The Han River

I Feel Something When You're Around

 It was Christmas already, and Doojoon and I's talk was long overdue. Ever since the day I saw him, and Naeun kiss something inside of me died.

Christmas' were never anything special to me. It was just an excuse for brats to get everything they wanted, and poorer families to feel even worse about themselves. It's been a tradition with all of my friends, and their families to have a dinner together. Usually we went out for sushi. Tonight was just another Christmas dinner, but with lots of tension. A knock on my door interrupted my thoughts. It was my dad.

"You almost ready Lily?" He smiled meekly.

"Ne." I walked over to my dresser, and grabbed my studs. Yes I said walked! I was finally able to walk without crutches, and was promoted to the terribly unattractive black walking brace. At least it matched my black dress.

"Wow, you really have changed over the years." He smiled making me blush.

"Yah, I've been the same Lily forever you're just now realizing I'm not a little girl anymore."

"I know I need to realize that. You were right, I worry about you because you're all I have left. I wasn't able to save your mother so I have to protect you no matter what. Sometimes I get carried away."

"No, dad I didn't mean that I was speaking out of anger."

"That's ok Lily you were still right about what you said. I have to let you make your own mistakes, and learn first hand. That way when you graduate, and leave I won't have to worry about you as much."

He had no idea how many mistakes I've made already. I'm still learning about the consequences. Every time I think of Doojoon.

"Dad, I love you. Please don't stop protecting me."

"I love you too Lily."

--At Restaurant--

"Nice choice in shoes." Hyunseung joked as I limped into ABIKO with my dad.

"Thanks, I like match my dresses with my walking braces." I said sarcastically. 

"Lily, why don't you sit in that chair, it's easier to get in through." Yoseob's mom smiled. She pointed at the empty seat across from Doojoon. Just my luck, we could have another intense staring contest. That was basically how things went when we were around each other. 

"Ne." I slid into my chair, and despite the numerous amount of sushi trays that were rolling past me on the table nothing took my gaze off of Doojoon. 

"Lily! You're letting all the good food pass by!" Yoseob yelled stabbing his chopsticks into a California Roll.

"Mianhae" I was finally able to avert my eyes from Doojoon, and start eating. That didn't mean I couldn't feel his stares burn through my skin.

"Hyung, start eating." Gikwang noticed my discomfort, and did his best to come to my rescue.

It didn't work however. Doojoon grabbed his chopsticks, grabbed a bunch of food, and began eating. All while staring me down. THIS GUY WAS FREAKY!!!

"...Umm so Dongwoon, how's your break so far?" I tried to distract myself.

"Good I guess? What about you?" 

Terrible. Long. Painful. Boring. "Ok I guess.."

"My life should just end now, because this has been the worst break ever." Doojoon said loudly.

"Hyung, I thought you loved spending time with us." Yoseob pouted.

"I think he's talking about something else." Junhyung mumbled.

"He's right Yoseob I am talking about something else." Doojoon said through a clenched jaw. The tension swarming around our table was raising every ones awareness of who was going to start shouting first. "Lily I'm sure you know more than everyone else here why my break has been terrible."

"I probably do, but then again I don't really care." That was a big lie. I wanted to jump over the table into Doojoon's arms, and beg for forgiveness. A nervous heat swept over my body as I tried to keep my stares fierce.

"Why don't you go ask your buddies at club MIROTIC?" He spat.

"Why don't you get Naeun to make me." At that second Doojoon exploded. Throughout the entire dinner he was like a ticking time bomb, and I just pushed him over the edge. He grabbed a tray that was rolling past, and flung the cold fish at me causing it to slide down my dress sending chills down my stomach.

"Yah!" We all screamed in unison. 

"Doojoon what's your problem?!?" I screamed jumping up from my seat. The fish awkwardly fell out of my dress, and onto the floor.

"What's your problem?! How long has it been already?!? Why can't you just explain to me why you cheated?! Am I not important at all?!"

"Well every time I tried to explain myself no one let me get a word in, and if my memory serves me right the last time I tried explaining Naeun was so far down your throat you probably didn't even realize me!!" Suddenly a bowl was thrown, and my hair was covered in rice.

"Aigoo! Whenever Lily says Naeun's name he throws food!" Hyunseung laughed.

"Great I'm glad you find this amusing guys." I grabbed my coat, and limped outside away from the chaos. Our parents were too absorbed over at their own table to even notice me.

Doojoon's POV

"Ugh, what just happened?" I couldn't believe I screwed up another shot with Lily. 

"Well, you kind of just treated Lily like a trash can." Gikwang chuckled.

"Aish, you guys just make everything worse. Wait till the day you get a real girlfriend. I'm gonna be the biggest block to you guys." I threw my napkin on the table, grabbed my coat, and went after Lily. 

As soon as I opened the door my nose began running from the fierce wind, and my body tensed up. How did Lily walk out with only a dress, and jacket? I looked over the heads of people walking by, and still didn't see any trace of her. She wasn't sitting by the restaurant, or across the street. Not in the coffee shop next door, and she wasn't around the corner. I decided to walk further down the street ducking my head to avoid the freezing cold wind.

"Aish! Lily where are you?" Suddenly an image popped into my head, and I knew I would find Lily at this place. "Ugh, why did she have to go there on one of the coldest nights?"

