The Shoot.

Voice Of My Heart


"You guys can go now. Remember that the project will be due in a month's time."

You packed your bags and glanced over at Myungsoo who was typing on his notebook.

*Time to escape.*, you stood up and just as you were about to run, someone pulled you back down.

"Did you think you can escape?", he had his hand grabbed tightly on your arm with the other still typing.

"I was going to pee?", you pretend to be urgent.

He stopped typing and looked at you, more like stared at you, "Wait a minute."

He let go you but before you could escape again, "Don't you even dare, Nam Inyoung."

You sat down while letting out a sigh, and watched him packed.

"You remember what we have today right?"


He then knocked your head, "Stop faking it."

"I know, the shoot. I remember.", you rubbed the spot he knocked.

"I told hyung to meet us at the old place."

You froze, because you totally forgot that Sungyeol was gonna be part of the shoot as well.

"Let's go. Inyoung?", he shook you lightly, "You forgot hyung was gonna be in the shoot as well, didn't you?"


He put his hands on your shoulder and made you look at him, "He misses you and you do too. So let's go."


The thought of seeing Sungyeol made you nervous.

Myungsoo was still talking when he realized you weren't walking beside him.

He raised a brow at you before walking over and pulled you, "Can you walk faster? We don't have all day."

"Myungsoo, I don't think I can be a part of the shoot."

"If it's about Yeol-hyung being your partner, it's just gonna be a shoot, Inyoung. If after this and you two are still ignoring each other, I really wouldn't know what to do."

He then continued, "Think about our portfolio. If we can ace this shoot, we can totally include it in our portfolio. I'm sure you want it too when you get a job in the future."

Myungsoo was right, you needed something in your portfolio to get a photography job in the future.

You then gave him a smile, "Let's go."

"So you two finally decided to show up, huh?", and you see Sungyeol standing there with his arms crossed.

You and Myungsoo walked over, "Wow, hyung. You look like a complete model."

"Shut up. I look like a model everyday."

And you gave a disgusted face after he said that, but deep down, you thought he looked amazing.

"What am I wearing?", you looked around and saw a figure coming close, "Haeyoung?"

"Hi! It's been a long time.", and she ran over to give you a hug.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm your stylist for today.", she then took something out from her back, "And your outfit for today."

It was pretty little dress that you see at pretty boutiques down the streets.

"I'm not sure if it suits me though.", you scratched your head as you took a second look at the dress.

Haeyoung rolled her eyes and dragged you away, "Let's go change already. And for your information, I picked this for you. I'm sure you'll like it. It's a present for you."

"Why are you giving me a present out of a sudden?"

"To celebrate you being Sungyeol's girlfriend."

"Wait, what?"

"Future girlfriend I mean.", she winked.


"What? I'm stating the facts. You have no idea how head over heels have you got that guy into you."


"Aish, where's the girls? It's been over 20 minutes and they're not done yet?", Sungyeol took another look on his watch. 

Myungsoo was about to call Haeyoung when he saw you two walking towards them, "There they are and be prepared to close your mouth, hyung."

"Huh, what do you-", he looked up and saw you.

"Uhm, hyung. You need to close your mouth before Inyoung freaks."

"Well, did I do my job well?", Haeyoung pushed you over to Myungsoo and Sungyeol before Myungsoo spin you around to do a check.

"Great job, Haeyoung."

"I guess my job here is done. I've gotta go, so good luck with the shoot and Inyoung, call me when you're home.", she gave you a light hug and went off.

Myungsoo claps his hands, "Let's start, shall we?"

5 minutes later, you and Sungyeol were sitting on a bench.

"Act natural, like a couple! Hyung, sit closer to Inyoung."

Sungyeol moved closer to you, "So, how have you been?"

"Good. Still alive.", and he let out a laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"You are. Never fail to make me laugh. Ever since we were young."

"You never fail to make me laugh, yeol. You and your choding acts."

"Yah. I'm not a choding anymore.", he defended himself.

You looked at him, "Are you?"

He then pinched your cheeks and Myungsoo pressed on his camera, "PERFECT!"

Myungsoo smiled widely and shouted, "Second location!"

It was just a big green field with lovely flowers here and there.

And the weather that day was just great for a shoot like this.

"Just pretend you're fixing her hair or something, but continue to talk, okay? Remember to act natural."

You were standing in front of Sungyeol and you looked at him, finding him looking back at you.

"What? Something on my face?", you quickly touched your face but he caught your hand.

And he curled a strand of hair behind your ear, "You look beautiful."

"Uhm, thanks?"

With his hand still holding onto yours, "I've been thinking. What would you say if I ask you to be my girlfriend?"

You were shocked, you never knew he would ask that question, on the shoot.

"Huh?", was all you could say.

"Would you stop being cute for once?"

"Well, sorry if I was born this cute.", you put out your tongue and he suddenly came close to your face.

"Be my girlfriend, Inyoung."


"I want to prove to you that I'm not the choding I used to be anymore. I want to protect you."

"I don't want you to change though, yeol. I like the choding you."

"But that doesn't make me man."

"Your choding acts is what that makes you Sungyeol and unique, don't you get it? And I like the choding you, to be honest.", he couldn't help but smile at your words.

You slightly pushed his bangs aside to look at his eyes, "And yes."


"I'll be your girlfriend, choding."


"Are you regretting asking me now?"

"No, of course not!"

Sungyeol couldn't get any happier.

He placed a kiss on your forehead and you closed your eyes to savour that moment.

Myungsoo took a shot of that moment and smiled to himself, "You guys can thank me later." 




I don't know if this was what you guys were expecting but TADAH A COUPLE IS FORMED :}

i know i've been lack in my updates, just one more assignment and i'm a little free, just a little.

because my exams are still on the way T.T

crying everyday because school is getting so stressed.

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2 chapters updated for you guys :D


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/cries silently :< ahah
Sungyeol knows what he said right ?? Did he mean it ??
I hope he did :)
Update soon :D
Heheheheeheheheeheehe :) Sungjongiieee :)
Update sooon :) If only the love will dongwoo or sungjong :)
Hope Sungyeol prove to me that he will be next Hyunbin :)
'My' favourite course is photography, is my love interest with Myungsoo ??? *whispering*
Update soon :D
Please update really soon.. Your stories are really interesting and really easy to get into to read!
Can't wait till your next update!
Update soon though. Your story is interesting :)