Chapter One

Just Like Cinderella

Chapter One:


LED Apple – Time is Up




Your POV


I got up to my favourite song – SHINee’s Sherlock. “I’m so curious! Yeah~” I sang along as I stopped the alarm.


I jumped out of the bed and checked the time. “Holy snap! SHINee wae?!” I practically was yelling at them. I was late. Late for everything – shower, breakfast, and most importantly HELL! I mean school.


I took a quick shower and wore my school uniform without bothering if the blouse was properly tucked inside my skirt. I tied my hair into a messy bun and put my glasses inside my pocket.


I dashed towards the kitchen. “Morning dad!” I greeted and quickly spread whatever-flavoured jam on a bread toast.


“Honey…” he spoke up as he confusingly looked at me.


“I’m late dad. Talk to you later.” I took a small bite before kissing my dad cheek.




I was already running to get my shoes and wore it without tying the shoe laces. I checked my wrist watch and cursed. Ten more minutes before the gate is officially closed. “Snap! Snap! Snap!”


I slung my bag. “Bye dad!” I yelled before sprinting to school, hoping I would make it on time.


“Honey! It’s peanut butter!” I heard my dad yelled.


As soon as I heard that, I immediately spitted my breakfast out and threw the toast away.


OMG! Today would be a blowfish!’ I mentally face palmed. I should have checked. I’m allergic to peanuts.



“Thank you lord!” I raised my arms toward the sky, I made it on time. I walked toward the hallway and spotted my bestfriend, Hyuna leaning on my locker. She was greeted by students who walked by. Yup, she’s a Queenka.


“LOSER!” a boy yelled at me and smirked.


“Oi! No one messed up with MY friend!” Hyuna yelled and awarded him a deathly glare. “Better watch your back!” she pointed at him. Sure that shut him up. He bowed at Hyuna and then at me before leaving the hallway, staring the floor regretting everything.


I’m lucky I have a protector. ‘Kim Hyuna, the Geek Protector!’


She then eyed me and smirked. “I see you were rushing to school.” she said, checking the time as I approached her. “What’s up with the rush? It’s only 7:45.” She added.


I dropped my jaw. “What?!”


“You’re super early.”


I checked her watch and then mine. Indeed it was 7:45. There was no point running to school empty stomach. I smacked my head hard for being stupid.


She chuckled and then pointed at my half tucked shirt. “Unless you want detention.” She said as I quickly tucked in the white blouse. She then smiled at me affectionately. She only did that when she wanted something.


“Spill!” I said as I took out my book from the locker.


“Are you coming to the dance?” she asked.


I shook my head. Then she tucked my arms and gave me puppy eyes. “Please~ Minjee-ah… please…” she begged, pouting this time.


“No way.”


“But I don’t want to go alone…” she whined.


“Ask Joon, he would definitely say yes.”


She blew her cheeks; she knew Joon would definitely say yes. “But I want to go with you…”


“My foot…” I muttered under my breath. “You will leave me anyway.” I said before putting my glasses on. Go figure! I’m a nerd! Okay partly a nerd. I study my off but didn’t even get a good grade.


“I promise you I will never leave you. Minjee-ah…”


“Once I said no, it’s a no.” I said as the bell rang, perfect timing to save me from her next level of aegyoness which I would 100% loss to.


“Yah! I’m not giving up on you!” She yelled from behind. Without looking at her, I waved my hand. “I can change your mind.”


When I was about to step inside the classroom. “Yo Jinyoung!” I heard his name. I stopped my step and there goes my heart, beating a mile per second.




Author Note:


Thank you for those who subscribe and dropping a comment. L♥VE you all! Don’t you just love Kim Hyuna as a bestfriend? She is just too charming!

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Shy-And-Awkward-Girl #1
Chapter 18: That's so sad! D: and when will she tell Jinyoung!!!! D': >.< ASDFGHJKL
Chapter 18: Asdfghjkl update soon please ! :'c
Chikabelle #3
Chapter 18: Oh my gosh... Please update!!! Good things must share right! Keep the story going! Hahax. Was it jinyoung that arrived? Prince charming on a white horse!?
Chapter 18: I just started crying T^T Great story! So awesome >w<
MyNameIsGG #6
Chapter 18: What happen next?? What happen?? Arghghgh~~ this story is totally awesome and thrilling ! ><
Chapter 18: Omg I need to know what happens next! ; A;
I just started reading it and in the forward it said my account name I was like omg
Kwangchu #9
Chapter 18: Update soon! XD