asking a ert..

Little mrs.Bad Boy



“What do you mean you’re getting married next week?” Suzy yell at me and close my locker. We were in the hallway. I was getting my books when I told her the news.

“YAH! Can’t you keep your voice down?” I shout at her and look at the surroundings. “It’s a long story and you won’t understand it.”

“Then make it short.” Suzy said as she cross her arms. “Try me.”

So, I told her everything about the whole arrange marriage thing. About how my grandfather made a promise with his best friend in the marine that they’ll their first grandchildren marry each other.

“I find it romantic.” Suzy said and flash a sweet smile at me. “So, you met him already then? What is he like?”

“You don’t wanna know.” I said as we walk to our classroom.

“Come on! Tell me what he is like. Is he cute? How old is he and if he has a brother that you can pair me with.” Suzy said excitedly.

“Apparently, he doesn’t have any siblings since he’s the only son. And if you’re thinking that he’s also the same age us me, I’m sorry to say but his an Ahjusshi.” I said as we take our seats. Suzy settle on her seat in front at me and then look at me.

“Is he in college already?” She asks again and I shook my head. “Then, how old is he?”

“26.” I said shortly and look at him.

“He’s OLD?” Suzy yell again and I cover his mouth.

“How many times do I need to tell you not to yell?” I shot an eye at her and take my hands off .

“I’m sorry unnie. It’s just that--- why would someone wants to marry such an old guy?” Suzy said and look at me. I made a ‘what-do-you-think’ stare at her. “Right, because of arrange marriage.” She said and scratches her back. “So, what’s his name?”

“Ahh.. Choi Seung Hyun.” I answered.

“Choi Seung Hyun. Hmmm.. His name is the same as bigbang’s TOP. You’re worst fan fic enemy.” Suzy said as if trying to analyze something. “Right! Hey unnie.”

“What is it?” I asks as I start to get my notebook and sketch something.

“You told me last night you had dinner with TOP of bigbang.” She said and I stop sketching.

“So?” I nervously ask and look at her.

“Well, how did you two end up eating together?” Suzy asks and stares at me. I’m about to answer when she speaks again. “Unless..”

“Unless what?” I nervously asks again and look at me.

“You’re marrying TOP?!?” Suzy whispers at me.


“Hyung, how was the engagement dinner last night?” Seungri asks me as I pop in the kitchen.

“Well, interesting.” I said as I snatch some food from the food counter.

“How interesting is interesting?” he asks me again.

“Well, it’s like confiscating a toy car to a four-year old kid.” I told them and take my seat on the table.

“Tell us everything that happened last night.” GD said to me as he take his seat next to me.



“This Sunday?” IU yell again in the table.

“Stop yelling IU.” Her mom said as she try to calm IU.

“But that so soon! It’s like three days before judgment day!” IU said and slouch on her seat. “Plus, we have a game this Sunday and there’s no way I’m not going there.”

I silently laugh in my seat as I look at IU.

“What are you looking at Ahjusshi?” she told me and I stop laughing.

“Ahjusshi?” I said in disbelief. “My fans call me oppa and you came to call me ahjusshi?”

“Well, you’re like a gazillion years older than me. Plus, I’m not your fan.” She shrugged.

“I’m 26. I’m just older by 8 years.” I said and smile at her.

“Still an ahjusshi.” She said and cross her arms to her chest.

“IU! Where’s you manners?” Her dad scolds her and looks at me. “I’m sorry Seung Hyun, IU is a very sweet girl. I don't understand why is she acting like this.

“It’s alright uncle. IU is just shock from what just happened.” I said and his dad sigh in relief. “Though, I would agree on IU. Sunday is just too soon for us to get married. Plus, im quite busy on that day.”

“If that’s the case? When will you want to have it? You’re grandfather wants you to marry each other not later that the end of the month.

“Not later than the end of the month? That’s next week!” IU shouts again. I glare at her and she keeps quiet. “Sorry.”

“We’ll have the wedding next week.” I said to them. “For the rest of the days before the wedding, we’ll have it as a time to get to know each other.” I look at IU who just shrugged in her seat.

*End of Flashback*

“So, you’re really doing it Hyung?” Daesung asks me as we eat our breakfast.

