The Start of a Pre-Debut

Dream Come True? (Sequel to Wishing Upon A Star...)
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Classes passed and soon it was time for lunch. You sat at your usual table with Minyeon, Kwangmin and Youngmin. As you walked over to your table, you received glares from jealous girls. You groaned inwardly. This had been happening ever since you befriended the twins, but you had never gotten quite used to it. 


You sat down in between Youngmin and Minyeon as you placed your tray onto the lunch table. “Annyeong~”


Kwangmin looked up. “Hey, ~~~~~~~,” he nodded. You waved back and picked up your fork to stab your ddokbokki. 


You nudged Youngmin lightly with your elbow. “So, I watched your Weekly Idol show on Friday night,” you started the conversation.


Youngmin tried to act casual. “Yeah? What did you think?”

You shrugged your shoulders. “It was really entertaining. Although,” you tapped your chin thoughtfully, “Who does Jeongmin oppa like?” 


Youngmin choked on his water as Kwangmin started to pat his hyung’s back gently. Your eyebrows furrowed, “Gwenchana?” 


He nodded, “I’m fine. Er, I don’t think Jeongmin hyung would want us to say who he, uh, has an interest in. It’s sort of a secret between us members.”


You pouted, “Jebal? I want to know~”


Kwangmin cleared his throat, “Why do you want to know so bad, ~~~~~~~?”


You laughed nervously and rubbed your neck. “Because....Jeongmin oppa is my bias in Boyfriend,” you confessed.


Kwangmin’s eyes widened. “Chincha? Not someone else...?” He glanced over at Youngmin, who was a deep shade of red. 


You shook your head, “I would pick you or Youngmin oppa as my bias, but it wouldn’t be fair since you’re twins,” you explained. “Besides I don’t want to upset Minyeon,” you winked at your best friend.


“But they have different personalities, ~~~~~~~,” Minyeon pointed out. “Although I wouldn’t mind if Kwangmin oppa was your bias.” She shrugged indifferently.


You shook your head, laughing. “Ani, it’s okay

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Omg daebak!!~
awwww this was sooo great I absolutley loved it =)
NOOOOOOOOO, it finished already? :(
Anyways, i really enjoyed this and Wishing Upon A Star :)
I look forward to your next fics you have instore for us :D
Hehehe, i knew she was going to sing she's a flirt for Woori >:)
aishh poor youngmin but I wonder what she will have to endure, now that it is out. I mean people won´t take a releatiosnhip like that the light way.
oha I am shocked... I am truly shocked. ANd poor YonghyunT_T
awwww I almost can´t read it because I know youngmin will get hurt in the end =(

but still great chapter =)
awwwww great update I really liked it =)
Why rainbow? Why? >.<
And LOL it's no fun when it's raining all the time -.- meeeh. Stupid weather T.T
Ha. summer vacation? LOL winter just started over here T^T
Anyways... update soon~
yeah not a lot people read an´s ^^
ahhh you are on summer vacation??? lucky you I still have 6 more weeks of school T_T
ohh well I can live with that ^^
anyways I really liked the chapter and I can´t wait for the next upi I want to see what happens next and if she is goingt to start dating Youngmin or once again becomes closer to Infinite =)