Terrible Night Out

I Feel Something When You're Around

"What the hell was that?!?" We all ran to the balcony to see what was happening down below.

"Oh my god!" I couldn't believe what I saw. Some how Dongwoon, and Yoseob managed to knock down a chandelier from the ceiling. How was that even possible?! At first I felt bad for accusing them right away when I heard the noise, but now I was feeling bad for what I was going to be saying to them later on.

"Who are those people?!" Chansung gaped. Yoseob's bleach blonde hair was visible from where we were.

"How did they manage to do that?!" The spiky head member sighed.

"Minsuk-ah did you let those people in?" The bouncer from earlier popped up out of nowhere. That was my que to get the hell out of there. I slowly backed away trying to be unnoticed by everyone. I was almost to the stairs-

"You! Aren't you those kids manager?" I was afraid to turn around, maybe if I kept walking they would forget.

"Yah! Stop right there." Reluctantly I turned around to face them.


"Are you responsible for this?"

"Taecyeon she was here with us when it happened." So that's what spiky hair's name was.

"I'm not really-"

"Lily, come on!" I turned around, and Junhyung was at the bottom of the stairs. I had to make a run for it.

"Well technically you could say that this incident was my doing, but technically you could also say that I am completely innocent." While I was talking I was slowly removing Doori's heels. "Why don't you guys get back to me." I my heel, and sped down the stairs leaving Doori's heels in VIP.

"Lily hurry!" Junhyung was waiting for me so we could escape.

"Hyung what happened?"

"We don't have time let's just get out of here." I looked back, and saw all of 2pm right behind us.

"Yah! Security don't let them escape!" I heard Taecyeon shout. Weaving through the crowd my grip on Junhyung's hand was getting loose.

"Lily don't let go!" Before I knew it I lost his hand entirely, and I was searching the crowd for him. No matter how much jumping I did I couldn't see over the heads of all the partiers.

"Ugh! Why did this have to happen to me?!" I whined. I knew my only choice was to crawl my way through the crowd. Getting on all fours I finally grabbed onto a familiar shoe. It had to be Junhyung.

"Hi Li-Lily. I'm glad we ran into eachother." Junho bent down, and pulled me off the floor. "Come with me"

Doojoon's POV

"Gikwang have you seen Lily anywhere?" I couldn't enjoy myself when I knew Lily was with those guys. Who knew what things they were saying to her.

"Hyung, you haven't stopped asking me that. If you're so worried why don't you find her?"

"Your right. I am like her older brother so it makes sense that I'm worried about her."

"Yup. That's exactly it." Suddenly there was a loud crash that went throughout the entire club.

"What's going on?!" Hyunseung came over from his spot on the dance floor. I looked over, and saw Yoseob, and Dongwoon standing next to a chandelier that fell from the ceiling. "How did I know they were responsible?! Come on guys." The three of us rushed over to the accident scene.

"Yang Yoseob what did you do?!" Hyunseung barked.

"It wasn't our fault! I swear! All we did was pull that rope, and it fell!"

"That kind of means it's your fault!"

"Guys what happened?!" Junhyung came out of the crowd.

"These guys probably just ruined everything for us! We're soo getting grounded!" Gikwang yelled.

"Wait! Where's Lily? I thought she was with you?!" It just occurred to me that Lily was completely alone.

"She was over there! I just saw her!"

"Well go get her! Why the hell did you leave her side?!"

"Ok I'll meet you outside." It took everything in me not to explode, but now wasn't the time. We had to get out before security got us.

"Come on! We have to get out!" We squeezed through the crowd of on lookers, and people who didn't really care, and were still dancing. By the time we made it to the front, all of security was by the broken chandelier so when we got to the front we slipped through the front door with ease.

"Hyung, let's go to the café across the street." Gikwang gasped.

"Yeah! Let's hide out there for a while." Yoseob agreed.

"Let's wait a bit for Junhyung, and Lily." Why was my heart pounding so heavily? What if Junhyung didn't find Lily? He already lost her once. Why wouldn't he do it again? I felt like running in myself to get her.

"Hyung they'll be fine, it's better if we're split up anyway." Dongwoon pulled me by my shirt across the street to the Internet café.

"Doojoon-ah let's go to the arcade next weekend. This was a bad idea." Hyunseung said staring at Yoseob, and Dongwoon.

"I can't believe you guys did that?! We weren't even supposed to be there! Why would you draw attention to yourselves." Gikwang scolded.

"Gikwang leave them alone. They know what they've done." I didn't feel like yelling at the kids. My stomach was in knots. I swear when I see Lily I'm never letting her out of my sight again. We're never going to be away from eachother-

Oh yeah...Naeun. I love her, but I couldn't help wondering if I would be as worried about her if she was in Lily's situation...of course I would. I think.

