Birthday Surprise!

Little mrs.Bad Boy


WHAT THE F***! I wake up very early just to prepare this cake and he just it and went back to sleepy? Is this guy crazy or what?

“YAH! WAKE UP YOU STUPID ERT AHJUSSHI!” I yell as I slap his shoulder with my left hand while my right hand keep on balancing the cake. “YAH! Don’t you have any plans just by saying ‘thank you’ for the very least?” He just shrugged and pull the covers to his head. “FINE! GO CELEBRATE WITH THE EELS YOUR BIRTHDAY YOU ERTED FREAK!”

I went out from the room and dump the cake straight to the trash bin. Who needs a cake when the one celebrating it don’t have any effort in appreciating the gift? Psch! Let him celebrate on his own!  I get my towel and uniform from our room and went to the bathroom. It’s better to let myself be busy to be early in school rather than staying here. I had a quick bath and change my clothes. I cook food that is enough for me and unnie, I didn’t bother to cook for the freak since he’s not hungry after what he did in the cake. I left a note to her saying not to give a single piece of food to ahjusshi, if he wants food he makes one!

After I prepare myself for school and unnie’s food, I look at the cake. I work hard for that freaking cake just to give that ert ahjusshi a surprise! My anger from the scene earlier hit me; I get the cake from the kitchen counter and dump it straight to the garbage can. ‘Call me freak or weirdo in dumping the cake ahjusshi, but I’m not anymore little miss nice girl. That’s where you belong.’ I yell at the cake and went out from the unit.



I woke up due to the never bounce in the bed, must be Ji Eun.

“YAH! Stop jumping little brat! You’re disturbing my sleep!” I yell as I keep my head rest on the soft pillow.

“SHUT THE CRAP! Wake up you lazy tower!” I hear a familiar voice yell from my behind and immediately I get up and see my sister jumping nonstop in our bed.

“I’m up alright. Get down from the bed.” I said as I stand up.

“What happened to Ji Eun’s surprise earlier that you are forbidden to eat breakfast?” Noona asked me as she stops jumping in the bed.

“What do you mean I’m forbidden?” I asked as I get my phone from the coffee table near the bed.

“It’s the note in the table and I just saw the cake in the trash bin. You must really piss her big time.” She said as she cross her arms. “You know what; if I hear my little donsaeng-in-law got hurt because of your doing, even if you’re my little brother I’m gonna rip your neck off.” She said and left the room.

I got dumfounded on what she just said to me when I remember the incident this morning.

                                Sengil chukahamnida~Sengil chukahamnida~!

                                Sarang hanuen Ahjusshi!

                                Sengil chukahamnida!

After remembering the lines that Ji Eun sang, I realize what I did.

                “What do you want Ji?” I asked as I hug the pillow in my side

“Time to celebrate someone’s birthday!” She happily said I can hear her walks towards me.

“Yeah.yeah.yeah.” I just said and quickly blow the candles and went back to sleep.

“Aish! Why did I even do that?” I said and scratch the back of my neck while walking towards the kitchen. I saw the note in the side of the table.

                Do not give any food that I cooked to ahjusshi. If he’s hungry, that’s his problem.

“What did you do to deserve that punishment?” Noona asked as she takes a spoonful of her food. “Answer me.”

I told her the whole story on what happened earlier: how she sang happy birthday to me and me being a jerk to just blow the flame of the candle and went back to sleep. Noona’s eyes widen and ran to go back to the trash bin, she told me to come over and let me take a look at the cake. I feel guilty after seeing the cake and getting hit nonstop by my sister.

“Look what you have done! Aish! You better clean up this mess or you can’t go home.” Noona said and I turn to look at her, confused.

“How am I supposed to do that? I’m supposed to be the birthday boy!” I whine like a baby. It’s not a good view, I know but I need to do knowing the wrath of my sister.

“CHOI SEUNG HYUN! Stop this nonsense and start planning on something! I’m warning you, try pissing and making my little Ji Eun angry, I’m gonna throw you out from this house before this day end! Get your out of here and start planning you giant dwerp!” Noona yell at me and dashed out from the kitchen.

