Friday! Shopping With My New Friends Could Never Be This Fun!

My Gangsta Boy

Chapter 15 : Friday! Shopping With My New Friends Could Never Be This Fun!



Loud music could be heard in this venue, along with people chatting in groups, walking in and out of the boutiques. Aish. What if they don't come? I carefully looked at my surroundings, I was in the middle of the plaza, sitting alone in a bench. Everyone was avoiding me, because of my "invisible wall". Kekeke.


"Aish, what's taking them so long." I stood up the bench started to walk in circles, feeling nervous.


"What if they ditched me? Aish."


Well, if you were wondering how I got here, let me tell you what happened last night..


Ding. The elevator doors opened as I was standing beside President Jung. I was holding her books for her, remember? Anyways.. She quickly snatched her books from my grasp without me noticing. I was looking at her, with my eyes wide open as she went inside the elevator.. I was about to go in with her, but to my surprise..


She closed the elevator door.. Again.. She had an evil smirk as she looked at me while the doors were closing in. And here I was, thinking that I should be nice to her, for a change. Aish. This girl makes me regret every nice thing I do to her.


As usual, I used the stairs to go up to the 6th floor, where my apartment is. As I got infront of my door, I turned the knob and unlocked it with my key, which was along with this necklace I'm wearing. Kekeke. I figured that I should put the key with my necklace, so I won't forget where I placed it.


A clicking sound could be heard as I unlocked my door. I quickly closed it and locked it again once I got in. While looking around my humble abode, I took off my shoes and put it onto my shoe rack, which was near the front door. Feeling lazy again, I tossed my socks onto the floor and made my way onto my black, Jansport bag on top of the coffee table beside the black, leather sofa. Kekeke.


I plopped onto the couch and I opened my bag, revealing a beige tissue paper with a number scribbled on it. I hurriedly registered the numbers onto my brand new phone and then, I called Yuri noona. Kekeke. As I was waiting for her to pick up the phone, I was spazzing and banging my head onto the armrest of the leather sofa. Then, I thought to myself.. Is this what fangirls do when they see or read something about their otp? Kekeke.


"Hello? Who is this?" Omo. Yuri noona picked up.


"Noona, it's Amber. I just got a phone today and I decided to call you." I said, while hitting my head with my hands. Kekeke. I hope she doesn't hear my fangirl-ing~~~ Wait, I'm a boy so... I'm fanboy-ing? Kekeke.


"Ohh, Amber! I forgot to tell you, let's shop for clothes tomorrow, after our classes! I already informed Tiffany and Sunny so don't you dare be late ok? I'm already sleepy! Good night! See you at the place near our school, okay? I'll message you the details tomorrow! Bye!"


Omo. She hung up. She didn't even give me time to think about her offer?! Aish! I took a look at the beige tissue paper and then put in Sunny noona's number onto my iphone.. Again, I was banging my head onto the armrest of the sofa while entering the numbers.. Kekeke. It's just too much for my fragile heart to handle.. Kekeke. Aish, I'm acting like a girl again..


This time, instead of calling, I decided to send her a message..


"Sunny noona~ It's Amber~ Please save my number! Kekeke."


And.. Sent. After a few seconds of waitng, she replied.


"Omo! I thought you wouldn't contact us~ Kekeke~ See you tomorrow, okay? Good night!"


"Ehhh? She's already sleeping too? Aish, I thought I get to text them to kill time." I pouted.


Well, that's the gist of it.. While I was walking around in circles, I saw three girls go near me. Omo~ It must be them! Kekeke. I try to hide the stupid smile on my face and look onto the concrete ground, then to the plantbox that was in front of me.. It's about time you girls got here. I've been waiting for thirty minutes already. Aish.


I looked at the girls who stood in front of me. They were wearing our school uniform. Dark blue blazers which fit their bodies perfectly~ Underneath was a light blue blouse and they had neckties, for sophomores. Their high socks were below the knee and they had shiny, black shoes.


