
Voice Of My Heart


"You're here?"

The girl nodded as he felt her hand on his cheek.

"I missed you. So much. Are you finally back to me now?"

Suddenly, the girl got up and headed for the door.

Sungyeol got up from the couch and tried chasing after her but his legs couldn't move.

It was like they got stuck to the ground.


His eyes shot open and he realized it was already morning.

Has he been sleeping on the couch for the entire day?

There was a blanket over him and he swore he couldn't have gotten it himself.

Someone was here, she was here, Inyoung was here.

But where was she?

Sungyeol walked over to the door to see only his shoes there.

He then went around the apartment to see if Inyoung might left anything.

That's when he saw a note on the coffee table, below a bottle of banana milk.


"Before you start panicking like you always do, I came.

 And, I heard what you said on the radio.

 It was really brave of you, yeol. 

 I never would have thought you doing something like that in the past, but I guess times have changed, huh?

 Sungyeol, you have to know what kind of person you've made me become ever since we met again.

 Getting away from the hell hole in the states.

 You helped me get me back on my feet, do you remember?

 You're the person I can never be thankful enough for. 

 You. You're the voice of my heart.

 You know me inside out.

 When someone asks me something uncomfortable, you'll always be there to help me, save me.

 But I guess it's time to start for me to be independent, eh?"


Till there, Sungyeol's tears were threatened to spill.

"Independent? No.", he continued reading.


"Two years.

 Please don't come looking for me in these two years.

 I will be living by myself, and maybe a little help by my parents, and Boohyun-oppa. Maybe Woohyun-oppa.

 We'll be graduating from university by the end of this year, right?

 I hope I will be there to see you say that speech but I'm sorry.

 I will be gone even before the graduating ceremony, yeol.

 And, I need these two years to think if we should continue.

 You know it's not easy to forgive someone, right?

 So I really hope you'll give me this time to think about what's best for both of us.

 And if you find someone you love during these two years, I wouldn't get mad at you.

 This is my last present for you.

 Please stop drinking those americano, it's bad for your health.

 Drink what I like best.

 And I hope you'll remember me.




".", he grabbed his phone that was on the couch and called Inyoung.

No answer.

He called Woohyun next, "Hyung!"

"Before you start asking me where Inyoung is, I don't know. My parents aren't even telling me , and Boohyun-hyung too."

Sungyeol started sobbing, "Sungyeol, I. We're coming over."

In five minutes, Infinite was opening the door to his apartment.

Sungjong ran in and hugged Sungyeol, "I'm sorry, hyung."

Sungyeol held onto his dongsaeng and cried on his shoulder while the other members just looked at them.

They felt sorry for him.

Doing everything to get Inyoung back but all she left was a note asking him not to look for her.

That was the first time they've ever seen Sungyeol so depressed over someone.

Someone he will love forever. 













"Yah! Lee Sungjong!"

They tackled the youngest once they stepped into the practice room.

"How dare you make fun of your hyungs in public like that? Have you not tasted Sunggyu-hyung's punches before?"


That was how they were before as trainee, and now.

"Come on, come on. Stop fooling around, you guys have a comeback next week. Time to practice."

Their manager walked in the room with boxes of food and the seven hungry men rushed to the table.

"What do you think you guys are doing?"


"After you're done dancing for 20 times, let's go. Practice!"

"Yes, hyung!!!!"


They were having one of those monthly barbecue parties on the roof.

"Here.", Woohyun passed a can of beer to Sungyeol which he accepted.

"Thanks, hyung."

"The stars are all out tonight, aren't they?"

"Yeah, it's pretty.



"Did you ever missed Inyoung?"

Woohyun looked at Sungyeol who was still staring at the sky and smiled.

"Of course. She's my only dongsaeng, someone precious to me. How would I never?"

"Did you ever try contacting her though?"

"I'll be lying if I said I didn't. But when my parents found out, they stopped me. They told me it was all for Inyoung's good. She didn't want disturbance, at all. Not even from me, her favorite oppa."

"I guess Boohyun-hyung has taken that space then.", Sungyeol joked.

"How about you? Ever tried contacting her?"

"I respect her. If she said I shouldn't try finding her for two years, I won't. I'm that kind of a man, hyung."

"You've grown, yeol. Matured."

"It's been, two years after all."

"Guys! What are you two doing there alone? Come and eat before- Dongwoo! You can't eat all those alone! You have to share, aish! Get back here!", the leader screamed.

Sungyeol stood up and pulled Woohyun along with him.

Before they went back to the group, Woohyun held Sungyeol back.