“This is not the reality I wanted.” I exhaled in frustration and went to the bathroom.


After having a fresh shower and clothed, I went out from the unit and went to the Bigbang’s Dorm. When I got there, I was welcomed by confetti’s and a tarpaulin saying ‘Happy Birthday T.O.P’. They let me proceed to the kitchen where the food is. Just as I sit down and after singing happy birthday to me, we began to eat. I happily eat our breakfast nonstop and just stop when Daesung handed me a box. I look at the box and to him.

“It’s from us. I hope you like it hyung.” Daesung said and continue eating after I get the box and open it. It was a pink camera, one is digital and the other is a DSLR. I look at them, and thank them.

“But seriously, pink?” I asked, showing the two cameras at them.

“Since you like pink.” Seungri said smiling at me.

“You take it anywhere. The digital camera is for you and the DSLR is for Ji Eun.” Taeyang said, grinning while eating.

“Why is it that little brat gets the cool stuff than me?” I asked with my poker face on. It’s my freaking birthday and they’re giving a gift to that brat?

“Considered as a late wedding gift hyung.” It was GD who said it. “You know how much we love you right? But let’s face it, Ji Eun capture waaaaay great shots compare to you. She’s a pro and deserves that DSLR.”

“So your saying since I’m a loser, I get to have a digital camera than a polaroid or a DSLR?” I sarcastically said and put the gift in beside my food. “Sheeez! Thanks man.”

“Don’t be stubborn there. Be happy that you get to celebrate it with your wife!” Daesung said and my face suddenly fell after mentioning ‘wife’ to me. “Don’t be sad hyung! To make it better, our fans mailed a lot of presents for you hyung! It’s on your room!” Daesung said but still I remain on that expression.

“What’s your problem hyung?” Taeyang asked as he looks at me. “Something wrong?”

“your beloved donsaeng who happens to be my wife is mad at me.” I said and continue eating.

“WHAT????” They all yell in unison.

“Sheeez! Cut the crap will you? I’m trying to eat here!” I said and stare at them before I continue eating.

“What happened?” “Did you piss her off?” “Where is she?” “Were you being a jerk?” They asked different questions at the same time.

“She woke up very early this morning to make a cake for me. She sang happy birthday and wake me up. Being a complete idiotic fool that I am, I just went up and blow the candle and sleep again.” I said and continue to eat.

“How inconsiderate of you hyung.” Taeyang muttered in a poker face.

“Such a jerk to do that. Psch! What will happen if your fans found out about that?” Daesung said after hearing Taeyang.

“Loser.” Was all Seungri said and still eyes on me.

“Up and get out from this dorm.” It was GD who said it. Seriously? Even my best friend wants me out of the house!

“YAH! Why? Can’t you see I’m eating? Just because you’re the leader, you can order me what to do. I’m your hyung Jiyong!” I said and I continue to eat my food.

“Stop eating! You just broke our little donsaeng’s heart!” Daesung said and get my plate.

“YAH! I’m eating that!” I yell but fail since Taeyang in.

“Continue eating after thinking of a plan to make our little Ji Eun happy again.” Taeyang said with a smile.


“A surprise party? For her?” I yell as I break away from the circle. “Is it quite too out of the line? I’m the one who’s having a birthday here!”

“Yah! Will you put it down hyung? It’s irritating in my ears!” Seungri said as he rubs his left ears.

“Don’t YAH! YAH! YAH! Me you dimwit! I’m older than any of you!” I yell again and stand up when GD pull me down.

“Will you listen first hyung?” GD said as I slam my back in the floor. “If we’re not mistaken, Ji Eun was SUPPOSED to GIVE  YOU a PARTY or if not, A SURPRISE ONE but since you BLEW IT AWAY, there will be no more SURPRISE PARTY for her dear AHJUSSHI~.” GD said as he emphasizes some important words in which I think I need to reflect to.

