
Voice Of My Heart


I hope you guys listen to this as you read this chapter!! 



After much hardwork, Sungyeol earned enough money to get a pretty decent apartment.

On the day he gotten the keys and paper work done, he drove to your house to asked you to move in with him.

"What about my parents?"

They came down the stairs together, "You're all grown up now, Inyoung. We won't keep you here if you want to move."

"See? Your parents approves us too. What do you say?"

Sungyeol was holding to your hands before giving them a little squeeze which made you smile.

And that was the answer to his question.

"Give me a few days to pack."


The two of you settled in pretty quickly.

The neighbours were all really nice and complimented how adorable you two were.

"Newly wed?", one of the ahjumma asked.

You objected quickly with waving hands, "We're just-"

"We're still madly in love, ahjumma.", Sungyeol intertwined his fingers with yours as he brought your hand up to kiss the back of it.

The ahjumma smiled and said as she walks into her apartment, "Do remember to invite us to your wedding when the time comes, young man."

When you two got back into the apartment, you crashed on the couch with Sungyeol following your actions.

He had his arm over your shoulders and pulled your closer to him.

"We finally get to spend some quality time together in peace, huh."

"What are you talking about? Are you saying the time that we spent weren't quality time?"

"Without disturbance."

You took a glance of the apartment, "It's great here. You chose a good place."

"I know how you said you wanted a little balcony that oversees the city. When I went apartment hopping, the balcony there caught my eye."

"You bought this just so I could see the scenery?"

He slightly nodded, "And the manager told us if we wanted to move out of the dorm, we could now."


"Dongwoo and Myungsoo can have more space. They always have so much stuff that the room gets messy. I hate messy."

You then rested your head on his shoulder, "Thanks for this."

"Anything for you.", he leaves a peck on your head.

Just as Sungyeol was enjoying the moment, you got up and he laid flat on the couch.

"Time for some grocery shopping. Come on.", you held out your hand and waited for him to stand up.

"Way to ruin the moment, Inyoung.", he took your hand anyways and stood up while ruffling your hair.


"Please come again!", the teenager at the counter gave you two a little bow.

"Let's hurry back to make dinner, I'm starving."

"Who's cooking?", you questioned.

"What do you mean who's cooking? It's you, of course!"

"What do you mean of course? Scissors, paper, stone."

"You're going down."

And Sungyeol ended up losing to you, he didn't even win at all.

"You at games. I thought you were the gamer."

"You just got lucky."

"Whatever you say. Now hurry, I'm starving."

You went behind Sungyeol and pushed him from the back all the way back to the apartment.


A week later, while the two of you were having dinner.

You were looking through the mails as you held the spoon near your mouth.


"Hmm?", eyes not leaving the mails and flyers.

"I have something to give you."

"What is it?"

Sungyeol then pulled the mails and flyers away from you.

"Listen, okay?"

He got all serious, and you placed your spoon down in the bowl before listening to him attentively. 

"Well, it's been some time since we've been together. I know we both argue now and then but in the end we still back to how we are, right?"

You nodded to his words.

"And I know I have flaws. I'm not the perfect ideal man that you always dreamt of wanting to have since you were young."

That made you chuckled and Sungyeol gave you a look, "Sorry, continue."

"You know I love you a lot, right? Much more than I love coffee."

"You do?"

"I know how you hated me for having such a bad habit, so I've cut down my supply of coffee now. I only drink it once a week, or even less."

"I'm proud of you!"

Sungyeol then held your hand and slipped something onto your finger.


"It's a promise ring. I know there's so much more that I need to do before I can get you a wedding ring. Scratch that, an engagement ring. But I promise, Nam Inyoung. I promise you that I will work so much harder from now on so that I can replace that with another ring."

Then, you hugged him over the counter, feeling touched.

"This is more than enough."

You pulled back a few moments later and looked him in the eyes, "Thank you."

He continued to hold onto your hand, "I don't want to lose you."





The story is proceeding faster than I thought cause I didn't want it to turn out all draggy.

Sorry for the lack of updates! :/




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2 chapters updated for you guys :D


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/cries silently :< ahah
Sungyeol knows what he said right ?? Did he mean it ??
I hope he did :)
Update soon :D
Heheheheeheheheeheehe :) Sungjongiieee :)
Update sooon :) If only the love will dongwoo or sungjong :)
Hope Sungyeol prove to me that he will be next Hyunbin :)
'My' favourite course is photography, is my love interest with Myungsoo ??? *whispering*
Update soon :D
Please update really soon.. Your stories are really interesting and really easy to get into to read!
Can't wait till your next update!
Update soon though. Your story is interesting :)