My Lunch Break of Death! More Delinquent Points for Me!

My Gangsta Boy

Chapter 5 : My Lunch Break of Death! More Delinquent Points for Me!


! I quickly helped her get off me. I asked President Evil if she was ok.. She was just staring at the ground.. I tried snapping my fingers in front of her face but.. She won't even budge! Bad bad bad! Bad me! She was shocked? I guess. Omona. I lost my first kiss to her. Great. Huhuhu. Ummaaa. Oh I forgot, we're still in the classroom!


I looked around our class room, from left to right..


Whew! Good thing only the 2 of us were left inside the room when "THAT" happened! I don't want any more rumors about me spreading! Huhuhuhu. Aigooo. Aish. Bad bad bad Amber!


I took a quick look at President Evil. "Are you okay? Miss? Miss Jung? Answer me please?"


She shot an icy glare at me. Omomomo. I'm scared..




"You planned all of this, huh?!"


I quickly stood up. I don't know what to do.. Ohtokke.. Omo. Everything is messed up! This is not what I had imagined! I was supposed to have new friends and a happy school life! I looked at her in the eyes and ran away. Yes! Run run run! Run away from that evil being!


As I was running towards the door, I saw Miss Pink Pantie... Ermm, I mean Miss Choi Sulli, waiting outside of our room. ! Did she see that?! I hope not. Aish! So embarassing! Aigooo! I quickly ran away and I spotted the boy's bathroom... What the hell is happening with my life? So many misfortunes today. And it's only my first day of school.


"Aigoo. Soojung-ah, what happened? You seem so.. You're so.. Red? Kekeke."


"Hmph. Nothing. Looks like I need to teach someone a lesson. Come on, let's go. Luna is waiting for us."


"Aish!!" I lock myself inside a cubicle in the boy's bathroom. Kekeke. This cubicle is for pooping but who cares? I don't care if they think that I'm taking a dump.


"! ! ! What the hell is happening! What's wrong with my luck today?!" I started cursing in english inside the cubicle. I threw my broken skateboard in the bin inside the cubicle. Omomo. Goodbye, skateboard. Huhuhu. I guess I need to get a new one.


As I went out of the cubicle, I saw 3 boys talking to each other.


"Yah! Choi Sooyoung! What the hell?! Stop eating!" Omo. A short guy was talking to the tall one.. While I was listening, I washed my hands.. Then I pretend to dry my hand, still looking at the boys. Kekeke. Observing people.. My favorite pastime!


The tallest boy, which stood in the middle, had a bag of chips and was munching them rather loud. The shortest one, who had a loud voice and a cute face, was trying to get the bag of chips from the tall one. Kekeke. Funny. He couldn't reach the bag of chips from the taller boy! Kekeke. And the other boy... Was looking at me? Wait? Is he? Oh. Omo. Yes he is! He shot me an icy glare. Omomo. This feels familiar...


Aigoo. I'm scared. I quickly ran out of the bathroom and made my way to the cafeteria. I actually didn't know where the cafeteria was located. I just followed where the people were coming from. And I was right! Kekeke. Now, I'm here! Kekeke! Nice job, me!


I took a peek at the cafeteria. Omo. The ceiling was high, and there were lots of chairs and long tables. Everyone was walking on the azure floor, with their set of friends. There were tall pillars with tray stands and garbage bins, big windows and some boards hanging on the cream colored wall. The cafeteria had a variety of food to choose from.


"." Omo. I accidentally mouthed in english. Why? Cause I was nervous.. EVERYONE was looking at me.. I feel all eyes were on me. As if I were a freak? Huhuhu. Umma.. Of course, being the shy boy that I am, I look down the floor and started walking.. I was carrying my bag on my right shoulder.




Great. I bumped into another person! Wow! Today seems to be my luckiest day, eh? Huhuhu. Luckily, I didn't fall when we bumped into each other! Kekeke! Amber is strong! Kekeke. I took a look below and I saw a guy with..


His food spilled all over his shirt?! Omomomo! I smell trouble!


He stood up. Omona. He's quite tall and good-looking. As he glared at me, his eyebrows furrowed and he pushed me! Which caused me to back off a little bit. Omomomo. I look around us and I could see that everyone had their eyes on us.


"What the hell is your problem, blondie? Look where you're walking!" He said.. While he was grabbing my shirt, I unconciously pushed him off! I'm so scared! Omomomo. Help me. 


Oh! I see he also dropped his bag on the floor. His bag was lying on the floor, along with his unopened can of soda.. I picked up his bag and try to give it to him..




Omo. Now what? Waaa? There was a can? I thought the can was way over there? I guess it rolled towards the direction of my foot and I accidentally stepped on the rolling can.. Omona! Ohtokke? Ohtokke! All eyes were on me! I need to do something so I won't look stupid! Aish!


As I was falling backwards, I was supposed to use my hand to break my fall.. But instead, I put my hands up high.. I whipped them up into the air, over my head.. And then I bent my knees.. I quickly tucked my knees and grabbed my lower legs. 


And to my surprise.. I did a backflip?!


"Omo! A fight?"


"Kyaaa! The delinquent vs Prince Minho?"


! More delinquent points for me! Aish. Great. Great great great. I shoved his bag to his chest, took the soda that was lying on the floor and gave it to him! And I made a run for it! I heard the boy say to his friends..


"Go after him!"


Kekeke! I'm a fast runner! I did lots of sports back at L.A.! This is gonna be a long day.. Aigoo. I need to find a hiding place! I don't wanna be beat up by those beasts! Umma.. I'm only here at school for a few hours and all of these are happening. Ohtokke.. Huhuhu.


As I run along the corridor, I found a room with a girl sleeping on a long table! Omo! Perfect! Bravo! I could stay here since she's not awake yet! Kekeke. But.. I felt guilty and I sat beside her. I was thinking of waking her up and asking her if I could stay here for a while.


As I was about to wake her up...




The door opened! Great! 


2 girls carrying their lunches are in front of me. While the sleeping girl beside me..




I look at the 2 girls in front of us..... OMOMOMOMOMO! ONE OF THEM IS PRESIDENT EVIL!!!


I looked beside me and the girl who suddenly hugged me was...


"C-Choi Sulli-sshi?"


OMOMO!!! T-They might kill me!! H-Help!!! AISH!!!






Ehehehe! Chapter 5 is here! Happy reading!

Sulber meets Krysta and Lunal!! Ehehehe

Thanks for reading my story. Ehehe

I was supposed to make Amber's first day at school... GRAND!! So... He gets the DELINQUENT title after his first day of school!!

Ehehehe! Don't forget to comment! I appreciate comments! Ehehe

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Ok nvm i will do a short update now. Kekekeke


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Chapter 18: It was getting exciting a hope you dont abandon this great story author-nim ^^
Chapter 14: Amber you sweet cinnamon roll bun
Chapter 8: Omg amber saving and put more points on you
Chapter 5: Amber your life is full of comedy for readers but damn its stressful
Chapter 3: Aww someone help baby amber out lol this kind of remind me of a anime
Chapter 1: Lolsss
mioakiyama18 #7
Chapter 18: This was interesting. I hope you update faster authorniim.
lovekwon #8
Chapter 18: Update....