Chapter Fourteen

Just Like Cinderella

Chapter Fourteen:




Your POV


I was looking for Hyuna during lunch. All I need right now is her. I found her in the cafeteria talking to Joon. I approached her table. She looked up at me as she patted the empty seat next to her.


I shook my head, “It’s okay. You have time?” I asked her as I eyed Joon who was sipping from Mir’s drink.




“I need to talk to you.”


“About what?”


I looked at her in disbelieved. Can’t she see I need to talk to her in private? “Never mind.” I mumbled and turned around, leaving the cafeteria. Great! Even my bestfriend is not ‘functioning’ well.



I thought knowing that I have a stepmother this morning and two weeks detention was the worst part of the day. But the worse didn’t stop there. It was raining when I walked home. So by the time I arrived home, I was soaking. My new mother greeted me with a sweet smile of hers. *F-A-K-E-!*.


“What’s wrong with you?” She asked almost mad.


“I forgot my umbrella.” I shrugged and went to the stairs. “Is dad home?” I asked without looking at her.


“Yeah. Go clean yourself. You’ll get sick.” She ordered. I was touched with her words. She cares about me?


I blankly looked at her. She stared at me. “What? I just don’t like living with sicko.” Wow, she’s y. “And by the way… you see the boxes over there?” she pointed at a stacks of boxes. “Throw them away later.”


I nodded and went up stairs to my room. I refreshed myself and once I was done I went to do whatever stepmother wanted me to do earlier.



I lifted the box up. Damn it was heavy. I wonder what‘s in it. I opened the box. I was dead crushed when I found out what’s inside. It was my mom pictures and other stuffs. “What the?”


I glanced at the side table where the family pictures were placed. No mom picture. Every picture of my mom was replaced with Sora’s. Even the family picture of the three of us weren’t there.


I hold my tears, how could this woman do this? Just because she is the wife now, that doesn’t give her rights to throw my mom pictures away. I don’t mind her throwing my mom stuffs but her pictures?


“Sora!” I called as I went to the kitchen. Again it stabbed my heart, she was wearing my mom apron.


“Yes, sweetie?” she called without looking at me.




“Why are you doing this?” I asked as I showed her my mom pictures.


“Oh… I don’t like it.” she shrugged her shoulder innocently. “Besides I’m your mother now.”


I dropped my jaw on the floor. “Seriously?”


“Oh come on Minjee. Move on.” she rolled her eyes.


I let a sarcastic laugh. “You should at least ask for my permission.”


“Even if I ask for your permission, I don’t think you will let me.” she snapped. “And she seeing her face is irritating.”


“What?!” I was crushed.


She stopped whatever she was doing and turned to me. “You heard me, she’s irritating.”


Tears were already welled up in my eyes. How could she say such things? “What? So you gonna cry now?” she smirked. “You can’t do anything but cry.” She faked a sob as she approached me.


She touched the end of my hairs before cupping my face. “Look at you…” she was gripping me as if she wanted to crush my skull. “So pathetic.” She whispered and then pushed me to the hard wall.


“B*tch!” I cursed.


“What did you just called me?” she was red now.


“B*tch.” I repeated and earned a hard slap on my left cheek. I shot up at her as I touched my cheek. I glared at her. “Suit yourself.”


I headed toward the exit and found out that my dad was standing there. I wonder how long he was standing there. Did he just watched and didn’t do anything? I glanced at him, who was staring at me apologetically.


“I’m sorry.” He whispered.


I pushed pass him and ran outside the house. I heard him calling my name. I ignored him and dragged myself to the empty running track.


I came there not to have a run. I went to the grass and sat down before laying down on the damp grass. I took out my phone and called Hyuna. It was useless; she set her phone on a voicemail. I sighed in defeat.


Then I looked up the sky and smiled to myself.


“Wow, look who we got here.”




Author Note:


Guess who's back? Hello awesome reader of mine. Might do double update! <3333

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Shy-And-Awkward-Girl #1
Chapter 18: That's so sad! D: and when will she tell Jinyoung!!!! D': >.< ASDFGHJKL
Chapter 18: Asdfghjkl update soon please ! :'c
Chikabelle #3
Chapter 18: Oh my gosh... Please update!!! Good things must share right! Keep the story going! Hahax. Was it jinyoung that arrived? Prince charming on a white horse!?
Chapter 18: I just started crying T^T Great story! So awesome >w<
MyNameIsGG #6
Chapter 18: What happen next?? What happen?? Arghghgh~~ this story is totally awesome and thrilling ! ><
Chapter 18: Omg I need to know what happens next! ; A;
I just started reading it and in the forward it said my account name I was like omg
Kwangchu #9
Chapter 18: Update soon! XD