Operation, Dangerous Boys

My Gangsta Boy

Chapter 16: Operation, Dangerous Boys



A cream colored wall filled with bookshelves and organized files, azure, tiled flooring with no signs of dust, a clean chalkboard and a big window with blue curtains could be seen inside the room.. Few chosen people are invited to go inside this large space, located at the fourth floor of the school building.. Room 401, The Student Council Room. 


Three people started to go inside and found their own seats onto the long table, located in the middle of the almost-empty room.


"SM Academy Dangerous Boys?" A smiling girl asked.


"Yes, the usual. Namely, Kim Taeyeon,  Jung Sooyeon, Choi Sooyoung, Choi Minho, Kim Jonghyun and Lee Jinki." A girl wearing a dark blue necktie as her uniform accessory replied. Must be a junior.


"So, What do you want us to do unnie?" A girl with an icy glare asked.


"I will assign one person for each of the student council members. Each student council member will handle a student in their class. Amber Liu's appearance made my plan go faster, aish. This should be done at least next year but, oh well."


"Uhhh, wait. Three people on the list are my classmates."


"Tiffany, I already asked Sunny and Yuri about this and they agreed to help."


The girl standing in front of the long table, hands out papers to the people inside the room. The people who received the papers started to read what's written on it..



SM Academy Dangerous Boys List


Kim Taeyeon : Class 2-A 

Problems : Poor grades, Violent tendencies, Byuntae, Always staring at butts, even at the cafeteria and cleaning staff's , Cuts classes

Club : Basketball


Jung Sooyeon : Class 2-A

Problems : Poor grades, Violent tendencies, Was the top student before, So-called "Leader" of these dangerous boys, Cuts classes

Club : Soccer


Choi Sooyoung : Class 2-A

Problems : Poor grades, Always eating and sleeping in class, Violent tendencies when hungry, Will beat up anyone for food, Cuts classes

Club : Basketball


Choi Minho : Class 2-B

Problems : No problems in grades, Uncontrollable temper, Violent tendencies, Cuts classes

Club : Basketball


Kim Jonghyun : Class 2-B

Problems : No problems in grades, Loves violence, Shouts a lot, Sings Ring Ding Dong while walking on corridors, Cuts classes

Club : Soccer


Lee Jinki : Class 1-A

Problems : Poor grades, Loves violence, Sings in the middle of classes while sleeping, Rarely goes to school, Cuts classes

Club : Soccer




Liu Amber : Class 1-A

Problems : Grades still unknown, Violent tendencies, Dubbed "Bad- Delinquent" (B.A.D) on his first day of school, Rooftop brawl on his first day

Club : No club yet



"Jung Soojung."


"Y-Yes, Nicole unnie?"


"You're gonna be paired up with the recent addition to the list, which is Mr. Amber Liu."


"But unnie, Lee Jinki is in my class too? Why can't it be him? Or Sooyeon oppa.."


"I already assigned Lee Jinki to Luna. And Sooyeon will be Yuri's business."


"But unnie.."


"No buts."




"Shut up Ssul, you're helping me with him."


"I'll inform the others about their own assignments since everyone couldn't go to the meeting because of club activities.."


"Operation : Dangerous Boys, commence! I will give you the details next week. Please follow all my instructions. Meeting is over."



OHHHH, so this is the reason behind the date.. Ehehehe  I CAN'T WAIT FOR F(X)'s COMEBACK!!! TILL NEXT WEEEEEK BYEEE~~~

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Ok nvm i will do a short update now. Kekekeke


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Chapter 18: It was getting exciting a hope you dont abandon this great story author-nim ^^
Chapter 14: Amber you sweet cinnamon roll bun
Chapter 8: Omg amber saving and put more points on you
Chapter 5: Amber your life is full of comedy for readers but damn its stressful
Chapter 3: Aww someone help baby amber out lol this kind of remind me of a anime
Chapter 1: Lolsss
mioakiyama18 #7
Chapter 18: This was interesting. I hope you update faster authorniim.
lovekwon #8
Chapter 18: Update....