Chapter Four

Just Like Cinderella

Chapter Four:




Your POV


“Just don’t look at the mirror! Or I’ll jinx you!” Hyuna yelled from my room. I was in the bathroom, putting on a dress that she picked for me. It was a single shoulder cocktail black dress. I love how simple it was. I zipped the dress up and walked out of the bathroom.


Hyuna dropped the mascara on the floor when she saw me. “Oh My God! You look…” I was nervous when she was looking at me with wide eyes.


“I look horrible right?!” I cried in horror.


“No! You look hot! Hotter than me.” she gave me a hug and rocked me side to side.


“Thank you for doing this… I don’t know what to do without you.”


“I’m like a fairy godmother.” She said vainly. We broke the hug as I rolled my eyes.


“Can I look the mirror now?” I asked pouting.


She chuckled and pulled me to the mirror. When I saw my reflection, I almost didn’t recognize myself. I had to hold my tears, I forgot when was the last time I wore something this beautiful… I miss this, I miss looking like this…


Hyuna stood next to me and smiled. “You always pretty, Minjee… trust me.” she said, sincerely. “Now wear this.” she handed me gold bangles and a cameo ring. She smiled proudly.


“I think I have a perfect shoes for this.” I jumped excitedly and went to my closet. I took out a box. “I got this last week.” I squealed excitedly. When it comes to shoes, I am a real geek! It was a high heeled oxford shoe. If someone (not a shoes expert) looked it from far they probably think it was an ankle boots.


“I thought it was a glass slippers.” Hyuna laughed.


For a moment I thought my dad was having a seizure since he was staring at me mouth opened. “I should take a picture.” He ran to his room and brought a camera with him.


After the photo shoot session was done. “Bring her back before midnight or she’s grounded.” My dad warned Hyuna and me.


*No dad! I’ll be home right after I dance with Jinyoung.* I rolled my eyes and waved at him as I went inside a black Buggati.


“Wow, whose car is this?” I asked as I put on the belt.


Hyuna grinned at me, “My dad’s… Sorry I didn’t get you a princess coach.” She pouted.



“Ready?” Hyuna asked as we walked towards the event.


I nodded. Then Hyuna was putting her mask on. I gaped at her in surprise. “Is this a mask party?”


She shook her head. “Then why are you wearing a mask?”


“Joon and I promised to wear a mask… you know just to be a y and mysterious couple…” she said as she eyed a guy with a mask. It was Joon.


“Yie Minjee? Is that you?” He asked smiling.


“Uh-uh…” I nodded, smirking to my self.


“I didn’t know you can be this hot…”


“Hey! She’s my friend Joon… Back off…” Hyuna warned.


“Oh come on… It’s just a compliment, Hyuna…” Joon pouted.


“Right…” she rolled her eyes. Nevertheless she linked an arm with Joon’s. “Since I’m already partnered, you have to make your entrance alone. Sorry love you should have said yes the first time I asked you…” she smiled. “And good luck with Jinyoung… and of course have fun…” she winked before disappearing inside.


I showed the door keeper my school card. “You’re alone?” he asked.


“Duh…” I muttered under my breath.


He opened the door for me. I was greeted by a bright light and loud music. I had to blink to get used to the light. I walked down the step, carefully not to trip and manage to look graceful at the same time.


I can see people were already whispering and glancing at me. I even saw girls looking at me in jealousy because their partner was staring at me, drooling.


‘Who’s that girl?’

‘Is she new?’

‘Does she even go to our school?’

‘Is she even invited?’

‘I never see her before…’

‘You know her?’

‘She’s hot… for sure…’


I only smirked listening to their conversation. I went to the booth and sat on the stool. I looked into the crowd and searched for familiar face. I saw Hyuna and Joon were already having fun. I scanned for him but he was nowhere in there.


“Anything for this pretty lady?” I heard the bartender. I rolled my eyes. What’s the purpose of having a bartender, when you can’t even serve alcohol?


I turned to him and smiled. “Cola would be fine.” I announced trying not to burst out laughing. Within a second, I was served with cola on a wine glass. I took a sip before chocking to laughter.


“I see someone is having a good time…” a familiar voice rang my ears. I stopped laughing almost immediately and snapped at him.


“Hi! You’re here…” I greeted cheerfully.


“I guess…” he looked at me confused. “Why aren’t you dancing?”


*Because… I’m waiting for you to ask me…* I answered silently. “I don’t know… why aren’t you dancing?” I asked him back. He looked at me and smiled.


“I’m waiting for someone…” he replied and moved to the stool next to mine.


My heart was dropping that instant. He was close to me, again. “A girl?”


He chuckled. “Ani, it’s a boy. I wonder where he is?” he tapped his chin and looked around. He then turned to me and let a laugh. “Of course it’s a girl.” He shook his head.


“Who?” I daringly asked. Even if his answer can crushed my heart apart, who am I to stop him to like other girl? I traced the mouth of the wine glass with my index finger, waiting for his answer.


“I don’t think you know her. She’s not that familiar in school.” Jinyoung replied as he eyed the dance floor.


“Come on… I might know her and help you find her.” I said as I drank the cola.


“Yie Minjee…” I sputtered my drinks right away and chocked hysterically.


“Who?!” I asked between my cough.


“Yie Minjee.” He repeated the same name. “You okay?” he asked as he patted my back, concerned with me.


Yup I heard the first time right…




Author Note:


Hahaha! There goes chapter four! Hope you love it! Anyway, drop a comment. Yes? GMAW! LVE YA!

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Shy-And-Awkward-Girl #1
Chapter 18: That's so sad! D: and when will she tell Jinyoung!!!! D': >.< ASDFGHJKL
Chapter 18: Asdfghjkl update soon please ! :'c
Chikabelle #3
Chapter 18: Oh my gosh... Please update!!! Good things must share right! Keep the story going! Hahax. Was it jinyoung that arrived? Prince charming on a white horse!?
Chapter 18: I just started crying T^T Great story! So awesome >w<
MyNameIsGG #6
Chapter 18: What happen next?? What happen?? Arghghgh~~ this story is totally awesome and thrilling ! ><
Chapter 18: Omg I need to know what happens next! ; A;
I just started reading it and in the forward it said my account name I was like omg
Kwangchu #9
Chapter 18: Update soon! XD