
Voice Of My Heart


"You know you don't have to put up an act in front of me, Inyoung."

She looked up from her camera to see Myungsoo staring right at her.

"I'm fine, Myungsoo."

"I'm fine, Myungsoo.", he mimicked her and she laughed.

"I know you're putting up an act so we won't be worried about you but I know you're breaking inside. I'm the closest to you apart from Woohyun. And him."

Inyoung put down her camera and looked at him with her lips in a firm line.

"What should I do then? Throw a tantrum about it? Create a scene? Do all those bull just so you guys can come comfort me one by one with caring words?"

He flinched, slightly shocked by her use of words.

Inyoung noticed it and sighed.

"I'm trying, Myungsoo. To get over it, to get over him. I know you guys are worried but I really am fine."

She reached over to grab his hand before giving it a little squeeze and he returned a smile.

"It's time to go home. I'll ask hyung to give you a lift."


As the two of them walked towards the school gate, someone from afar caught Inyoung's attention which made her stop in her tracks.

Myungsoo then stopped too and looked in front, Sungyeol.

He turned to look at the girl who had her pokerface on, she wasn't fine at all.

"Let's go the other way.", he put an arm around her shoulder and led her to the other exit.

Sungyeol saw them.

People said Myungsoo and Inyoung were now the newest couple in school but he didn't want to believe it.

Myungsoo wouldn't snatch her girl.

And she still loves him, right?

He watched as Myungsoo led Inyoung away.

He wanted answers, so he quickened his footsteps to catch up with them.

"Inyoung!", he shouted as he watched Myungsoo opened the van's door and hovered a hand over Inyoung's head so she wouldn't hurt her head.

As Sungyeol got closer to the van, Myungsoo closed the door.

"What are you doing? I want to speak to her.", he tried pushing Myungsoo out of the way but he stood still.

"So you can break her further?"


"She's not fine, hyung!", Myungsoo screamed at his hyung probably for the first time.

He was angry, really angry, Sungyeol thought.

"Everyone's worried. Everyone's trying. So meanwhile, stop talking to her. Stop trying to get near her even, okay?"

Sungyeol backed away from the van and watched it drove off after Myungsoo has gotten it.


"I'm sorry you had to hear me scream at him like that."

Her head was now leaning against his arms as she cried.

"Everyone is really trying to get you back on your feet, Inyoung."

Myungsoo rubbed her back and sighed.

Once the van stopped in front of her house, she bid goodbye to Myungsoo and their manager and went straight to her room.

"I'm gonna stay here for a bit, hyung.", Myungsoo then got off the van.

"Do you need me to pick you up later?", and Myungsoo shook his head.

"I'll just take a cab."

"Be safe!"

Myungsoo stood in front of Inyoung's house and slowly lifted his finger to press on the bell.

"Coming!", a female voice shouted from inside the house.

Myungsoo cleared his throat and the door opened wide before his eyes.

"You are?"

He then bowed, "Hi. I'm Kim Myungsoo. Also, L from Infinite."

"Oh I've heard of you from Woohyun and Inyoung. Come on in!"

He walked in and looked around, it was actually his first time here.

"Make yourself at home, I'll bring something to drink over for you."

"It's okay, Omonim! I'm here to talk about Inyoung, actually."

Her mother then sat in the seat just beside him.

"I think you've noticed how Inyoung's been acting after the break up, right?"

She sighed and rested her hands on her lap, "She's been quite distant with us now. I mean, she used to too when she first came back. She wouldn't talk to us. She locks herself in her room and only come out when she has school or when it's time to eat. We even tried getting Woohyun to talk to her but she just wouldn't."

"And I thought she would be open up to her own parents too. Everyone in Infinite is worried, but she always tells us she's fine. And when we saw Sungyeol in school earlier, I knew she's not fine at all."

"Inyoung always keeps everything to herself whenever she's in a bad mood or upset. And Woohyun would always be the one that is able to open her up. We tried but it just doesn't work."

"Omonim, do you mind if I try talking to her again?"

"Go on, her room is on the left up the stairs. I'll be here if you need anything."

Myungsoo gave another bow before making his way up the stairs.


He stood in front of her room and knocked it a few times, "Inyoung? It's Myungsoo."

There was no response, so he continued knocking.

"I'm coming in.", he turned the door knob and the door slowly creaked opened. 

She wasn't on her bed or anything, neither was she outside on the balcony.

"Inyoung?", he whispered and he heard a soft hissing sound coming from her bathroom.

Myungsoo made his way to the bathroom and slowly opened the door.

Inyoung's bleeding wrist caught his eyes and he rushed over immediately to throw the razor somewhere far from her.

"ARE YOU INSANE?! Why are you hurting yourself like that, god."

He grabbed a towel and tied is tight around her wound, "Is this okay?"

"Go away, Myungsoo."

"You don't talk to any of us but sit here and cut yourself?"

She kept quiet and stared on the ground.

"Nam Inyoung. You know the amount of people that is worried about you and yet you're here doing these things. Are you trying to get yourself killed so everyone would have something new to worry about?"

"That's not-"

"Your parents are worried sick, do you know that? They look for Woohyun to try talking to you because they know only your brother can open you up but no, you push everyone away. We're trying to help you right here, Inyoung. Don't you get it?"

Inyoung let her tears flow and Myungsoo softened at the sight, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scold you."

"Inyoung?", another voice was heard from her room and the bathroom door slowly opened revealing Woohyun.

"Hyung.", Myungsoo helped Inyoung up.

"What on earth.", he stared at Inyoung's towel tied wrist and the blood stained razor that was thrown far away at the other corner of the bathroom.

"I think you two need some time alone.", Myungsoo turned to Inyoung, "I'll see you in school."

She mouthed him a sorry and thank you before nodding as she watch him head out of the room.




I hope the near ending part wasn't too gruesome for you guys?

I actually have no idea how to end this story because I'm being a little bit too draggy about it.

I'll think or something, somehow? HEHEHEHEHEHE.

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2 chapters updated for you guys :D


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/cries silently :< ahah
Sungyeol knows what he said right ?? Did he mean it ??
I hope he did :)
Update soon :D
Heheheheeheheheeheehe :) Sungjongiieee :)
Update sooon :) If only the love will dongwoo or sungjong :)
Hope Sungyeol prove to me that he will be next Hyunbin :)
'My' favourite course is photography, is my love interest with Myungsoo ??? *whispering*
Update soon :D
Please update really soon.. Your stories are really interesting and really easy to get into to read!
Can't wait till your next update!
Update soon though. Your story is interesting :)