“Yeah.” I said as I take another bite of my food. “Why?”

“You’re not leaving us aren’t you?” he asks again and I laugh.

“If you’re worrying about that, stop it. I’m not leaving the group even I’m married.” I said as we continue eating.


After eating, we went to do our stuff. We went to practice our danced steps in the practice room and later record for our comeback. It was already 5pm when we ended.  I went to get my things and change.

“We’ll be going to the mall today. Want to come?” GD invites me after I change my clothes.

“I can’t. I’ll be fetching IU from school today.” I said as I get my bag.

“Ohh, so now you’re dating each other?” GD smirks when he said that.

“We’re just getting to know each other.” I said and smile at them. “I’ll see you guys at the dorm later.”


*IU’s POV*

Where is that old man?, I thought and look at the phone. He haven’t texted or call me yet. We just ended our volleyball practice ten minutes ago, Suzy just done changing and went to me as I still check my phone.

“He hasn’t called you yet?” Suzy said and I shook my head.

“Ne, not even a text. He told me last night that he’ll fetch me after my practice.” I said as we walked off the gym.

“So, you’re okay with the arrange marriage already?” She asks me and I just smile at her.

“As if I have a choice. We’ve agreed to get to know each other for now.” I replied. We were already in the gate when my phone rings.

                “Yoboseyo?” I answered my phone as I look at Suzy.

                “It’s me. I’m already at your school. Where are you?” TOP asks me in the other line.

                “At the gate.” I simply said and try to look at the road. “Where are you?”

                “I’m coming. Just wait there.” He said and he hang up.


“Was that him already?” Suzy asks me and I nod.

“Ne, he must be around the corner.” I said, smiling at her. Just after ten seconds, a black Porsche stop in front of us. The mirror went down and I saw TOP smiling and waving at us. Suzy and I went near the car door and look at him.

“WOW! You’re cuter in person!” Suzy said cheerfully at him and squeal like a fan girl.

 “Thank you.” TOP said and looks at me. “You must be IU’s best friend.”

“Ne, Suzy-imnida!” Suzy continue to squeal like a fan girl. She then looks at me. “I’ll see you tomorrow unnie!”

“Okay. Bye Suzy. I’m sorry if I can’t go home with you today.” I said and look at Suzy.

“It’s okay unnie.” Suzy smiles at me and open the car door. “You go inside! Don’t keep your fiancé waiting.” Suzy said and push me inside. I close the door and put on my seat belt. I smile at Suzy and the car then starts to run.


“Out you’re duffle at the back.” TOP said as he drives. “I put my bag at the back and settle myself again in front.

“Ahjusshi, where are we going?” I asked as I look at the views on my side.

“I don’t know yet, where do you want to go?” Top said as he take a glimpse on me.

“Well, I’m hungry.” I said and look at him.

“What do you want to eat?” He asks me again.

“Ramen.” I said and looks back at the road side.


We went to a ramen shop and order. We were eating at the same time talking and exchange information about each other. As we continue eating, I stare at him. He stops eating when he notices that I’m staring at him.

“What are you staring at?” He asks me and he eats his ramen.

“I’m just wondering what a ert person looks like when eating.” I said and he suddenly spill his ramen. “Aish! Can’t you eat properly?”

“What?” He said and looks at me. “You think I’m a ert?” He asks and look at me.

“Aren’t you one?” I asks and start eating my food again.

“No, I’m not.” He said an look intently on me. “Do I look like one?”

“From the fan fictions I’m reading, yes.” I said and smile at him. "Besides, when did a ert confess he's a ert?"

“You’re too obsessed with those fan fictions, and I assume you’re favorite ert characters then is me.” He said and continues eating his food.

“Bingo! And I hate you for that.” I said and look at the window.

“You’re crazy.” He said and chuckle.

"How's life being a ert?" I asks him while chewing my food.

“I don't know, I never been one." He smiles at me as he chew his food. "Anyway, what time’s your game this Sunday?” He asks me.

“The elimination will starts at 1pm. We’re playing on the 3rd game. Around 2pm, I guess. Why?” I look at him.

“The CF ends in 1pm, me and the other members wants to watch you play.” He said and smirks.

“And make a commotion from the game? No way!” I said and shook my head.

