Hatching a Plan

Troublesome Boy

Your POV

It's been weeks since I had started working at the clinic and the boys even found a few jobs...

Ukwon even helps out at the clinic with me, but it maybe because he volunteered to help out to keep my brother at bay.

Everyday after work Ukwon will be waiting for me no matter how much longer I stay than him.

He soon learned that he’ll just stay inside with me and help out.

We’re playing a game waiting for the guys to get home since we all have a bit odd shifts, but luckily none of them get in the way of school. At least I hope so.

“You two have been working so hard lately I feel bad for not paying you,”Dr. Kim tells us.

I shrug as I smile at him, “it’s nothing I’m getting practice in before college so I’m perfectly fine like this.”

He looks at U Kwon who shrugs, “I took this one since her brother would shut up.”

All of us laugh knowing the sad truth that he’s right my brother would have thrown a fit everyday until I caved in or i beat him half to death.

Ukwon and I walk to the house to find the boys asleep on the couch. I look around to see that my brother is still locked inside his room mad at everyone from what we did almost a month ago. I sigh and walk to his door knocking on it annoyed with his childish behavior especially since he shares a room with Zico.

I practically kick the door down after trying to open it to only see he had locked it.

I’m not surprised to see my brother curled up in a ball on top of his covers.

“Seriously, stop being a freaking girl and grow up and get a pair of pants on your boxers are going to fall off.”

He quickly jumps up and wraps his blanket around him like a freaking girl, “What the hell are you doing in here?”

I pick him up by the ear and drag him out, “Now stop acting like a baby and apologize to all of us for being childish for the last month.”

“You guys left me in the shower well it was cold for a good three hours.”

I shrug, “It could have been worse. You know that we all have bad memories at times.”

He looks at me knowing that I’ve had that happen before but our parents had set it to scalding hot and left me in there for a good 8 hours.

Jaehyo’s POV

I feel ashamed of myself for not remembering what my parents had done to my sister.

She grew past that even though I didn’t try to help her she wasn’t mad at me instead she was understanding.

I apologize to everyone and feel a little better but I feel I need to do something for my sister.

I watch as Ukwon watches her with loving eyes. When my sister leaves the room to get dinner ready I tell Ukwon that he should clean some dishes. He simply nods and walks out the kitchen.

“Alright we need to find a way to get those two together?”

“Aren’t you against your sister dating?” Zico asks me.

“I am, but I feel like I need to give my sister a good patch of happiness in her life and I think that getting noticed by someone like U Kwon will help.”

Zico smiles as he throws an arm around my shoulder, “I knew you were growing up a little bit.”

I nod my head as I look towards the kitchen, “How long do you think this idea will take?”

“Not long they like each other we just need them to admit it.”

I look up at them and we start to hatch a plan for the two of them to be together by the end of this month which is only 2 and a half weeks away.

U-Kwon’s POV

I’m so nervous I’m scared that I may ruin this.

I look back from the kitchen sink and dishwasher to see Soya standing so close to me.

I notice how her curves are actually really feminine in the dress she wore to the hospital today to satisfy a small girl’s request.

She looks back at me and smiles softly something that’s a rare sight to see.

I feel like God had given me a present from heaven and for the first time in my life I feel...


My phone rings cutting me from my thoughts.

Your POV

I watch as Ukwon’s face twist into something and disgust and excuses himself from the house.

I watch him walk off confused.


Sorry for the short chapter but i kind of ended up ending it here because I wanted suspense

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Hopefully you continue this story :)
Chapter 25: Omg please update soon ♡♡♡♡
Whimsical_Princess #3
Chapter 24: Omg that cliffhanger T~T
Chapter 24: Update soon, cliffhanger.
ilabya3 #5
mignonly #6
Chapter 24: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ goshh I really love ukwon XD ♥ ♥ ♥
Pls update soon authornim :*
Chapter 23: Your poster is really nice I see what your trying to do and I get it and please update soon I've been waiting for your updates but no rush in doing that
mignonly #8
Chapter 22: So far I really like this story . Pls update soooon ! XD
damagedx #9
Chapter 19: OMG WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME HANGING?!?! kkkkk update soon!!!! >.<
kpopspotlight10 #10
Chapter 18: From... *starts to shake my computer*FROM WHO?!?!?! TELL ME!!!PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!