“You should be lucky since were helping you. Remember, were doing this since you pissed off our little Ji Eun.” Taeyang said as he cross his arms.

“YAH! Since when did that little brat became your ‘little Ji Eun’?” I asked as I point my finger at him.

“Since we meet her and officially became Mrs. Choi Seung Hyun.” Taeyang stuck his tongue out as the other four nods in agreement.

“Now let’s plan.” Daesung said with cheering voice.


*IU’s POV*

“Noona, are you okay?” Youngmin asked as I get my things in the locker.

“Neh.” I smile at him and shut my locker door. “Aren’t you supposed to go in class?”

“Neh. But since I saw you, let’s go to class together.” Youngmin said flashing a smile and we start walking. “Noona, can I asked you something?”

“Hmm? What is it Youngminnie?” I asked, while walking straight to class.

“It’s TOP-hyung’s birthday today right?” Youngmin asked while smiling at me. I just give him a smile and walks in class.

Later during lunch, Suzy came to me and I am a hundred percent sure that she will be asking the same thing.

“UNNIE!” Suzy happily call me as she taps my shoulder. She placed her food in my table.

“What is it Suzy?” I muttered as I look at her. I open my lunch box and start eating.

“It’s ahjusshi-oppa’s birthday today! What did you give him?” She asked as she placed both of her hands in her chin.

“Nothing.” I simply said and continue eating.

“Meanie! Why? It’s your husb---“ Before she continue, I put my palm in to cover it and gave her a glare. Once I’m sure that she won’t say any word again that’s related to marriage, I let go off her hand. “Sorry. As I was saying, why won’t you give him any gift? It’s his birthday?”

I look at her and went back to attend my food. “YAH! Come on! Say it you little cosplayer unnie!”

“Fine!” I said without looking at her. “I made a birthday cake for him this morning.”

“Really? That’s so sweet? Did you sing for him?” I nod as a sign of yes. “Did he like it?” I just shook my shoulder. “What do you mean?”

“I dump the cake in the trash bin before he could.” I said and look at her. “Start eating.”

“Psch! But why?” Suzy asked, now eating her food. “I mean, why did you do that?”

“He just blew those freaking candles and went back to sleep.” I muttered in silence and continue eating.

After hearing it, I guess Suzy now understand what I’m implying and decided to eat her food. After that, she just smile at me, “Don’t worry unnie. Ahjusshi-oppa might just be tired to notice the pretty cake that you made. Don’t mind it.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t give a damn for it. I have other things to do today than think of that ert ahjusshi.” I said and give a small smile to Suzy.

“Likeeeeeee?” Suzy asked, anticipating for any good news.

“Like being cupid this afternoon.” I said smiling. “Jiyeon-unnie is here.”


“What are we doing here IU?” Myungsoo-oppa asked as we eat our pretty cakes in angel café.

“Today is your lucky day!” I said happily. “You’ll have a blind date today.”

“Really? But I---,” Before he could say anything, Suzy in.

“You can’t say no oppa. You made a promise already that there will be no appointments today.” Suzy said as she eat our cakes. Suzy and I are sharing since I’m getting hyper with too much sweets.

“But I made a promise with a friend of mine. We’ll meet today.” Myungsoo-oppa said as he drink his juice.

“What makes that friend of yours very important than my unnie?” I asked.

“Let’s just say that I really like this girl since day one and I’ve been waiting to meet her again since she’s back at Korea.” Myungsoo-oppa said with a gleam in his eyes.

“Your bad. I can’t believe we set you up with unnie if you already have someone in your heart.” I said, faking a cry.

“Don’t be sad Suzy-sshi.” Myungsoo-oppa said as he ruffles my hair. “Let’s just wait for results.”

I look at the time and I’m assured that Jiyeon-unnie is here. “It’s already time, she’ll be here in 5..”

“I need to go to the washroom” Myungsoo-oppa said but Suzy held his hand.


Just then, the entrance door open giving the bell in there a sound. We look at the door and sees Jiyeon-unnie looking for someone, and that someone is me.