“You’re just telling that because you don’t want to be embarrass when you’re fiancé watch it.” He said and continue to chuckle.

“If there’s gonna be a commotion because of you, I’ll swear I’ll torn you apart. Got that old man?” I said and point my chopstick on him.

“I’ll take that as a yes then.” He said and he continues eating.


After eating, he then drops me off to our house. Shindong-oppa was outside when we got there. Oppa invited him inside for dinner. We went inside were mom is waiting. TOP-ahjusshi andShindong-oppa keep on talking while I keep on eating.

“I finally get to meet the famous TOP of bigbang.” Shindong-oppa said and smile at TOP-ahjusshi.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you too hyung.” TOP-ahjusshi said to Shindong and smile at him.

“So, you just met my ever dearest cute little sister. I hope you’re not tortured.” Oppa said and chuckles. “He kind of hates you because of her being a fanfic monster.”

“OPPA!” I higher my voice calling his attention. “Zip it!”

“Arasso.” Oppa said, still laughing. “He gets really pissed when you’re character doing stupid things like forcing a character to do something, doing ert stuffs and drools like an obsessed stalker.”

“OPPA!” I yell and bang my hand on the table.

“JiEun! Stop that. You’re in the middle of dinner.” My dad scolds me and I look down. TOP-ahjusshi just laugh and continue eating.

After the dinner, he bid goodbye to my parents and oppa  and I usher him out of the house.

“I’m going now.” He said to me as we went out. “Tell your mom thanks for the dinner.”

“Sure. Now shooo.” I said as I push him towards his car.

“You’re excited to see me go?” He said, chuckling as he turn around and look at me.

“Very much. “ I said as I continue to push him. He went to his car and open the door.

“Hey IU...” He called me and I look at him.

“What is it ahjusshi?” I asked as I look at him.

“Fan fictions are just fictions. Writers makes their own characters, and just because a person is ert in the story doesn’t mean he’s ert in real life.” He said as he went inside.

“Are you trying to defend yourself?” I said and lean on look at him through his car window.

“No, I’m saying that because you’re too obsessed with it.” He said and laughs.

“Whatever.” I said and turn my back from him. “You go ahead and scram.”


*fast track: Sunday*

We were already at the school gym where the third elimination round of the inter-school volleyball tournament. We went to the perspective bleachers while waiting for the 2nd game to finish.

“So, is TOP-oppa going to watch our game?” Suzy asks as we settle in the bleachers.

“He told me he’ll be watching with the rest of the bigbang but I doubt that they’ll really be coming.” I said as we watch the 2nd game.

“Why? Are they busy today?” Suzy asks me again.

“They’re filming a CF, that’s what he said.” I said.”Hey, you’re too concern. He’s my mortal enemy.” I reminded him.

“I know, but it looks like you two get along together. “ She said, smiling at me.

“That’s what you think.” I said and stand up. “Come on. The second game is almost done, let’s do warm up.”


We do some warm ups before our game. After the court ready for the third game, we start practicing some spikes until the game proper starts. As Suzy and I settle on our positions inside the court, we hear our opponents talking about TOP.

“Haven’t you heard the news already? TOP-oppa is getting married!” The girl in #16 jersey said to #2.

“Really? Who’s the girl?” #2 asks #16.

“I don’t have any idea. The news said it was confidential and they won’t give any information about the girl.” #16 said. “I envy her, from all the girls in the world; she got the chance with TOP-oppa.”

“Well, is she that cute or pretty to be TOP-oppa’s wife? Tsch. I bet I’m prettier than her.She can’t marry that social climber” #2 said in total confidence.

“I can’t believe people nowadays speak too full about themselves.” Suzy said, referring to the girl.

“Excuse me, are you eavesdropping on us?” #2 said to Suzy.

“Why? Are you that affected?” Suzy said and make a fake yawn.

“If I’m not mistaken, you’re like the many girls drool over TOP-oppa too. Tsch. You’re not even prettier than me.” #2 said and shot a glare on Suzy.

“That’s because I don’t go down to your level. Besides, compare to you and TOP-oppa’s fiancé, she’s way prettier and humble than someone who feels full upon themselves and thinks low on others.” Suzy said as she shots a look on #2 girl.