Lily's POV

Even though I was dyeing from frost bite, I couldn't leave. If Doojoon really wanted an explanation, he would come and find me here. I watched all the cute couples have a wonderful Christmas night together, and all the families enjoying the time they had together. The Han river was the best place to have a romantic outing. Maybe this wasn't the best place for Doojoon, and I to have a potentially loud conversation. We would always pretend to run away together, and this where we would always go. If one of us were missing we always knew where we could find each other.

"Lily!" I turned my gaze away from the still water, and saw Doojoon huddled in his jacket. His body was shivering as badly as mine was. 

"I knew you would come." I hid a small smile. 

"Of course...I obviously still care about you." He made his way over to me. At first we didn't say anything, but stared at each other trying to read the other persons thoughts. "Hey." He grinned.

"Hey." The one reason I didn't freeze to death was because my heart was beating so fast that my body was overflowing with heat. I wanted to just hold his hand, and tell him that we were going to work things out. 

As if reading my mind Doojoon stuck his hand out of his pocket, and linked his fingers in mine. Rubbing my palm with his thumb like he always did. "Let's talk. Now before something, or someone interrupts us."

"Guerae." We sat down on a nearby bench. "Where do I even begin...?"

"Start from the first lie you've told me since our relationship."

"...That's a tough one. Well maybe I should start a few days before that...the real reason I've been going to see 2pm so much is because of a debt that I am repaying to them. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to keep it a secret for so long, but to me it really wasn't a big deal if it meant you guys wouldn't be in trouble." 

It took a second for the information to transfer to Doojoon, but eventually he got it. "You mean the accident at the club is the reason for all of this?! Lily! Why didn't you just tell us this earlier?!"

"Because they threatened to call the police once I ratted you guys out. So I just took the blame." Saying everything out loud made me feel stupider, and stupider by the second. In my head it seemed like a reasonable choice, but it really wasn't. Once again Yoseob was right. I make bad decisions.

My eyes started to sting at the arrival of fresh tears that were about to spill over my cheeks. I looked at the ground as I shooed the tears away. Suddenly Doojoon's icy cold hands brought my gaze back up to him, and I was shocked to see tears in his eyes as well. 

"Lily, you need to stop doing this to yourself. What's the point of having someone like me around when you can't even tell me what's bothering you?" A single tear rolled down his cheek. "If you were willing to sacrifice yourself because seeing me in pain was a worse choice, then why would you put me in the same situation?! Do you know what I go threw every time I see that pain in your eyes? It feels even worse when you refuse to tell me what the problem is."

I was still in shock. I had no idea that I was doing this to him. I never once considered what he felt, because I never knew he could read my emotions so easily. "Doojoon-ah...mianhae. Jeongmal mianhae..." I didn't care how stupid I looked anymore. I let the tears flow as I sobbed like a child. "I just wanted you to live a happy life, but-"

"It doesn't matter who I'm in debt to, or whether I get in trouble the only thing that makes me happy is being able to make you happy."

"Chincha..?" I sniffled.

"Ne." He wiped away my tears, and I did the same to him. "Most girls look cute when they cry. No matter how cute I think you are, crying doesn't suet you. Uljima." (teehee if anyone reading this watched Dream High 2 then you should recognize that sentence.)

"I could say the same to you." I chuckled.

Doojoon brought his face close to mine. I could feel his body heat. "Lily."

"Mm?" I hummed anticipating a kiss.

"I'm sorry I threw that rice." He laughed as he plucked the food out of my hair.

"Doojoon-ah!" I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to kiss him so badly.

"Mmm?" Without warning I rammed into him finally getting our lips to meet. Once they did Doojoon didn't hold back. He pulled me closer to him as he wrapped his arms around my waist. Finally, my life was back to normal.


Ugh terrible ending I know! I really at writing kissing scenes and what not >_< Aish I'm so unhappy with how the ending is, but it's all that came to mind. Leave a comment, and tell me if the ending was ok? Plz subscribe, and comment. T_T probably only 2 chapters left until the story is over, but I'm in the middle of writing a BAP, and Block B fanfic so plz stay tuned. In the words of Gikwang bye-yeom.


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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 22: Awwww,, hahaha, great story! Anyways done reading this one, looove it ^^
phylosophy #2
Chapter 22: ohyea, i just saw it hehe!
phylosophy #3
Chapter 22: nice plot here! hope you can make a sequel for this :)
Omg, the poster is seriously amazing!
Kya, great story, Unni. Congrats!
whaaa it's over.. but it's a good ending. i like that it's not a super total happy ending. =] i'm glad to have read this story and you are a super awesome author and writer, so i cannot wait for your next story~ =]
hellopanda23 #7's not over! you can't end it like that. at least write a one shot like someone suggested!! seriously... that's not cool that it ended it on a sad note like that..... gnsdakfnsd long distance relationships are so harddddddddddddddd
it's over T_T
PLEASE write a sequel *-*
A Oneshot would be enough keke~
Awaw Doojoon is just to sweet:) Thank you for
writing such a great story. I really enjoyed reading
your story and I will always LOVE it! Your story
was super duper DAEBAK! Hwaiting for your
next story and I will also be looking forward for
it :)
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw :3
I Love your story *_*
All the characters are so well written!