Chapter Seven

Just Like Cinderella

Chapter Seven:




Your POV


Once the kiss was over, everything was over, the music, the dance and the KISS! I wish we can stay like that forever.


I can see he was embarrassed. Well the person who should be embarrassed the most is me. I lost my first kiss to him, the guy I crush the most.


“Wanna know something?” he asked breaking the awkwardness–embarrassment.


I nodded.


“I’m attracted to you.”


“Me too… but I’m attracted to you from the beginning.” I replied. He gave me a confused look. “I always keep my eyes on you… and FYI, no I’m not a stalker… I just admire you…”


“So I’ve seen you before?”


I nodded.


“Have we talked before?”


I nodded. “We did.”




“I forgot…” I lied.


He took my hand and interlocked it like a perfect puzzle. He then stared me deep in the eyes. “I think I’ve seen that eyes before… but I can’t seems to remember…” he said furrowing his eyes. “Who are you?” he asked making my heart dropped.


*Andwae! I can’t tell him now. I can’t tell him, I’m Yie Minjee.*


I inhaled a deep breath and his cheeks. “Just another crush…”


He shook his head. “That’s not what I mean… I want your name…”


*Just tell him, Minjee… It’s okay…*


“I’m–” I was cut by Hyuna.


“We need to go! It’s almost midnight!” she yelled, pulling me from Jinyoung.


“But…” I turned to Jinyoung who was confused.


“What’s going on?” he asked. He grabbed my left arm, stopping Hyuna.


Hyuna let go off her grip and stared at me and then at Jinyoung. “I’m sorry but she needs to go…”


“I’m sorry Jinyoung…” I whispered before removing his hand off me. “I got to go…”


“Palli! Or your dad will ground you forever. Palli!” she said and dragged away. As she was dragging me, I didn’t break my eyes from his.


He ran after me and then I can feel he was putting something inside my palm. Once it was safely in my grip he stopped chasing after me. “I didn’t get your name…” I heard him say.


*Its Yie Minjee…*



I stared at the object that Jinyoung gave before I ‘ran’ away. I bit my lower lip and closed my palm. *I wish you know who I am…* I then turned to Hyuna who was driving, eyes focused on the road. I glared at her, mentally burning her face.


“I’m on fire! It’s hot! I’m burning! Minjee make it stop!” she exaggeratedly screamed. I rolled my eyes and sighed. I leant back at the sweet smelling leather and closed my eyes.


“Mianhae… but I promised your dad to bring you home before midnight. I don’t want you to be grounded and I love you too much to be grounded.” She exaggerated.


*Apology accepted.* I thought. I didn’t reply her. *I’m giving you a silent treatment.*


“Minjee.” She called, pleading. “Minjee-ah…”


I smirked and closed my eyes and shutting my hearing sense in addition.


“Minjeee…” she called ily, which freaked the heck out of me. “Minjee–ah…” this time she was whispering into my ear. “Minjee~~~ rwrr!”


“Yah! Kim Hyuna! Fine! Apology accepted!” I yelled and crossed my arms. Then it was back to silent.


“You guys were awesome.” She spoke shattering the silent air.


I snapped at her. “Did you see that? We were dancing and then he said I have a pretty eyes and then we kissed and and he said he’s attracted to me and AAAAAAAAA!!! I think I’m going to die happy!” I bragged one breath.


Hyuna was laughing now. “You should thank the godmother.”


“Thank you Hyuna-shi…” I batted my lashes and beamed. Then my smile died, I remembered that he still didn’t know who I am.


Hyuna who noticed this, cleared before asking. “What’s wrong?”


I bit my lower lip and looked at her teary eyes. “Minjee, don’t cry. I told you I’m sorry. If your dad didn’t set the curfew time, it will last long.”


I shook my head. “It’s not that…”


“Then what is it?”




Hyuna cut me with a gaped. “He didn’t know it was you?”


I nodded.


“Minjee! Why didn’t you tell him it was you?”


“One, before I even get the chance, you already dragged me out off that place and two, look at me!” I almost yelled at her.


She eyed me. “I don’t look like the ‘typical’ Minjee. He thinks I’m someone else… Gosh, I’m frustrated.” I buried my face in my palms.


“No! He probably remembers me. I was the one who dragged you.” she said, confidently (stupidly).


I let a loud sighed and reached for her mask. She still had it on. I pulled it off her and tossed it at the car dashboard. “What makes you think he remember you now?”


“Oh.” She simply replied. “But I can convince him, she was you.” she suddenly spill her ‘so-brilliant-idea.’


“Oh… one thing I should add is that, I wasn’t at the ball. No one there knew it was me. YIE MINJEE DIDN’T ATTENT WM HIGH ANNUAL SPRING DANCE! FULLSTOP!” I yelled for the last time before blasting the radio.




Author Note:


Hi readers~ Hope you enjoy this chapter. BTW let’s play a little guessing game… Who can guess what did Jinyoung gave to her? (And no it’s definetly not a glass slipper) LVE YA!

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Shy-And-Awkward-Girl #1
Chapter 18: That's so sad! D: and when will she tell Jinyoung!!!! D': >.< ASDFGHJKL
Chapter 18: Asdfghjkl update soon please ! :'c
Chikabelle #3
Chapter 18: Oh my gosh... Please update!!! Good things must share right! Keep the story going! Hahax. Was it jinyoung that arrived? Prince charming on a white horse!?
Chapter 18: I just started crying T^T Great story! So awesome >w<
MyNameIsGG #6
Chapter 18: What happen next?? What happen?? Arghghgh~~ this story is totally awesome and thrilling ! ><
Chapter 18: Omg I need to know what happens next! ; A;
I just started reading it and in the forward it said my account name I was like omg
Kwangchu #9
Chapter 18: Update soon! XD