“And what do you know about her, little miss eavesdropper?” #16 said, defending #2.

“Suzy, stop it. Let’s get to our places. The game’s about to start.” I said as I pull Suzy back in her place.

“And little miss I-save-the-day comes out. Another TOP-oppa’s wannabe then?” #2 said and both #2 and #16 laughs at me.

I shot a glare at them, “I just hate minding business of other people business. Oh yeah, even if you’re TOP-oppa will marry other girl aside from the girl she’s marrying, I doubt that it’s going to be either of you.”

“And you say that because?” #16 looks at me as if I’m a talking nonsense.

“Like what you said, He’s not marrying a social climber.” I said and turn my back on them.

The game then starts and because of the fight Suzy just had earlier, the game got intense. #2 and #16 keeps on taking us two as targets. Luckily, we manage to score even they’re giving us a hard time. We beat them in the first set with 5 points ahead from them. We had a break when my phone rings.

Where are you ahjusshi?” I said as I answered my phone.

“I’m right behind you.”TOP-ahjusshi said. I turn around and try to find a tall, buff guy in the crowd and failed to see any except for a bunch of overdress weirdoes in lower bleachers.

“Where the heck is right behind you means?”I ask still eyeing the old guy. I was about to look on the upper bleachers again when I saw someone waving at me. Was that weirdo waving at me or someone behind me? I look at my back but I don’t see no one.

“YAH! I’m waving at you kid!”TOP-ahjusshi said.

“You’re one of the overdress weirdoes that look like ert?” I said, still looking at the overdress weirdoes.

“That’s us. FYI: we’re not erts.” He said and suddenly all of them waves at me.

“I’m off now. I’ll catch you later.” I said as I hung up my phone and go back to the court.


“Who are you waving at?” Suzy asks me as I went back to my spot.

“Just the ahjusshi I know.” I said and position myself.

“I didn’t know that little miss i-save-the-world has weird fans.” #2 said as and laughs with #16.

“At least they’re fans unlike yours who are more like animals.” Suzy said.

“YAH! Are you calling me an animal?” #2 yell at Suzy. Suzy didn’t mind her since the game starts.

If the 1st set was intense, this is like intense #7. The two girls we’re like beasts that got out from their cages and try to beat Suzy. Still, we manage to be ahead of them by 3 points. The score was then 7-4 and we got a time-out. We we’re about to go to our bleachers when #2 and #16 went for Suzy. Suzy yell as the two girls pull her hair. I ran to Suzy and pull one of them. I pull #16 away then she shift to grab my hair instead.

“TIME OUT! TIME OUT!” The referee yell and the other players were trying to stop us. The girls won’t stop hurting us when someone suddenly shouts.

“TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF AWAY FROM MY WIFE!” Some guy shouts and all of us stop. Suzy and I follow the gaze of my people and saw TOP-ahjusshi standing in the lower bleachers. 



UPDATE! :)) LONG CHAPTER, i know..

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Chapter 22: Hi! Just read your story and I love it! I hope you get to finish it because its really good! I love IU and this is quite interesting since most people pair her with GD or Taeyang. To think that you started it 2012. I just got interested in Kpop after watching Dream High and IU. Hope you can still remember this story. Thank you and looking forward to your updates after all the years since you stopped. Please....
Chapter 15: Looooveee the car scene!! The feeels!! ❤️❤️❤️
nindyakesuma #3
Annyong authornim !!
just found this story, Jieun and TOP ? Waw,, I'm so excited,kkk
I'm so curious about the next chapter. I hope you'll update soon. Authornim, fighting!! ^^
MrsMaruchan #4
Chapter 22: Omg just found about this and I FELL IN LOVE, this is just too cute for words , good job author nim , please update x)
Chapter 22: finally updatee
Chapter 15: Gosh I finally found this story.never fail to make me this story
Dhanaletta #7
Chapter 21: Wooah... I just found this story and i like it..xD
Please put one more tag on the tag fields author-nim... IUSINGER
Cause many of IU fans (like me..xD) read on that tag..
Chapter 21: I've been waiting >.<
Kyaahh, I want to see what'll TOP's and Wooyoung's reaction when they meet!!!