“Unnie!” I yell and wave my hand.

“There you are! Listen, donsaeng, I can’t be here long. I’m meeting a friend-----“ Just then in the middle of Jiyeon-unnie’s talking, she stops and look at us. We follow her gaze and sees she’s looking at Myungsoo. “Myungie?”

“Ji.. jiyeon?” Myungsoo-oppa shuttered which makes Suzy and I look at each other and smirk.

“Ehem. Unnie, I believe that there would be no more introduction since it’s obvious that the two of you know each other.” I said with a grin plastered on my face. Without second thoughts, I pull unnie to seat beside me.

“You two know each other?” Unnie asked as she looks at me and Myungsoo.

“Youngmin got sick during school dance, he’s the proxy.” I said with a smile.

It turns out, Unnie and Myungsoo-oppa were supposed to meet at the park after this blindate. She was the one that Myungsoo-oppa mentions earlier that he wanted to meet. After five minutes of listening to their weird stories, Suzy and I decided to leave them. We went to Hongdae and decided to go food tripping.

“Won’t you go home? It’s already 6:30pm.” Suzy asked as she looks at her watch.

“Not yet. I’m still in the middle of enjoying my food here.” I happily said and finish my food. “Let’s eat Patbigsoo after this! My treat!” I happily said and Suzy just look at me.

“Did ahjusshi-oppa give you a lot of allowance today since you keep on treating me?” Suzy asked, confused and look at me.

“He was still sleeping when I’m about to go to school earlier. He just told me to get a hundred bucks in his wallet and scram.



“Ahjusshi, I’m going to school now. Can I get my allowance for today?” I said as I push him.

He gets his wallet from the coffee table and handed it to me. “EH? What’s this?”

“ You get a hundred bucks and scram.” He said and drifts off to sleep.



“You’re so lucky.” Suzy said and I just grin.

 After eating, we decided to head home. We were in the cake shop when Daesung-oppa called me. He said he’ll be fetching me since ahjusshi is still at the YG building. After the call, Suzy gave me a cake that she just buy.

“what’s this?” I asked as I look at the box and her.

“It’s for ahjusshi-oppa. It’s my birthday present for him.” Suzy said as I took it. “Anyways, I need to go now. Where will GD-oppa wait for you?”  She asked as we get out from the cake shop.

“She’ll be here around this …” Just then, a car stops in our front and the door window slides open. “Ji Eun? Suzy?”

“..time?” I said and look at the person. “Daesung-oppa?” I muttered and we look at the guy in the car. It really is him.

“The two of you, get in the car now.” He said and we immediately get inside his car.

“What’s with the rush?” I asked as we look at Daesung oppa in tux. “Are you going to a party or something fancy?”

“Maybe late for a date with a hot model or pretty celebrity?” Suzy muttered as we keep our eyes glue on him.

"I thought GD-oppa will fetch me?"

“Nothing much. We’re going somewhere.”  Daesung oppa said with a grin as he speed off.


“What’s with the blindfold?” I asked as Suzy, Daesung-oppa and I were walking on the stairs that is never ending. “What’s with the stairs? We’ve been stepping on it for century already.”

“We’re walking in a certain place called the fire exit.” Suzy said as she holds my hand while I take the steps one at a time.

“Seriously? What kind of 50-storey building that doesn’t have an elevator?” I sarcastically said as Suzy continue to lead me.

“Just keep quiet and trust us." Daesung-oppa said as he taps my shoulders. “You won’t regret it, we promise.”

“We? So, Suzy is part of the plan now?” I said in a higher tone but Daesung-oppa cut it off by placing his hands on my mouth.

“Stop the yelling and keep on moving.” I hear Daesung-oppa said and release his hands.


“You can take off your blindfolds now!” Suzy happily yell and with a snap, I found myself opening my eyes. Daesung-oppa takes the blindfold out and all I could see is the dark sky, lights and confetti and other decorations. I look around and found that we were at the rooftop.

