I Choose You

I Feel Something When You're Around

  It's already been a month since I started working for 2pm. Ice formed on the streets, and snow began falling from the sky. It was winter, the season I hated the most. It was always hard for me to get through a winter without thinking about my mom. My last winter with her was the best. We spent everyday ice skating together. After we would always go to a cafe for hot chocolate. You might think this is a reason for me to love winter, right? Wrong. After my mom died that year I found out the reason we spent so much time together that winter was because she only had a few weeks left. Nobody told me she had cancer until it was too late.

"Lily, can you go out for some groceries?" Danny stuck his head through my door. He was back for the holidays, and this was the first Saturday I didn't have to report for cleaning duty.

"Where's dad?"

"He had to go to work today. It's just a few things."

"Fine." I pulled on my coat, and boots, and headed downstairs with my list of groceries. As I stepped outside the cold wind forced my eyes to tear up, and my nose to run. "Ugh! I hate winter!" I growled as I fought against the wind to walk towards the store.

I finally made it, and was relieved to feel the heat warm up my insides. When I made it over to the breakfast food isle I saw Doojoon. Ever since our kiss there hasn't been a time that we were alone to talk. There was always someone there. Like Naeun. This time I wasn't letting him out of my sight until we talked. I sped over to him only stopping when my cart nearly ran into him.

"Yoon Doojoon! I need to talk to you!" My blood was boiling up inside of me, and I couldn't suppress the venim that was present in my voice.

"Lily, I'm sorry, but-"

"No! Now is my turn to talk, so you listen." I took a deep breath. Remember what Chansung said. "Just tell him everything you just told me" 

"...All my life whenever I thought of someone who would never leave me. Someone I could always count on, you were the first person to come to mind. So why are you being like this now? Is it because of the kiss? The one you said I dreamt about?" His eyes suddenly met mine. "I thought we were closer than that. I didn't think that you would completely ignore me becaue of that. If its the kiss you're worried about then fine. I'll pretend that I dreamt it, just please don't do this...don't leave me."


"Say something!"

"...Lily. I never meant to hurt you, I just don't know what I'm supossed to do. I love you, and all I've been doing is hurting the person that means the most to me. Every morning I wake up telling myself that this will be it. This will be the day I confess to you in front of everyone, but then I see Naeun, and I turn to stone." 

"Then it's settled, you and Naeun are going to be together, the kiss never happened." Suddenly Doojoon rushed over to me, leaving millimeters between our bodies. His palms lightly touched my cheek, and his eyes stared deep into my soul. I felt my heart pound heavier, and heavier with each second that passed. He brushed his thumb over my lips sending electric shocks through my nerves.

"The kiss...was as real as anything in my life. It meant everything to me. Don't pretend it was a dream becasue if you do...because if you do, then I'll just have to do this..." His hands trailed down to my shoulders as he leaned in and placed his lips on mine, holding me in place so I couldn't escape even if I wanted to. His lips were cracked from the cold, but they still felt inviting, and warm.  My heart bursted with emotions. I hated him for abandoning me, but I loved him for making me feel so much happiness when our lips met. Everything that I planned to say to him erased from my brain. All I wanted to do was live forever in that moment. He pulled away looking into my eyes, making sure to catch my reaction. "I choose you Lily." 

"..what makes you think I'll accept you." Despite my complete loss of feeling in my legs, I still felt the need to make a joke.

He chuckled. "I have a feeling you will."


I couldn't do it anymore!!! My Doojoon was the bad guy for too long already!! Lol I can't stand making him a bad person. Ugh you may think this is where everything goes good, but wait till the next chapters. You don't think Naeun is gonna take her rejection easy do you? Plz subscribe, and comment thnx bunnyxwarrior  for all the encouraging comments. In the words of Gikwang bye-yeom.

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 22: Awwww,, hahaha, great story! Anyways done reading this one, looove it ^^
phylosophy #2
Chapter 22: ohyea, i just saw it hehe!
phylosophy #3
Chapter 22: nice plot here! hope you can make a sequel for this :)
Omg, the poster is seriously amazing!
Kya, great story, Unni. Congrats!
whaaa it's over.. but it's a good ending. i like that it's not a super total happy ending. =] i'm glad to have read this story and you are a super awesome author and writer, so i cannot wait for your next story~ =]
hellopanda23 #7
..it's not over! you can't end it like that. at least write a one shot like someone suggested!! seriously... that's not cool that it ended it on a sad note like that..... gnsdakfnsd long distance relationships are so harddddddddddddddd
it's over T_T
PLEASE write a sequel *-*
A Oneshot would be enough keke~
Awaw Doojoon is just to sweet:) Thank you for
writing such a great story. I really enjoyed reading
your story and I will always LOVE it! Your story
was super duper DAEBAK! Hwaiting for your
next story and I will also be looking forward for
it :)
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw :3
I Love your story *_*
All the characters are so well written!