"If I have any news, anything, you'll be the first to know. I promise."

Sungyeol smiled, "You better keep that promise."
















"Where's Boohyun hyung's restaurant at again? I'm at the mall."

"It's at Level 2. Just try finding it, if you don't, just give the restaurant a call."

"Alright. Thanks, hyung!"

With that, Sungyeol hung up his call with Woohyun and continued looking for the restaurant.

He smiled when he saw the familiar sign board and stepped forward but stopped when he saw someone familiar walking out of the restaurant.

"Thanks for the meal, Boohyun-oppa.", she gave the older man a tight hug before turning on her heels and walked towards the escalator.

But came to a halt when she sees Sungyeol.

"Yeol?", was all she could whisper when she sees him standing there with no expression.

She took steps forward and finally stopped in front of him, "Sungyeol?"

He looked at the girl before him, "Inyoung? Are you really here?"

Inyoung smiled and gave a nod, "I'm back."

Sungyeol moved his hand slowly towards her then her hair, "It's really you."

They're both staring at each other when Inyoung noticed something falling down on Sungyeol's face slowly.

"Please don't cry, I'm here now. I'm never leaving again, I promise.", she held onto his hand tight before hugging him.

When Sungyeol stopped crying, Inyoung pulled back, "Let's go somewhere and talk."


"You look good."

Inyoung looked at Sungyeol who was smiling at her, and she blushed.

"Do I? I guess these two years did me good."

"You look healthier, and prettier too."

"Thank you."

When their drinks arrived, Inyoung took a sip then coughed.

"Are you ready to hear what I've been doing these two years?"

Sungyeol eagerly nodded like a little kid.


"After I left your apartment, I went home and packed my things. And I checked in to one of the local rehabilitation, for self-hurt. 

 You know how I've been cutting myself and stuff like that? It was getting out of control to the point where my parents didn't know what to do with me anymore, y'know. 

 It wasn't until the day where Myungsoo came to talk me about it, and Woohyun-oppa too. I couldn't do this anymore, I couldn't hurt my loved ones anymore.

 My parents knew nothing about it when I left. I left them a letter in my room, and the telephone number to the centre. And when they called, you have no idea how happy I was.

 To hear their voices again, and telling me how proud they were with my choice. I went through a lot of council sessions with the doctors, professors, everyone. 

 I told them everything I've gone through since birth, including people that I love. I guess the sessions really made me a better person, a wider mindset.


 When I left the place, I actually cried because every single one of them that I've met there were genuinely willing to help me. To make my worries go away.

 Remember how I said I wanted to be independent in the letter? I found a apartment once I got out, and moved in with Haeyoung.

 My parents were objecting the idea of me not living with them at first but I guess they did wanna let me try something new.

 Anyway, please don't blame Woohyun-oppa for not telling you anything because he really didn't know a thing.

 I begged my parents and Boohyun-oppa to keep shut about me because I know how easily distracted he'll get and idols can't be easily distracted, right?

 You're the first one out of the guys I've met after these two years."


Sungyeol was speechless, he didn't know if he should comfort her or tell her how much he misses her or,

He just reached his hand over and took Inyoung's hand, "I'm always here for you, you know that right? Woohyun-hyung, Myungsoo, your parents, Boohyun-hyung, everyone."

Inyoung looked at their intertwined hands then gave Sungyeol's hand a tight squeeze, "I know now. I'm sorry it took this long for me to realize that."

Sungyeol shook his head, "Nothing is ever too late." 

The two left the cafe awhile after, "Should we give the guys a surprise?"


"Let's go to the dance studio, you guys should be preparing for a comeback, right?"

"Actually, I want to see your parents. I haven't officially met them."

"My parents? If you say so."

Before they left the mall, Inyoung went to the bathroom and excused herself.

Sungyeol took out his phone and quickly send a text to Woohyun.


/Are you ready? - Sungyeol/


He smiled as he kept his phone.


"You're smiley throughout our entire trip back.", Inyoung eyed Sungyeol who is now swinging their hands.

"I'm happy that you're back, that's all."

"Hmm. Ah, we're here!"

They stood outside the house, "It's been some time, hasn't it?"

Inyoung nodded then pushed Sungyeol to the front door, "You can have the honors of opening the door."

"Wait, why?"

"Just do it!", and she gave her a push through the unlocked door.


The party poppers were popped right in Sungyeol's face.

"Sungyeol?! Where's Inyoung?"

"Right here. What's going on?"

"INYOUNG!!!!!!!", the guys pushed Sungyeol aside and hugged Inyoung one by one.

"Wow, thanks for pushing me aside."

