Always With You


I’M SO SORRY I TOOK FOREVER!!! I’ve been busy and now gonna be even more busy because I got another job. Its crazy! But I’m gonna try harder to remember to write while I’m at my 1st job cuz literally all I do is sit and do nothing. I hope this is a better chapter (I say that a lot don’t I?)


 “Sang Hee your clothes might take a while to dry, why don’t you just stay the night?” Mrs. Lee held onto Sang Hee’s still damped clothes.

Sang Hee and Min Ki looked up from their session of legos. “Oh, um ok. Are you sure?”

“Yeah, you can sleep in Sandeul’s room and he can sleep in here with Min Ki.”

Sang Hee stood up to bow, “Thank you.”

Min Ki’s eyebrows press together in anger, “No, I don’t want hyung to sleep in here with me! Noona can.” He wrapped his tiny arms around Sang Hee’s leg.

Mrs. Lee pried Min Ki away from Sang Hee. “No she can’t.”

“Why not?” his question so innocent.

The atmosphere became awkward. Mrs. Lee sat him down on his bed. “Um well because she’s a girl.” Min Ki blinked, not understanding at all. Mrs. Lee bit her lip, “Uhh, you know, you will understand when you are older, so for now we’ll just go with the “Because I said so” excuse.”

Min Ki pouted. “Fine.”

Sang Hee snuck away to Sandeul’s room. Sandeul had stayed in his room after trying to join Sang Hee and Min Ki in play time and ended up being yelled at by Min Ki. “I’m back.” She went over to Sandeul who was at his keyboard with headphones on. He didn’t hear, so she went behind him lifting the headphones off. “Heeey, I said I’m back.”

Sandeul looked up shocked. “Oh, hi. He finally let you go?”

She giggled, “Yeah, but I don’t think he’s very happy right now.”


Mrs. Lee came into the room with a set of sheets and a blanket, “Sandeul, Sang Hee is spending the night.”

Sandeul perked up, “She is?”

“So you have to sleep in Min Ki’s room.”

His shoulders dropped. “I do?”

“Yeah, and well since he’s going to bed now, so do you.” She shoved the bedding into his arms, stood him up and pushed him towards Min Ki’s room.

“Wait, why now?”

“So you don’t wake him later by going in.” They both left the room, leaving Sang Hee by herself in Sandeul’s room.

She sat on his bed. ‘Well this is a little awkward…’ Mrs. Lee came back in. “I’m sorry I had to send Sandeul off, but you’re free to do whatever you want.”

“Oh its ok, I think I’ll sleep too. Thank you.”

“Of course. Good night.” She turned off the light.

Sang Hee crawled into the covers, her cheek pressed against Sandeul’s pillow case. She could smell Sandeul’s scent, giving her some comfort as she drifted off to sleep.


Sandeul laid wide awake on the floor in Min Ki’s room. Min Ki was snoring so loudly, Sandeul gave up all hope of getting any sleep. “Tah!” he sat up, running his hands through his hair. “I’m going to the couch.”

He collected his things. He gave one last glare at the snoring boy before making his way out. He walked passed his door, but stop when he heard something on the other side. He backed up and pressed his ear against the door. He could hear Sang Hee crying.

“You little brat!” a blonde, scruffy, built man threw Sang Hee to the ground, causing her to hit her head on the hard surface. Another man, twice the size of the blonde one began kicking her in the stomach. Every kick felt harder, every punch more painful as she began to lose conscious. 


“You are my daughter and you will do as I say!”

“But you’re not my father.”

SLAM! Her father pounded his fist on the table.

She froze, unable to move in fear of being hit. She shook at the anger in his eyes.


“Umma!” her mom was lying on the kitchen floor with shattered plates surrounding her. Blood was pouring out form the cut on her arm. Sang Hee rushed over to check for her pulse; nothing. Her mom wasn’t breathing.

“Umma! You can’t leave me! You can’t!”

“Umma!” Sang Hee woke up from the nightmare that haunted her before, tears already been running down. Sandeul rushed into the room next to her side.

“Are you ok?” He whipped away some of the tears with his thumb. She put her arms around him as she shook her head. He hugged her back, her hair. “It’s ok. Everything is gonna be alright.”

They stayed in each other’s arms until Sang Hee finally calmed down. She pulled back first, “I’m sorry.”

“No. Don’t be.” Sandeul got up, pulling Sang Hee along with him. “Come on.”

