Chapter Seventeen

Just Like Cinderella

This chapter is dedicated to fictionlover_fbiyf

Thank you for being such a sweetheart.

Chapter Seventeen:




Your POV


I didn’t feel like going home after what happened last night and faced another episode of drama, so I went to the neighbourhood track. I sat on one of the bench and took out Jinyoung’s watch. I used a tissue to clean the glass and stared at it.


I smiled at it and the strap with my thumb. I sighed, disappointed with myself. I should just spill everything. But If I told him who I was that night, I am afraid that he would laugh at me or worse I couldn’t handle it and shredded into tears. Keeping a secret is burdensome. And I remember that Jinyoung gave up on finding Cinderella.


I kicked the grass and groaned in annoyance. Annoyed, that this Yie Minjee is weak and scared. Scared to hurt herself.


“Minjee?” a familiar voice interrupted. I snapped my head at Jinyoung who was running towards me. Panicked, I shoved the watch inside my school bag. “What are you doing here?” He asked catching his breath.


“What are you doing here?” I asked him back. He chortled at me as he raised one of his feet. He was wearing running shoes.


“That answers your question.” He replied as he pointed his blue wear. “I always run after school.” He said matter of fact. “So what are you doing here?”


I looked up at him. “Aren’t you supposed to be mad at me?” I asked him. After what happened this morning he was acting as if nothing was wrong.


He smiled and sat next to me. “If I am, then I won’t be talking to you.” He said. After a minute of silent, he stood up and pulled my hand. “Let’s go and grab something to eat.” He announced and led the way.


“I thought you wanted to run.”


“Phfft. We’re going for cupcakes.”



Jinyoung placed two cup of tea on the round table and took a seat in front of me. I smiled at him as he slid one of the glasses towards me. Then a waitress brought a plate of cupcakes. I giggled at the sight of the cupcakes; they were so adorable and cute.


 As if he can read minds, “I know, they are cute.” He took one of the cupcakes and took a big bite. “Dig in.” He said with his mouth full.


I brought the plate closer and picked the one with a butterfly on it. The cupcake was covered with a chalky yellow icing. From the smell of it I knew it was my favourite. “Red velvet.” I mumbled as I took a bite. Once the taste burst inside my mouth, “This is gorgeous.”


Jinyoung only chortled. “So?” He said once he was done with his cupcake.


I looked at him in confusion. “So?”


“How was your day?” he asked. Awkward.


“Fine?” I replied without looking at him. “What about you?”


“Fine? I think. Despite getting rejected.” He replied with a smug on his face. I snapped my eyes at him and crossed my arms.


“Just go straight to the point.”


He shrugged his shoulders and sighed, “I don’t know Minjee.” He bit his bottom lip and bore his eyes to mine. “I just like the feeling of having you around.”


Shoot. I almost dropped the cupcake and leaned my back on the chair. I let a nervous laugh. “What’s that even suppose to mean?” I asked him, trying hard not to be shaken by his statement.


“I was hoping she would come and show herself. I waited for her. And to tell you the truth I hate waiting. That night was one of the best nights I’ve ever had.” He paused.


“I thought after that night things would go back to normal. I thought I can forget her but I was wrong. Instead I found myself wanting to know her more. A part of me was telling to forget her and the other half... is just... Arggh.” He groaned as he messed his hair.


“Jinyoung.” I called him but he didn’t look at me.


“It’s stupid that I’m in love with her.”



The world seem to stop spinning and everything around seems to froze. My heart went wild as I felt my face warmed up. I didn’t hear it wrong the first time. Right?


“But that not it.” He spoke again. “I’m glad we talked more often. Having you around makes me happy and forgets about everything, about that night. Being with you makes me at ease. It was as if that night never happened.”


“Don’t get me wrong and please don’t hate me for this, sometime I wish you two are the same person.” He said.


I flinched from my seat and avoided his gaze. This was absurd. Too absurd. I don’t think I can do this anymore, keeping my secret. Listening to his indirect confession towards me was just too much to handle.


Regret – that was what I felt right now and it was nowhere near to guilty. I regret not telling him who I was and then it hit me, I regret going to the dance in the first place.


After a moment of silent, I opened my mouth to speak. “I can’t help you Jinyoung.”


“I’m sorry.” That was the most ‘brilliant’ thing I can come up with. Apologizing.


“I’ll be right back.” I told him and strode to the washroom. I went inside the cubicle, locked the door and sat on the closed toilet seat. I brought my knees up to my chest and hugged it, before I knew it, tears were poured out.



I washed my face before going out of the washroom and face Jinyoung. I didn’t know who long I was in there but whatever it was, Jinyoung was still there.


I took a seat, “Wow, you finished the whole thing.” I teased as I eyed the empty plate.


“Because you were taking your time in the washroom.” He replied in a cheery tone, which definitely startled me. He was upset just now and now he was smiling like crazy. His smile was wiped off as soon as he saw my eyes. “Were you crying?”


“No.” I snapped. Before he had a chance to say something, my phone rang.


I took it out of my bag and checked the caller ID. ‘That woman calling...’ appeared on the screen. I looked at Jinyoung signalling him that I need to answer the call.


I went to outside the cafe and answered the call. “Hello...” I said to the phone. It was a long pause before I heard ‘her’ crying hysterically.


“Sora... Crying to the phone doesn’t interpret anything. I don’t talk crying language.” I said as I rolled my eyes. God, she’s annoying.


“Minjee...” She finally spoke before crying again.


“Gosh Sora, I don’t know what you want. Just say it.” I totally lost my patient.


“Y-your f-father...” she said between her sob.


“Sora, what’s wrong with my dad?!” I asked her almost yelling. I felt my heart tighten. Something is not right. “What’s wrong with him?!”




“He what?! Sora! Just stop crying and tell me. What the hell is wrong with my dad?!” I yelled impatiently as tears started to roll on my cheeks.


“He’s in the hospital.” She finally answered my question. My face lost its colour. I ran inside the cafe and hang up the phone call after she told me, where my father is.


I grabbed my school bag and hang it on my shoulders. “What’s wrong?” Jinyoung asked, concerned.


I didn’t reply him. I ran to halt a taxi and left Jinyoung hanging.

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Shy-And-Awkward-Girl #1
Chapter 18: That's so sad! D: and when will she tell Jinyoung!!!! D': >.< ASDFGHJKL
Chapter 18: Asdfghjkl update soon please ! :'c
Chikabelle #3
Chapter 18: Oh my gosh... Please update!!! Good things must share right! Keep the story going! Hahax. Was it jinyoung that arrived? Prince charming on a white horse!?
Chapter 18: I just started crying T^T Great story! So awesome >w<
MyNameIsGG #6
Chapter 18: What happen next?? What happen?? Arghghgh~~ this story is totally awesome and thrilling ! ><
Chapter 18: Omg I need to know what happens next! ; A;
I just started reading it and in the forward it said my account name I was like omg
Kwangchu #9
Chapter 18: Update soon! XD