Uniform accessories defined your grade in our school.. Hmm. For girls.. freshmen girls, there should be no accessory or whatsoever. For sophomores, a dark blue ribbon, tied to a classic knot should be present. For juniors, there would be a dark blue necktie.. And for seniors, they would have to wear a dark blue ribbon shaped like a butterfly. For the boys, we still wear blazers like the girls..  We also have a dark blue necktie.. They only put annoying roman numerals on our collars, which stand which year we were. Boring~ Elementary and middle school had their own style.. Kekeke. I don't know how to further explain it, since I'm also new to the school. Sorry~


"Amber! Did you wait that long? Sorry, we were late since I had a Student Council meeting to attend to and the girls waited for me." Tiffany noona said while she was panting. Maybe they ran all the way here? Aigoo~ I should make them feel better.


"Uhh. No noonas, actually, I just arrived a few minutes before you guys~ Kekeke." NO. I waited thirty minutes for you guys.. But I can't say that, right? Kekeke.


"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go shopping for clothes!" Sunny noona said while she raised Yuri and Tiffany's hands. Kekeke~ Cute!


Well.. Let me cut this short. They dragged me to all these sorts of girly places, they bought lots of stuff and I carried the bags. They didn't force me to carry them, I just took them on my own.. The bags aren't really that heavy. Kekeke.


After going to lots of places, they finally decided what they would wear. All of the clothes they got were.. White? Very fitting for their angelic faces. Kekeke. While we were walking, I noticed them stop. I looked around and realized that we went into a lingerie shop. Omo.


I was still following them, with my eyes glued to their backs.. I can't look at all these.. These.. Underwear. Aish.. I hear them talking..


"Yuri, do you think this looks good?" Tiffany said while holding up a... BRA? Omo.


"What about this?" Sunny asked while she was showing a p-p-pink with polka dot print. OMO. I need to get out of here.. 


I swiftly ran away from the store and waited at the entrance. My heart and mind couldn't handle the lingerie shop. Aish. While I was standing, I decided to message Yuri noona.


"Uhm, Yuri noona, I'll be waiting outside. It's kinda hot inside that shop. Kekeke."


Omo. My message sounded totally creepy. Aish. My brain isn't functioning well right now.. I feel like I'm having a nosebleed just from hearing their conversation about underwear..


While I was waiting for them to be finished, I spot two people walking towards me.. One was taller than the other.. They both have jet-black hair and they were in our school uniform? I wonder who these girls are..


"Amber oppa?"


"What are you doing in front of a lingerie shop? ert."


Oh. It's Sulli and President Jung.. Should I tell them the truth? Sulli looks adorable, as usual.. Her was hair tied into a bun. While President Jung looked like she's about to kill somebody. Aish..


"I'm waiting for some people to finish shopping. It's awkward to go inside so I stayed here."


"Ahhh."  Sulli answered. I saw her looking at President Jung while giggling. Kekeke. She's too cute. Because of her giggling, she earned a slap on the shoulder from President Jung.. Evil witch.. Aish..


"Omo, hello Soojung, Sulli." I looked behind me and it was Tiffany noona. They finished their shopping, I guess? Kekeke.


"Hi unnie." Sulli and President Jung greeted her back.


"Omo, you guys know each other?" I asked them while ruffling my hair.


"Well duh, Tiffany unnie is from the Student Council, just like me and Ssul. Tch. It's obvious you don't know what's happening in school." President Jung exclaimed.


"Aish, Soojung-ah, Amber oppa is new to our school, of course he wouldn't know about those things.. Right, Amber oppa?"


I nod at Sulli's remark, while Yuri and Sunny noona got out of the lingerie shop and was walking towards us. They were holding two bags. I guess they got their undies? Kekeke. Aish. Why the hell am I thinking about which undies they got?! Arghhhh.


"Unnies, what are you doing here with Amber oppa?" Sulli asked.