“What? Where?”

He didn’t answer. He grabbed a coat, put it on Sang Hee, and grabbed her hand; leading her outside. She stayed quiet the whole time, until she noticed where they were going.

“Why are we going to the secret spot this late?”

He squeezed her hand, “You’re feeling down, I want to cheer you up.”

They reached the hill side where Sang Hee’s secret hide out was. The grass was slightly wet still from the rain earlier, but they sat down anyways. The night sky was already cleared from the clouds, letting the stars shine brightly. Sang Hee rested her head on Sandeul’s shoulder, while he rested his head on hers. All the pains she’s been feeling lift little by little, for now she just wanted to live in this moment with Sandeul.

“You know,” Sang Hee spoke up, “you’re still very annoying.”

Sandeul scoffed, pulling away a little, “W-what?”

She laughed, “It’s annoying how you know how to cheer me up, how you know me so well…”

“Oh.” He was relieved, “Well, because I like you.”

“Yes, I know that babo.”

He laughed, then looked back up at the stars. “Umma always told me that when someone dies, they still watch over you from the night sky.”

Sang Hee smiled at his words and looked back up as well. There was a star that was shinning brighter than all the rest of the stars. ‘Umma, is that you? I miss you, so much.’ She looked up at Sandeul. ‘I’m sure you’re happy to know I have this babo to look out for me. I promise I won’t push this one away.’ She leaned her head back on his shoulder. ‘I love you umma.’


The next day, Sang Hee went back home for a little bit to take care of Gingy. Sandeul had gone with her to keep her company for the day. They skyped Ae Cha, filling her in on everything. Later, Sang Hee was invited back to the Lee’s for dinner.

After dinner, Mrs. Lee made Mr. Lee take care of Min Ki’s bed time procedure. She, Sang Hee, and Sandeul sat down in the living room, talking about what was going to happen next. Mrs. Lee slowly got Sang Hee to open up about some worries she’s had.

“If you need help with the funeral arrangements, don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.” Mrs. Lee hugged Sang Hee.

“Thank you Mrs. Lee. I could really use all the help I could get, but now I need to find a job to pay the rent.” She squeezed onto Mrs. Lee’s arm.

An idea hit Sandeul, “Wait, no you don’t.” Both Sang Hee and Mrs. Lee looked at him confused. He stood up and looked at his mom with pleading eyes. “She can move in with us.”

Mrs. Lee shot up out of her seat with excitement. “Oh my son, you are brilliant! I’m fine with it and I’m sure Mr. Lee will be too! How about it Sang Hee?” both Sandeul and Mrs. Lee caved in on Sang Hee while she tried to take in what just happened.

After it registered with her she finally spoke, “You really mean it?”

“Of course!” Mrs. Lee clapped her hands, “Oh this is just exciting, you’re gonna love it here I promise, oh I must go tell Mr. Lee.” Mrs. Lee left the room. Sang Hee smiled, things were really looking up for her after all that she’s been through.

Sandeul made his way next to Sang Hee and grinned, “You think they’ll let us share a room?” he whispered.

Her smile faded, she shoved his face away, “You punk. Don’t get any ideas.”  


Ohohohoho who saw this coming? Please don’t forget to comment and subscribe~ You guys are the bestestest for liking this story. I feel so happy every time I see a new subscriber or comment. Thank you~!!!!

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there will be an update soon you guys I promise!!


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Chapter 28: Oh snap~~ can't believe its already 2 years! but cute story!! cute ending!! sandeul and sanghee forever~~!!
mn7259 #2
Please update! I really like this story! ^^
Chapter 27: I can't wait for the next chapter! Update soon author-nim! ^_^
Chapter 27: Haha! No worries! I can't wait for you update ^^
author-nim...where are you?! update please!!
Chapter 26: Kyahahaha so cute~!! I wanna pull sandeul's ears too~!! XD
Chapter 26: WE WHAT?!?!?! Lawl sorry for not being on for a while! But the date kyaa. She's so in love! I know it
klollipoper #8
Chapter 25: dhskhskh i still can’t get over how cute they are. i really do love this story!! ; A;
Chapter 25: Ooooooooooooooooooooooh someone's in love~~~~~!!!
Someone's heart is joom jooming like a rocket ;)
Chapter 24: Ooooooh his moves are smooth~ it even made me blush =^^=