New Day?


---The Next Day---


"I wonder where Qri is. Why would she miss school on a Friday?" HyoMin questioned.

HyoMin and I waited for Qri in the courtyard at the school. The time was edging closer and closer to the beginning of class.

"It's strange. I mean the weekend is right around the corner. Why miss today?"

"Is something wrong?" a voice came from behind me followed by a pair of arms around me.

"Taecyeon, have you seen Qri?" I asked.

"No, I haven't seen her. She's not here yet?" he asked.

"No. We tried calling her, but it goes straight to voicemail." I explained.

"Oh that's peculiar. She could be sick. I think there is something going around. Nichkhun didn't come today either. He does not feel too well.." Chansung cleared up.

"I see. Hope she's not sick." HyoMin worried.

However, then I remembered HyoMin's little situation.

"You know what would be fun? If the three of us and the three of you guys all go out to eat together this weekend." I suggested.

HyoMin shot a look in my direction and I smirked before I continued.

"That sounds like a good idea. I like it." Chansung agreed.

"HyoMin, how about it?" I asked.

"Umm...yeah sure." she agreed.

I was suddenly struck with another idea.

"Hey Taecyeon, follow me I want to show you something." I pulled him away leaving HyoMin and Chansung standing together alone.

"What did you want to show me?" Taecyeon asked interested.

"I'm just trying to see something."

"See what?"

"If HyoMin will talk to Chansung."


"Guys are so dumb. Look distracted." I said and poked his stomach.

"I don't think we should leave Chansung with HyoMin." Taecyeon said.

"Why's that?" I asked curiously.

"He likes her so he's probably shaking in his boots right about now. Completely ting bricks. Though he won't show it. He's too much of a 'gentlemen'." Taecyeon said as he did air quotes.

"HE DOES?! JINJJA?!" I nearly shouted shocked.

"Yeah but don't tell her. Chansung wants to win her over with his own personality so he says."

I still couldn't believe my ears.

"That's why I was sort of glad when you suggested we all go to dinner tomorrow."

'SUGOI!!' I screamed in my head.


EunJung wasn't slick. I know she didn't have anything to show Taecyeon. She was just trying to get me alone with Chansung.


My heart skipped a little as he said my name.


"I think I owe you an apology."

This caught me a little off guard.


"I don't think we left off on the best terms last time we spoke."


"EunJung? She left like an hour and a half ago. She didn't feel well so she went home."

"Ah geuraeyo? Taecyeon's been frantic for a while now."

"Why should he care? Why doesn't he just go cling to Yoona." I sneered.

"Its not even like that. Taecyeon doesn't even like her, he just uses her."

"You think that's better? To use someone?" I sneered.

"It's that exactly. Well thank you anyway HyoMin. I guess I will see you later."

"Yeah." I nodded and walked away.


"Oh, that? Don't worry about it."

"But you were right. Its not right to use people. I was stupid for saying that. Is there anyway I can make it up to you?"

"It's not a big deal. It's nothing to owe me for."

"I would feel better if I made it to you. How about after school I treat you to a cup of coffee. I insist."

'HyoMin! Don't be stupid! Take the offer! He wants to buy you coffee!' I screamed in my head.

"Well it seems you won't take no for an answer, so I guess that's fine."


The bell rang for class.

"I'll see you after school then." I said.

"One second, let me get your number."

We both traded phones and stored our numbers in them.

"Thanks, I will meet you in the courtyard after school." he smiled.

"Okay, that's fine." I replied.


I anxiously waited for HyoMin to arrive in the classroom so I could ask what they talked about.

When she finally walked in she took her seat and turned to face me.

There was a pause for a moment before her face lit as big as I had ever seen it.

"What happened?" I questioned immediately as my face lit up.

"We're going out for coffee after school." she beamed.

"Jjincha?!" I couldn't be any more happy for her.

She nodded.

"Omona! I'm so happy!" I clapped.

We gleefully celebrate until class officialy started.


Where is Qri? And Nichkhun? Hmmm.....

The next two will focus on Taecjung!

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One of the best TaecJung fic I have ever read! Hope you write another TaecJung fanfic. This story is simply captivating <3
benavidezjustine66 #2
Chapter 57: I LOVE THIS STORY VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!
Please write more stories about TAECJUNG Couple.
pioushej #3
Chapter 57: uwa! another eunjung and taecyeon romance! thank u for sharing its amazing captivating and romantic! i love it! omo! cant we make it for real! *lol* i cant find the words to describe what i feel while reading it but simply DAEBAK!!!
Kid_BunnyMushroom-- #4
Chapter 57: Oh gosh~
Finally I read all chapter!
It's awesome!
Please make more Eun-Jung fanfics ^^
.ouw' i Love the ending,,^^
.chingu, i hope you make a fanfic about Eunjung again,,>.<
* just reQuest *^^
Nice story! Thanks for completing it and the happy ending! heh :D
kyokolover #8
Really nice story chingu!
canequita #9
Loved your story sooo much <3 <3 Like I said before its one of my favorites :D