I Don't Have a Phone? Oppa~ Please go to a group date with us~

My Gangsta Boy

Chapter 12: I Don't Have a Phone? Oppa~ Please go to a group date with us~



I unconciously agreed to the girls in front of me. Well, they don't look like bad people trying to steal my kidneys, right? Kekeke. I finished eating my cheesecake and noticed that they were scribbling something in a beige, tissue paper and suddenly, they passed it to me.


"That's our phone numbers. Be sure to save it, oppa~" The tan girl said that to me as she was fixing her hair. Aigoo. Beautiful. Kekeke. I put the tissue paper into my black, Jansport bag to secure it.


"In case you were wondering, you'll go on a group date with the three of us."


"Omo? Group date? And the three of you?" I asked them while ruffling my hair. "Kekeke. Yes, oppa. You see the cashier over there? She's going with us." The petite girl said that as she winked at me then we all laid our eyes at Tiffany, who was diligently working and asking the people for their orders.


"Ahh. So, when is the group date?" I asked them while looking at the table. Kekeke. I can't look at them in the eyes.. I'm.. Shy. Kekeke. Aish. I should stop acting like a girl, what the hell..


"The group date is this saturday, oppa. I'm Lee Sunny, by the way. Nice to meet you." She bowed and made a peace sign with her fingers as she introduced herself.


"That girl behind the cash register is Tiffany and this girl by my side is Yuri." I shifted my eyes towards the tan girl.


"Hello, I'm Kwon Yuri, nice to meet you." She said as she bowed slightly. Kekeke. After the string of unlucky events, luck must be on my side now.. Omo. I need to introduce myself.


"I'm Amber Liu, nice to meet you." I smiled at the two of them as I mimic Yuri's bowing. Ohh. I see. Note to self, I should bow whenever I introduce myself.


"So, oppa. What's your phone number?" Yuri asked me. She was looking kinda shy, her cheeks had a tint of red. Must be blush on? Kekeke. Oh . I don't have a phone.


"I don't have one. I don't really need one since nobody talks to me and I'm sure no one wants to get my contact number." I said while looking dejected. I must look like a sad puppy right now. I don't care.


"Aigoo. You know, I thought Amber oppa was scary. Kekeke. I guess looks could be decieving." Sunny said as she earned a slap to the arm from Yuri. I laughed at her remark. "Kekeke. I always get that, don't worry. I'm used to it."


"You should get yourself a phone and call us immediately." Yuri said as she raised her head and looked at me. "Yeah, that's right. We're from the same school, anyways." Sunny added.


"Omo. Really? We're from the same school? How did you know? And which year are you guys from?" Aish. Here I am again, sounding like a total creeper. 


"Ah. The three of us are sophomores at SM Academy." Yuri stated. "And we knew that you were from the same school cause of the commotion at the cafeteria. Kekeke. You looked cool, actually." Sunny added while giggling. Aigoo~ I wanna pinch her cheeks.


"Omo. So, you're my noonas? I'm a freshman. I just started my 1st day of school this morning, but I got into trouble, as you could see. So I only attended Math class and.... Lunchbreak." I sighed as I told them. To my surprise, they bursted into laughter.






Yuri and Sunny started laughing, while hitting each other's arms. Yuri noona's laugh was.. Unique? She sounded like a total man. Kekeke. I giggled along with them too, while covering my mouth, using my right hand. Wow. I'm laughing at my own misfortune. Kekeke. What a dork. Aish. I could see people looking at us. Probably curious 'cause of the loud laughing.


"Aigoo. Amber is funny." Sunny said as she was wiping her tears from her face. Kekeke. She cried because I only attended one subject and... Breaktime? Kekeke.


"Well, we should get back to working, Tiffany is having a hard time over there." Yuri noona said as she stood up, while helping Sunny to stand.


"Yeah Amber! Remember to send us a message or call us when you get your own phone! Kekeke." Sunny winked at me.


I watch them as they head to Tiffany, helping her with the orders. Yuri went to over to the other cash register while Sunny was the one packing the orders. Aigooo. All of them are cute.. Unlike President Jung who's such a witch. Aish. Just thinking of her makes my blood boil. But.. I have to admit that she looks beautiful~ Omo. What am I saying?


I looked at the cake box and folded it neatly, to fit into my bag. I wanted to keep it~ Kekeke. I took out my pen and put the date onto the box, for remembrance. I put in...


"June 5th~ Tuesday. The day I got my classes suspended and also, the day I met the 3 angels in the cake shop."


I took a closer look at the box and I saw.. Candy Cloud? Kekeke. This must be the name of their cake shop. I knew it, they were angels. I slipped the cardboard box into my bag and grinned like the cheshire cat in Alice in Wonderland. Kekeke. I was so happy that words couldn't express what I was feeling. Is this the feeling of having friends? Kekeke. I like this feeling.


I finally stood up and I called the three of them.


"Yuri noona! Sunny noona! Tiffany noona! Bye~" I waved my hands as hard as I could, like a drowning child in a kiddie pool. Kekeke.


They all looked at me and smiled. After that, they looked at each other and started giggling. Oh . Total dork move again, made by yours truly.


I put my bag to my right shoulder and went out of the shop. Kekeke. I looked up the night sky and smiled. Then I thought to myself...


"Maybe this day isn't that bad at all."


I walked my way to my apartment happily and smiled like an idiot the whole night.





musiclover16 was right! It's SNSD!!

aktf23 ehehe thanks for noticing the unnie parts.. kekeke. i didn't double check my update!


Thanks for reading.. -.- I love detailed stories, if you guys noticed...


That's why I'm trying my best!! Thanks to fmaXp3rt who always help me!! Yes, this young grashopper has grown, thanks to you! Hehehe Eeeeeep!!! I remember how I used to write my stories.. Arghh, the horror.. Hehehe Mental slap slap slap!!!


try adding in some pin-point details- the structure of their face, the position of their body, how the background plays into their character- the specifics. i feel this will help you define situations more. kind of like how you did with the box and shop in general, but even more specific.  <- I will keep this in mind, thanks, fmaXp3rt!! You are the besttt hehehe

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Ok nvm i will do a short update now. Kekekeke


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Chapter 18: It was getting exciting a hope you dont abandon this great story author-nim ^^
Chapter 14: Amber you sweet cinnamon roll bun
Chapter 8: Omg amber saving and put more points on you
Chapter 5: Amber your life is full of comedy for readers but damn its stressful
Chapter 3: Aww someone help baby amber out lol this kind of remind me of a anime
Chapter 1: Lolsss
mioakiyama18 #7
Chapter 18: This was interesting. I hope you update faster authorniim.
lovekwon #8
Chapter 18: Update....