"Thanks for bringing her back, Sungyeol.", a hand rested on his shoulder, Woohyun.

"You're most welcome, hyung. Thank you for being able to get everybody here last minute. You must have done a lot of begging to the hyungs."

"Maybe, just maybe."

Sungyeol looked at everyone present in the room until his eyes landed on a stranger who was sitting on the couch talking to their parents.

"Hyung,", he nudged Woohyun who were talking to Sunggyu.


"Who's that?", he nodded his head towards the stranger and Woohyun looked at him.

"I'm not sure either. He was here when we came, you should ask Inyoung."

Sungyeol then went over to Inyoung who was talking to Myungsoo and Sungjong.

"Sorry but I'm borrowing her for a bit.", and pulled Inyoung aside.

"Hyung!!!!", the maknaes complaint.

"What is it?"

"Who's that?", he pointed at the stranger.

"Oh, Yongguk-oppa?"

"Oppa?! You call someone oppa but not me?!"

Inyoung laughed, "He was my doctor. He's the one who practically saved me."

"He did?"

"He's married, if you're wondering.", she eyed Sungyeol who smiled.

"I wasn't wondering that.", he pretend to keep a pokerface on but his lips gave him away.

"Of course. Now come on! It's a party to welcome me back, right? Let's have fun!"

Inyoung grabbed Sungyeol and joined the crowd.


















"She's someone I can't live without right now."

"Are you not staying in the dorm anymore?"

Sungyeol shook his head, "The guys figured out I should spend more time with my wife so they literally forced me to move out of the dorm."

The emcees laughed, "You look vibrant, you must be having a wonderful married life?"

"I am, I really am.", he smiled.

"Is there anything you wanna tell your wife?"

Sungyeol looked a the camera, "Inyoung-ah, thank you for being such a patient and wonderful wife. I can't thank you enough for always being by my side. I love you."

"Oh, Sungyeol-sshi! I heard you have a great news to share with us."

"Oh yes. In about eight months, I'll be a father. Me and Inyoung will be welcome our first son."

"That's great news! Congratulations! Have you guys thought of a name yet?"

"The guys in Infinite are brain storming for a name. I've never seen them so hard working before.", he laughed.

















"Omma? So are these the scars that led you to marrying Appa?"

Sungjae was slowly tracing the scars on Inyoung's wrist before looking up and getting an answer.

"Not exactly. But I have to say that these scars are here because of your Appa."


"But he was also the one who saved me, kind of."

Little Sungjae was looking confused as ever, and Inyoung could only leave a peck on his head.

"I'm home!"


"Hey, little man.", Sungyeol picks up Sungjae in his arm.

"What were you and Omma doing?"

"Talking about her scars again, and she said it's all because of Appa."


Sungjae nodded, "But she also said you're the one who saved her. Is that true?"

Sungyeol looked at the kid for awhile before smiling, "If your Omma said that, then yes. It's true."

After he placed Sungjae down to the ground, he went running to the kitchen.

"Appa bought a lot of food!", the excited kid was jumping around Inyoung.

"I see someone's finally home for dinner."

"The guys, they wanted to have a meal, yup."

Sungjae ran to Sungyeol and pulled on his pants, "Food, food! Sungjae is hungry."

Inyoung smiled at the sight, because her life was complete right now, pretty much. 

She placed a hand on her tummy, "Another's one on the way."

Sungyeol and Sungjae were tickling each other on the ground.

"He doesn't have to know, just yet." 

"The father and the son, dinner is served so please wash your-"

Both of them tackled Inyoung with a tight hug.

"I love you, Omma!"

"I love you, Inyoung-ah."

Inyoung smiled and squeezed her two favorite men, "I love you two too. So much."












And with that, this marks the end of 'Voice of my heart'.

I hope this chapter made up for every short chapters I've updated with in the past.

I can't thank you readers enough for the unlimited support I get from this story.

It consists a lot of feelings that I haven't included in my other stories before so, heh.

Thank you guys again!!! :)


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2 chapters updated for you guys :D


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/cries silently :< ahah
Sungyeol knows what he said right ?? Did he mean it ??
I hope he did :)
Update soon :D
Heheheheeheheheeheehe :) Sungjongiieee :)
Update sooon :) If only the love will dongwoo or sungjong :)
Hope Sungyeol prove to me that he will be next Hyunbin :)
'My' favourite course is photography, is my love interest with Myungsoo ??? *whispering*
Update soon :D
Please update really soon.. Your stories are really interesting and really easy to get into to read!
Can't wait till your next update!
Update soon though. Your story is interesting :)