First Day

Voice Of My Heart


Time passed really quickly, and it was already the day where school is starting for you.

When you told your older siblings you got into university and photography course, they were happy for you, really happy for you.

You swear you saw a hint of frustration on your mother's face when you kept saying how happy you was to be in that major.

Of course, because all along, she only wanted you to follow her footsteps, a lawyer. 

"You can be Infinite's photographer if you're good.", Woohyun placed his arm over your shoulder and gave it a little squeeze.

You finally got to meet him after about what, 2 weeks?

"No, she'll come to the company I'm working at and work as a photographer.", Boohyun argued.

"I'm not even sure if photography is what I'm going to be working with in the future.", you looked at them.

"What?", your mother suddenly said.

"If you're not planning to do any work related to taking those crappy photographs, why are you wasting your time studying it?"

"Dear.", your father tried to calm her down.

"If you didn't know, photography has been my life, mother."

"You can't earn big bucks with that, honey."

"Mom, life isn't about earning big bucks."

"It is-", she was about to continue but your father stopped her.

"Let's just stop here, shall we? We're supposed to be celebrating."

You looked at your parents before letting out a sigh, *She just doesn't understand.*


Grabbing onto the strap of your bag tight, you looked at the map trying to look for the lecture theatre you're having your lesson at.

You've always had good sense of direction and yup, you found your way in less than 5 minutes.

The theatre was pretty empty, with just a few students here and there.

"Just take a seat anywhere you like, Miss….", a man with glasses looked at you.

"Inyoung. Nam Inyoung."

He looked back at a piece of paper and scanned through it before stopping at a name, "Yes, Inyoung-sshi. Welcome!"

You gave him a little smile before walking up the stairs.

You even counted the number of rows there was before taking a seat at the middle row.

10 minutes later, more students came rushing in and the theatre was almost filled up.

"Alright then, let's get started shall we.", the man said before darkening the lights.

He started to introduce himself, the things he liked, where he graduated from and how many kids he has.

He was a pretty humorous man for a lecturer, you thought.

Just then, someone plopped down at the seat beside yours, and you could hear the person panting.

Slowly, you turned and saw a guy with shades on and his bangs being a little messy.

"Am I very late?", he suddenly asked.

"I guess not. He's still talking about himself."

After placing his belongings on the floor, he laid back in the comfy chair and saw how you were still staring at him.

"Do you really still have to wear that here though?", you pointed to his face.

"Hmm?", he tilted his head a little, "Oh right, the sunglasses."

He then removed it and few gasps could be heard from behind and the sides. 

"Omo, isn't that…"

"I'm sure it's him!"

"I can't believe I'm in the same class as him!"

"I wish he was sitting here instead though."

You then looked at his face and you clearly knew who he was before turning your head back to the front.


The lesson ended in an hour or so, some students left the theatre but probably half.

No, more than half of them stayed behind so they could get a chance to talk to, get a signature or even a photograph with this idol classmate.

"Excuse me.", you took your bags and squeezed through the screaming fangirls.

The idol took a last look at you before turning back to the fans with his killer smile.

You slowly walked out of the theatre before taking a stroll down the big corridors and recognizing the places in the campus.

"Aren't you lonely?", a voice said from not far away.

You stopped in your steps and saw the same guy with his shades back on.

"And I thought I would have company in the class, how dare you left me alone.", he walked towards you.

"I didn't wanted to get squashed by your fans though. And you had my company, I sat beside you for the past one hour."

The two of you walked to the back of the campus and took a seat at one of the empty benches available.

"Are you sure you're allow to be seen here? Aren't you supposed to like run back into the van to hide yourself from the fans in the campus?", you asked him and he just laughed.

"Silly girl.", he ruffled your hair, "I have to wait for Yeol-hyung."

"Right. I almost forgot he studies here too.", and you watched the guy take off his sunglasses.

"Miss my handsome face too much that you're staring right through my soul?", he place them on the table and looked at you.

"Nope, not a bit.", you answered and he gave you a flick on the forehead, "Just wondering how you managed to run out of the theatre."

"I screamed Woohyun-hyung, and they all turned to the back. So I took my chance to run."

"Good job, good job. I guess I taught you well on how to run away.", you gave me a wide smile.

"You're just like your brother."

"And I know you love us both."

"Well, welcome back though! Hyung never stopped complaining to us about how much he misses you."

"I know. He told me that you almost punched him too when you got too annoyed." you raised a brow at him, "Do you not miss me?"

He let out a cough, "Of course I missed you! You're our favorite dongsaeng ever."

"Right, of course I'll believe you."

"Inyoung!!! Myungsoo!!", someone shouted and came running.

"Be careful, choding. Before you fall flat on your face.", you laughed and Myungsoo gave you a high-five.

"Oh shut it. And stop calling me choding! I'm your oppa for god's sake.", he threw his books on the table and sat beside Myungsoo.

"You know she only calls Boohyun and Woohyun oppa."

"Just once, Inyoung. Once?", Sungyeol moved forward.

You too, moved forward and pushed his head, "Never."

"Yah, Nam Inyoung.", he stood up.

"Oh well, look at the time. I have to go now. See you guys soon!", you quickly grabbed your bags and ran off before Sungyeol could chase after you.

"Sit down already, she's gone.", Myungsoo grabbed Sungyeol back in his seat.

"She really likes getting on my nerves."

"And you really like her.", Myungsoo smirked as he took a sip of water from his bottle.

"I-i do not!", Sungyeol protested with a slightly blushed face.




So right now, your classmate is Myungsoo aka L, or whatever you guys prefer calling him.

And can you roughly guess who your love interest in this fic will be yet? :D

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2 chapters updated for you guys :D


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/cries silently :< ahah
Sungyeol knows what he said right ?? Did he mean it ??
I hope he did :)
Update soon :D
Heheheheeheheheeheehe :) Sungjongiieee :)
Update sooon :) If only the love will dongwoo or sungjong :)
Hope Sungyeol prove to me that he will be next Hyunbin :)
'My' favourite course is photography, is my love interest with Myungsoo ??? *whispering*
Update soon :D
Please update really soon.. Your stories are really interesting and really easy to get into to read!
Can't wait till your next update!
Update soon though. Your story is interesting :)