At the Dorm part1

Little mrs.Bad Boy



Suzy and I look at each other after we saw TOP-ahjusshi standing in the lower bleachers.

“Did he just shout that?” I ask Suzy, with my wide eyes.

“I don’t think…”

“IT’S TOP-OPPA OF BIGBANG!” A girl shouts and point TOP-ahjusshi and hey all ran towards him, squealing like animals escaped from the zoo. TOP-ahjusshi then starts to run away from the court followed by the fan girls.

“I think I’m gonna be crazy because of that ahjusshi.” I said as I my leg collapse on the floor. “He just ruined the game.”

“Don’t worry unnie, at least were leading.” Suzy said and sit next to me tapping my back. “This play really looks deserted.” She said as we look to our surroundings. All the fan girls are out, leaving the referee, the coaches of both school, and some players from both teams.

“15 minutes break!” the referee shouts and went to take a sit.

Suzy and I were still sitting in the center, catching our breaths when four guys came to us, still on their weirdo outfits.

“Annyong haseyo! You must be Ji Eun.” The weird blond guy said and extends his hands to us.

 “Hey.” I said as I inhale-exhale. We grab his arms and he helps us stand. “What did that weird ahjusshi ate and shouts like a freak all of the sudden?”

“He was just worried when those girls suddenly attack you two.” The blond guy said and they all laugh. “Anyway, I’m Daesung; these are GD, Taeyang and Seungri.” They shake my hand and smile.

“Hi. I’m Ji Eun, this is my friend: Suzy.” I said and introduce Suzy.

“Annyong Haseyo oppa!” Suzy said, grinning at them like fan girls.

“We apologize for what Hyung did,” GD-oppa said to me as they laugh silently.

“What’s so funny?” I said, still annoyed.

“Nothing, we just hope that you could forgive hyung from what happened.” Seungri -oppasaid.

The referee blows his whistle and the break is over. We went back to our position since there are still good number of players to finish the game. The four boys went back to their seats and continue watching the game.



We entered the court during the second half of first set. I can’t take my eyes off IU as she spikes the ball back to the opposing team. She’s really good, so as Suzy. We settle on the seats just behind IU’s team bleachers.

“So Hyung, where’s Ji Eun there?” Daesung ask, excited to meet IU.

“#23 of Haesung High School.” I said as I observe her play. “Remember, no stupidity. If there’s a commotion because of us, were dead.”

“Wow! #17 is also good!” Seungri said and clap his hand. “See that? She’s really blow that one!”

“That’s Suzy, IU’s friend.” I replied. I view the score; they were leading by two points.

After a few minutes, the buzzer came ending the 1st set. The players went to their bleachers. I get my phone and speed dial IU’s number. IU is already at her seat when her phone rings.

Where are you ahjusshi?”she asks when she answer the phone. I could hear from the other line that she’s still catching her breath.

“I’m right behind you.”I said to her and she stand to look around. She passes us in the lower bleacher and went to look at the upper bleachers.

“Where the heck is right behind you means?”She ask again, trying to look for me. I wave until she sees me. She made a face as if curious at the same time disgusted. She looks behind her back, she might think I’m waving at someone behind her.

“YAH! I’m waving at you kid!”I yell at her over the phone.

“You’re one of the overdress weirdoes that look like ert?” She asks with round eyes as she looks at us.

“That’s us. FYI: we’re not erts.”I said, the rest of the guys then waves and smile at her. With that, her eyes grew even wider which makes her cuter. The buzzer then buzzes again, signaling for the second set.

“I’m off now. I’ll catch you later.”She said, showing me that she hang the phone and wave at us.


“That was her?” Daesung ask again, I can feel he’ grinning. “Woah! Hyung! She’s prettier in person!”

“I know right?” I simply replied and continue to watch the game.

I check on IU and Suzy’s spot. It looks like the two girls on the opposing team and Suzy are having a girl fight. IU pulls Suzy away and they start the game again. The game now got intense all of the sudden, the ball keeps coming to IU and Suzy but they manage to score even then.

“What’s with those two? Are they some sort of a target?” GD said trying to observe the game. The crowd grew louder and louder as if the only players of the game were these four. The referee whistle for a time out, the score was already 7-4. The players went back to their perspective bleachers when all of the sudden, one of the girls pulls Suzy’s hair.