"Guys I see Junhyung hyung!" Dongwoon stood at the store window.

"Great!  We need to put as much space possible between us, and that club." I sighed relief. I watched as Junhyung ran across the street, and into the café, and Lily was nowhere to be found. I don't know what came over me. The next thing I knew I was holding Junhyung by his collar yelling "where's Lily?!?"

"Hyung I'm sorry! I had her! She was right behind me! I could feel her hand! She must've slipped or something! When I went back I couldn't find her!" He cried. Nothing else mattered at that moment. My chest felt so tight I couldn't breath. I was suffocating. All the memories of us when we were little, and how much her dad worried about her came to mind.

"You guys if we don't find Lily...her dad is going to kill us." The fear transferred into everyone's eyes. They were well aware of how much Lily's dad worried about her. He couldn't handle losing his wife, and his daughter in one life time.

"Don't worry we're gonna find her." Yoseob said. I hoped he was right.

Lily's POV

Junho kept a tight grip on my wrist as he took me further into the depths of the club. We went through a door that led to an elevator, the elevator led to another room that looked like the club office. There were six desks with papers, old food, and CD's spilling over. "Have a seat!" He threw me into a swivel chair.

"Umm...are you going to kill me?" I thought that was a very appropriate question to ask at the time.

"What?! No! Do I look like a killer to you?!?"

"Well...your hair gives off a mean presence..." Behind Junho the elevator door opened, and the rest of 2pm joined us.

"Are they gonna kill me?" I took a look at each members facial expression, and each one read "pissed the hell off"

"None of us are killers! Aish! That's insulting." Junho scolded.

"We are not letting you go until you give us the names of the boys that broke our chandelier." Taecyeon leaned just inches away from my face. It took everything in me not to wiggle in my seat. His stares were so intense. However I knew this was a test. I couldn't look away. If I did he would know how strong I wasn't. "Hmm? Are you gonna tell us?" He asked still inches away. His breath smelled of mint, and Soju.

"No." I decided to keep my friends safe by staying quiet. I wasn't going to rat them out. "This is going to be a long night for you guys." I smiled.

"You do realize that if you don't tell us who did it, you're gonna be made responsible, right?" Junsu said matter of factly.

I had to admit I was a little worried about that. If my dad found out I was dead.

"Fine...I'll take the blame."

"Are you willing to pay for the damages?" Chansung asked.


"You owe us 125,000,000 won."


"Just give me your card and we'll get this over with." Nichkhun put his hand in my face.


"Yeah, don't you own some type of credit card?"

"I have a library card."

"Not even a debit card?" Chansung looked flabbergasted.

"Is that some sort of necessity?"

"Forget it I'm calling the police." Taecyeon pulled his phone out.

"Wait! Please don't call the police!"

"Then give us what you owe!" The blonde member who had been mute finally spoke up.

"And if I don't have it?"

"Then you go to jail for vandalism." Junho barked.

"Maybe she can repay us with a job or something." Chansung suggested.

"A job?" I was not about to become a maid.

"We don't need another lazy staff member." Blondie yelled. So far this night was getting worse. I was left by my best friends, and now I had a debt to my name.

"Wait Wooyoung this could work. Keep talking." Junsu said.

"In the afternoons she could pick up around the club. It's always a mess." Chansung explained.

"How does that repay her debt?" Wooyoung asked.

"Well instead of paying our normal janitor the money, what she earns will go towards her debt."

"Do you know how long that would take me?!? He probably gets what? 7.50 an hour?!"

"Well you refused to give us your friends information, so this is what you get." I wanted to slap Junho.

"Let's say I agree to this job when would I have to come to clean?"

"Everyday all day." Junho smiled.

"Umm it's not like I sit around all day doing nothing!! I can't be here all day everyday!"

"She's right hyung, that's not fair." So far Chansung was the one who annoyed me the least. 

"Then how about every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and some Saturdays you come to clean until you pay us back." Taecyeon suggested.

"Hold on I have a question. You guys are the wealthiest men in South Korea. Can't you easily replace the stupid chandelier?"

"Umm did we break it?" Junho said in a mocking tone.

"Ugh! You guys are such jerks!"

"We'll be needing this." Junsu reached in the small pocket that was on the side of my dress, and pulled out my phone.

"What are you doing! You can't take that-"

"Relax! I'm just putting our numbers in, and getting yours."

"Yeah don't think you can just leave tonight, and never see us again. We know people. Just with your phone number we can find out where you are when ever we need you." Nichkhun grinned.

"And what if I change my number?"

"Then you'll be getting a visit from the police."

"Umm now that your done stalking me. Can I go now?"

