The Obstacles in Traveling

Dream Come True? (Sequel to Wishing Upon A Star...)
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November sped by fast and December was quickly coming to an end. You found yourself racing out of the large school gates on the last day before winter vacation. Now, you were staring at your suitcase, which was stuffed with clothes, cosmetics, toiletries, etc. You, along with the rest of Infinite, were leaving tonight for Japan. You self-consciously placed a finger on your lip. “Let’s see...I got toothbrush and toothpaste, hair brush, shoes, phone charger... What else do I need?” you wondered aloud. 


“A kiss from your favorite oppa.”


You turned around to see a smirking Myungsoo leaning against your doorway. You rolled your eyes and laughed. “I think I can live without one,” you said in a teasing voice. 


He furrowed his eyebrows and crossed his arms over his chest. “Yah! Then we’ll just leave you behind.”


You turned your head to stick your tongue out at him before returning your attention back to your luggage. “Ani, you can’t do that! Otherwise, Dongwoo and Howon oppas won’t be able to perform our song!” you argued.


He grinned, “Lighten up. I’m only joking.”


You rolled your eyes again, “Whatever.” You placed a firm hand and pushed the luggage down while trying to zip it close with the other hand. But you overpacked, and now the luggage wouldn’t close. Your eyebrows furrowed as you grew more annoyed. ‘Stupid zipper! Stupid luggage! Just close already!’ You tightened your grip and tried harder, but the stubborn luggage wouldn’t budge.


Myungsoo inwardly sighed. He slowly walked up to you and took your hand off the luggage. You looked at him blankly, as if your face spelled “wae?”. He nodded to your luggage, “Sit on it.”


You stared at him as if he had three heads. “You want sit...on my luggage?” you asked slowly. 


He rolled his eyes. “Just sit on your damn luggage so we can leave for the airport.”


Your face grew annoyed as you sat on your luggage with your arms crossed over your chest with a =_______= face. As Myungsoo glanced at you, he tried not to laugh. You saw his expression and slapped his arm, “Just get this over with, oppa!”


He put his hands up in defense. “Araso, araso.” He tugged on your zipper and slowly sealed it shut, making sure that none of your clothes had gotten caught in the process. 

Once you saw that he was done, you hopped off. “Thanks,” you muttered.


Myungsoo smirked and cupped his ear with his hand. “Sorry, I didn’t get that. What did you say?” he asked teasingly. 


“I said ‘thank you’, araso?” You poked his stomach, feeling his abs underneath his shirt. “Are you happy now?”


He grinned widely, “Not until you kiss me.”


You grabbed your luggage off your bed and placed it on the floor. “You byuntae. What if I don’t want to?” you asked in a mocking tone.


Myungsoo’s grin grew so wide that you thought his mouth would fall off. “Then I’ll make you! MWAHAHAHA!” With that, he practically tackled you on your

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Omg daebak!!~
awwww this was sooo great I absolutley loved it =)
NOOOOOOOOO, it finished already? :(
Anyways, i really enjoyed this and Wishing Upon A Star :)
I look forward to your next fics you have instore for us :D
Hehehe, i knew she was going to sing she's a flirt for Woori >:)
aishh poor youngmin but I wonder what she will have to endure, now that it is out. I mean people won´t take a releatiosnhip like that the light way.
oha I am shocked... I am truly shocked. ANd poor YonghyunT_T
awwww I almost can´t read it because I know youngmin will get hurt in the end =(

but still great chapter =)
awwwww great update I really liked it =)
Why rainbow? Why? >.<
And LOL it's no fun when it's raining all the time -.- meeeh. Stupid weather T.T
Ha. summer vacation? LOL winter just started over here T^T
Anyways... update soon~
yeah not a lot people read an´s ^^
ahhh you are on summer vacation??? lucky you I still have 6 more weeks of school T_T
ohh well I can live with that ^^
anyways I really liked the chapter and I can´t wait for the next upi I want to see what happens next and if she is goingt to start dating Youngmin or once again becomes closer to Infinite =)