“Do you see that?” GD exclaims and all of us stand to look what’s happening. All of the sudden, I see IU being pull by the other girl.

“TIME OUT! TIME OUT!” The referee yell and the other players were trying to stop the commotion. I got intense and worried on IU.

“Hyung! What should we do?” Taeyang ask. He, Daesung and Seungri suddenly went hysterical. I just stand and look what’s happening. “YAH! HYUNG! YOU’RE WIFE’S IN TROUBLE!”  Taeyang yell at me and suddenly I move forward, taking my disguise off.

“TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF AWAY FROM MY WIFE!” I suddenly shout to the crowd. Suddenly, the noise went out and all of them are looking at me. When I mean everyone, it’s EVERY ONE. I saw IU and Suzy looking at each other and then look at me. I could feel IU’s stare, the death glare. I look at GD and the rest; they were sitting down, all looking at me with their disguise on. GD was pointing down and saw my disguise on the floor. “DAMN!”

““IT’S TOP-OPPA OF BIGBANG!” I hear a girl shouts from nowhere.


Everything went to fast forward, I suddenly see myself running away from the gym with a bunch of fan girls behind me. I speed away to the parking lot and went inside my car. I put the engine to life and speed away from the school. I run along the road, still looking from the side mirrors if there still fan girls following me. It took about almost an hour when I see not a single fan girl following me. I saw an empty park near and went to park my car. I get my phone from my pocket and dial GD’s number.


“Hyung! Where are you?” GD asks from the other line. I’m still catching my breath when I answer.

“On an empty park. Did the game finished?” I ask as I look at my surrounding.

“Yeah. IU’s team won. We’re heading to the dorm with them.” GD said. “Daesung wants to cook for them as a peace offering.”

“Okay. I’ll see you there. Is IU okay?” I ask, thinking if she okay from what the girl did to her and Suzy earlier.

“She’s fine, just a few bruises, nothing serious. She’s as strong as a tiger.” GD said, laughing. I hear IU’s yelling in the background. I then, laugh.

“What about Suzy?” I also ask about her.

“Same as well, few bruises but she’s fine too. Seungri here went hysterical.” GD said and Seungri yell at him in the background.

“Arasso. I’ll see you at the dorm.” I said and hang the phone.

I start the engine again and speed away. Maybe I should buy a peace offering for IU, I thought as I drive. I dial IU’s mom number and call her. I ask her what IU favorite cake is and went to the bakery.



“Were here!” GD said as he open their dorm door. “Come inside.”

Suzy and I went inside with the rest of the BigBang. We look around the living room. It was clean to be a boy’s dorm. There were lots of plaques and trophies on the right side. We put our duffle on the floor and went to the couch. I called my mom, saying that I’m at the Bigbang’s dorm and I’ll be going home later.

“I’ll get the first aid kit.” Seungri-oppa said and disappears.

“What do you ladies want to eat?” Daesung-oppa said as he appears with an apron.

“Anything that’s edible.” I smile at him. “Suzy and I eat almost anything.”

“Okay. I’ll then start cooking.” He said and disappears.

Taeyang-oppa gets the remote on the coffee table and turns the TV on. GD-oppa disappears and came back with a towel.

“You girls wipe your sweat.” GD-oppa said and handed us some face towel. “If you want to take a bath, the bathroom is on the left side near Hyung’s room.”

“I’ll go first unnie?” Suzy asks me and I nod. She then gets her duffle and disappears. Just as she disappears, Seungri-oppa came back with the first aid kit.

“Where’s Suzy?” Seungri asks as he looks at me.

“She went to take a shower.” I said and lounge on the couch. “Wait until that freak ahjusshi comes back. I’m gonna kill him.” I muttered as I exhale.

Taeyang-oppa, GD-oppa and Seungri-oppa laughs.

“Why do you hate hyung so much?” Taeyang asks me.

“Because he’s a ert.” I said and I look at them. My eyes went wide when I saw them staring at me.

“He’s  ...a ert?” Seungri-oppa asks me, dropping the first aid kit.

“From the fanfics I’m reading.Yes.” I simply said and touch my neck. “Ouch! My body hurts.” After 10 minutes, Suzy was done. I went to the bathroom and take a bath. After few minutes, I’m done and head to the living room were Seungri finished medicating Suzy.