"We were shopping for clothes for the group date this saturday." Sunny noona winked at the girls.


"Ohhh." Sulli said as she winked back at Sunny noona. Omo. I think this girl knows something that I don't.. Aish. Whatever, that's girl stuff, off-limits.


I quickly noticed that Sulli and President Jung were carrying big shopping bags. They look kinda heavy. Being curious, I asked them out of the blue..


"What are those for, President Jung?" I asked while pointing to the shopping bags she was holding. I guess it was heavy, since I saw both of the girls place the bags onto the ground while we talk.


"It's something, but it's definitely none of your business, Amber." President Jung rolled her eyes on me. Omo. Aish! This little devil!


"Aish, Soojung-ah... Amber oppa, we were buying some stuff for the Student Council.. Kekeke. We were the ones assigned to buy it." Sulli explained.


I looked at Tiffany, Yuri and Sunny noona and they told me that it was time that they went to the cake shop..


"Aish, we need to go, Nicole unnie will kill us if we're late." Sunny said as she was dragging Yuri and Tiffany noona. I was following them but then I stopped.


"Noonas, could I help Sulli and President Jung with their stuff? I think they're having a hard time carying those bags." I told them as I reached my hand out to them, giving them their shopping bags.. The three angels just giggled at my remark.


"Go on, Amber, those girls definitely need your help.. They need to walk down to school and carry those bags all the way up to the fourth floor." Tiffany noona told me while her eyes formed into crescents~


They took their bags from me and I watched them disappear to the distance. I went back, running towards Sulli and President Jung. I watched them from afar, they were having trouble carrying those bags. Aish. I could feel President Jung's evil aura from afar. It's over 9000!!!! Kekeke. Omo. This is once again, a perfect opportunity to show to them that I am a nice person..


I quickly snatched away the shopping bags from them.. Four shopping bags, to be exact.. Omo! IT REALLY IS HEAVY.. The bags contained.. Rims of bond paper? School supplies? I could also see boxes of pencils and pens.. Aish.


Both of the girls were surprised that I was helping them. They thought I already went home with my noonas, I guess? Kekeke.


"I'll help you guys carry this to school." I told them, while walking behind them.. My eyes were glued onto the girl's back..


I noticed that Sulli was looking at President Jung.. She was.. Smiling at President Jung? Her milky-white teeth were showing and her eyes were shaped into crescents. I looked at President Jung and.. Woah! She was furious. She was red as a tomato? Aish. I could see her ears go red.. Does she really hate me this much?


We went back to school and I helped them put the bags in the Student Council Room, which was located at the fourth floor of our cream colored school building..


"Bye Sulli, Bye President Jung!" I waved my hands at them.


"Bye Amber oppa!" Sulli waved back at me.. As for President Jung..


"Bye Amber." She waved at me while looking onto the azure floor, deliberately avoiding eye contact. Aish. How could she be this cute?


After this tiring day, I finally got home and slept, waiting for tomorrow to come.




Ehehe E-E-Electric, electric shock.. Packing things.. Aish.. I'm gonna buy books!! My friend told me to get The Hunger Games, so I will.. Ehehehe type type type!! My fingers are hurting!! I've been typing for hours.. Ehehehe but.. NO PAIN, NO GAIN!!! EHEHEHE TILL NEXT WEEK! :D :*

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Ok nvm i will do a short update now. Kekekeke


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Chapter 18: It was getting exciting a hope you dont abandon this great story author-nim ^^
Chapter 14: Amber you sweet cinnamon roll bun
Chapter 8: Omg amber saving and put more points on you
Chapter 5: Amber your life is full of comedy for readers but damn its stressful
Chapter 3: Aww someone help baby amber out lol this kind of remind me of a anime
Chapter 1: Lolsss
mioakiyama18 #7
Chapter 18: This was interesting. I hope you update faster authorniim.
lovekwon #8
Chapter 18: Update....