Chapter Two

Just Like Cinderella

Chapter Two:


Block B - BbaBbaBbaBbaBba




Author’s POV


“Oh hi Baro!” Jinyoung greeted and hi-fived his dongsaeng. “What’s up?”


“Who’s coming with you?” Baro asked as he eyed Minjee, who was standing a few feet away in disgust. ‘Loser!’ he mouthed making her to dodge her head and bit her lower lip.


“The dance you mean?” Jinyoung asked back. Baro nodded at the older and rolled his eyes. “Hmmm… I don’t know.”


“So does that mean I can ask Nara to the dance?” he asked excitedly.


“Nara?” Jinyoung asked, trying to figure out who Nara is. He nodded. “I think so…” he said, unsure.


“Okay. Hyung you’re the best!” he patted Jinyoung’s shoulder and gave Minjee a look. Who was staring at Jinyoung. Baro looked back and forth at Jinyoung and Minjee. “What are you looking at blowfish?” he smirked and headed to his class.


*Did he just call me blowfish?* Minjee almost yelled in return but she held them back. It was because her ultimate crush was in front of her.


Jinyoung shook his head and walked closer, making her heart jumped. He leant closer to her, their nose were almost touching. He furrowed his brows. “Did you eat Ramyeon last night?”


She was trying hard not to drop her jaw on the floor or squealed like Hyena. Her crush was never this close to her. Never! Not ever once she imagined the Jung Jinyoung would be this close to her. She closed her eyes, ready to be kiss.


“Did you?” he snapped her thought.


She opened her eyes and blinked before shook her head making him ‘tsk-ed’ disapprovingly. “Hmmm… you should check with the nurse.”




“I mean your face is swollen.” He announced apologetically.


She touched her face and indeed she can feel her cheeks were hard and numb. *Oh… I forgot about the peanut butter effect.* She nodded and mentally face palmed herself. She never wants Jinyoung to see her like that. *Gosh! This is embarrassing.*


“And sorry for my friend rudeness. You know Baro…” he added and smiled before heading inside his class. She stared at the almost empty hallway and clutched her speeding heart. *I love you…*



After she went to the school nurse, prescribed with an allergy reliever and a mild painkiller, she literally hopped to her classroom. The teacher was giving her a stern look before she handed him a purple paper.


“I went to the nurse…” she added.


He scanned through it and nodded. She took her seat which was between the window and Kikwang – the vain boy in school. As the class were filled with a boring lecture a piece of paper was slid from Kikwang desk to her table.


She pushed her glasses up before eyeing the teacher. When the teacher was turning his back towards the class, she quickly folded it open.


‘You okay?’ he wrote in a rushed handwriting.


‘Better.’ She wrote and passed it to him.


‘Has anyone asked Hyuna yet?’




‘Good, I’m going to ask her.’


‘Well good luck.’ She replied, smirking inside knowing he would fail. *You’re not Joon.*



Your POV


I was in the school rooftop eating my lunch alone. Yes, I’m a loser and a nerd. No one would want me as a friend except Hyuna and Joon. And people only want me as their friend just to get close with Hyuna.


We are best friend since we were in diapers. As we grow up, I turned into a geek and she on the other hand turn into a beauty. Although we are different on the outside, that doesn’t mean we had to break the long term relationship.


Hyuna was in the cafeteria eating her lunch with her wanna be best friend. People only want her as friend because they think she’s perfect.


I finished my food as I was listening to SHINee. I rubbed my tummy and leaned against the wall. Then someone plugged my earpiece off. I rolled my eyes. I knew who it was. “Rude Hyuna. Very rude.”


“Haha.” She faked a laugh and sat next to me. She then hugged me tightly. *There she goes again.*


“You’re killing me. Let go.” I yelled, trying to break free.


“Not until you say yes.”


I shook my head.


“I won’t go to the dance without you.” she said and tightened the hug. *I’m suffocating!*


“Andwae!” I screamed on top of my lungs.


She released the hugged and slumped her shoulders. “I guess I ask Joon.” She said, disappointed.


“Come on you love him.” I poked her arm. “Beside the dance would be nothing if you’re not there.”


“But I want to go with you. You never go to that dance. And Jinyoung haven’t asked anyone. I’ll hook you with him. Yes?” she knew Jinyoung is my weakest point.


*Great now she’s using her queenka card to get Jinyoung!* I shot a dagger at her.


“Okay… I guess Jinyoung won’t work.” She said defeated. “How’s your allergy?” she asked, changing the topic.


“It’s getting better.” I replied as I touched my face.


She then ped her bag and poured everything inside. You see, her bag was filled by gifts, love letters and chocolates. “Let’s share.” She picked my favourite snack – Pocky and handed it to me. I ripped a paper taped to it.


“Hyuna, I love you to death. Please go with me to the dance.” I read dramatically.


We then burst out laughing as we read another fan letter. She only enjoyed her fan letter when we read them together.

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Shy-And-Awkward-Girl #1
Chapter 18: That's so sad! D: and when will she tell Jinyoung!!!! D': >.< ASDFGHJKL
Chapter 18: Asdfghjkl update soon please ! :'c
Chikabelle #3
Chapter 18: Oh my gosh... Please update!!! Good things must share right! Keep the story going! Hahax. Was it jinyoung that arrived? Prince charming on a white horse!?
Chapter 18: I just started crying T^T Great story! So awesome >w<
MyNameIsGG #6
Chapter 18: What happen next?? What happen?? Arghghgh~~ this story is totally awesome and thrilling ! ><
Chapter 18: Omg I need to know what happens next! ; A;
I just started reading it and in the forward it said my account name I was like omg
Kwangchu #9
Chapter 18: Update soon! XD