“You’re turn kiddo.” Seungri-oppa said and starts putting some ointment on my face. After that, Suzy and I feel sleepy. There was no guest room in their dorm, GD show me TOP-ahjusshi’s room where I can rest and Suzy’s on Seungri-oppa’s room since the other members’ room are still messy.

“Try touching Suzy, I’ll swear I’ll smash your face.” I told the four of them.

“Relax, IU. We’re not going to do anything to you guys or else Hyung will kill us.” Taeyang-oppa said and they all laugh about it.

I went to TOP-ahjusshi’s room and put my duffle on the floor. I look around his room and saw many posters and gifts from fans on the left side of the bed. I look over his wall beside the door and saw some pictures. I then stop on one shot when I saw some pictures of me. There were varieties of pictures of me; some were from cosplay events, volleyball games and a lot more. I even saw a picture of a baby with a fat kid holding it. This picture looks familiar, I thought. After looking around the room, I then settle myself in the bed and sleep.



I bought a black forest cake as a peace offering to IU. I went back to the dorm and park the car on the parking lot. I went up the dorm building and walk towards our room. When I open the door, I saw Taeyang and Seungri in the living room watching TV.

“I’m home.” I said and went inside. “Where are Daesung and GD?”

“Kitchen.” The two replied in unison as their eyes were still on TV. Taeyang then look at me and saw a box I’m holding.

“Hyung, what’s that?” Taeyang said, pointing the box.

“Peace Offering.” I said, smiling and went to the kitchen. GD was helping Daesung in cooking when I came in.

“Hey Hyung.” Daesung and GD greet me and look at the box. “What’s in it?” Daesung asks while cooking.

“Peace offering to IU, it’s a cake.” I said and put it on the fridge. “No one touches it until I said so.” The two of them then nod. “Where are they?”

“Suzy’s at Seungri’s room, taking a nap. IU’s on your room, also sleeping.” GD grin at me and went back chopping.

“My room?” I ask and look at him.

“She’s your wife. That’s okay, right?” GD said as hhe continues chopping.

I went to the bedroom hall and open my room. GD said she’s sleeping here? Where is that kid? I ask myself as I see no one in my bed. I went inside my room and see that pillows were scattered in the floor and in the bed, the bed sheet not’s there. I walk to the other side and saw IU sleeping peacefully in the floor. I went to her and carry her back in bed. This kid is heavy to be this petite, I thought as I carry her. I arrange the pillows and put her down, I then cover her with sheets. I take off my disguise suite and shirt, I then went to my closet and grab my towel and went out. I go to the bathroom and take a shower.



I wake up and stretch my body while I’m still lying. I rise and rub my eyes; I then look the surrounding and notice someone coming out from the dress room. It was TOP-ahjusshi, wearing only a towel on his waist. He was rubbing his hair and when I look at him head to toe.




What do you think of this chapter?.. quite lame? I know! LOL xD

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Chapter 22: Hi! Just read your story and I love it! I hope you get to finish it because its really good! I love IU and this is quite interesting since most people pair her with GD or Taeyang. To think that you started it 2012. I just got interested in Kpop after watching Dream High and IU. Hope you can still remember this story. Thank you and looking forward to your updates after all the years since you stopped. Please....
Chapter 15: Looooveee the car scene!! The feeels!! ❤️❤️❤️
nindyakesuma #3
Annyong authornim !!
just found this story, Jieun and TOP ? Waw,, I'm so excited,kkk
I'm so curious about the next chapter. I hope you'll update soon. Authornim, fighting!! ^^
MrsMaruchan #4
Chapter 22: Omg just found about this and I FELL IN LOVE, this is just too cute for words , good job author nim , please update x)
Chapter 22: finally updatee
Chapter 15: Gosh I finally found this story.never fail to make me this story
Dhanaletta #7
Chapter 21: Wooah... I just found this story and i like it..xD
Please put one more tag on the tag fields author-nim... IUSINGER
Cause many of IU fans (like me..xD) read on that tag..
Chapter 21: I've been waiting >.<
Kyaahh, I want to see what'll TOP's and Wooyoung's reaction when they meet!!!