageries! Oh my gawwdd I love this chapter! Please please update soon! Kay? ^^
xD i see~<br />
aigoo my poor jungmin oppa ><