Chapter 14

Crossing the Lines

“I’m going to tell them to leave or at least get themselves another table far away from ours,” Bosco snipped loudly to their group and since Raymond and Kenneth were literally right next to them, heard as well.  He pushed his chair back to get up but Charmaine stopped him.

“Why?  It’s a free country,” she said casually.  “Besides we shouldn’t let those people affect us in any way.”

Bosco grudgingly sat back down, all the while his eyes glared at Raymond and Kenneth.

“Yes, listen to your Madame,” Raymond said softly, his lips curled in an arrogant grin.

“There’s Ma Sir,” Natalie said and they all turned to see Steven striding towards them with a bright smile.

“Hi everyone,” Steven said, “Sorry for being late.”

With Raymond and Kenneth forgotten, Bosco chuckled, “You’re just on time.  We saved you the best seat.”  He gestured at the empty chair on the other side of Charmaine.  “Right next to the guest of honor.”

“Uh-thanks,” Steven murmured lowering his head quickly to hide his flushed face and sat down beside her.  He fumbled in his coat and pulled out a small box then pushed it across the table towards her.  “This is for you.  Happy Birthday.”

Charmaine gently picked up the box, her eyes shining happily at him, “Can I open it now?”

With all eyes on him,  Steven gulped and shyly said, “Sure.  I hope you like it.”

Charmaine unwrapped the paper carefully and opened the box.  Inside was a small keychain in the shape of a Christmas tree.  Crystals in vibrant colors were set in the tree making it sparkle as if lit.  “It’s beautiful,” she said with awe, having never seen anything so elegant and exquisite.  “Thank you.”

Looking at her fondly, Steven said, “You once told me that Christmas is your favorite time of the year and that you wished every day was Christmas.  So I had this made for you and hope that by carrying this with you every day will be Christmas for you.”

“Can I have a look at it,” Natalie asked eagerly from beside Bosco, craning her head for a better view.

“Sure,” Charmaine said and handed it to her.

Examining the small extricate item, Natalie was also impressed by its quality and the rainbow of colors, “It’s really beautiful Ma Sir.  Do you think I can have one made too?”

Bosco nudged her on the arm and giggled, “I think you should ask your boyfriend that.  Steven had this especially made for Charmaine, unless you’re thinking about taking Charmaine’s place.”

“Bosco!” Charmaine said with embarrassment.  She gave him a glare and hissed, “Stop playing around.”

Raymond who had been quietly listening to their conversation felt annoyed for some unknown reason by this Ma Sir, who obviously, even to him, has a crush on Madame Sheh.  Out of the corner of his eyes, he found himself watching Madame Sheh and her response to the gift irritated the hell out of him.  It was only a stupid keychain.  The way she looked and acted was as if he gave her a platter of gold or a 4 carat diamond.  He switched the direction of his eyes to Ma Sir and raked him from head to toe with contempt.  There wasn’t anything special about the guy except that he was a cop just like her.  Raymond wondered why she would even like someone so plain like this Ma Sir.  He sort of expected her boyfriend to be something more, someone who could energize a room just by being there, someone who was as headstrong and daring as she and definitely not this shy, awkward man who can’t even look at her without blushing.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Kenneth whispered when he saw the scowl on Raymond’s face.  He glanced in the direction where Raymond was looking at, “You have something against that Ma Sir?”

Raymond turned to Kenneth and asked lightly, “No, why do you think that?”

Kenneth shrugged and replied, “You were glaring at him as if he’s your enemy.”

“I was?” Raymond asked innocently.  “I didn’t even know I was doing that.”

“Charmaine,” Bosco said excitedly with a mischievous grin on his face, “How are you going to thank Ma Sir for his thoughtful gift?”

“How about with a kiss,” Matthew suggested loudly and the entire table clapped in agreement.

Steven looked at Charmaine and seeing the slight smile on her face, turned even redder.  “No, no, she already said thank you.  That’s more than enough for me.”  At that moment, Charmaine leaned towards him and planted a soft kiss on his cheek.  Steven was dumbstruck by the unexpected kiss and looked at her with surprise registered on his face.  When he saw her smiling shyly in return, he gave her a pleased smile then hesitantly took her hand in his.  When she didn’t pull away his smile broaden.

“Woo hoo,” Bosco cheered.  “Waiter, another round of beers for us.  Let’s drink to Charmaine’s birthday and to the happy couple.”

Raymond slammed his fist on the table and stood up abruptly causing his chair to topple over.  Jolted by the sudden loud noise, the officers turned as one to look at him with open curiosity.  He narrowed his eyes at Charmaine, who was looking at him with disdain, and without a word stalked out of the restaurant with a puzzled Kenneth running after him.

“What’s with him,” Bosco said staring after the two.

Charmaine had already turned her attention back to her own table said, “Bosco, we should mind our own business.  As long as they don’t bother us or break any laws, we should just leave them alone.”

“You’re right,” Bosco agreed then ordered more beers.

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great fic, thank you!
HottestVIPSone #2
Chapter 46: Yayyyy! Love this pairing so muchhhh! Thanks for writing! <3
Chapter 1: Ooooh! I love TVB stories, please make more!
seems interesting
LillacEmerald #5
You are an amazing writer, I love this story
sightsounds #6
absolutely splendid! While waiting for an update on your current story I decided to take a peek at this one. You, my dear, are a fantastic writer! I admire how unique this plot is and it didn't take me long to get addicted to it. Great story from a great writer!
charray #7
I really love reading this story, I've been reading it for 3 times already, you're really awesome Simcom! We love Charray!!!
luvcharray4ever #8
what is the best way to wrap up the story. I have to say your writing is getting to the peak. Love this ending so much and ofcourse our charray momment alwsys sweet. Thanks for your time, I'm so happy to find a great writter like you and specially we ae share the same love for Charray just I can write as good as you. I like this new ending way very much. Really love your fanfiction and much more enjoying Charray momment. Thanks Simcon.
simcon888 #9
All, thanks for your suppport! I have started on a new fanfiction about our lovely Charray. It's called "The Unconscionable Bet." I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do in writing it. Happy reading!
mewmew #10
Hi Simcon, thanks for another enjoyable story, your stories just get better an better, this one being my favorite. You have outstanding writing skills, very creative and detailed oriented, which makes it easy for readers like me get into the story ;) Looking forward to your new story, it nice to know that we have a strong supporter of Charray who continues to write geat stories :)<br />
Nice ending to the story, happy that Charmaine was alright and that she is soon to be Mrs. Lam. Love how Raymond wanted to be there for Charmaine at all times, her very own knight and shining armor.