
Dream Come True? (Sequel to Wishing Upon A Star...)
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You woke up, stretching you arms. After washing and putting on your uniform, you grabbed your backpack and darted out of the house. You snacked on a granola bar on your way there. 


You finally arrived at Downtown Seoul High School’s gates. You went inside and opened your locker. 


Youngmin leaned on the locker next to you. “Hey, ~~~~~~~,” he grinned. Girls noticed his million dollar smile and swooned.


You smiled back and grabbed your history textbook out of your locker. “Hi, Youngmin oppa.” 


“So, how did you spend your weekend?” he casually asked.


You grinned. “On Saturday, I spent time with Infinite oppas...and other idols.” You elbowed him lightly in the chest and closed your locker shut. 


Youngmin’s face expression changed. “I’ve been meaning to ask you live with Infinite?” He peered at you closely. 


Surprise crossed your face, but you quickly covered up. “Of course! Woohyun oppa is family, and Infinite oppas are too.” 


He leaned closer. “But isn’t it...uncomfortable living with six other males?”


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Omg daebak!!~
awwww this was sooo great I absolutley loved it =)
NOOOOOOOOO, it finished already? :(
Anyways, i really enjoyed this and Wishing Upon A Star :)
I look forward to your next fics you have instore for us :D
Hehehe, i knew she was going to sing she's a flirt for Woori >:)
aishh poor youngmin but I wonder what she will have to endure, now that it is out. I mean people won´t take a releatiosnhip like that the light way.
oha I am shocked... I am truly shocked. ANd poor YonghyunT_T
awwww I almost can´t read it because I know youngmin will get hurt in the end =(

but still great chapter =)
awwwww great update I really liked it =)
Why rainbow? Why? >.<
And LOL it's no fun when it's raining all the time -.- meeeh. Stupid weather T.T
Ha. summer vacation? LOL winter just started over here T^T
Anyways... update soon~
yeah not a lot people read an´s ^^
ahhh you are on summer vacation??? lucky you I still have 6 more weeks of school T_T
ohh well I can live with that ^^
anyways I really liked the chapter and I can´t wait for the next upi I want to see what happens next and if she is goingt to start dating Youngmin or once again becomes closer to Infinite =)