A Talk with Rainbow

Dream Come True? (Sequel to Wishing Upon A Star...)
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The next morning, you quickly got ready and walked down the stairs with a duffel bag in your hand. You saw Woohyun, Sungyeol and Sunggyu waiting for you. “Where’s the rest of the oppas?” you asked Sunggyu.


“They should be coming now,” he growled. “YAH! HURRY UP, OR WE’LL BE LATE!” Thundering footsteps practically echoed throughout the house as you saw Sungjong, Howon, Dongwoo and Myungsoo come down the stairs. 


Sungjong fixed his hair. “Hyung, you could’ve given us a few more minutes! I was almost done,” he said with a pout.


Woohyun stepped in, “Lee Sungjong, if you had taken up any more time to get ready, we would have been more late than we already are.” He gave the maknae a stern look, which Sungjong made a face in reply to. Woohyun ignored him and pumped his fist in the air excitedly, while throwing an arm around you. “Let’s go!” he shouted in English.


You giggled as you turned to follow him out, but met eyes with Myungsoo. He looked a lot better than last night. His bags went away, but there were still some traces of the dark circles. You squeezed his hand. “Are you feeling better?” He nodded and gave you a small smile. You smiled back. ‘Stay well, Myungsoo oppa.’


You all piled into the large van where Mr. Lee was waiting. You plopped in between Sungjong and Sunggyu. Sunggyu automatically smiled and wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you close to him. You automatically snuggled into the crook of his neck and closed your eyes.




You woke to Howon shaking you awake. “~~~~~~~, wake up,” he murmured. 


Your eyes slowly fluttered open. “We’re here already?” you muttered in a slurred voice, drunk from sleep. 


“Mhm,” he nodded and took your hand. “Come on, let’s go,” he tugged you up. 


You got out of the car, rubbing your eyes and fixing your slightly messed up hair. “Where are the other oppas?” you asked while looking around. You were in a dimly lit garage where several other large vehicles had parked around the usual van. No one was there except you and Howon. 


“They went to go change,” he responded as the both of you headed up the stairs. 


You nodded slowly. “So why aren’t you with them?” 


Howon waved his hand dismissively. “I can spare a few extra minutes of getting ready for you.” He gave you a greasy smile. 


You rolled your eyes and nudged him in the ribs playfully. “Oh really.” You entwined your fingers with his. “Well, thanks.” 


He kissed your cheek. “Anything for you.” You both walked through the doors and he let go of your hand. “I have to go get ready. I’ll be back in a couple hours. You can stay in the lounge if you want.”



[A/N: Just pretend that the huge painting is a big mirror. Thanks!]


You waved. “See you later.” You went inside the lounge and plopped down on one of the chairs. After a few minutes of roaming around, you were bored. You decided to practice some of the moves that Howon showed you with the door closed, so no one could see. 


You started to

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Omg daebak!!~
awwww this was sooo great I absolutley loved it =)
NOOOOOOOOO, it finished already? :(
Anyways, i really enjoyed this and Wishing Upon A Star :)
I look forward to your next fics you have instore for us :D
Hehehe, i knew she was going to sing she's a flirt for Woori >:)
aishh poor youngmin but I wonder what she will have to endure, now that it is out. I mean people won´t take a releatiosnhip like that the light way.
oha I am shocked... I am truly shocked. ANd poor YonghyunT_T
awwww I almost can´t read it because I know youngmin will get hurt in the end =(

but still great chapter =)
awwwww great update I really liked it =)
Why rainbow? Why? >.<
And LOL it's no fun when it's raining all the time -.- meeeh. Stupid weather T.T
Ha. summer vacation? LOL winter just started over here T^T
Anyways... update soon~
yeah not a lot people read an´s ^^
ahhh you are on summer vacation??? lucky you I still have 6 more weeks of school T_T
ohh well I can live with that ^^
anyways I really liked the chapter and I can´t wait for the next upi I want to see what happens next and if she is goingt to start dating Youngmin or once again becomes closer to Infinite =)