"Sure see you  Monday Li-Lily Song." Junho mocked. I made my way over to the elevator and punched the button.

"You might need these." I turned around and saw Chansung toss over Doori's heels.

"Thanks." Once I got inside the elevator I let out all the emotions that I had been hiding. I found myself punching the walls. My eyes were dyeing to spill tears, but I them up. As soon as the elevator door opened I ran outside, and called Doojoon who was nowhere to be found. All the guys ditched me. After three rings he picked up.

"Lily! Tell me your alright! We've been looking all over for you!"

"I'm fine I just got out of MIROTIC....I'm sorry I was still partying. I guess I lost track of time." I lied. I decided to keep the whole janitor job a secret. It was the only way to protect Yoseob, and Dongwoon. They would never let me take the blame, and if they found out they would go straight to 2pm, and confess. Then 2pm would know we were underaged kids that snuck in, and my dad would find out, and that's where my sad life would end.

"You what?!? Are you serious?! Do you know how worried I was about you! I thought..."

"Doojoon-ah I'm fine just hurry up, and meet me so we can go home."

"Arasso go across the street to the Internet café, and stay there."

"Ne." Finally my first, and last night of having just a little fun was coming to a close, and my life as a secret janitor for big shots 2pm began.

 Doojoon's POV

I couldn't get any sleep that night. My mind was still racing. Who was Lily partying all night with. How could she be so careless when we were worried sick about her. Suddenly I felt a pain in my heart. I popped out of the covers from the sharp aches. I reached for my phone, and texted Lily.

Lily's POV

I couldn't sleep. Not when I knew my whole life was about to change. How was I going to explain to everyone why I would be going out every other day. I've never been in so much trouble before, and didn't know how to handle the guilt of lying to my father. I felt like crying, but crying myself to sleep was something I swore I would never do again. When my mom died I would stay up all night crying into Doojoon's arms. It felt better crying with him than by myself. When I'm alone I feel like its pathetic. Just then my phone buzzed, and it was Doojoon.

"Hey, I know you're up. Unlock your front door :)" He always knew when I needed someone to talk to. I never knew how, but he did. I slipped on my sandals, and snuck over to open my front door.

"Hey." I whispered as he took a seat next to me on my bed.

"How are you doing?" He could see right through me.

"I'm fine."

"So were you really with some guy the whole time we were looking for you?"

"You could say that." Technically I was so this wasn't lying.

"How could you?! Do you know how worried I was about you?! I thought you were hurt, or kidnapped. I kept thinking about all of our memories, and I thought what it would be like if I never saw you again." He made me feel tons more guilty for lying to him. The tears found their way out, and once they did I couldn't stop them.

"I'm sorry..." I croaked. Doojoon reached for my hand, and squeezed.

"Yah, don't be sorry. I'm only telling you this because I care about you. " Even though it was dark every detail of him was perfectly etched out. I wasn't just seeing things his face was inches from mine. "Lily...I'm in love with you" Before I knew it I felt his lips on mine. They were soft, and inviting. His palm grazed the side of my neck holding my head in place. Just as quickly as he kissed me his lips were gone, and I was left in shock.

"Doojoon-ah you...you just-" He gave me a quick kiss on the forehead, and left before I could even finish my sentence. 


Yay another chapter complete. Guess what? No school tomorrow!!! I have all day to write, listen to kpop, and learn some new dances. I spent all afternoon learning Sherlock...(I was hella sweaty..eww >.<) teehee subscribe, and comment pweeze.. Thank you sooooooo much to bunnyxwarrior for the beautiful poster and support <3 . In the words of Gikwang bye-yeom

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 22: Awwww,, hahaha, great story! Anyways done reading this one, looove it ^^
phylosophy #2
Chapter 22: ohyea, i just saw it hehe!
phylosophy #3
Chapter 22: nice plot here! hope you can make a sequel for this :)
Omg, the poster is seriously amazing!
Kya, great story, Unni. Congrats!
whaaa it's over.. but it's a good ending. i like that it's not a super total happy ending. =] i'm glad to have read this story and you are a super awesome author and writer, so i cannot wait for your next story~ =]
hellopanda23 #7
..it's not over! you can't end it like that. at least write a one shot like someone suggested!! seriously... that's not cool that it ended it on a sad note like that..... gnsdakfnsd long distance relationships are so harddddddddddddddd
it's over T_T
PLEASE write a sequel *-*
A Oneshot would be enough keke~
Awaw Doojoon is just to sweet:) Thank you for
writing such a great story. I really enjoyed reading
your story and I will always LOVE it! Your story
was super duper DAEBAK! Hwaiting for your
next story and I will also be looking forward for
it :)
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw :3
I Love your story *_*
All the characters are so well written!