Time Together

Dream Come True? (Sequel to Wishing Upon A Star...)
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Two weeks had passed. You and Youngmin soon became best friends. You also became closer friends with Minyeon and Kwangmin. Girls were envious of you because you hung out with the Jo twins. 


And they had a right to be jealous. You and Youngmin did almost everything together. Your lockers were very close by each others’. You ate lunch together, along with Minyeon and Kwangmin. You even spent time with him after school. 


Today, you had planned to head to the library with him to study for the upcoming history  test. After school, you went to your locker and grabbed your books. 


A pair of hands covered your eyes. “Guess who?” 


You turned around with a smile, already knowing the answer, the hands disappearing. “Youngmin oppa!” 


He grinned at you. “Hey, ~~~~~~~.” 


You bounced up and down. “Are you ready for the library?” He nodded. “Okay, let’s go!” You shut your locker and skipped down the hallway. Youngmin chuckled and followed you.


When you arrived at the library, you looked around for a place to sit. You chose a table towards the back of the library so there could be peace and quiet. You sat down and pulled your history textbook out from your backpack. “Oppa, sit down.”


Youngmin put his bag down and shared the textbook with you. 


You grabbed a pen and paper. “Okay, about the Goryeo era...” You started to scribble notes on the paper. 


Youngmin rested his head on his hand and watched you. ‘She’s so pretty and super nice! Too bad we’ve only known each other for a few weeks. Otherwise, I would’ve asked her out already.’ His eyes focused on you biting your lip in concentration. ‘So cute.’


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Omg daebak!!~
awwww this was sooo great I absolutley loved it =)
NOOOOOOOOO, it finished already? :(
Anyways, i really enjoyed this and Wishing Upon A Star :)
I look forward to your next fics you have instore for us :D
Hehehe, i knew she was going to sing she's a flirt for Woori >:)
aishh poor youngmin but I wonder what she will have to endure, now that it is out. I mean people won´t take a releatiosnhip like that the light way.
oha I am shocked... I am truly shocked. ANd poor YonghyunT_T
awwww I almost can´t read it because I know youngmin will get hurt in the end =(

but still great chapter =)
awwwww great update I really liked it =)
Why rainbow? Why? >.<
And LOL it's no fun when it's raining all the time -.- meeeh. Stupid weather T.T
Ha. summer vacation? LOL winter just started over here T^T
Anyways... update soon~
yeah not a lot people read an´s ^^
ahhh you are on summer vacation??? lucky you I still have 6 more weeks of school T_T
ohh well I can live with that ^^
anyways I really liked the chapter and I can´t wait for the next upi I want to see what happens next and if she is goingt to start dating Youngmin or once again becomes closer to Infinite =)