“What the heck are we doing here?” I asked as I turn around when all of the sudden I hear noises from my back. When I turn around, I see bigbang, Hye Yoon-unnie, Shindong-oppa, Nari-unnie and Jiyeon-unnie. “What are you guys doing here?”

“We are here to happily assist you in your date with the birthday boy.” Shindong-oppa said and all of them bow, even Suzy and Daseung-oppa.

“Se..seriously?” I muttered as I look all of them. They’ll be our assistance? But I don’t see ahjusshi. “Where’s ahjusshi?”

With that, all of them move aside and reveal ahjusshi who’s wearing a black tux and move towards me. Rather being the usual sarcastic self, I was left stunned on his presence which is quite new to me.


I could feel my heart beating not on the usual rate as before. It was quite louder for me and faster. Ahjusshi look at me and pull out his hands as he stops in front of me.

“May I my pretty little wife to the center table?” He asked and all I could do was just nod.

We walk together towards the round table that was perfectly decorated while the rest of the people in the scene were standing to our sides. When we got there, Ahjusshi pulled out the chair for me and I take my seat. Seconds later, he is already sitting in front of me. Shindong-oppa and Nari-unnie came to us and lay down the food beside us.  It was mouth-watering seeing different kinds of food in the side. Shindong-oppa then open a bottle of …COKE?

“Seriously? COKE?” I asked and look at both of them.

“I won’t allow you to drink any liquid with alcoholic content even if it’s only 0.01%” He said and signaled oppa to pour the drink on my glass. We happily ate the food in the table. Ahjusshi was just looking at me as I happily ate almost everything in the table. After eating, Ahjusshi stands up and went beside me.

“What?” I looked at him and he pull out his hands again. I hold on to it and stand up. He put my both of my hands around his neck then settle his hands around my waist.

“What’s with all of this?” I asked as I glance around and saw the rest of bigbang singing in front of us.

“Just an apology of what happened this morning. I was too tired---,” He starts to say but I cut him off.

“And mad because you think I forgot my husband’s birthday?” I smirked and look at his reaction. He blushed! “Caught! Your blushing!”

“YAH! Stop that okay? And yes, I was mad because I really have thought you don’t have any idea.” Ahjusshi said and poke my forehead. “Meanie.”

“Hey! Even though I hate you because of your characters on those fanfiction, that doesn’t mean I would neglect my husband’s birthday.” I smile at him.

“Thank you Ji Eun.. thank you for being the perfect little brat that I need.” Ahjusshi said and hug me.

I suddenly feel happy about it and hug him tighter. “Johaeyo ahujusshi.. Happy Birthday.”



Just updated you!!

Sorry for the late update! :( But don't worry, it's longer! :)))

A chapter that was supposed to be intended to TABI's bIRTHDEEEEE!


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Chapter 22: Hi! Just read your story and I love it! I hope you get to finish it because its really good! I love IU and this is quite interesting since most people pair her with GD or Taeyang. To think that you started it 2012. I just got interested in Kpop after watching Dream High and IU. Hope you can still remember this story. Thank you and looking forward to your updates after all the years since you stopped. Please....
Chapter 15: Looooveee the car scene!! The feeels!! ❤️❤️❤️
nindyakesuma #3
Annyong authornim !!
just found this story, Jieun and TOP ? Waw,, I'm so excited,kkk
I'm so curious about the next chapter. I hope you'll update soon. Authornim, fighting!! ^^
MrsMaruchan #4
Chapter 22: Omg just found about this and I FELL IN LOVE, this is just too cute for words , good job author nim , please update x)
Chapter 22: finally updatee
Chapter 15: Gosh I finally found this story.never fail to make me this story
Dhanaletta #7
Chapter 21: Wooah... I just found this story and i like it..xD
Please put one more tag on the tag fields author-nim... IUSINGER
Cause many of IU fans (like me..xD) read on that tag..
Chapter 21: I've been waiting >.<
Kyaahh, I want to see what'll TOP's and Wooyoung's reaction when they meet!!!